Monday, April 13, 2015

Hearing God - April 12, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Oh, daughter, come before Me with prayer and fasting as much as you can.  For the days ahead are very troublesome for many.  Beloved, press in to get closer to Me.  Seek My Kingdom ways at all times.  Do not depart from this path.  I am revealing much in your journey now.  You shall shine forth for Me, for as I am so shall you be.  The snatching away of My Bride is at hand.  Look up.  Pay attention to the signs all around you now.  Oh, My dear one, I have awakened you and now you are rising ever higher in Me.  This world has no pull on you any longer for you have found your place in Me and are ever looking for My return.  Dear one, it is good to learn from My children, your brothers and sisters, who are sharing their own experiences with Me.  They shall be used as confirmations and a witness to you of My Truths.  Do not cast away your confidence in what you are hearing from Me.  I am here with you.  I never leave you.  The reason I have been silent in answering your questions on some of these who are speaking for Me is because you need to be exercising your spirit of discernment that I have placed within you.  My dear one, you must learn to trust the spirit within you to lead and guide you in all Truth.  When you sense or feel something as not being quite right, or seeming odd to you, pay attention.  When you see red flags, or hear alarms going off, inside of you at what you are hearing from others, pay attention.  I will not allow you to be deceived.  But, you must grow in your ability to discern Truth from deception.  Take heart, My little one, I am here, watching you.  I see all that you see and hear all that you hear.  You are capable of more than you know.  Don't doubt your inner instinct.  Christ in you, the hope of glory, shall lead you.  Arise, My love, arise and seek and you shall find.  Knock and it shall be opened unto you.


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