Thursday, June 12, 2014

Hearing God - June 7, 2014

Oh My beloved come, I am here waiting to commune with you.  My life is in you.  Your life is in Me.  As you wait upon Me I fill you with My oil.  As you wait and listen for Me, I also listen for you.  I can read your heart and your mind.  I am glad you are confident in Me.  Fully persuaded in My love for you.  Resting in My promises, patiently enduring as you wait for Me and My timing.  I know you, dear one.  You are one of My jewels.  Oh My Bride, soon I shall come and bring you home to Me and My Father.  We love you dearly.  You are precious, and you will not be lost or forsaken in the coming days.  You are mine and I will take care of you.  Much is available to you in My word.  I want you to dig deeply into My word and find the promises and then call them forth.  You have an open heaven.  You are learning much now about the forth dimension that I am in and that you have access to.  But, you must walk in your authority and dominion.  When you tap into your spiritual abilities with Me, your potential to conquer any obstacle or trial shall be limitless.  Your spirit is where you should be dwelling, even as you are in this earth.  Only I can teach you TRUTH FOR I AM TRUTH.  Your spirit is powerful.  It is the part that is connected to Me and most like Me.  I do not want you to access the spirit without Me.  I am your source, I am your guide.  I lead, you follow.  Be specific in your prayers.  Be very specific, do not be vague.  Trust Me to help you in everything.  Come to Me with all of your questions.  I am here.  I see you as you walk out your day before Me.  I dwell in you.

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