Monday, June 16, 2014

Hearing God - June 16, 2014

Note:  as I was doing my laundry I heard the Lord speak "Stop what you are doing child.  Come, make the world go away and come away with Me."  so I obeyed.
...and this is what I heard...
I will always be with you children, I am not distant.  I am here.  Even though you may not sense Me, for your senses have been burned.  Even though you may not see Me physically, for your eyes still may be blinded with scales.  Even though you may not hear Me, for you still could have stoppers in your ears to make you deaf.  You must know, NOW, I am here with you, you are never alone.

This is part of the deception to keep Me hidden from you and to keep you separated from Me.  But know this, children of the world, I created all of you.  I love you even though you still do not know Me.  I tell you the Truth.  I am here.  The battle is intensifying now.  You must come to Me, and ask Me to show Myself to you, ask Me to help you.  Ask Me to open your ears and eyes to see Me and hear Me so that you too can know Me.  I am not distant from any of you.  I am here, but, you must venture behind the veil of what you have always known.

Trust in Me, many will come in My name "Jesus" and present themselves as Me, but you must test these spirits.  Remember, I will help you.  I want to awaken you from your slumber, I am inside of each of you.  You must choose who you will serve.  There are two inside of you.  Awake oh sleepers awake.  Will you call upon Me to lead and guide you in the path that you should follow or will you continue on the dangerous path of self and go your own way.  I beseech you to trust Me.  Call upon Me and I will answer thee.  If you search for Me and are sincere I shall answer you.  But, if you do not, I will stand idly by and watch as things overtake you and you sink into utter despair.  come to Me now to prepare you for the battle that is coming to your own front door.  Be wise, I am the only one who can help you.

  Come and ask Me all of your questions.  You must come to know Me, read My word and learn of My characteristics and virtues.  I am God and there is no other.  But, there are many deceptive and powerful spirits that seek your demise.  You must choose for yourself who you will serve.  I have set before you life and death.  Choose wisely little ones.  I'm watching.  I'm waiting for you.  Oh how I love you all.

But, you must choose for yourself.  Come to Me and ask Me to help you choose.  Come and let Us reason together.  Ask Me to remove the veils.  There is no time left to delay.  My plans are unfolding.  Change is upon you all.  Remember, I am in the change.

  Stay close My little one, sheltered under My wing.  I see you. I shall protect you My dove, My precious child, for you are yielded to Me, you are resting in Me and you are fully Trusting Me in every area of your life.  You come, you listen and you obey.  Share these words My love, for the bread crumb trail is picking up the strays.  I am pleased with thee My love.  Keep coming.  Love Yeshua Ha Ma Shiach, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, your King of kings and Lord of lords.

Hearing God - June 15, 2014

My dear one you are faithful and I love you.  You must prepare your heart now.  Trust Me, do not fear what you may see now coming upon your world or already operating in it.  Much is unfolding now.  You are safe and secure in Me.  Walk closely to Me daily My little one.  Trust Me in everything that touches your life.  I will not disappoint you.  You My beloved have chosen to dwell in My courts.  You have chosen to live in Me and wait upon Me.  You have chosen to listen for My still small voice and hear Me.  Oh My love, I love how you love Me.  I will live big in you and all My chosen vessels who have chosen Me.  This is the path that I have placed you on.  Do not detour down a different road, stay on this path.  Do not, DO NOT allow fear to invade you, it's goal is to shut down your faith and to shut down your ability to create with your words.  You have battled this spirit many times in your past and you have overcome.  Now, do not waiver in standing your ground when this or any other illegal spirit tries to bluff you.  You are strong and secure in Me.  I have given you many valuable gifts in the spirit, now when faced with any challenge call on Me, Remember, I am always right here with you.  My angels are on alert, they will react for you at the mention of My word.  For My love is in My word and My word is powerful and alive.  My love is My life force.  Nothing can quench My love.  I go before you, and I walk beside you and I go behind you.  Have no fear.  I am with you.  Stand strong in Me.  Be Ready.

Hearing God - June 14, 2014

As you come and linger here with Me, resting in My presence I fill you with My oil.  I examine your garments, and I read your heart.  It is well with thee My beloved.  Oh so many do not come and linger at My well, they are so busy with the cares of the world there is no time for Me.  I am just a side-note to them.  It is a pity, for I have much to say and I have much to give.  My love, My dove you are safe and secure in Me.  Dwell in Me and think upon Me often today.  Carry Me with you as you journey through your day.  I love you and I love spending this time with you, alone, one on one.  It is beautiful to Me child.  For you come willingly into My presence to wait upon Me, you sit at My feet and quietly listen for Me to speak.  If you do not hear, you do not leave, you wait.  I have tested you in this and you have passed.  I have raised you to a new level in Me.  Your faith is growing.  Your mind is constantly being renewed.  You are continually growing in Me.  As you look upon Me and focus upon Me you're changing more and more into a reflection of Me.  I can see My reflection in you.  Change is now coming into you.  I am molding and shaping you into My image and likeness.  You shall walk like Me and talk like Me and act like Me.  The invisible is becoming very visible to you.  As you learn of Me you grow.  As you draw near and soak in My presence you are strengthened, refreshed, and renewed.  Beloved you are loved and cherished by Me and My Father.  To dream is to know Me.  I shall place in your heart My dreams and desires for you, and they shall become your dreams and desires, as you recognize them, I shall bring them forth, and We shall work together in these dreams.  I shall use you My little one.  Be patient, Wait Upon Me.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Hearing God - June 13, 2014

Oh My child you are learning much of Me and what pleases Me.  As you enter into learning the temple prayer style or technique you shall come into My presence in a fuller way.  For as you press into seeking Me out above all else I shall dwell in you richly.  Many say they love Me, but they do not follow Me or My ways.  We shall never be close unless you follow after Me and pursue Me.  To have a real relationship with Me requires time.  You must spend time with Me.  You must invest in getting to know Me personally.  I am not a distant God.  I am close.  I desire to speak to you personally and I desire to hear you as you speak to Me personally.  You can reveal to Me all of your secrets.  I will not be shocked.  I know everything about you.  But, I will not intrude on your life and force you to come to Me.  But, know this, I am here now in the form of My precious Holy Spirit the Ruach Ha Kodesh.  I am tender, loving, kind, and merciful with you all.  But, soon I shall come and reveal Myself to you all in a different way to get your attention.  Do not be deceived.  I am not a man that I should lie.  I will reward each of you according to your own lives.  Whether you have come to know Me and lived a life with Me or remained separated from Me, doing whatever you fancied to do.  Those who trust in the systems of the world shall be sorely disappointed, shocked, and dismayed.  Those who Trusted in Me and allowed our relationship to grow and develop intimately shall be protected, sheltered, provided for and loved.  I will be with My people.  I will bless all of My little ones.  They shall not live in fear for I have already prepared their hearts for the days ahead and what's coming.  My chosen vessels shall live in My glory I shall be with all of My own, We shall arise and show forth My glory together.  It is beautiful when My children honor Me in their lives and put Me first above all the earthly distractions.  For they seek Me above all else and this is beautiful to Me and I am well pleased with them.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Hearing God - June 12, 2014

Oh My child, consider the wind, how it comes, you don't know from where it comes, you can't contain it, and you don't know where it goes, But I do.  I am in the wind.  I cover the earth with My breath.  I breathe life daily upon your world.  I dwell in the midst of thee.  You cannot contain Me, but I am here inside you and also all around you daily.  I am never distant, I dwell in My creation of My own free-will.  I have given each of you your own personal free-will.  But few have chosen to live the best life.  Few have chosen to put Me first.  Few have chosen to help their brother.  Few have chosen to come and wait upon Me, quietly sitting here at My feet, resting and listening for Me to speak.  Oh, My beloved I speak all the time, but, too few choose to quiet themselves and pull away from the distractions of the world and hear Me for themselves.  I will love, cherish, provide for, and protect all who have chosen Me.  I will allow all of My free-will creatures who have chosen their own way to go their own way, but, the end there of will be suffering, pain and death.  This is not My Will for any of My creations.  But, I have given man free-will and I will not take that away from any one.

 When you willingly pledge your allegiance to Me, you come under My Authority and you walk in your authority and dominion.  For it is then and only then, that I will begin to open your eyes and show you more of Me.  I will only reveal Myself to hearts who are searching for Me.  This is a lonely journey.  Only two can walk the narrow way.  I am one of the two, will you join Me in this journey.  I am willing to help each of you.  But you must come to Me, one on one, and build a relationship with Me, as My beloved servant Sherry has.  I'm waiting.  Will you come.  I am here.

Hearing God - June 11, 2014

Hello My little one, I love you, I love when you put Me first.  I love when your slumbering thoughts upon your bed are of Me.  I love when your mind is fastened on Me, for you truly seek after Me with your whole heart.  It blesses Me when My children pursue Me.  Now, I want you to continue to walk in your authority and dominion.  Much shall be given to you in the spirit for you are growing now in Me.  As you seek Me I shall be found of you.  My ways are not hard.  My ways are not your natural ways.  But, I am not hard to understand.  Come to Me with all of your questions.  I am able to answer you.  Follow Me and My leading step by step each day.  I am here with you.  As you are aware of Me and keep focusing on Me I become stronger and stronger in you.  Your life is all about getting to know Me. Your life is all about walking like Me, talking like Me, and acting like Me.  You are to be transformed into My image.  For you My child, My dear one, were created to be a reflection of Me.  Your life is not your own for I have bought you and redeemed you from your fallen state.  I am now lifting you to your next level in Me.  As you are faithful to pursue Me, you grow, level by level you are progressing in your journey with Me.  I am LOVE.  LOVE is all you need.  For in My LOVE you are complete and fully restored to your former glory and abilities.  My LOVE is powerful, transforming and life changing.  All who truly dwell in My LOVE are already walking in their destiny.  For I am the goal.  I sought you and you sought Me, now We have found each other and are unified.  Keep seeking Me child for you are truly growing.  I shall reveal more and more of Myself as you come.  You will only be given more knowledge of Me and My ways as you come and diligently seek after Me.  I am here.  How badly do you want to know more of Me.  We shall see.  Keep coming beloved keep coming.

