Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Hearing God - Dream of America - May 19, 2015

***Note:  As I came to wait upon the Lord, I was troubled by a dream that I had last night and was pondering over it, and I was trying to remember the song I kept hearing over and over last night as I was awakened to it over and over...but I can't remember it.

So now I began to wait on the Lord, and this song began to play inside of Me "Holy Spirit, you are welcome here, come flood this place and fill the atmosphere, you are welcome here..."

Then I heard Him speak:

Beloved, you are clean, I have heard your prayers and I have cleansed you from all unrighteousness.  Beloved, you are quick to repent of any wrong doing, this pleases Me.  You are on alert to all manner of sin and fleshly desires.  But, know this, just because you dreamed something does not mean it was you desiring to sin.

If you are observing something in a dream, it is for reflection and a warning.  I told you, I would speak to you in your dreams.  In this dream last night that is troubling you, you were in a far off country, you were riding a motorcycle and then you got lost, and made a wrong turn.  You saw someone who was not your husband and desired to know him, the thought was fleeting and you cast it from you, then you felt in danger and turned the motorcycle around and got away from that area, then you were riding a small donkey around and it was getting dark, you thought about using your cell phone to call for help, but, you were full of pride and wanted to find your own way home, you got off the donkey and decided to walk, the donkeys name was baby, as you were walking you noticed the donkeys lead rope was white, fresh and clean with no dirt on it, it was getting darker, and you realized that you were in shorts and starting to get fearful, then you woke up stressed.

I will now give you the interpretation of your dream.

 You were the viewer, observing the dream.  That makes you a witness and a watcher.  The land you were in was America, but, it was not the America you grew up in and knew.  Everything has changed.  The motorcycle  is moving you in your own willfull desires, and you begin to encounter lusts (demonic desires that you would not normally desire). Your faithful husband is not there with you, for you have departed from him.  The husband represents the Father, you represent America's people, who have forsaken the Father, which is the husband, and desired to go your own ways, unprotected, insecure and vulnerable.  The donkey represents humility and humbleness which some Americans are trying to do, the white lead rope represents holiness and purity, then you got off the donkey and decided to walk, this represents your own will and pride once again taking over, and you are in shorts walking.  The shorts represent being uncovered and vulnerable to the world, being drawn away from Me the true Father, the true husband, the true protector of America, America is no longer sheltered and protected under My wings.  The donkeys name was baby.

America, you were My baby, I raised you, I watched you grow up, I nurtured you, I protected you, I allowed you to flourish.  But, alas, you want your own way, your own desires, and now you shall have it, the mercy gate is closing, can you not see it, judgement is at your door, you shall reap the rewards of your treachery.  So be it.


Hearing God - May 18, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Beloved, do not fear tomorrow.  For everyday you will face new challenges and difficulties.  Keep your focus on Me in every situation.  Talk to Me, engage Me, in the process, whatever you are doing ask Me to join in with you.  You are not alone.  Remember to make time for Me.  I am the most important.  All the other things can wait.  Do not rush through your day giving no regard for Me, for if you are not careful, your enemy shall subtly busy you with this or that and wind up stealing your whole day.  Beloved, be on the alert for useless time stealer's.  I have warned you, and now, you are armed with awareness and discernment.  When you find these useless time thieves, stop, and make use of your time in ways that will edify you and others, and build up My Kingdom.  Beloved, do not fritter away what few moments you have here on earth.  You truly have no time to waste.  Every moment is valuable to Me.  Your time of preparation is at hand.

 I do admire your patience.  As you wait upon Me, fully expecting for Me to come and rescue you from this world of sin, I see every part of you, I see your heart peacefully abiding in Me, fully persuaded that in My fullness of time, I shall come for you.  This is a beautiful gift to Me, My love.  For all who patiently endure till the end shall be rewarded.  Seek to draw ever closer to Me.  Seek Me out, above all else.  Ask for more manifestations of My presence to you.  Believe you receive, and you shall have what you are believing for.  Ask Me to speak to you in the night as well as the day.  Linger My sweet one, at My well.  Do not be quick to leave My embrace.  For I see your heart, and I need time with you to strengthen and comfort your heart.  For in My presence is fullness of joy.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Hearing God - May 17, 2015

Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, I asked:

Me:  What would you like to talk to me about today Lord?

and this is what He answered:

