***Note: As I was waiting on the Lord this morning, this is what I heard:
Beloved, many are in the valley of decision. For the pull of self desires and self satisfaction is very, very strong. To lay that down and completely surrender to My Will is not an easy thing to do, although it is the best thing for any of you to do. For by yourself you face many challenges and difficulties with no guidance or help. To completely rely on self is exhausting. But, when two work together they share the load. Let Me help you. I will not barge in and demand your allegiance, No, I do not do hostile take overs. I am here, always. Watching, as you live and breathe out your days. I call to you, I give you many signs, look around you. I placed you in a beautiful garden. I send you sunshine, water, food, and cool gentle breezes. I am all around you, reflected in everything, can you not see Me. This is who I am, look, and see Me. I am here. I walk among you on this road you call life. I know what's ahead for you, I can help, but, you must come closer to Me, to truly find Me for yourself you must seek Me, I am not distant. You all are beautiful and valuable to Me. I so want to draw you to Myself, but, do you want ME? Do you desire to walk with Me and talk with Me, as I desire to walk with you and talk with you. I alone know the number of your days, for I am the one who set them. You are not truly in charge of anything. This is Truth. Your ego and your pride must be put to death by you alone. You have been given by Me free will, and I will not take that from any of you. But, know this, you will never know completeness apart from Me. I am your missing link. Think on these things.
Beloved, many are in the valley of decision. For the pull of self desires and self satisfaction is very, very strong. To lay that down and completely surrender to My Will is not an easy thing to do, although it is the best thing for any of you to do. For by yourself you face many challenges and difficulties with no guidance or help. To completely rely on self is exhausting. But, when two work together they share the load. Let Me help you. I will not barge in and demand your allegiance, No, I do not do hostile take overs. I am here, always. Watching, as you live and breathe out your days. I call to you, I give you many signs, look around you. I placed you in a beautiful garden. I send you sunshine, water, food, and cool gentle breezes. I am all around you, reflected in everything, can you not see Me. This is who I am, look, and see Me. I am here. I walk among you on this road you call life. I know what's ahead for you, I can help, but, you must come closer to Me, to truly find Me for yourself you must seek Me, I am not distant. You all are beautiful and valuable to Me. I so want to draw you to Myself, but, do you want ME? Do you desire to walk with Me and talk with Me, as I desire to walk with you and talk with you. I alone know the number of your days, for I am the one who set them. You are not truly in charge of anything. This is Truth. Your ego and your pride must be put to death by you alone. You have been given by Me free will, and I will not take that from any of you. But, know this, you will never know completeness apart from Me. I am your missing link. Think on these things.