Friday, June 6, 2014

Hearing God - June 6, 2014

The presence of the Lord is in this place, right here, right now with you.  Yes, My child, I have answered your specific prayer on getting the neighbor to take care of the dead tree.  I told you, you have an open heaven with Me, for you are faithful to come and sit at My feet and wait to hear from Me.  You desired nothing but to be shown more and more of Me.  This pleases Me child.  This pleases Me much.  For I shall give you your hearts desire now.  I want you to specifically ask Me to show you specific things.  Don't be vague.  Be specific and write it down and date it.  Then you can go back and see how I answered you.  I am willing to answer you.  I am willing to teach you more and reveal to you more of Myself.  It blesses Me to bless you as you are blessed to bless your children.  So, to am I blessed to bless My children.  Enjoy your days with Me.  Enter not into doubt and fear, but enter into joy with Me.  For it is our time to shine.  Our relationship is going higher and higher in Me.  I am limitless.  Do not limit Me in what you ask of Me or think of Me.  I desire to show Myself strong in you.  Oh, My beloved you are so beautiful to Me.

Dream:  as I was going to bed I closed My eyes and saw I was looking upon a dark, dark city skyline and there was a lantern swinging back and forth, it was looking for something.  I think the lost.

I then moved to another dark city skyline with no light, and no lantern searching...

Then I was moved to see my house and yard and saw a small vegetable garden growing... 

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