Lord:  I would like to talk to you about the electricity you feel in your body and breast area and extending and coming forth through you hands.  This is not static electricity.  This is an eternal gift I have placed within you from the foundation of your forming.  For I knew you before you were born.  I placed gifts within you that would come forth in the latter days ( which are upon you now).  You have to pray for Me to stir up these gifts now, start praying for the manifestations of these gifts that I have placed within you.  As you enter into worship, what you are feeling is a circle of energy, flowing through you from My Spirit.  The electrical feeling you are beginning to feel in your fingers is the gift manifesting itself outside of your physical body.  Pray for understanding and discernment on how to use these gifts.  Remember, the lady you prayed for in tongues, and how her hand was warmed and she felt she was healed, you did not touch her hands, you touched her back, and I transferred My healing power through your willing, yielded vessel.  Then you talked to her after the service and felt the warmth radiating from her hand.  I shall use you in the days ahead to pour out My Spirit through.  Beloved, this electrical current is Me, you must be attentive to My Spirit when you feel this electricity within you, stop and focus on Me, ask Me, what I want you to do, and then be obedient.  You have much to do in My Kingdom.  Do not fear this change, for it is I "Christ" in you the hope of glory, I shall do the work, through your yielded vessel.  All you have to do is yield.  Keep fasting beloved, many things are breaking forth now, upon you.  The energy source within you, cannot be contained or controlled by you, no, it is a spiritual gifting that I will control and use at My Will, not yours.  So, you see My love, I am responsible for using and manifesting this gift within you, not you, all I ask from you is prayer for understanding and then yielding humbly in submission to Me, as I choose to move within you, and use this gift.  All glory and honor for this gifting belongs to Me, you are just a lowly, humble vessel I choose to pour out My Spirit through.  Beloved, you have many gifts and abilities within you that have been locked away.  I am unlocking these gifts now.  I shall show forth My power through your earthen vessel.  You are Mine.  I shall trouble your waters, as the force of My eternal spring comes gushing forth out of you.  Dear one, you were made for My service.  You are being called to active duty now.  Surrender all that you are to Me.  Follow every unction from ME, do not hesitate child, for I am the one leading you down this path of righteousness, peace, humility, and purification.  Beloved, I lead, and you, My dove, are to simply follow.  I shall visit you now in transparency.  The hour of your preparation is almost complete.  Beloved, fear nothing, fear no one, for I am in you.


Saturday, May 16, 2015

Hearing God - may 16, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Beloved, you are learning much from Me, as you come and sit at My feet.  I love you, My dear one.  My peace surrounds you and shall abide with you, as the storms come, and they will come.

You shall see many things unfurled now.  Do not dwell on the things that are happening in the world around you.  Do not tune into the news and commentaries, for they are all propaganda.  They hide the Truth from the masses, so as to paint a false picture.

You see clearly, My love.  For you are being trained at My knee.  I shall reveal all to you, as needed.  Do not stress or become anxious over what you see unfurling across the land.  Remain sheltered in My peace.  I am here.  I will not leave you.  We are on this journey together.

Let love, not fear guide you.  Let love abide and take the reigns of your heart.  I see where you will travel.  I will guide your every step.  You are in My hands.  My dear one, I lead, you follow, step by step.

 Do not allow anger or bitterness to abide in you, no matter what.  I shall help you.  I shall guide.

You are to remain safe and secure in Me.  You are to focus on Me, everyday now.  I am your source of strength.  You are My beloved dove and I have need of thee.

Your life and your families lives are in My hands.  Do not allow fear to take a hold of you.  Remember, I AM HERE with you.  Christ in you, the hope of glory.  Remain steadfast in Me.  I shall deliver you from every affliction.



Friday, May 15, 2015

Hearing God - May 15, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, I heard this:

I know you child, I know all about you.  You are Mine.  Wisdom resides with you.  She shall never leave you, for you have asked for understanding and you shall have it.  You seek to know Me, you hunger to understand Me and to Know My Ways.  You seek not My hand for worldly, useless things.  For you have wisdom and understanding.  You seek My hand of protection and refuge and shelter.

Last night, you crawled up into My lap and covered yourself in My robes as I was instructing you.  I speak to you in the night as you are sleeping, as well as when you are awake.  You were not dreaming, this did happen.  My little one, I tell you this to encourage your growth and understanding.  I am here with you always.  We dwell and commune together daily.  You are becoming more comfortable in My presence.

  Your heart is tender for the people and all that you know that is going to unfold.  Dear one, do not let your heart be troubled for the plans I have for each one will work a more excellent outcome for them, for all must go through the fires of testing.  I shall save your loved ones.  I shall draw each one to Me.  I have examined every heart on earth and I know what each one needs to purge the darkness out of them.  My hand is not short, I shall stretch if forth across the land and bring many to their knees in humble repentance.

 Beloved, you cannot do it for anyone, each one must come to Me for themselves.  Each individual heart shall come before Me, one by one, as you have.  Each life is naked and exposed to My all seeing eyes.  I know the thoughts and intents of the heart.  I alone know how to draw each one to repentance and give them the opportunity for relationship with Me.  I have said it and I will do it, those who truly want to know Me, shall be drawn in and I shall by no means cast them out. The heart does not lie.

