Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hearing God - March 16, 2013

Note:  I heard upon my bed "The more you eat the more distant you are from Me.  Come to the secret place, I have much to tell you."  So I arose to wait upon the Lord.

You have been chosen, from the foundation of the world to carry My Truth within you.  As you enter into the second phase of your ten day fast to Me, I will open doors for you to see.  I will show you many things to come.  Build yourself up in Me, meditate on Me, make yourself strong in Me.  For it's Only Me that you need, you don't need to know about tomorrow.  You need to know about today.  So, come quickly child to Me daily and sit and WAIT upon Me.  Be quiet and still and learn at My knee.  This is a place of Honor for you, the nearer you are to Me, the more change you will experience in you.  Everything is about to change including you.  My hand is upon you now and My testing will continue until I am formed completely in you.

 I am a treasure hunter, I seek out the true treasures of the earth.  The five operations that I have given man of Me are:  Communication, creative power in their spoken words, a heart of understanding, the immortal spirit within each one, the ability to love, and free-will.  All of these are attributes of me.  I have given them to mankind, I have not given them to any other creature that I have created.  Man is very special, and I have set them apart, above all My creations on earth.  I have great plans for man, but I will only fulfill these plans in the ones that follow hard after Me.

  I look at the heart of each soul, and I examine each one carefully.  I know who are Mine and I know who are not of My vine.  Deception lurks everywhere and trys to keep a stronghold in man, that is why it is key to come to Me daily and let Me examine your heart and reveal if there is any leaven in you that needs to be repented of and purged out of you.  Ask Me if you are being deceived daily.  For this is a hidden plan that is like a dart to thwart My Kingdom from growing within you.  You cannot tell if you are being deceived, BUT I CAN so come to Me and ask DAILY I will always tell you the absolute Truth, and I will always cleanse you when you come, and I will always lead you on My paths of righteousness, TRUST Me child, I alone know the way that is best for you.  You are Mine and I love you My child, My lamb, My dove.  No one can separate Us from each other, I will always find you, and you can always find Me.  Remember, I never leave you I AM HERE.

 Your life is a light for others to see Me by.  Keep your lamp full, stay close to Me child, do not stray, you need Me now, more than ever before.  Go and buy some plants and enjoy them, they will remind you of Me, of My creative power, of My rejuvenating power, and that I am the sustainer of life.

Remember, I have placed you in the land of Goshen, and no evil shall befall you.  You are safe in Me.

 Keep searching and seeking Me, endeavor to know Me, and learn as much as you can about Me.  I am a fascinating study, and I will reveal more of Me as you seek Me out.  I am the Pearl of Great Price and I am the treasure you seek, once you truly find Me, you will never let Me go.  I will teach you much in the coming days.  My Kingdom is coming in you more than you have ever known, make room for Me child, remove the clutter of the world from your mind, focus on Me, and I will grow bigger and brighter to you, My light covers you now.  My light reveals who I am.  I am well pleased with your progress in Me.  My little Bride we will spend forever together and you will learn more of Me with each passing day, and you will never know all about Me, because there is sooo much to learn, and each day I will reveal more and more about Myself and My ways.  You will never get bored with Me, for there is always more to learn.  TRUST Me child, I will reveal more as you are ready to receive it.  I know your heart and I desire that you know Mine.

 This is a beautiful time in Our relationship, We are learning to TRUST each other.  DO NOT Be discouraged in the tests.   Remember, I am busy testing everyone.  I am taking you to GOLD, but I have much work to do in you to attain this level in you.  It does not happen overnight, it's a process, and I will not rush the process in you.  My time with you is very special and precious to Me. I am drawing you, you are hearing Me, as you submit and surrender to Me, I will reveal more to you.  For you I love and you I want to spend much time with, We are in love with you, and Our journey has just begun.  TRUST ME child.

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