Hearing God - June 10, 2014

The creative flow child that comes to you in words from Me IS the act of waiting upon Me.  I am always here.  But for you to hear Me clearly, you must come away with Me into a quiet place of rest.  Me and you - privately alone.  Speaking and listening and just being together in communion is your most important thing to do each day.  I alone long to see you, by My side talking and listening.  You are My friend, for you come to talk to Me and listen to Me.  It is well with thee, My little one, you are safe and secure completely sheltered under My wings.  I nourish you, I strengthen you, I live in you as you live in Me.  Always stay conscious of Me, in you and around you.  I truly watch over you daily.  As you are focusing on Me, you are becoming more and more aware of My presence around you.  You are My chosen, My elect, My Bride.  Hold fast to all that I have taught you.  My jewel, you are being tested.  Do not doubt My leading you, cast off all restraint and follow hard after Me.  Your journey is with Me. As you come daily to Me, I grow more and more in love with you for I can see your heart, it is at peace in Me and it truly loves Me.  I know you My child, you are faithful to Me.  We are truly bonded.  Your best days are ahead.  Release all your days to Me.  Ask Me to give you creative dreams and visions.  I am willing, come My beloved come and walk on the water with Me, I will not fail you.  Come, press in child, I am here.  I see you, I love you little one.  You are always on My mind.  I will come for you.  Wait patiently for Me.  Spend more time now soaking in My presence.  We are so beautiful together-two hearts beating as one.  Rest now, My love, I am here.

Hearing God - June 9, 2014

Song:  "Come away with Me....come away with Me...."

Note:  As I was walking on the treadmill, I felt the Lord blow in My ear and hover near Me and with Me as I walking on the treadmill.  I laughed, and felt so secure and peaceful and was beautiful....

I enjoy spending time with you child.  I enjoy it when you invite Me into every moment of your day.  I blesses Me when you are mindful of Me.  When you are thinking upon Me and pondering upon something about Me, it pleases Me child, it pleases Me.  I shall answer your prayer and give them back their cat.  I shall knit you with this family, you shall show them Me, you shall love them with My love and I shall make Myself known to them and they shall love Me.  This is how I shall use you to touch them.  I shall return their cat 'Brittany Spears' back to them and you shall tell them that you prayed for them.  Oh My love, My dear one, I shall show forth My glory in you.  You shall share Me in your walk to touch people with Me.  I shall show Myself through you.  Many shall see Me in you and feel My love and presence through you.  I shall use you to help the hurting people.  Your life, My beloved is in My hands.  I shall direct your steps, each day.  As you live and move, I shall live and move in you.  Do not be afraid of what you may see.  I am here and I shall always provide for you, for you My beloved are Mine and you shall shine for Me.  You have made your home in Me and now We dwell together.  Always, We are one, I love you.  Rest in Me dear one.

Hearing God - June 8, 2014

I love you child, just rest here and wait.  I see you.  I know your heart, your mind is racing this morning on so many other things.  Give all your worries to Me.  Ask Me to take care of each need for you.  Be specific in your request.  I shall surely fill every need.  Much shall be given to you, but you must ask for it now.  I have given you an open heaven and you must come before Me and ask.  As you ask I shall give it and when you receive it you shall know it's from Me.  Many ask only for themselves out of selfish desires.  But, I have a few who shall ask for My will, My desires to come forth as the spirit directs them.  I can only use clean and pure vessels that have been purged from the filthiness and desires of this world.  As you yield yourself to Me, I am able to bring forth My desires through you.  We are one My child, you want what I want.  You see as I see and long for My Will in all things now.  Your plans and purposes are in Me now.  Your hearts desires are My hearts desires.  You live in Me now.  We are growing steadily stronger and stronger.  Our bond is strengthened everyday.  I watch over you.  For you are Mine.  I am ever mindful of you.  You are drawing from My well and it shall never run dry.  My plans for you are beginning to unfold, do not fear what tomorrow will bring just Trust Me each and every day.  I have a way of escape for you from every trap and snare.  Do not be anxious or worried.  I have already gone before you and made a way.  You are safe and secure in Me.  My light is in you.  I shall guide you.  I lead and you follow, oh My love that is all I ask.  Listen and Obey.

Hearing God - June 7, 2014

Oh My beloved come, I am here waiting to commune with you.  My life is in you.  Your life is in Me.  As you wait upon Me I fill you with My oil.  As you wait and listen for Me, I also listen for you.  I can read your heart and your mind.  I am glad you are confident in Me.  Fully persuaded in My love for you.  Resting in My promises, patiently enduring as you wait for Me and My timing.  I know you, dear one.  You are one of My jewels.  Oh My Bride, soon I shall come and bring you home to Me and My Father.  We love you dearly.  You are precious, and you will not be lost or forsaken in the coming days.  You are mine and I will take care of you.  Much is available to you in My word.  I want you to dig deeply into My word and find the promises and then call them forth.  You have an open heaven.  You are learning much now about the forth dimension that I am in and that you have access to.  But, you must walk in your authority and dominion.  When you tap into your spiritual abilities with Me, your potential to conquer any obstacle or trial shall be limitless.  Your spirit is where you should be dwelling, even as you are in this earth.  Only I can teach you TRUTH FOR I AM TRUTH.  Your spirit is powerful.  It is the part that is connected to Me and most like Me.  I do not want you to access the spirit without Me.  I am your source, I am your guide.  I lead, you follow.  Be specific in your prayers.  Be very specific, do not be vague.  Trust Me to help you in everything.  Come to Me with all of your questions.  I am here.  I see you as you walk out your day before Me.  I dwell in you.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Hearing God - June 6, 2014

The presence of the Lord is in this place, right here, right now with you.  Yes, My child, I have answered your specific prayer on getting the neighbor to take care of the dead tree.  I told you, you have an open heaven with Me, for you are faithful to come and sit at My feet and wait to hear from Me.  You desired nothing but to be shown more and more of Me.  This pleases Me child.  This pleases Me much.  For I shall give you your hearts desire now.  I want you to specifically ask Me to show you specific things.  Don't be vague.  Be specific and write it down and date it.  Then you can go back and see how I answered you.  I am willing to answer you.  I am willing to teach you more and reveal to you more of Myself.  It blesses Me to bless you as you are blessed to bless your children.  So, to am I blessed to bless My children.  Enjoy your days with Me.  Enter not into doubt and fear, but enter into joy with Me.  For it is our time to shine.  Our relationship is going higher and higher in Me.  I am limitless.  Do not limit Me in what you ask of Me or think of Me.  I desire to show Myself strong in you.  Oh, My beloved you are so beautiful to Me.

Dream:  as I was going to bed I closed My eyes and saw I was looking upon a dark, dark city skyline and there was a lantern swinging back and forth, it was looking for something.  I think the lost.

I then moved to another dark city skyline with no light, and no lantern searching...

Then I was moved to see my house and yard and saw a small vegetable garden growing... 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Hearing God - June 5, 2014

Oh, My love, I see you, I see how you come daily before Me to hear, to sense Me to feel My presence with you to connect with Me and know that I am here.  We commune continually all day you and I for you dwell in Me and I dwell in you.  The video's you hear are My children growing in Me, much of what they are sharing you already learned, use this as confirmation that you, My love, have heard Me clearly.  I trust you to do all that I ask of you.  Do not buckle under the pressure from others who want you to serve Me their way.  You continue to serve Me as you always have, day by day walking with Me, following as I lead.  Yielding to the little unctions as I gently nudge and lead you in the direction I want you to go.  Though you seem small and little in your own eyes, you, My dear one, are strong and mighty in Me.  Your eyes cannot see your strength and beauty, you cannot see the immense light radiating out of you now- but I can, My angels can, and all the spirit world can.  You are My gentle dove in whom much is sown.  The ground within you is soft, rich, and fertile.  I shall do many impossible things with you, no eye has seen, no ear has heard how I shall use you for My glory.  Patience is a virtue, dear one, as you rest and wait upon Me, you are strengthened and filled with more oil.  The light in you is becoming immense. Oh, how thrilling it will be when I release My doves.  Such gentle creatures, so quiet and demure, but yet majestic in their power and authority.  The abilities I am endowing you with shall come by My hand, you shall be unstoppable, your words shall shake the earth, for I shall flow through you as you speak.  In My timing, I shall send you forth with all My doves, but for now, rest, peace, be still and wait upon the Lord and I shall renew your strength.   

Hearing God - June 4, 2014

My beloved, I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.  Many things are being revealed to you now My little one.  You have entered in to a new phase, a new level in Me.  Much Truth, and much power and strength shall be poured into your earthen vessel.  You belong to Me.  I abide and dwell within you.  It is well with thee and Me, for I know you. You are focused on Me.  You are tuned in to Me 24/7.  I speak, you hear Me, I hover over you and you feel and sense Me.  Now you can smell Me and you can discern between Me and other smells of other spirits.  The spiritual door is open to you now.  For you have stepped behind the veil that divided Us and you have pursued Me above all else, you pursued Me.  Oh how I have laughed and played with thee as you have chased after Me.  Oh My beloved, you make My heart sing, you are beautiful to Me.  Through every storm, you hang on steadfast and strong, fully believing, fully assured that I will help you and deliver you, and I do, every time I do.  I will never leave you or forsake you, I am here with you at all times, I never leave you, I only draw closer and closer for you My dear one have pleased Me.  Your heart is pure and true.  You love Me, I see you, dear one, I see you.  I am here.  Have no fear.  Live in Me, fully persuaded that nothing and no one can separate Me from you.