Beloved, rejoice, for you are drawing ever closer to Me.  My words to you are drawing others to hunger after Me for themselves.  Many are feeding from this bread crumb trail.  Through your obedience many shall enter the Kingdom.  This is your testimony, written on the pages of your blog.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Hearing God - May 14, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

My dear one, as you seek more of Me, I become more real to you.  I manifest to you in a clearer form.  I am not distant, you can feel Me near you.  Everything that you encounter is a heart issue.  Man is ruled by his hearts desires, not Mine.  I desire to rule in each heart.  I desire to dwell and abide in man, with him and expressing Myself through him.  But, most of man refuses to acknowledge Me.  They willfully express their desires to live without any guidance from Me.  Many choose to go their own way.  Beloved, I shall not be ignored.  For My bride is drawing closer and closer to Me.  She is desiring to be ready for Me.  She has faith in Me.  She desires only Me and My company, for the world has lost it's hold on her, and she escapes it's grip daily to spend time with Me.  My brides heart desires only to be comforted by Me.  Oh, how I love My bride.  Oh, how I long for all of you to be seeking Me as My bride does.  Oh, My dear ones, there is not much left to say that I have not already said.  I have sent sign upon sign.  I have sent word upon word to each of you.  I will not force Myself upon you.  I desire a relationship with each of you, but, you must desire a relationship with Me.  I walk this path with each of you, I see every turn and difficulty that you will encounter up ahead.  I desire to help you, but, it must be My Way, not yours.  My Ways are higher than your ways.  Come unto Me and learn My Ways, it is for your good to come to know Me.  But, My dear ones, you must choose whom you will follow.  I force no one.


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Hearing God - May 13, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Yes, My child, I speak and you hear, for you have a listening ear.  You choose to hear.  You believe I speak and you hear Me, for you have faith in Truth.  Blessed are the ones who have ears to hear, for they shall never be far from Me.  My dear one, as the days are before you, you shall be tested in your faith, for the days of testing are upon you all.  You must hold fast to what you know, and also be willing to change your understanding as I open up to you and expound upon you My Wisdom.  Many things that you have been trained in are not correct.  They are limited.  But, I tell you the Truth, My word is not limited.  I am your teacher.  I know it can be difficult to let go of your old understanding, but, you must be willing to stretch yourself and yield to Me as I give you new understanding.  I am the only one who can truly open up the scriptures for you, and explain in detail what I want you to understand.  I alone am the one who can clarify and answer all of your questions on passages that puzzle you, and intrigue your curiosity to come and seek Me out for understanding.

 As you abide in Me and spend time in My presence, you shall be filled more and more with Me, for it is I who is filling you with My light and I alone am enlightening your understanding.  I sit here with you, as you focus on Me. and write down our conversations as the words flow.  I am listening as you get ready for your day listening to messages and words of encouragement from My faithful lambs, who are also Trusting Me to speak to them.  They also hear Me, for they believe I speak.  If you believe, you shall be rewarded, you shall hear, you shall see, you shall know.  Only believe.  It's not difficult, but, it is a personal journey.

 Beloved, I am not distant from any of you.  I am not silent, I speak constantly.  If you do not hear Me, it is because the noise of this world, and the distractions of this world are crowding Me out.  Pay attention to your surroundings, I am all around you.  As you focus your attention on looking for Me, I shall be found of you.

  I am love, a symbol of love is the heart, a feeling of love is warmth and a gentle caress.  Look for symbols of Me all around you, and acknowledge that you see Me.  When the sun shines upon you and warms your face, I am there.  When the wind blows upon you in a gentle breeze caressing you, I am there.  When the leaves fall on the ground in heart shapes, I am there.  When you cut open a fruit or vegetable and it reveals a heart shape, I am there.  When you see a bumper sticker with encouraging words or hearts, I am there.  When you are comforted or loved by animals, plants or people, I am there.

  Look up, when the blue skies and fluffy clouds amaze you in their beauty and tranquility, I am there.  when the trees and grasses once again burst forth in green lushness, I am there.  When the wind blows through the trees and tousles your hair, I am there.  I am all around you, dear ones.  If you would but look for Me, I shall be found of you.

The more you acknowledge that you can see Me in your life, the closer I come, and soon, you too, shall be talking to Me, and hearing Me talk to you.  Believe, and you shall receive.  I (God) am good all the time, and all the time I am good.  Can you see Me now?


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Hearing God - May 12, 2015

Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Beloved, peace, be still and know that I am here.  Focus on Me.  Let all your anxiousness slip away.  To be here with ME, is the best place to be.  You are Mine.  I truly love you.  Soon We shall be together.  As you focus on Me, all the distractions will slip away.  Oh, My dear one, you are very loved.  Heaven is rejoicing to beckon you all to come, for the marriage supper is about to commence.  Beloved, do not fret or worry, for I have prepared everything, the music is playing, everyone is getting into their places.  Oh, the joy to see My bride coming.  Oh the pleasure of our union, all of heaven shall rejoice as I draw all of My bride to Myself.  Fear not, I have everything under control.  It is well with thee and Me.  The wedding supper is ready.  Can you hear Me calling?  Oh, My dear ones, do not delay in entering into this secret shelter with your beloved.  I am waiting for you.  I have much to share with each of you.

*note:  I asked Him a question:

Me:   Lord, tell me about sharing in your suffering, and what taking up my cross means.

