Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Hearing God - Jan. 30, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Two hearts that beat as one are never far apart, for the beating is as breath to them, breathe in, breathe out, the melody of life is so sweet when you are truly connected with your creator.  Life, all life, has a beat to it, a rhythm that is played out as a musical melody that is stretched out through the ages for all to hear who have an ear too.  I am in the heart of all things, I am in the order, the natural order of all things.  Chaos is a lack of My presence.  For I am in order.  I set in order, I set in motion My will for all things.  There is no beginning or end to Me.  I am, that I am.  When you begin to go deeper now, you shall know Me on a level that will consume all that you thought you knew about Me, for I am Truth.  I am what you seek.

 Few draw close and truly seek Me for themselves.  Many come, as if I am a candy dispenser, or ATM machine, where they can draw out all that they want of Me, but give Me nothing in return.  Oh, the weak and feeble minds are so wrapped up in their own lusts and desires they have no true need of Me.  I see no reflection of Myself in the many that come to Me for things, and yet have no desire to know Me.

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