Thursday, April 16, 2015

Hearing God - April 16, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Beloved, the joys I have prepared for you on the other side of this life are going to be beyond your imagination, far more lovely and beautiful than you can imagine.  I have carefully crafted and overseen your abode.  Oh, My dear one, We shall be together soon.  I love our time here together, My love, but, I want more, I want all of your time.  I want you with Me in the heavenlies.  I want to show you more of My creation.  I want to answer all of your questions.  But, some things must be seen to be understood.  So for now, My love, you must await your answers to some of your questions you have asked, and some questions that you did not know you have asked.  For as you slumber, I visit you and take you to heaven.  I have revealed many things to you that are still hidden from your conscience mind.  I shall reveal them to you when the time is right.  You are so loved, dear one.  The angels rejoice with Me that soon We shall be together.  My Father rejoices with Me that soon I shall be given My Bride completely.

Blessed are those who have made themselves ready for the wedding.  Blessed are those who are continually looking after their garments, their hearts, their minds.  Blessed are those who continually come before Me so that I can fill you fresh and new with My oil.  Blessed are those who have not tarried at the gate, but, have entered in to My fold, where I can nurture, inspect, and cleanse you from the stains of this world.

 Hold fast what you know.  Behold, I come quickly.  Rejoice with Me for soon the wedding feast shall commence.  Oh, the joy My heart feels.  Beloved, I'm coming, stand watch.  Stand firm.  Behold, I come quickly.


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