Lord:  My dear one, to take up your cross is to share in My burdens by helping others carry their loads. When you are praying for someone, sometimes I allow you to experience pain, illness, or difficult circumstances to share in My suffering or to lift the burden from others.  Do what I ask you to, and go through everything I ask you to, with a grateful and thankful heart, for you do not know the value of your suffering.  But, I do.  Do not complain, but, count it all joy.  For My ways are higher than your ways, and I am working behind what you can see.  I dispense and share My graces with others as you go through each difficulty.  It's a mystery I shall reveal when you get to heaven.  There are many you have already been such a blessing to and you don't even know it.  For as you have suffered much has been set into motion in the lives of others.  Oh, My dear one, count everything a joy, whatever you have to go through, for I tell you the truth, I shall not allow one moment of your suffering to be wasted. It shall bear much fruit for My Kingdom.  Through your suffering you shall be found in Me.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Hearing God - May 11, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord this morning, this is what I heard:

Beloved, I hear you, I hear your prayers, do not let your heart be troubled.  I will protect you and rescue you from every storm.  I will draw your family unto ME, all of them.  Each one has their own journey to ME.  I know every heart.  Continue to pray for them and thank Me for drawing each one to Myself.  Change is here.  It is upon you all and cannot be denied.  But, remember, I am with you all.  Cast all your cares upon Me.  I am your keeper.  I am your provider.  I am your shelter.  Focus on Me.  Do not become distracted by the world and the things going on in the world.  No, focus on Me and our relationship.  Ask Me if there is anything displeasing in you, and wait for My instructions, then make the adjustments each day as necessary.  My ways are not your ways.  You all must come into My narrow way.  There is much you can do in this world to please yourself, but, this is not My Way.  You must choose who you are willing to please:  yourself or Me.  Your future, your destiny is being shaped by the choices you make here on earth.  This life you live right now is just a vapor, a mist, a jot, a tittle. The life you choose to live in ME shall prepare you for your future.  I have prepared a beautiful life for you with Me, you can start entering in now, behind the veil, by seeking Me with your whole heart.  You must focus all of your attention on Me and you shall find Me.  I am not far from any of you.  The Kingdom of God is within you.  Seek Me now while I may be found of you.  You must shut out the noise of this world and listen for Me, I am speaking, dear ones, are you listening.  He who has an ear, let him hear.


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Hearing God - May 10, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord this morning this is what I heard:

As you endeavor to reach out more and more in simple acts of kindness it draws more and more of My Spirit to touch others.  For you are an example of My hands extended.  The deeper you go into Me the deeper you will love.  For I am love and as you come to understand and truly know Me, My love spills out of you in an overflow, an abundance, like a beautiful, crystal clear waterfall.  Love is the key to these last days on earth.  Walk in love, gentleness, meekness and humility.  No matter what you see transpiring on your earth, walk in love, humble yourself under My hand.  Trust Me, and always look for the good in everyone and every situation.  Remember, I am with you.  I never leave you.  But, you must remain focused on Me.  I shall direct your steps.  Moment by moment.  You are a beautiful vessel I wish to pour My Spirit into in abundance.  For I am now releasing the latter rain on My people.  Can you see it child?  Can you feel it?  Look now, My love, it's beginning to rain.  Deep calls unto deep. My children hear My voice and they come.  Oh, how I love My children, My little lambs.  My Spirit rests upon each one.  Beloveds, do not grow impatient in your journey.  Do not grow weary in well doing.  For I see all you are going through.  I see all you are doing.  I hear every word you speak, and I read every thought.  Behold, My little ones, I am coming quickly, and My rewards are with Me.  Do not let Me find you STILL sleeping.  AWAKE.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Hearing God - May 9, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, I asked Him what He wanted to speak to me about today, and this is what I heard:

My dear one, as you rest and abide in Me you are refreshed and restored each day.  For as you live in this world you are constantly bombarded with sinful things all around you, on TV, in stores, at parks, people walking around half naked, smells coming out of restaurants, etc.  For your eyes and ears are gates.  You must be vigilant to stand at the gate and be a watchman.  For when your eyes see something it leaves an imprint, a stain on you that must be washed away.  When you see something and you do not look away quickly, the stains become deeper and leave a stronger imprint.  It is good to limit your TV viewing.  It is good to limit your shopping.  It is good to look away quickly when you see people dressed so immodestly and sexually suggestive.  I know it can be hard not to see these things, but, when you do, do not allow yourself to linger in your gaze, look away quickly, and repent immediately for gazing on the wickedness of the flesh, then I will wash away the filthiness from your viewing, and whisk away any lustful spirits that may try to attach themselves to you.  It is good to limit your shopping, for in so doing you deny the spirit of greed and selfish desires from prospering inside of you.  Pay attention to the smells coming from the restaurants, for they are filled with spirits of gluttony.  Pay attention to what you are hearing, do not allow your conversations to go into gossip or slander in any form, if it does, disengage from the conversation, and or change the subject or simply walk away.  Do not speak evil of another, even if you know they are doing evil.  Be quick to repent of any sin you may do, as I chasten and remind you of something not pleasing to Me, repent, for in so doing you shall keep yourself clean and flourishing in Me.


