Thursday, June 5, 2014

Hearing God - June 4, 2014

My beloved, I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.  Many things are being revealed to you now My little one.  You have entered in to a new phase, a new level in Me.  Much Truth, and much power and strength shall be poured into your earthen vessel.  You belong to Me.  I abide and dwell within you.  It is well with thee and Me, for I know you. You are focused on Me.  You are tuned in to Me 24/7.  I speak, you hear Me, I hover over you and you feel and sense Me.  Now you can smell Me and you can discern between Me and other smells of other spirits.  The spiritual door is open to you now.  For you have stepped behind the veil that divided Us and you have pursued Me above all else, you pursued Me.  Oh how I have laughed and played with thee as you have chased after Me.  Oh My beloved, you make My heart sing, you are beautiful to Me.  Through every storm, you hang on steadfast and strong, fully believing, fully assured that I will help you and deliver you, and I do, every time I do.  I will never leave you or forsake you, I am here with you at all times, I never leave you, I only draw closer and closer for you My dear one have pleased Me.  Your heart is pure and true.  You love Me, I see you, dear one, I see you.  I am here.  Have no fear.  Live in Me, fully persuaded that nothing and no one can separate Me from you.

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