Hearing God - May 31, 2014

My child you must discern your surroundings.  Be aware of what is going on around you.  I am with you, I will protect you.  I will protect your daughter.  Trust Me.  Trust only Me.  Trust Me to take care of all your needs.  Do not worry.  Do not fear.  Live and grow in Me.  Draw closer and closer to Me with each passing day.  Build yourself up in Me.  Dwell in Me.  Keep your focus on Me, come to Me with all your worldly concerns.  Come to Me with all your questions.  I am here dear one.  I never leave you.  Come away with me often.  Draw apart to rest and wait at My feet.  Oh My beloved I will come for you.  Your patience is the key to your endurance.  No eye has seen nor ear has heard what I have prepared and planned for you.  Through patient endurance you shall inherit all of My promises.  Do not allow yourself to doubt this.  My plans are higher than what you can see or understand.  For now, I desire for you to come and wait.  I desire for you to endure and be patient.  Many trials and tests are coming upon the people now.  You shall be required to endure the wait.  Do not grumble or complain.  Do not allow yourself to become impatient in the waiting.  My timing is perfect.  Your patience is lovely and pure before Me.  It is a great gift.  Be sure, and steadfast in your confidence in Me.  I've got you My love, stay the course.  I am here with thee.  We are in this together.  Remember, walk in My love.  Walk in your authority.  Live every moment of every day in Me.  I am with thee.

Hearing God - June 3, 2014

Come My child, sit here and wait upon Me now.  In the quiet, in the stillness I come.  Rest, abide in Me, My beloved little dove, draw close I have much to share.  I allowed you to hear the video of one of My other servants who is experiencing a glowing and a gold coming forth as I have shown you in a vision, and told you multiple times that you are shining, you are glowing, the intangible presence of My spirit is now coming and manifesting in the physical.  I am coming forth in My children now.  Do not doubt and do not fear this child, this is your destiny in Me.  You My beloved are golden to Me.  You know Me, and you continually press into Me and My presence.  You have asked and sought for more of Me, now you shall have it.  Make way for your king.  Make way.  You are My beloved bride, My queen, My priest in the order of Melchizedek, you shall arise with healing in your wings for it shall be I arising within your earthen vessel.  As you yield to Me, you allow Me access to come forth through you.  I have lit your candle, you now glow and your oil is full.  My spirit is alive and well within you.  Oh My dove, I see your transformation and it is beautiful to behold.  Soon My love, soon you too shall see it, and others shall see the change in you as they look upon you they shall see My reflection coming forth out of you, My earthen vessel.  They shall feel My presence and My power manifesting through you.  You shall carry My presence and My power.  Arise My child arise.  I am with thee.  Through your patient endurance you shall inherit it all.

Hearing God - June 2, 2014

Oh, My child I love you.  I will help you on your journey.  Speak forth what you want and give My precious Holy Spirit, the Ruach Ha Kodesh something to work with.  I see and know your hearts desires.  You are pleasing to Me My little one.  Do not doubt that your change is coming.  For your transformation is upon you.  Rest in Me.  Leave all the details of the change to Me.  Do not burden yourself unnecessarily.  Take My yoke upon you and you will find My burden is light for I have already gone before you and I have already made the path straight for you My beloved.  Linger at the well and drink ever so deeply now, My dear one, for I am ever so close, as close as your breath.  I can feel your heart beating, I can smell the fragrance of your hair, and I can see your toes painted pink, I like the color.  You are very precious to Me, for you see Me without fully seeing Me.  You believe, without fully knowing.  Your faith is great and strong.  For you have made the journey and have entered in to Me.  You dwell with Me.  You carry Me in you.  Now you are beginning to walk in your authority and dominion.  As you loose the reigns of your heart to Me and allow Me to guide you, you are now awakening to Me and My plans and purposes for you.  Oh the days are fleeting now, you are strong in Me.  If you ever feel weak or shaken, simply stop, and come to Me and I shall strengthen you.  Rest now, My dear one.  I am here watching over you.  Rest in My peace, be still beloved and know that I am here working everything out for My purposes and plans.

Hearing God - June 1, 2014

I am here.  I have been waiting for you all day to come and slip away with Me so that We could commune together, alone and undisturbed, one on one.  You must put Me first above all else.  I am all you need.  Come away with Me, more and more.  I am all you need.  I want to strengthen and encourage you on your journey.  But, I can and will only do this as you spend time with Me, in My presence.  Safe and secure in Me.  I am here for you My dear one.  You alone, must choose to make yourself strong in Me.  You have learned much today in your studies.  You have found a great jewel in My word on the "spots and blemishes".  Think on this tonight child, as you slumber, I shall speak to you and open the eyes of your understanding.  Stay close to Me My beloved, I am leading you on this journey, you are never alone.  Come, come to Me with your questions, ask and I shall surely answer thee.  Your gift of discernment is growing.  As you pour over My words, I shall open the seals.  you shall be given much knowledge of Me.  As you diligently seek more and more of Me.  I shall surely answer thee.  My hearts desire is to reveal Myself to you so that you know Me as well as I know you.  I can only do this as you spend time in My presence, and allow Me to speak.  When you come to Me and shut out the world and focus on Me, I am able to speak freely for I am enthroned upon your heart and I dwell deeply within you child.  We are one.  There is still much to learn.  Come, come to Me, let he who has an ear to hear, hear.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Hearing God - May 30, 2014

Song:  "won't it be wonderful there, having no burdens to bear, joyously singing with heart bells all ringing, oh, won't it be wonderful there..."

My child your faithfulness pleases Me.

Don't get distracted, you must focus on Me or it breaks the flow.  You CAN hear Me.

As you come and sit before Me and wait upon Me I strengthen you.  For you have taken refuge in Me. My life is in you child.  I live in you.  You are Mine.  Why do you doubt?  I am not a man that I should lie.  I am your only teacher, I am your guide.  Stay close My little one.  I see you.  I know your heart.  I love you.  I will always be with you.  I am here.

---your mind is constantly wondering today.  Perhaps we should revisit this another day---These words- are not My words.  These are a distraction sent to pull you away from spending time with Me.  I am pleased that you already recognized this.

I am pleased that you can distinguish the enemies voices inside your head from Mine.  You are learning  child.  This is good.  Stay close My little one.  Stay close.  Draw near to Me.  Ask Me anything and I will surely answer thee.  We are one in this journey.  You are never alone.  Live big in Me.

Hearing God - May 29, 2014

My child I am here.  I see you.  I am with you always.  Much is happening to you in the spirit.  You are growing in Me.  Keep your focus on Me at all times.  Do not lose focus of Me.  Live day by day, under the shadow of My wing.  Do nothing without asking Me first.  I am your guide.  Do not go out ahead of Me.  I lead, then you follow.  Stay close My little one.  Stay close.  Listen to My voice at all times.  Sense the spirit in all things.  I am alive in you.  You are seeking TRUTH in all things from Me, this pleases Me child for I alone am TRUTH.  You are safe and secure in Me.  Do not allow the scoffers to deter you.  Do not judge them either.  Do not look to the right or left at what others are doing or saying.  Look at Me, listen to Me, Obey Me only.  There will be many who try to pull you off of this path.  But, stay the course My beloved.  Do not get off of this path.  For I alone have awakened you to My plan and purpose for you.  Your destiny is before you.  I am here, do not fear.  I shall lead you, day by day.  My beloved dwell in Me deeper now, do not look away.  Stay close, keep your spiritual eyes and ears open now for many things shall come to distract and to deceive you.  You must discern.  I have increased your spirit of discernment.  You must walk carefully now.  Do not be deceived.  Your greatest days are before you.  Let Me lead.  Let Me guide you, My beloved.  I shall keep you.  Do not worry.  Do not fear, I am here.

Hearing God - May 28, 2014

Always put Me first, get up earlier, so that you are not distracted by the cares of the day.  You must diligently seek Me first, above all else.  I must be first.  I love you little one, you are close to Me, do not slip away now from the shelter of My wing.  I will protect all that belong to Me and who dwell in Me.  I guide you child, daily I order your steps.  As you commune with Me our bond strengthens and deepens.  No one can separate you from Me.  No one, but you, if you chose to separate from Me you can, for you have free will.  I desire that you walk with Me.  I desire that you walk in your authority and dominion daily now.  Take no thought for who likes you or approves of you for you are no longer a man pleaser.  Your only goal, is to be a God pleaser.  When you come and wait upon Me it pleases Me.  When you invite Me into every moment of everyday it pleases me.  I am here with you.  I see all that you face each moment.  I am here to help and guide you.  But, I will not do it for you.  You must ask for My help.  Ask for My opinion.  Ask for My direction.  I will keep you on the narrow path.  I want you to begin to speak out in your authority.  Give Me your words to create.  I have given you an open heaven, but, you must do your part.  I want you to pray and then speak what is not as though it is and then I shall create.  Your words have power.  Use your imagination, use your visions and dreams and allow Me to create in you My purposes and plans.  I live in you child.  We are one.  I know you.  Speak child, speak.  Give Me something to work with.  I am ready to do a new thing, all I ask is that you participate.