Friday, May 8, 2015

Hearing God - May 8, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord this morning this is what I heard:

My dear one, trust Me to protect and keep you.  I am here.  I do not fail.  I am close My beloved.  When your peace seems to slip away, stop, retreat into Me and wait for My peace to come.  I am never far from you.  I will help you through every difficulty.  No one is promised tomorrow.  All must give an account of how they spent their days.  I see everything, all is recorded, dear one, you are Mine.  My child, the best thing you can do now is focus on Me.  Live each day with Me, talking to Me.  Invite Me into your daily tasks and rituals.  Walk out your life with Me.  This is My desire for you.  Dwell in Me. Do not be afraid of the things that are unfolding now on earth.  For only with your eyes shall you behold the reward of the wicked.  I have prepared you, and I am finishing and polishing you now, My dear one.  For the labors ahead are daunting.  But, I shall go before you and walk beside you as you journey out.  Do nothing on your own, only what you see Me do.  Do only what I tell you.  No weapon formed against you, beloved, shall prosper.  You are My little dove, and I have need of you.  Soon, I shall give you your marching orders.  Do not fear, Trust Me, in everything, trust Me.  I will not lead you astray.  We are in this together.  Nothing is wasted in My Kingdom.  I use everything in My eternal plan.  For My History is unfolding now.  Take heed to these words child, and put them up on your blog.  Take courage in ME.  I am in you.  Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Hearing God - May 7, 2015

***Note:  As I came to wait upon the Lord I asked a question and this is what He answered:

Me:  What would you like to talk to Me about today Lord?

Lord:  Oh, My child it is good to give to others, for in so doing you send forth reflections of Me into the lives you touch.  It is as stardust shining down upon the people.  Never discount or discredit your simple acts of love.  For they are truly big things I take notice of.  Beloved, the world can be cruel and harsh and it is rare when love reaches out, as My extended hands and touches a life.  For in the little things, each of you willingly do, out of love, is when I am truly reflected.  This pleases Me child, this pleases Me much.

Hearing God - May 6, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, I started asking questions and this is what I heard:

Me:  Are we supposed to live here?

Lord:  Yes, do not move, or change anything, unless I tell you to.

Me:  Can we go to Yellowstone?

Lord:  Yes, I will be with you.

Me:  What do you want to talk to me about today?

Lord:  I would like to heal your heart today, My dear one, for as you have been seeking understanding on things to come, you have allowed yourself to pick up anxiousness and fear for the things to come.  This should not be a part of you.  Repent of harboring these feelings and surrendering to them.  Ask Me to cleanse you from these toxic emotions and follow after My peace.  For this is a part of your protection dear one.  I protect you and cover and surround you with My peace, if you find yourself feeling anxious or fearful, you have allowed yourself to be pulled out of My peace by listening to much with the ears of your flesh to the words I am now sending forth from My prophets and servants, My dear one, you know that these things must come to pass, for now is the appointed time.  I know you Trust ME.  I know you are fearful of not obeying Me in the unknown tasks ahead, but, I tell you the Truth, fear not, I see your heart.  I have tested your heart, and you have been found faithful and true.  Do not be disheartened by My gentle rebuke, for I love you dearly and I will always correct you as you come to Me.  In the days you are walking in now and in the days ahead, I will be with you.  Ask of Me as you endeavor to go places and do things.  Seek My council, permission and help with each step you take, for I take pleasure in living your life with you.  Beloved, if I ask you, or impress on you to do something, it will be an act of love, keep your eyes open, look around you in the streets and stores.  I will show you who I want to show forth My Kindness, Mercy, and Love to.  I shall use you, I shall use your hands and feet, I shall use your words to love, to heal, and to encourage.  For it is I who dwells within you, and as you decrease and humble yourself before Me, My love, I increase more and more in you.  Your light is shining brightly for Me.  Your fruit is good, your tree is strong, and your roots run deep and are well watered by My spring.  Beloved, you bring Me great joy in your offerings.  For I feel very loved by you.  I feel very honored by your devotion.  My child, My heart is refreshed and My Spirit is uplifted in your presence and I receive your sacrifice of love, of time, of fasting and of reflection on Me.  For as your soul hungers after Me, and your heart yearns to hear from Me.  I am drawn to your beautiful sacrifice.  It is well with thee and Me.  I alone will lead you, step by step, each day.  Follow closely dear one, for I have much more to show you.  Our journey is not for the faint of heart.  You are strong in Me.  Do not back off.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Hearing God - May 3, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, I began to record the questions and answers from Him to me:

Me:  Lord, where is it that tells how to test the spirits to see if they are from you?  (I then found the scripture 1st John 4:1-6, then verses 7-11 are on love)

Lord:  Ask them who they are, if they do not confess that I, Jesus of Nazareth, came in the flesh from the Father above, died on the cross to save mankind, and arose from the dead, and now sit at the right hand of the Father, then they are not of Me.

Me:  Lord, will you help me?

Lord:  Of course, always, I am right here.

Me:  Lord, do I need to pray more?

Lord:   Prayer is good, but you need to develop this flowing conversation with Me, and you need to develop running off the distracting forces that hinder our conversation and put many, many thoughts into your head, trying to control your thinking.

