Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Hearing God - April 8, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord this morning, this is what I heard:

Song:  "Come and walk on the water with Me, come and walk on the water with Me, you will not fail, you will not fail...., make a move in faith, launch on out in the deep, be courageous and let go of the sail..."

Christ in you, the hope of glory, Remember this child.  The days ahead will take courage, patience, and steadfast peace, for as the world is rocked around you, you must remain firm in what you know.  Your foundation is rock solid and will not be moved.  Stand firm in Me, when all around you is sinking sand.  Trust Me, child, I will provide for you.  Oh, My dear one, now, everything that can be shaken, shall be shaken.  The goal is to get you to let go of your faith and surrender to doubt and fear.  But, I tell you the Truth, this shall not work in those who are Mine.  For they have tapped into My vine and are living in Me and shall not be moved.  My beloveds are strong and secure in Me.  They know Me, and I know them.  They shall not be shaken down.  For they shall endure the shaking, for they are immovable in Me.

Oh, how I long to protect you all, but, alas, free will shall play out, I shall protect all that are Mine.  Are you truly Mine?  Do you spend time with Me daily?  Am I ever on your mind?  Do you know My voice?  Can you hear Me?  Do you have a real and personal relationship with Me?  Do you call Me your friend?  Are you living your life with Me?  Am I a part of your daily life?  Do you long for Me?  Do you sense Me when I'm in the room?  If you answer these truthfully, you shall know without a doubt if you are ready for My return.

Dear ones, hold fast to Me, do not let go of Me, no matter what assails you.  If you have breath, it is not too late.  Come and seek Me for yourself, do not delay.  You must choose to seek Me out and pursue a real relationship with Me.  I am here, but, you must find Me for yourself, I am not distant from any of you, but, I will not force Myself on you.

If you get left behind, do not give up.  Seek Me, repent and change your ways, as long as you have breath, it is not too late.  Each life has many paths, choose wisely, for all roads do not lead home.

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