Hearing God - May 27, 2014

I am here child.  I see you.  I see how you are mindful of Me.  I see how you are focused on Me each day.  I see you draw near, I hear your heart as it longs to hear from Me.  I see your patience, I see your endurance.  I see your faith.  I see you resting in Me.  I see you trusting in Me.  I see you waiting on Me day after day for your instructions.  This pleases Me, My little one, this pleases Me.  It is well with thee and Me.  I shall never leave thee, you are Mine.  I shall provide for your every need.  We are one you and I.  Never doubt or concern yourself with My ability to save you.  I am here, I never leave you for a moment.  You are strong in Me, My little one.  I love you.  I want you to give out the rest of the bibles you have at hospitals, pharmacies, Dr. offices, place them wherever I tell you.  Keep one with you at all times.  I am raising up an army now to show forth My Glory and My power.  You My dear one are a part of this end-time army.  All of My Bride is a part of this strong and beautiful army.  Much shall be required of each of you, but, I shall be there every step of the way.  I shall lead and guide each of you.  Do not rush out ahead of Me.  Only follow as I lead, day by day.  We shall take each step together.  Moment by moment, breathe in, breathe out, can you feel My Peace, then walk in it.  IF My Peace leaves you, stop and wait for it.  My Peace is a sign I am with you.  My Peace is within you.  Follow after Me in peace.  Each step you take I am here with you.  Can you feel Me, I am in the quiet, gentle place of peace within each of you.  If you look within you shall find Me.  For I am in you, follow after Peace.  My Peace I placed within each soul.  Peace, be still and know Me.

Hearing God - May 26, 2014

Oh My beloved I am here.  It pleases Me that you are reading brother Cho's book, you are receiving much information that will help you grow in Me.  I have given you the spirit of discernment.  Now is the time to start walking in your authority and abilities.  As you continue on this path you will find more gemstones and jewels.  These shall help you grow in your knowledge and understanding of Me.  I am your source.  I am your strength.  I am your guide.  Much shall be given to you and much shall be required of you.  I am your King.  I am your Creator.  I am your God.  I created you like Me.  Your words have power.  Your thoughts have power.  As you live and dwell in Me, I live and dwell in you.  We are becoming more and more bonded.  You in Me and I in you.  Nothing and no one shall be able to separate Us.  For you are Mine.  I love how you are growing in Me.  I love how your faith is growing.  I love how your confidence is growing.  You are one with Me.  You see and hear Me clearly.  You need only to peer into the looking glass and see your reflection, for you My love are reflecting Me.  I shall use you to heal many.  Do not doubt Me when I show you something.  Just speak it forth and I shall do it by My power, the Holy Spirit who worketh within you by My Mighty power.  Your destiny now is unfolding.  Child, do not shrink back, for I am here leading you.  Only believe.  Only believe.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hearing God - May 25, 2014

War is coming.  Prepare yourself.  I Am in the midst of thee.  I will protect thee.  Stay close.  On this memorial day weekend, a time of reflection, a pause, a remembrance of how much your country has been saved from.  The horrors of war have been stayed from your shores.  But, now My hand is lifted, so be it.  You shall witness many horrible things.  But, I shall protect you for I have placed you in the land of Goshen.  I shall provide for you and I shall abundantly bless your life in the midst of war in your land.  Stay close.  Keep your focus on Me.  I am your source.  I dwell in you.  I am close.  You hear Me clearly.  I shall never leave thee, I love you My little one.  It is well with thee.  We shall walk this path together, day by day.  As you live in Me, I shall guide you day by day.  Do not fear.  Do not be dismayed by the horrors you shall see in your own land.  I will strengthen your heart to endure.  We are one.  You are My portion, do not fear.  I shall take care of all your needs.  I am here with you beloved.   The time has come to set My house in order.  I have already dealt with you as you have come and submitted your will and yielded to My will.  Now I shall finish My work in you.  I am here.

Hearing God - May 24, 2014

Song:  "Jesus, friend of sinners, the one who gave His life for me..."

Song:  "Jesus, lover of my soul..."

Song:  "I believe God, I believe God, trust and obey, believe Him and say, I believe, I believe God..."

Song:  "Great and Mighty is He ( clap three times), Great and Mighty is He (clap three times), clothed in Glory, arrayed in Splendor, Great and Mighty is He..."

I will lift up your head child.  The enemy tried to bring division into your house last night, but, you held your tongue.  You are a sign and a witness for Me in these last days.  You are being bombarded with things now to test if your flesh is truly dead.  You have to recognize the battle sooner, but, you held your tongue, you repented of your thoughts and you have surrendered to My Will.  I have forgiven you and My mercy covers you.  You must cast these thoughts out and do not accept them as your own.  This is how the enemy comes in and raises a standard against you.  Do not allow a break in your wall.  You must keep your armor on at all times.  The enemy will try to come in like a flood but, you must raise up a standard against them.  A standard is a moral code or mindset that you will not change or allow to be changed.  Keep walking in My love.  Let love and mercy be your mindset.  Let My peace remain in you.  I am with you, I never leave you child.  Dwell in Me.

Hearing God - May 23, 2014

Song:  "I am holding onto you, I am holding onto you...."

Oh child you are My beloved and I will always provide for you.  I am here with you, leading and guiding you every step of the way.  I need you to be strong in Me.  Many of My people are weak, they have not made themselves strong in Me.

 You make yourself strong by waiting on Me, reading My word, praying in tongues, confessing My word, taking communion and spending time in My presence. When I remove My Holy Spirit many shall be left out in the dark, lost and alone.  Now is the time to draw close to Me while I may be found of thee.  I truly am all you need.

Song:  "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on thine own understanding, but in all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy path..."

Close your eyes, what do you see?

 I see you coming down a path and beckoning me to come and sit in the garden on the rock with you and we talk about what is to come

I see you child, I know your name and you know Mine.  We are one.  We shall never be parted.  I love you My dear one.  Stay strong in Me.

Hearing God - May 22, 2014

Song:  "I'm an over comer...stay in the fight till the final round, I'm not going under...I'm an over comer..."

Listen to the birds My love, My dove.  They sing to Me, they lift their voices in praise and worship.  They rely fully on Me to meet all their needs.  You also arise and sing My praises.  You also rely fully on Me to meet all of your needs.  This pleases Me.  Today and everyday you must walk in love.  I shall be with you in all that you do.  Fear not.  You are an over comer.  Pay attention to My words.  My instructions will bring life and health to you in the days ahead.  I am here.  I never leave you alone.  Much is about to happen My little one.  Stay close.  Stay resting in Me.  I've got you.  I will lead you through each task.  You are secure in Me.  Many shall run in fear.  But, you My child, stay, do not leave your area, there shall truly be no safe places on earth for anyone, except My chosen few, for My chosen have been, and will be protected in the midst of great suffering and calamities.  I have placed you in Goshen.

 You shall be in the midst of much suffering all around you.  But, you shall be safe and secure in the midst of it all.  For I have already judged you and you have yielded and submitted to My cleansing.  You are right with Me, My love, stay the course you are on.  DO NOT run out in fear.  Stay close to Me.  Talk to Me constantly as things come up.  Ask Me for direction and help.  I shall speak to you.  Listen to Me.  Heed My voice only.  Trust Me, I shall never leave you.  When I am silent do not change anything.  I am testing you.  Only believe.  All things are possible, only believe.

 You are on a great mission for Me, I shall be the one, the only One to send you out.  Stay with Me child.  Hold fast to Me in everything.  I am here.  I shall lead, instruct and direct you.  Change nothing, unless I tell you to.  You must remain laser-focused on Me each day.  Lift up your head, lift up your eyes, lift up your heart to Me only.  I shall never leave you alone.  For you are My beloved dove, in whom I am well pleased.

 When I call you, you shall come away with Me into a quiet place of rest.  I shall send you, but I shall go with you every step of the way.  You shall be used of Me in My timing.  Soon My Bride, soon We shall dance at the marriage supper of the Lamb.  Then We shall speak face to face of what you are to do for Me.  Walk in love with all men.

 I have given you a spirit of discernment, use it, you shall need much discernment in the days ahead.  As I live, you shall live in Me with no limits.  For I live in you and I am limitless.  Blessed are those who have not seen, YET they believe.  How beautiful they are to Me.   I shall reward all My true followers with their hearts desire of more and more of Me.  Behold, I come.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Hearing God - May 21, 2014

Song:  "The Lord thy God X2, in the midst of thee X2, is Mighty X2, and He shall reign in the midst of thee, forever and ever..."

Child I AM in the midst of thee, Keep Me ever before thee.  I heard your prayer last night and I shall use you dear one.  You are being prepared for My Kingdom.  I live in you.  I am grooming you now for your destiny.  My life in you is strong.  Your life in Me is secure.  You are wrapped up and tied up in Me now.  I see you, I see all that you are going through.  My child you are one with Me.  I live in you and you live in Me.  Many are seeking the Truth, but, have not found the path to Me yet. They are going the wrong way.  You, My child, shall show them the way.  You shall point them to Me.  By following your example many shall find their way home to Me.  Do not worry about what to say.  You shall lead by example.  I shall fill your mouth with My words.  I shall use you to set the captives free.  Freely you shall be given and freely you shall give to all who ask.  I am your guide.  I am the only judge.  Much shall happen soon.  Stay close My little one.  Dwell and abide in Me.  I am your only guide.  I have great plans for thee with Me.  Stay alert.  You are Mine and I'm coming for you soon.