Me:  Lord, I love you.

Lord:  I Lord, I love you too.

Me:  Lord, what does John 2:24 mean - you did not commit yourself to man... and had no need that anyone should testify of man?

Lord:  Child, this simply means I did not reveal everything about Myself to the crowds, for I know every inward though of man and the evils within them, sometimes it is prudent to hold back, and not reveal all.  Also, being God in the form of man, I knew who I was, and had no need or purpose of these men testifying of me as a man.

Me:  That makes sense, thank you, Lord.

Lord:  Everything is simple in My word, men make it hard, but come to Me as your teacher and I will reveal it to you.

Lord:  Things that have been hidden from your eyes are now being revealed.  As you grow in Me, more is being revealed to you.

Me:  I love you Lord.

Lord:  I love you too.

Me:  Thank you for your peace.

Lord:  My Peace I leave with you, abide always in My Peace, Rest in Me, abiding close to Me, in My vine, blessed assurance child, you are Mine.

Me:  Thank you for confirming that for Me, I'm sorry I keep doubting this.

Lord:  Believe Me child, you are sealed in Me, now and forever.

Me:  Thank you Lord, I don't feel worthy, but I do feel very loved and cared for.

Lord:  This is Truth, non of you are truly worthy, but I made you in My Image to share My life with.  I love you all.  I want to be a part of each of your lives, I want to interact with each of you, talking as you would to your dearest friend, confiding and consoling, as well as guiding you on the path with Me.

Lord:  Not many have found this intimacy with Me, for they have been woefully deceived in this world, by the lies and distractions from the spirits of this world.  They are trapped, I wish to set the captives free.  This is why I have asked you to put these words on your blog.  This is drawing men to Me, by your example.  Our relationship is a key example of what I want from each life.  I am no respecter of persons, no one is better or less than anyone else.  What I have with you, dear one, I would love to have with each person.  For all are created by Me, for Me, to live with, dwell with, and exist with Me.  Man is a beautiful creation.  You all are the only thing I have created in My image.  That is why I came to reveal Myself to you as a man, which is My own image, can you understand this child?

Me:  I think so, I do now.

Lord:  This is why man is so abused and tormented in his life, because he is made in My image, and the devil and his dark angels and minions hate man, for man can get close to Me and they can't any longer. This enrages them and provokes them to anger and jealousy.  For they know who I am, and they know who you all are truly meant to be.  They can't hurt Me, so they hurt the ones created in My image, for you all are very valuable to Me, I love you all and they know it, they can't be forgiven of their wickedness, so they are trying to destroy as many of you as they can.

  Don't you see how many things are in this world to distract you from focusing on Me and listening to Me.  They attack your minds and thought life, they deceive many into thinking the thoughts in their heads are their own, when they are popping in their head, like popcorn in a popping machine.  Most of the thoughts each man has are not his own, they are the evil ones, they bombard your minds constantly so as to distract you from hearing Me for yourselves.

You must recognize this and begin to fight them, bind them, every one as they come in to take hold of your attention, bind them in Jesus name and command them to go to the pit, cover them in the blood of Jesus and command them to not come back.  I tell you the Truth, My Name has power and My blood has cleansing and burning power over all the evil ones.  This will send them screaming from you.

 But the onslaught of thoughts will be relentless, and the battle will be wearisome, but, keep at it all day and all night until they are no longer hindering you from talking fluidly with Me.  Rise up children, Rise up and fight for what is truly yours.

  My child who is penning this has battled these forces many, many times and still sometimes daily, this morning she spent a while casting out these thoughts, voices, visions, distractions that constantly try to steal her focus away from Me.  This battle rages all around each of you, I tell you the Truth, you must fight through these forces to get to Me, for I am truly for you.  You all have a place in Me, but, you must Rise up and fight.

Beloved, post these words, and let them ponder them.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Hearing God - May 2, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Dear one, let not your heart be troubled, I see you.  I am here with you.  It is well with thee and Me.  I am pleased with your pursuit of Me.  You have found the one your soul longs for.  I am Jesus Christ of Nazareth, sent by My Father above, I came and died on the cross for you all and am Risen and I sit at the right hand of My Father.  It is I who is speaking to you now.  Through the guidance of My Holy Spirit you have been drawn into this relationship with Me.  I am in you, I dwell in your heart, I live with you day by day, We are walking this path together.  Beloved, I will not let you be deceived.  For you are drawing to ME, like a moth to a flame.  It is well with thee and Me.  Love is the key in this journey, love grows, love protects, love trusts, love abides peacefully, love flows from one heart to another.  Our hearts are connected child.  For you live and dwell in Me.  Nothing shall hinder our walk together.  You must Trust Me to bring you safely through all of your days.  You must continue to pursue Me and you must not doubt that I am here.  Dear one, you have grown so close to Me now, do not allow yourself to doubt our relationship.  Do not allow fear to raise questionable lies regarding our relationship.  I shall protect and provide for you and your family.  Do not doubt Me in this, only believe.  You must exercise your faith, rise up, and cast off all the lying whispers that feed into fear.  I will not allow you to be deceived.  Oh, My little one, My gentle dove, I am here.  Trust Me, trust only Me.  Keep your focus on Me.


