Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Hearing God - Feb. 4, 2015

***Note:  This song started playing inside of me as I was beginning to wait on the Lord this morning.  "It's beginning to rain, hear the voice of the Father, voice of the Father, saying whosoever will come and drink of this water, drink of this water, I'm beginning to pour My Spirit out on your sons and your daughers, sons, and your daughters, it's beginning to rain..."

Then I heard:

Oh, My love, My dear one, the season of love is here, I'm pouring out upon you now My love, My Peace, My joy, can you not feel Me near you now, My precious one.  Yes, I know you can sense Me, for We are one.  My beloved, My heart sings over you, for you in eagerness to hear, you come quickly to wait upon Me.  You bow before Me in beauty and submission, humbly waiting at My feet for your daily portion.  Oh, My love, many shall come now into this place for themselves, for they can sense My tangible presence in your life as you walk before them exposing to them your own private journey into Me.  This simple task of revealing My own words to you on your blog, has captured the hearts of many, so they see Truth here in these words, for they are carried as seeds upon the wind of My Spirit across the land, these seeds find a home in the heart and soul of the lonely traveler who is seeking the path.  Yes, many are coming into Truth now through this simple bread crumb trail We are leaving.  For in our communion, many find hope, a candle burning brightly, albeit humbly, traveling alone through the darkness of this world.  The ones who are seeking Truth, are resting now under these branches.  For I am providing shade for them, and water, as My Words pour forth from your earthen vessel, many are refreshed.  For I alone, give water to the dry, parched, and thirsty soul.  The travelers on the path behind you, My love, are finding strength and courage to press on in their journey.  For what I am doing for you, My dove, I am willing, Yes I AM Willing, to do for all who come and seek Me for themselves.  Little one's, the love I have for you ALL knows no bounds, it is limitless and unmeasurable, Beloveds, the time is short, heed My words, come, come now and let us reason together.  Ponder these words as you go about your day.  Let them draw you into Me, let them bring comfort to your bruised and hurting hearts.  For I tell you the Truth, I shall reveal Myself to each one of you, in My own special way.  Your journey to Me is your own, each traveler must come and find Me for themselves, I will not turn anyone away.  If you seek Me, I shall be found of you.  Oh, My little one, these words are vital to the hearer, do not delay in putting them up.  My bread crumb trail is feeding many now.  You do not see how this is working.  Do not try to understand how I am using you in this, just obey Me child.  This is very valuable to Me.  Your obedience is Key in this, obey Me now, get these words up.

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