Hearing God - May 20, 2014

Hello My love.  I am pleased with thee.  You have chosen Me above all else.  You are beautiful to Me. I will always take care of you.   For you are My beloved Bride.  I will accomplish much through you.  My Kingdom is coming forth.  Behold, I shall do a new thing.  You shall be changed and transformed into a beautiful spirit reflecting Me.  You shall glow.  Do not be afraid of the change.  For you are in My hands.  I am the potter and you are the clay.  Many shall long to see Me as you shall.  For soon I shall carry you away and We shall speak face to face.  This world is going through many changes.  I have chosen you before the foundations of the earth to bring many of My children back to Me.  You shall lead them back to Me.  Even when you are not here, your blog with My words shall still be here as a bread crumb trail.  You must continue in Me all the days of your life.  I shall make you strong.  The journey ahead is an adventure like no other.  It is well with thee My love.  Stay close to Me.  I lead, you follow.  Many shall want what you have, and you shall point them back to Me.  For only I can save, only I can lead them.  But I shall use you My beloved to point the way.  I shall be the one instructing you on how to instruct others.  My Kingdom is expanding.  Your hope shall not be deferred.  I am coming for you soon, My love.  My little dove, stay humble, stay ready.  Behold, I come.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Hearing God - may 19, 2014

Song:  "The Lord thy God, the Lord thy God, in the midst of thee, in the midst of thee, is Mighty, is Mighty..."

I am in you child, I have always been in you.  Much of what you are learning has been hidden from you.  But now you are awakening to the Truth.  It's a process.  I reveal a little at a time.  I let it sink in and be absorbed.  There is much to learn in My word about Me.  Keep your mind open and teachable to Me.  Much is happening and being downloaded into you now.  There is nothing to fear.  I am here with you.  Keep coming.  Keep waiting.  Keep pondering on what I am revealing to you.  As you seek Me, as you seek the Truth I shall reveal Myself more and more to you.  Keep chewing the cud.  Drop all of the false doctrines you have grown up with and Trust Me to be your teacher.  I will put many people in your spiritual path now to share what they have been given, this shall allow you to grow more quickly.  Many hidden gems are in your path.  Now as you uncover each one, you are beginning to see more and more clearly.  I shall not hide Myself from you.  For by your continual coming, you have found Me for yourself and now, We shall never be parted.  For you know Me and I know you.  I love you and you love Me.  We love each other.  Keep coming to Me.  Keep pondering and asking questions.  I am here.

Hearing God - May 18, 2014

Song:  "You've got a friend in Me...." (I heard this song on and off all night while I was awake and while I was asleep...)

I will always be here for you.  I will always be your friend.  We are on this journey together.  You are growing in Me.  As you seek to know My Truths, I will reveal them to you, for as you seek you shall surely find.  I shall allow you to uncover mysteries, these are jewels and gemstones that you shall find along the path.  Much has been hidden for you to seek out and know.  As you draw close to Me I reveal more about Myself.  As you come to truly know Me, you are strengthened and our bond becomes stronger.  Nothing can deter you from Me.  Our relationship has become the most important.  This is how you should live.  Abiding in Me.  Resting in Me.  Living in Me.  This is your eternal purpose.  I shall not be taken from you.  I am strong within you.  As you live and move and breathe - I am in you, living, moving, and breathing.  As you yield to Me I continue to grow in you.  For the Kingdom is within you.  You are beginning to rule and reign now.  As you yield to Me, and walk in your authority you are ruling.  Nothing shall be impossible to you.  For to walk in your authority is to be One with Me, to cast off the lies and limitations of who you truly are and what you are capable of doing in Me and through Me.  Nothing is impossible to you through Me.  Nothing is impossible to you through Me.  Only Believe.  I make all things new.

Song:  "Through you all things are possible..."

I am the light of the world.  My light dwells within you.  Shine baby, shine.  We are One.  You are Mine.  In an instant you shall be changed.  You are changing daily now.  I am Lord of all of you.  This pleases Me child, this pleases Me.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Hearing God - May 17, 2014

Song:  "Praise the name of Jesus, Jesus, Jesus..."

You are My beloved dove and I am well pleased with thee.  I want you to buy Anna's books and study them, do a deep study of them.  For you to know Truth you must delve in and search for it.  For you to know the answers you must engage Me with questions.  If you seek=question, I will give you the answers.  I am here to help you, all you have to do is ask.  As you come and wait, as you meditate, ponder and chew the cud, over and over My revelations will reveal themselves to you.  For I shall give you as much of Me as you truly want.   I am coming for you, stay ready, keep your faith.  Do Not lose your hope.  Stay strong and close to Me, even when I'm silent, I am here.  Do Not doubt that I am here in your midst.

Vision:  My home is invaded by soldiers and we are caught off guard.  We are forcibly being taken somewhere else, I am dressed, the rest of my family is in their pj's and asleep.  We are grabbing stuff quickly, and I grab our backpacks, I am glad they are packed and ready.  My husband is planning on killing the soldiers and escaping, but I say no...I am listening to the spirit of God on what to do...then I say we are supposed to be the vision fades I hear this song:  "Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered..."

Friday, May 16, 2014

Hearing God - May 16, 2014

Note:  Silence...long pause....twenty minutes or so, I wrote "I heard nothing" and was about to go do something else...then I heard this:

That's not true, you did hear something.  I said I am not pleased with your actions or words last night.

Note: pause again, while I repented...

It is important, more important than ever that you walk in love.  I know you feel separated and distant from everyone in the world, because you are, I have separated you to Myself.  It is not your time yet.  You are to remain hidden and sheltered in Me.

 Do not compare yourself to others.  Only compare yourself to yourself.  Do not allow strife, envy or bitterness to rest in you.  As it bubbles up, Repent, and if it continues to stay, Rebuke it, and I shall remove it, for it is the scum and dross that is coming out of you in My refining fire.  I put you into this situation to draw this out of you...but, if you are stubborn and refuse to bow your knee and acknowledge your error and repent it will stay in you, and you shall keep every stain.

When you recognize the battle and quickly repent, I cleanse you and We move on together.  You shall never stop growing in Me.  Remember, LOVE is the Key.  Most of your battles shall be on the inside of you.  You must be quicker to recognize the battle and engage the enemy for the sooner you do, the sooner you shall be released from the battle.  You prolong the battle by not recognizing it, not walking in love and letting your flesh reign.  You are to walk in Love.  When you walk in love you shall face very few battles, for nothing can quench love.

 When you feel the works of the flesh rising in you ask Me to help you quench them with LOVE.  Let love arise and your enemies will scatter.

Hearing God - March 10, 2013

You didn't pray yesterday, you need to pray daily to be filled with Me.  I can only lead you as far as your obedience to Me.  I can only fill you in your filling times which are:  Waiting on Me, Praying to Me, Reading My Word, and meditating on Me and My Word.

  You have an active part in our relationship.  I will not just hand over the Keys to My Kingdom.  You have to participate with Me.  You have to stay hungry for Me.  You have to want to seek Me out daily.  Do Not grow weary, Do Not forsake what we are building.  These times when you come to Me are precious to Me and they should be precious to you.  By your actions, I can tell where your heart is, Do Not let the cares of this world distract you from Me.  You need Me now more than ever and I would like to use you in My end-time army, but, you must do your part.

 I am about to flip a switch that will bring the world to it's knees and they will still not realize that it's Me they need.  They cannot save themselves.  Only I can save, Only I can heal them, Only I can satisfy the longing of their hearts.

  I am doing a new thing in the earth.  My righteousness will be seen and felt by everyone.  My righteousness is going to cover the earth.  My love is a consuming fire.  What looks dead, I will revive, what looks hopeless, I will restore, what seems impossible I will make possible for I am the God of the impossible.

 Keep your lamp full, do not lose your oil.  Stay full and walk in My paths.  My paths are full of righteousness, peace and love.  Do not let the cares of the world blind you to Me.  Stay on the course that I have set you on.  Do not look to the right or the left of you to see what is happening to others.  Remember I have set you in Goshen, and no harm shall befall you, I am your source in all things.

 Do not watch the news, Do not look at the websites or you-tubers that are not of Me.  Do Not get focused on the things happening in the world.  Focus only on Me!  Focus only on Me!  I will lead you through all things.  Do Not take your eyes off of Me, not for a moment, Do Not stop praying in tongues it is a lifeline to you now, DO NOT back off in your pursuit of Me, it is a lifeline to you now, DO NOT allow yourself at anytime to live in fear.  There is No fear in Me.  I am your all sufficient one.  Rebuke fear immediately, DO NOT let it get a stronghold on you.  Rebuke fear immediately.  Stand your ground.

Remember, I test My true ones.  I test often.  Guard your gates.  The onslaught has begun in earnest now.  Stay ready, stay prepared.

Remember Passover, keep it this year diligently, this is a very special time-clock in My calendar of end-time events.  Anoint your windows and cars.  Much evil is going to come forth at passover and you need to be prepared.  The death angel is coming, use olive oil, use My name, use My hand and use My blood, above all stand in the armor of God.  All will go well with you child, I am here, I will guide you in all things you see coming upon the earth, these things I will use to cleanse My earth, I will recover all, I will restore to My original plan.

  Mourning may endure for a night, but, joy comes in the morning. Let My light shine in you, upon you and through you.  Let love abide and guide you in all things.  I love you My little dove.  We are on a remarkable journey together and it is going to be glorious.  TRUST Me child, TRUST ONLY ME!

Hearing God - March 11, 2013

Oh My child I have much to tell you in the coming days, your world is changing.  Stay close to Me child, hold My hand and I will guide you.  Keep your tongue, guard your gates.  Do Not give your enemies a foothold in you.

Every word spoken from your very mouth is being measured and weighed, evil devises are being set in motion in this world, the Fowler's snare is being set, but people don't even realize that they are being snared by their own words.

 Rise up child and lead with your own words.  Do Not release idle words, every word spoken will have impact.  They will come back to you in a great harvest good or bad - it's all about the choices you make with the words you choose to release.

  My Kingdom is full of words, words are creative and carry a life force all their own.  You must begin to realize the potential that lies within your own mouth.  I have given you authority and power.  But, you must wield it, and reign it in on your own.  The tongue is a little member, but can do great things, or create great evil.

