***Note: As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:
Beloved, our time together is so needed, for both of us. I comfort you and you comfort Me. Many shall seek the comfort of this place you are in, for in My presence is fullness of joy, in My presence is peace. I am Peace and the giver of all good things. Little one, let not your heart be troubled. These things that I have told you about must come to pass, for it is written in My word. Oh, but do not fear, I AM here. I will shelter and protect you. Dear one, do not try to reason everything out, simply trust Me. Keep your focus on Me. Keep your eyes on Me, stay close to Me. You all must go through the days ahead, but, I will be with you. I see each of you on the path with Me, each one is in a different place in their journey. I love you all. I am here with you. Many on earth have strayed from the path and I as the good shepherd must go and look for them. For they are in perilous danger and unprotected, wandering around with the wolves. Still many more who have never been on My path, are being led on the path of destruction by their own fleshly desires. They are blind, deaf, and dumb. But, I have come to rescue the perishing, and seek out My lost sheep. I will remove the blinders from their eyes, I shall remove the stoppers from their ears, and as for the dumb, do not lose heart, for you are about to be schooled. The Lord God almighty is coming. Are you ready?
Beloved, our time together is so needed, for both of us. I comfort you and you comfort Me. Many shall seek the comfort of this place you are in, for in My presence is fullness of joy, in My presence is peace. I am Peace and the giver of all good things. Little one, let not your heart be troubled. These things that I have told you about must come to pass, for it is written in My word. Oh, but do not fear, I AM here. I will shelter and protect you. Dear one, do not try to reason everything out, simply trust Me. Keep your focus on Me. Keep your eyes on Me, stay close to Me. You all must go through the days ahead, but, I will be with you. I see each of you on the path with Me, each one is in a different place in their journey. I love you all. I am here with you. Many on earth have strayed from the path and I as the good shepherd must go and look for them. For they are in perilous danger and unprotected, wandering around with the wolves. Still many more who have never been on My path, are being led on the path of destruction by their own fleshly desires. They are blind, deaf, and dumb. But, I have come to rescue the perishing, and seek out My lost sheep. I will remove the blinders from their eyes, I shall remove the stoppers from their ears, and as for the dumb, do not lose heart, for you are about to be schooled. The Lord God almighty is coming. Are you ready?