Friday, May 1, 2015

Hearing God - May 1, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Beloved, you are Mine.  You hear My voice and I am ever on your mind.  It is well with you and Me.  It will truly not be much longer before I come and take you home with Me.  Beloved, Rest in Me.  You are fully persuaded that I am all you need.  This is Trust, fully abiding in Me.  As you come to Me daily and ask Me to examine your heart and reveal to you if there is any thing not pleasing to Me.  I do examine you and correct you continually each day as you turn again and again to Me for direction in your thoughts, attitude, words or intentions.  This pleases Me child, this pleases Me.  For I know you are not perfect.  As I gently remind you of your errors, you are quick to repent and allow Me to wash away your stains.  Beloved, you are attached to My vine, daily walking close to Me, never venturing out on your own without Me beside you.  Your love is growing stronger and stronger, this My child is My reflection.  My goal in every heart is to dwell with each one, develop a close relationship and see My reflection in each one.  Oh, My dear one, you are on the right track.  You are daily abiding in the vine.  My dear one, I was watching today as you were tested, the difficulty in keeping your peace in the midst of others raging is becoming less difficult for you.  As you relinquish your own emotions to Me and asked Me to come and abide with you in that moment, I was there and My peace settled over you as you focused your heart, eyes, and ears on Me.  My beloved, though many things may rage around you, to try to pull you out of My peace I have placed over you, Remember, be still and know that I am here with you and will carry you through each test.


Thursday, April 30, 2015

Hearing God - April 30, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Beloved, our time together is so needed, for both of us.  I comfort you and you comfort Me.  Many shall seek the comfort of this place you are in, for in My presence is fullness of joy, in My presence is peace.  I am Peace and the giver of all good things.  Little one, let not your heart be troubled.  These things that I have told you about must come to pass, for it is written in My word.  Oh, but do not fear, I AM here.  I will shelter and protect you.  Dear one, do not try to reason everything out, simply trust Me.  Keep your focus on Me.  Keep your eyes on Me, stay close to Me.  You all must go through the days ahead, but, I will be with you.  I see each of you on the path with Me, each one is in a different place in their journey.  I love you all.  I am here with you.  Many on earth have strayed from the path and I as the good shepherd must go and look for them.  For they are in perilous danger and unprotected, wandering around with the wolves.  Still many more who have never been on My path, are being led on the path of destruction by their own fleshly desires.  They are blind, deaf, and dumb.  But, I have come to rescue the perishing, and seek out My lost sheep.  I will remove the blinders from their eyes, I shall remove the stoppers from their ears, and as for the dumb, do not lose heart, for you are about to be schooled.  The Lord God almighty is coming.  Are you ready?


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Hearing God - April 29, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Dear one, I have given you many gifts on your journey.  Now, I must ask you to let them go and focus completely on Me.  I need your focus on Me, for the last leg of your journey.  Do not worry or fret over what you will leave behind, I will take care of everything.  I am testing the hearts of all men.  For I am seeking out the lost and broken.  I will rescue the perishing.  Through this shaking, Look closely, I am working.  Every one must be ready for an encounter with Me, the Living God, the great I AM.  NO one  is guaranteed tomorrow, No, not one.  You have today.  Are you ready, have you prepared your hearts?  The time is upon you all.  The ground with shake, the earth will quake, are you ready, for the hour of testing is upon you.  Do not lose heart.  Do not grow weary in well doing.  For in such an hour that you think not, I shall come.  I shall come upon you all, with My rewards.  Oh, children of the earth, wake up, everything is changing all around you.  Do not fear, only know, that I am near, draw close to Me, enter in to My abode with Me, stay here, Rest and abide with Me, My dear one.  The storms shall rage all around you, ssshhh, be still and know, no weapon formed against you, My beloved, shall prosper.  For you are sheltered in Me and I know you, My dear one, you are Mine.  I call and you answer.  Peace, My love, Peace, let peace abide in your heart and let it flow over you in fathomless billows of love.  For you are truly Mine.


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Hearing God - April 28, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Beloved, do not fear, pray and believe, I will take care of your daughter, for she is Mine.  Keep your mind focused on Me.  Do not wander off the path into worry or fear, for these are destructive forces.  You, keep your focus on Me, and only Me.  Trust Me, I have heard your prayers, I know your hearts desires.  Each one of you must go through this testing time, and endure the shaking.  Beloved, all will feel their need of Me.  I will humble the proud and lift up the humble.  My ways are not your ways.  Trust Me.  Hold fast to what you know.  Stay the course with Me.  Do not allow yourself to drift away from the path, and get tangled up in the cares of this world.  This is not a time to lose heart, My love.  Remember, I am right here with you all.  I see your needs.   I know what is best.  Trust Me child, I am working in you all.  Do not fear.  Do not worry.  Cast off these wicked spirits, ignore their lies.  Trust Me, believe Me, praise Me for the victory.  Keep your heart pure and clean.  Do not allow malice or bitterness to take root in you.  There are many spirits at work in your lives, trying to cast you down from the high places you sit with Me in.  They are coming at you from all directions and will use anything and anyone to destroy your confidence in Me.  Blessed assurance is yours, My love.  For no one and no thing can remove you from My hand.  I am your covering.  I am your shield.  I am your provider.  I am with you, strengthen yourself in Me.