  I choose good, how about you?  I choose faith, how about you?  I choose love, how about you?  Come, and walk on the high places with Me, We are ascending the spiral staircase, do not look back at the former ways you used to act towards Me.  Press on, keep coming, I am here.  Seek Me child like never before.  Seek Me now while I may be found of you.

 Do you realize you are changing. All your desires for the lusts of the world are falling off of you.  The world has nothing for you now, I have removed the blinders off of your eyes and now you see, the emptiness of the world, and now you truly long for Me.

  I will take you with Me soon, for We have much to do together.  My plan is unfolding now.  TRUST Me child, TRUST Me to KEEP you.  Keep your mind stayed on Me, I am your hope.  Focus only on Me, Live in My Love, Live in My Hope, keep your thoughts on the victory you have in Me.  I am light, I am life, I am love, I am all you need, anything of true value will come from Me, as evil takes over the land, you stay focused on Me.

 I have placed you in Goshen, no plague or pestilence shall come nigh you.

 You are protected as you shelter in Me.  Wherever you go, take Me with you, think on Me often, let your lips praise Me daily, praise Me in front of others.  Let your praises of Me sing out, it's beautiful and changes the atmosphere all around you.  Remember to always take Me with you, invite Me to come along with you, for We are on this journey together.  Do not fast this week, enjoy spring break and Monday start your second water fast for ten days to Me.  I love you child, I see your heart and it pleases Me child, it pleases Me.  Stay hungry for Me.

Keep your ears open to Me, not just in the morning, carry a small notebook with you, and write down what I tell you, for I am leading you, day by day into My perfect will and plan for you.  Stay humble, stay obedient to Me.  Keep your gates clean, stay pure before Me.  I am filling you with My oil, I am transforming you into My image.  As you yield to Me, I am shaping and forming you into Me, I can see My reflection in you, though dimly, I am pleased with your progress in Me, keep seeking, keep listening, keep coming back to Me child, keep Me ever on your mind, lean into Me dear one and you will lack for nothing.  I am your source, I will provide everything you need.  I love to spend time with you My love, My dove, I love to sit and talk to you, I love to hear about your day.  Talk to Me child, tell Me about your day.  It's a beautiful thing when friends get to visit, to slow down and talk over the events of the day, to share and encourage and strengthen one another.  Iron sharpens iron you know.  The entrance of My words give light to the situation, always Remember that.

Hearing God - March 12, 2013

SSShhhhhh....I am here child, I never leave you alone.  I want to talk to you about forgiveness.

Song:  "Forgiveness...."

Forgiveness is a great Key in My Kingdom, it unlocks many doors, and clears the path for righteousness.  All of you have fallen, all of you have missed the mark, that's why forgiveness is so important.

 Repentance is a Key, love is a Key, forgiveness is a Key.  Keys are very important in My Kingdom, without certain keys many mysteries will remain locked to you.  You must search out My mysteries and you must keep these keys in your possession at all times, without them your spiritual growth in Me will be blocked, hindered, stopped! 

 My Kingdom operates in law.  There are laws and rules set in place to keep everything and everyone running smoothly.  I do not live in lawlessness, nothing good will ever come or remain pure in lawlessness.  My laws, are My divine order.  I have a reason and a purpose for every law or rule I set in motion.

  Keep a guard on your gates.  Keep your thoughts from going into chaos, keep your mind stayed on Me and I will keep your thoughts.  Always think on good things, Do Not allow your mind to wander on the negative road, these are low frequencies, whatsoever things are pure, clean, virtuous, holy, of good report, it there be any virtue, if there be any praise think on these things.  These thoughts will strengthen you, they will lift you higher in My Kingdom.  Negative thoughts will drain and weaken you and snare you in a pit and draw you into sin.  

This is how the deception works, first in the mind, the thoughts play out slowly, over and over, some one's gone fishing in your mind pool, and the bait they use is clever, it seems right in a man's mind, but the end played out in the fishing game will result in death.  They feed your thought process until they have you, little by little the thoughts trickle in and play on your emotions, they can't read your mind.  They can only read your human nature, based on the circumstances in your life.  They interject thoughts like bait, and keep feeding you line upon line until you take the bait, and then the battle rages, it began in the onslaught of thoughts and when you agree with one of these "thoughts" that's when they start reeling you in, and you are captured in your thoughts. 

 Many, many people do not understand the war they are in.  I have placed you deep into the enemies territory and you Must Wage War.  There is much to be mindful of these days.  If you keep your focus on Me, I will reveal every trap and snare that has been laid for you. 

 The enemy wants to take you over from the inside.  But, I live inside you now and I will not allow low-rent tenants.  These are an abomination to Me.

  Keep your gates locked and clear, remove any troublesome little uglies from your gates.  Cast them down, out and off of your premises.  It's the little foxes that spoil the vines.  Use My name, use My words, Use My hand to catch them and cast them out.  Do not accept their seed to remain in you or it will take root and grow, and be very difficult to root out of you.  When you recognize these thoughts or "bait" - IMMEDIATELY cast them down.  This must be done daily.  Cast down vain imaginations DAILY.  Keep your mind clean, keep your thoughts pure, think on Me.  When you focus on Me, I will take captive every thought. 

 What comes through your eye and ear gates affects your mind gate and will effect your mouth gate.  Remember, everything is a seed.  You are responsible for plucking out the weeds and tares from your own gardens soil.  Do not be deceived, you must participate in keeping yourself clean and purged.  I will not do everything for you.  You must learn to keep yourself clean.  This is what you would call "Toilet Training", and this is a very important part of your training.  Just as you have learned to feed yourself My word and drink deeply from Me, so you must also learn how to keep yourself clean.

Vision:  Black cow (me- I could think and talk) I was talking to someone, Jesus, I think, and I was in a hotel room and going to bed, I had to go to the bathroom and could not figure out how to clean myself, I was determined to sleep in my bed, and then I kept getting distracted by the grass and chewing the cud - I was extremely intrigued by chewing the cud, and then a brown/red bull came by and I knew he wanted to mate and I ran off muttering to myself "oh no, oh no, oh no..." I ran off in a green pasture...

Hearing God - March 13, 2013

Oh, My child I love you, I love you, I love you.  We are growing deeper into relationship, the funny feeling in your ears IS the frequency changes.  You are on track with Me.  Keep seeking Me daily, constantly keep your mind focused on Me.  Constantly submit your will to Mine, obey Me at all times, this will protect you, do not question or second guess Me.  I will not lead you astray.  Your life is in My hands and I know what's best for you, trust Me child.  TRUST only Me.

 Work on your love walk daily, this is very, very important in My Kingdom.   Love is a vital force that flows from Me to My Kingdom heirs and throughout the world.  Do not despise our small beginnings, or belittle them as if these times are not important.  Every one's journey is different.  My time with you is invaluable in your growth and deepening trust for Me.  I am the only one who truly knows what you need.  There should be no jealousy in My Kingdom.  The only jealousy allowed is Mine over My children when they forsake Me and go astray.

 You are to learn from your brothers and sisters and to help each other grow up in Me.  I do not reveal everything to any of My children.  They have to take what they received, their portion, and search it out, and meditate on it, over and over.  They discuss it with one another, this is one way to keep Me ever on your mind, as I reveal new truths and revelations of Me and what I'm doing, this gives My children joy and excitement and hope, as they search Me out as treasure in this world they are in.  I am the Pearl of Great Price.  I am what you are seeking child.  I alone can meet every need.  I am the light that will never go out.

My candle examines your heart and exposes and purges the leaven from you.  Just as My word is multi-faceted, so are you.  There are many layers in My word and there are many layers in you.  For Me to do a complete and thorough work in you, takes time and patience, I will not rush the process with you, I am enjoying the process.  You My child are growing in Me.  My image is starting to reflect in you, I am changing your mind-sets, you are beginning to sound like Me.  Your tone is changing, just like Anna was talking about last night "passover, the day of a-tone-ment" is a Key to understanding, this passover in March is a very critical day, you must participate with Us this year.  It is a necessary part of your growth.  I can hear the sounds that you are making now.  You are constantly singing in your spirit now, as We get closer and closer to Our union, Our wedding, you are becoming strong in Me My little Bride, My dove.  I know you, and you are learning of Me, more and more each day.

There is excitement in the camp, everything is put into place and I am waiting for My orders from My Father to go get My Bride.  Stay ready child, do not back off in what you are doing, stay focused on Me.  Learn as much as you can of Me.

 My hand is still on the world, I will not lift it completely until I have the Bride and then suddenly everything will change.  Change has already begun, I know you can see it, and I know many are fearful, but, do not give in to fear My child, lean in to Me, do not do anything in your own power, let Me go before you, let Me be your guide.  I can navigate through all the changes coming upon the earth.  I am your source. I am your all sufficient one.  I am all you need.

 My heart crys out for the lost, if only they would come to Me, and turn from their wicked ways.  I would heal them, I would shelter them, I would help them navigate through the changes that are coming.  But, most choose their own way, a broad path leading to destruction.  They think they know whats best, but they do not realize the danger.   But, you My love, My dove, have taken heed to My warning, and have come running to Me for protection and shelter, you I will protect, you I will shelter, you I will lead all the way home.  We are in this journey together.  I will catch you if you stumble.  I will show you the way, I am leading and you, My dear one are following, it pleases Me child, it pleases Me.  Do not lean on your own understanding.  Follow Me.  Many hearts are growing cold.  Love is growing cold while self-love is waxing strong.  You must endeavor to walk in TRUE LOVE this is My love, this is the absolute truth.

Listen to the birds, they are singing a love song to Me now.  Life is a journey, there are many paths to choose from.  But, only one will lead you home.  Choose wisely.

