Thursday, June 12, 2014

Hearing God - June 12, 2014

Oh My child, consider the wind, how it comes, you don't know from where it comes, you can't contain it, and you don't know where it goes, But I do.  I am in the wind.  I cover the earth with My breath.  I breathe life daily upon your world.  I dwell in the midst of thee.  You cannot contain Me, but I am here inside you and also all around you daily.  I am never distant, I dwell in My creation of My own free-will.  I have given each of you your own personal free-will.  But few have chosen to live the best life.  Few have chosen to put Me first.  Few have chosen to help their brother.  Few have chosen to come and wait upon Me, quietly sitting here at My feet, resting and listening for Me to speak.  Oh, My beloved I speak all the time, but, too few choose to quiet themselves and pull away from the distractions of the world and hear Me for themselves.  I will love, cherish, provide for, and protect all who have chosen Me.  I will allow all of My free-will creatures who have chosen their own way to go their own way, but, the end there of will be suffering, pain and death.  This is not My Will for any of My creations.  But, I have given man free-will and I will not take that away from any one.

 When you willingly pledge your allegiance to Me, you come under My Authority and you walk in your authority and dominion.  For it is then and only then, that I will begin to open your eyes and show you more of Me.  I will only reveal Myself to hearts who are searching for Me.  This is a lonely journey.  Only two can walk the narrow way.  I am one of the two, will you join Me in this journey.  I am willing to help each of you.  But you must come to Me, one on one, and build a relationship with Me, as My beloved servant Sherry has.  I'm waiting.  Will you come.  I am here.

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