Saturday, April 11, 2015

Hearing God - April 11, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, I heard this:

To everything change comes.  The world as you know it is changing.  Do not be deceived, dear ones.  For many are coming to lead you away from Me.  They shall do signs and wonders.  They will appear gentle and kind, but, they are not.  These are wolves in sheep's clothing.  They care not for your health and safety.  They want to enslave you to do their bidding.  Be careful little ones in what you listen to and what you agree with.  For some seeds are tares and thorns and thistles.  Not everything is good.  Not everything is true.  You must test the spirits.  You must discern the truth from the lie.  Ask Me for help in this and I shall help you.  Many are snared in the lures of false promises.  When they say, peace and safety, beware.  When they say, it's all good, beware.  When they say, when in Rome, beware.  There is a consequence for every choice and action.  You live and die by your choices.  Little by little, day by day, the snares become tighter and tighter, Repent, seek the truth at all costs.  Live a life pleasing to Me, not pleasing to you.  Are you reflecting Me, or are you reflecting you.  Examine yourself truthfully and carefully and you shall know.  Some of you would rather be deceived than have to change.  Your free will gives you choices, choose wisely, dear ones.  Your future is hanging in the balance.

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