Vision:  Girl with a hurt leg on crutches gets on train with my husband and sits down next to a lady who knows her.. old fashioned clothing..and train is a Monte rail..long silver train...
(I think I am the girl-but what does the hurt leg or foot and crutches mean) I do not know where we are going?

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hearing God - March 14, 2013

I would like you to consider the sun.  How it lights up the sky and covers the earth with warmth.  The flowers bloom, the plants grow, men can see to work with their hands, it's a beautiful thing the sun.  I would like to contrast the sun to Me.  I am the light, I expel the darkness.  I warm the hearts of men, I nourish the souls and spirits, My light brings love, My lamp searches for the lost and examines My Own for leaven.  For there can be no leaven in My people who are in true communion with Me.  I am Holy, Righteous, and Pure, and My children are holy, righteous and pure before Me, as they walk in My light.

 My light guides you into absolute truth.  My lamp lights your path, My candle leads you home to Me.  The world lives in darkness, even in the Sonshine the darkness reigns in the hearts of men.  But, if they would turn to Me and let Me do a perfect work in them with My light, they would live in abundance with Me, they would learn of My love and My ways and they would grow and be happy and at peace.  My light brings peace that surpasses all understanding.  There is nothing like My light.  But to receive My light, you must submit to Me and listen to Me, and obey Me.  My correction and instruction is for your good.  Living in My light is what you were created for.  Stay with Me, keep your life planted in Me.  Focus always on Me, and I will always shelter you.  My plans for you are ginormous.  I will reveal it to you little by little, just for now child know that you are growing in Me.  Your growth process takes time and I will not rush the fruit.

 I am lovingly, tenderly working in your garden, tilling the fertile soil, removing and purging the debris, planting My precious seed, watering, watering, tilling, tilling, tilling.  Your garden is growing beautifully in Me.  I am pleased with your progression in Me.  I will take you higher and deeper in Me.

 Listen, can you hear the cooing of the dove.  Oh My love, My dove come away with Me to My secret place.  Look inside, close your eyes and focus only on Me.  What do you see?

Vision:  I see a dark mountain and on the left I see a white silouette of a man.  Then suddenly He zigzags down to the bottom where I am and tells me this is the path I am to take.  I see a large pile of silver glitter and He tells me I have already passed the silver test, but He wants to take Me to the gold test, and He will be with me, and He will never leave Me.  Many try and fail in the tests, but I will not fail if I keep my focus on Him.  I see Jesus standing behind the pile of silver with His hand outstretched for me to grab and hold onto as he leads me.  He says "Come, We must begin our ascent up the mountain".  end of vision

My Ways bring life and abundance, stay focused on Me, I will lift you up and carry you to places you cannot see.  Live in Me, for this is the course you were destined for.  You are Mine, My dove, and you will fly with Me.  Surrender all of yourself to Me, hold nothing back.  Come quickly when I call.  Do Not hesitate, Do Not delay, time is short, keep your lamp full, as you wait on Me, I fill you with My oil, My light will carry you into My presence and you will see My glory, come, come often to Me child, free yourself to come to Me, I am your source.  I am your strength, I will show you My plans, I will reveal more of Myself to you as you come.  Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but, the Lord will deliver them out of them all.  Do you trust Me child?  TRUST ONLY ME.  I am your waymaker.  I am your source, I am your guide.  I love you and I will never leave you.  Remember, even when you can't feel Me here with you-I am here, and you are being tested.  Remember, I test everyone.  Keep walking in My love, My love is what you should endeavor to walk in.  Humbly walk in love with everyone.  Let love abide in you and rule over all your actions.  DO NOT judge.  DO NOT envy, DO NOT strive to think more highly of yourself than you should.  All of you have sinned and all of you are forgiven, so do not judge anyone.  Only love, you must endeavor to walk in love with everyone and everything.  Love is My Way, I will show you the way if you ask Me to.  Submit and surrender your free-will to Me and I will show you My Way.  My Way leads to everlasting peace, My Way is filled with hope, My Way is filled with peace and tranquility, no anger, no strife, no anxt..., just peace, My perfect peace.

Song:  "Peace, peace wonderful peace, flowing down from the Father above, sweep over My spirit again precious Lord, in fathomless billows of love..."

Hearing God - March 15, 2013

Come away with Me child, let's go to the sea, close your eyes what do you see?

Vision:  I see the sea, I see waves breaking over some large rocks, and I see you walking on the water coming towards Me.

Come to Me child, close your eyes and walk on the water with Me.
(Me- I do not see how? I can do this...
DO NOT Worry, you will soon.  I love the ocean, I love the smell of the sea, I love the breezes coming off the water, I love the roar of the waves so powerful and yet so small to Me.  The wind and the waves obey Me, for they are My servants, My willing vessels.

 Did you like the zoo.  I was there, did you notice the love you felt for the people.  That is My love pouring through you to them.
Did you notice My displeasure with the snakes?  Yes, I could tell you did.
Did you notice the conversations of the people?  Some in sin, some getting to know each other, some wanting to let their children experience My creatures, some in harsh dispair-overwelmed by the crowds and impatient and harsh with their little ones.  Some separated and lost from each other.  Remember, the little girl in the red dress and glasses, lost, crying and would not go to a stranger, she was looking for her parents and a stranger she would not follow.  Remember the dad, frantically searching for her and scooping her up in his arms in a strong fatherly embrace, Remember how she clung to him...

 This is a symbol of Me and My children, when We get disconnected, My children will not follow another voice, they may be bewildered and crying, but they will search for Me until they find Me and then they will jump into My arms and I will scoop them up, hold them tight and protect them.  You must Remember this scene for it is a picture of your walk with Me.  The crowds of people at the zoo, humanity is like the sea, roaring and loud, but yet I could hear every thought and conversation.  I could see every action of every person, animal, and plant.  Everything is recorded, every word and action.

Did you notice how in between the noise you could zero in on the conversations people were having...I did that for you, to teach you how I hear, and how other people are talking to one another.  This is how I observe people, I watch and I listen, nothing escapes Me.  You must not judge the outer appearance of others, you have to see the heart and only I can see the true heart of people.  That is why you should not judge.  Your walk with Me will be a walk of love and true repentance, as I reveal things that need to be changed, be quick to repent, so that I can easily cleanse you from your unrighteousness.  This is how you grow in Me, by listening to My voice, repenting when I correct or instruct you in My Righteousness and then I cleanse you and remove your filth and replace it with My light and My love.

 The more time spent waiting on Me, the more like Me you will become, I am transforming you into My image and you are beginning to reflect Me.  It's a beautiful thing when one of My children want to become more like Me.  When you seek Me, I will be found of you always.  My true followers and worshipers are seekers.  They seek for Me like treasure and when they get a glimpse of Me they rejoice and dig deeper in their seeking, this kind of faith I will never let go.  I am a rewarder of them who diligently seek Me.  I love you child, My little dove, you are beautiful to Me.

Hearing God - March 16, 2013

Note:  I heard upon my bed "The more you eat the more distant you are from Me.  Come to the secret place, I have much to tell you."  So I arose to wait upon the Lord.

You have been chosen, from the foundation of the world to carry My Truth within you.  As you enter into the second phase of your ten day fast to Me, I will open doors for you to see.  I will show you many things to come.  Build yourself up in Me, meditate on Me, make yourself strong in Me.  For it's Only Me that you need, you don't need to know about tomorrow.  You need to know about today.  So, come quickly child to Me daily and sit and WAIT upon Me.  Be quiet and still and learn at My knee.  This is a place of Honor for you, the nearer you are to Me, the more change you will experience in you.  Everything is about to change including you.  My hand is upon you now and My testing will continue until I am formed completely in you.

 I am a treasure hunter, I seek out the true treasures of the earth.  The five operations that I have given man of Me are:  Communication, creative power in their spoken words, a heart of understanding, the immortal spirit within each one, the ability to love, and free-will.  All of these are attributes of me.  I have given them to mankind, I have not given them to any other creature that I have created.  Man is very special, and I have set them apart, above all My creations on earth.  I have great plans for man, but I will only fulfill these plans in the ones that follow hard after Me.

  I look at the heart of each soul, and I examine each one carefully.  I know who are Mine and I know who are not of My vine.  Deception lurks everywhere and trys to keep a stronghold in man, that is why it is key to come to Me daily and let Me examine your heart and reveal if there is any leaven in you that needs to be repented of and purged out of you.  Ask Me if you are being deceived daily.  For this is a hidden plan that is like a dart to thwart My Kingdom from growing within you.  You cannot tell if you are being deceived, BUT I CAN so come to Me and ask DAILY I will always tell you the absolute Truth, and I will always cleanse you when you come, and I will always lead you on My paths of righteousness, TRUST Me child, I alone know the way that is best for you.  You are Mine and I love you My child, My lamb, My dove.  No one can separate Us from each other, I will always find you, and you can always find Me.  Remember, I never leave you I AM HERE.

 Your life is a light for others to see Me by.  Keep your lamp full, stay close to Me child, do not stray, you need Me now, more than ever before.  Go and buy some plants and enjoy them, they will remind you of Me, of My creative power, of My rejuvenating power, and that I am the sustainer of life.

Remember, I have placed you in the land of Goshen, and no evil shall befall you.  You are safe in Me.

 Keep searching and seeking Me, endeavor to know Me, and learn as much as you can about Me.  I am a fascinating study, and I will reveal more of Me as you seek Me out.  I am the Pearl of Great Price and I am the treasure you seek, once you truly find Me, you will never let Me go.  I will teach you much in the coming days.  My Kingdom is coming in you more than you have ever known, make room for Me child, remove the clutter of the world from your mind, focus on Me, and I will grow bigger and brighter to you, My light covers you now.  My light reveals who I am.  I am well pleased with your progress in Me.  My little Bride we will spend forever together and you will learn more of Me with each passing day, and you will never know all about Me, because there is sooo much to learn, and each day I will reveal more and more about Myself and My ways.  You will never get bored with Me, for there is always more to learn.  TRUST Me child, I will reveal more as you are ready to receive it.  I know your heart and I desire that you know Mine.

