Thursday, February 19, 2015

Hearing God - Feb. 19, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, I asked Him why John Paul Jackson died and others this year, this is what I heard Him answer:

There is a shift taking place.  Many have stood on earth that you knew are being removed.  Some have made it home, while some have died and are lost forever.  The changing of the guard has come.  I must remove the old mindsets to usher in the new.  For behold I am doing a new thing in My people.  What  is of the spirit is spirit, what is of the flesh, is flesh, you must use your discernment and walk carefully on the path, My love.  Much is being exposed now.  The shifting on the earth is producing more shaking.  Needless casualties of war shall come.  For many have not prepared themselves.  You, My child, stay focused on Me, keep walking this path.  I lead, you follow.  The breath of My Spirit hovers over the earth now.  I have sent forth My angels to sow and gather, you shall see them among you.  Remember, I use many different people and other creations of Mine in My big picture.  I rule, I am in charge of My armies.  My Kingdom in you is coming out, for I am building My Kingdom from within and in My appointed time I shall bring it forth.  My Kingdom is eternal, My Kingdom is real.  My Kingdom is True.  To understand My Kingdom you must look within.   For Truth all Truth is found within.  The journey to Me requires your full attention.  I am not a distraction.  I am the real deal.  All who have laid down their own ideas of Me and My Kingdom in their seeking have found Me and are in My peace and rest, quietly waiting upon Me.


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