 This is a beautiful time in Our relationship, We are learning to TRUST each other.  DO NOT Be discouraged in the tests.   Remember, I am busy testing everyone.  I am taking you to GOLD, but I have much work to do in you to attain this level in you.  It does not happen overnight, it's a process, and I will not rush the process in you.  My time with you is very special and precious to Me. I am drawing you, you are hearing Me, as you submit and surrender to Me, I will reveal more to you.  For you I love and you I want to spend much time with, We are in love with you, and Our journey has just begun.  TRUST ME child.

Hearing God - March 17, 2013

Do not be afraid of the Esther fast, you can do this, you will not die, you will be weakened in your flesh but you will be strengthened in your spirit, which is what you need.  Do this fast, the first three days do the Esther fast - no food, no water and then the next seven days drink only water only and take communion often each day with Me, but not the first three days.  Starting tomorrow, I will test your heart, I will test your faithfulness.   Take these days easy, go slowly, ask Me for heavenly manna and My spiritual living water and I will surely give them to you.  You are on a remarkable journey with Me now, and what I am about to reveal to you and where I am about to take you, you have never been or known before.  Remember, DO NOT DOUBT ME, only TRUST Me, Do Not Fear anything, only FOCUS On Me, you are about to see what you've been seeking for and longing for.  You were created to walk in the supernatural with Me.

 I am all you need.  Oh, the adventures We are going to have, count it all joy, when you face diverse situations and your circumstances change.  Do NOT get distracted by worldly things.  Stay separated unto Me.  I am watching you daily and everything is being recorded, TRUST ONLY ME.  REPENT DAILY NOW.  Repent and Rebuke pride often each day.  Ask Me to give you My heart, a new heart daily now.  Keep your prayers going like you have been, but add to them Israel's protection and Jerusalems protection.  Look up scriptures that call forth My protection for yourself and Israel and Jerusalem's protection, meditate on these at all times in these three days and pray them out loud often, just like the scriptures you have been praying out loud already.  I am endueing you with My love for Israel and Jerusalem, the capital of the world.  You will long for their protection, and comfort as I do.  Pray for My children to wake up and get ready, pray for Israel's blinders and veils to be removed, pray for their ears to hear Me, ask Me to remove the stoppers.  I am the God of the impossible.  I am the God of "I'm Possible".  Remember Me in the fast, don't back off from this fast, don't disregard My words, this is a serious call to fast for Me, and it is a test of your love and obedience to Me, will you truly follow Me, will you truly obey Me in this?  We shall see where your heart truly is!

Will I be first, or will you succumb to your flesh?  Some tests are harder than others, but, I will never ask you to do something that you cannot do.  Our enemies know that you are going to do this fast and they have already begun to bombard your mind with accusations and fear.  You will not die, obey Me child, Do Not give your ears to the lying symptoms, you must persevere in this, Remember you are going for gold.  You are not the only one I am calling for this, this will be a continual chain of prayer and fasting around the world, My precious earth needs Me, and I need My people to pray and fast as never before in these days.  Much can be done in the spirit if My people will humble themselves and fast and pray.

 My end-time army is preparing for Me and growing in Me in these tests.  You must press in to this My child, you must be prepared NOW, pray, fast, read My word, PRAY MY WORD OUT LOUD - this is important!  Seek My face, enter in child, come quickly beloved, come to Me, show Me you care, I am here, come, come, come to Me often now!  I will show you your place.  I will position you in My Kingdom.  I have much to tell you child, but you must come, forsake sleep, come early - go back to 5:00am with Me, this is an hour of power for you, come early child, before the breaking of the day, seek Me early, let Me see your beautiful face.  Waiting before Me early.  I am here.  I wait for you to come.  DO NOT FORSAKE ME child, come.  We have much to share together.  These are powerful days ahead.  There is much work to do.  Come, My child, I will not force you, I only invite you, this is your special invitation to come.  If you do not come, I will replace you, but, Remember, you were invited to come, please beloved child of Mine, come, I will show you your place in My divine plan.  I have been searching your heart daily as you have asked, I have been busy cleaning out your heart and I am well pleased with your childlike faith in Me to correct you and you so quickly now repent for what I reveal to you, thank you for your obedience, but I have need to deliver you more, come to Me child do not delay.

Hearing God - March 18, 2013

I am pleased child, I am pleased with you, for you have come to the well to drink deeply of Me and I will water you well.  For I am your source.  Yes, you are a living sacrifice to Me today.  Yes, you have taken up your cross to drink deeply of Me and follow after My heart.  I will give you a new heart, I will give you My heart.  I can see your heart, I can see you longing after Me.  I can see you panting for Me as  a deer pants for the water, and I will water you well My child, for you are willing to wait patiently on Me.  Your patience shall be rewarded for you are diligent in seeking Me out.

This three day Esther fast is very important to Me, seek My face child, put Me first and seek My face, for I will be found of you.  Do not back off in your pursuit of Me.  My light is burning brightly in you, forsake all worldly things and follow hard after Me.  Consume as much of Me as you possibly can.  Repent continually to Me.

  Ask Me for a spirit of repentance to fall and cover the earth.  Ask Me for mercy to save the lost souls, ask Me to wake up the souls and let then know what time it is, for it is the midnight hour, and I am coming.  DO NOT judge anyone for you do not truly know their heart, only I can read their heart.  Listen to Me, I alone am your teacher, you need no other.  As you hear My messengers and have questions come to Me and ask, but do not judge, I will separate the wheat from the tares.  Your job is to hear, and come to Me with any questions and I will answer you, but you must ask.

 Division in My house will not stand and will not be tolerated.  You are called to be a light in the darkness.  You must lean into Me for all Truth.  I will reveal to you the absolute Truth in all things.  Time is short now child, listen to My still small voice, I am your instructor, I will guide you, I will teach you all things.  It pleases Me that you are willing to invest your time in Me and you shall be rewarded for your diligence. I will reveal much in My word to you.  You must be willing to yield to My instruction when I open up My word and reveal a new concept to you.

 Pray for My diligent chosen vessels that you have found on You-Tube for they are being tested and coming against them is Our enemy, pray for:  Anna, Barbara and Dan, Penny, Carrie and Rachel these are submitted to Me alone.  These are learning at My knee, they are being tested, pray for them.

 Pray for My beloved jewel Israel and Jerusalem, this is the apple of My eye, and the center point of all human destiny.  I will never give them up, or let them be lost forever.  My child pray for them, for the battle over them rages in the heavenlies and is intensifying in the earth right now.  The enemy is fasting and praying as well.  But, We are more than conquerors.  The prayers of the righteous will avail much in the earth and in the heavens.  Pray as I direst you, pray often, humble yourself to Me.

 Wear no make-up for three days as a sign of sackcloth and ashes before Me, this will abase you and show you your pride, put away your pride it will only separate you from Me.  TRUST NO ONE BUT ME.  I alone am your strength, I alone am your source in all things.  DO NOT TRUST yourself, TRUST ONLY Me, do not second guess me, I alone know how to direct you.  I will lead you down the right path in Our journey.  Everyone has an individual journey with Me, follow Me child, follow Me.  I am the keeper of all secrets, I will unlock mysteries for you.  Your life is in My hands, DO NOT turn back now, the road ahead that you cannot see is where you will find Me.  I am the light of the world, and everyone who truly seeks to find Me, will find Me.  I love you My child, My little white dove.

 Do not neglect the assembling of yourself to follow after Me.  Definition of assembling yourself is:  body, soul (mind) and spirit all focused on Me, this is a Key in My Kingdom, to stay focused on Me.  I am your guide in life, I will never lead you astray, all my roads lead home.  I am your way maker, I am your deliverer, I am your protector, I am all you need.  I am coming in great power and glory.  Do Not judge your family, live your life to Me as I direct you and you will be a living witness, by your lifestyle, you will show forth Me.  My Ways are not your ways.  Live for Me child, let Me live big in you today.  I am your strength, ask Me for heavenly water, and heavenly manna and I will give it to you.  Your life is in My hands and I will always take care of you.  Live in Me child, let Me live in you.  We are a team and nothing can separate Us, except you.  If you turn back now it will not go well with you.   Press into Me, keep looking to Me in all things, for I alone can lead you, TRUST Me child, TRUST Only Me.  I am your source.  I am your sustainer of all life.

Pray always, obey always, do not doubt, wait on Me always and often today.  Make it your custom to wait upon Me several times a day, not just in the morning now.  Through waiting on Me you will find strength, this is a Key that will sustain you.  Read My word out loud, this will strengthen you as well.  Put on My whole armor, and take communion with Me, often, after this three day Esther fast.  This fast is a test of your obedience to ME.  Will you be faithful?

Through your weakness, I am made strong in you.  Let Me fill you with My light.  Come, often, and wait before Me.  There is much to learn and I have much work to do in you to prepare you for My use.

  Humble yourself and submit totally to Me, submit everything to Me, I am your God, obey Me child and it will go well with you.  I am watching you.  This may seem like a simple thing for you, but it is not a simple thing to do in your flesh, your flesh is weak and selfish and does not want to submit to Me, but you must make your flesh yield to Me, this is a free-will choice of yours, and it will not go un-noticed.  This is part of your sanctification process, this is preparing you to be inhabited wholly by Me.  I am holy, so you must be holy.