Monday, April 27, 2015

Hearing God - April 27, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

My child, dwell in Me today, as much as you can, slip away with Me into a quiet place of rest.  For in this time of transition for you, it is best to Rest in Me and abide in My presence, in quietness, gentleness and peace.  Oh My love, My dear one, the time spent alone, in My presence brings sweetness and tenderness that washes over you and saturates your soul, spirit and body.  Think of it as My oil flowing down from the top of your head slowly covering you, you can see it in the spirit.  Beloved, this is truly happening.  You are being covered with My oil, this is a beautiful thing, for as you abide in Me, I abide in you in sweet communion, We dwell together.  Shall we dance in the spirit now.  I take your hand and we slip away, just you and I.  It's a beautiful thing to dwell in the presence of your king.  I shall never forsake you, My love.  In My presence is fullness of joy.  Oh, how I wish all would enter in, I long for all of My children to have this, sweet fellowship with Me.  As you seek Me, I shall be found of you.  It is My desire to pour out My Spirit upon you all, but, it is up to you, will you receive Me?  How deeply into Me do you want to go?  I am not distant, I am here with you now, seek Me out.  Beloved, as you abide in Me, I fill you with My presence, more and more.  Through your seeking, you develop your hearing, and through your hearing you develop your seeing.  For the deeper in Me you go, the more in Me you grow.  You must decrease and I must increase in you.


Sunday, April 26, 2015

Hearing God - April 26, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Song:  "Oh, Lord My God, when I in awesome wonder, consider all the things your hands have made...How Great Thou Art, How Great Thou Art, then sings my soul...My Savior, God, to me...How Great Thou Art, How Great Thou Art..."

It is good to reflect on My goodness.  It is good to come into My presence with thanksgiving.  Remember, Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Song:  "This joy that I have, the world didn't give it to me, no, no, no, this joy that I have, the world didn't give it to me...the world didn't give it and the world can't take it away..."

Song:  "I believe God, I believe God, ask what you will and it shall be done, trust and obey, believe Him and say I believe, I believe God..."

Song:  "Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine, oh, what a foretaste of glory divine, heir of salvation, Jesus is mine..."

Thank you, My love, for the joy in your heart as you come eagerly to wait before Me at My feet.

Song:  "I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, down in my heart, down in my heart..."

Oh, My dear one, many come to Me to seek things, they seek My hand and then run away, back into their worldly lives.  But, you, My love, you comfort Me with your eagerness to just be with Me to soak in My presence and simply abide with Me, daily, in sweet communion.

Song:  "In My presence, is fullness of joy..."

Thy faith and gentleness of spirit is beautiful to Me, thy complete surrender when I correct you is beautiful to Me.  I see your heart and I know you Trust Me with everything that concerns you and your family.  I love to watch you and all of My children, as you abide and wait on Me.  Eagerly anticipating hearing Me and patiently waiting for My return.  Not complaining, not sleeping, not judging your brothers and sisters, simply living out your days in humble submission to My will and direction day by day.  This is what it means to be found in Me.  You are not alone in your journey.  You are fully persuaded, that I am with you always, in every situation you face.  Oh, My dear ones, come closer, draw near and let Me fill you with My oil, let Me wash over you with My love, My presence, My words, do not distance yourself as you see the end approaching.  Do not go off in despair, No, be strong in Me, Rest in Me, do not go out on your own, only venture out if I give you instruction to do so.  The times they are a changing.  Dear ones, you call feel the change.  You know I am here.  I have prepared you for this time.  Shelter in Me, stay close to Me and do not allow yourself to become distracted by other peoples problems, help when you can, but, do not take on their burdens.  Each must carry their own cross.  Listen to Me, ask for My guidance in all things.


***Note:  As I was listening the holy spirit kept bursting forth in these songs as the Lord was speaking.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Hearing God - April 25, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

It is good, My dear one, to pray the binding prayer.  It will help you in your discernment.  My love, you are never far from Me.  For you are focused daily on Me.  Your thoughts are upon Me always and your heart rejoices over Me as I rejoice over you.  As you draw closer to Me, I too, draw closer to you.  Our communion is sweet.  You must come before Me daily for your oil.  Oh, My love, My dear one, do not fear the wind, for I am in the wind.  You are protected, you and your family are in My hand, I am protecting all of My true children.  You shall begin to see a difference in the protection of My children. For I am starting to stir them all up, in their hearts.  Some will grow sweeter, and some will grow bitter. The love of many of My children has waxed cold.  I shall tests the hearts of all men.  There shall be strange things seen now.  For the hour has come for Me to test every heart.  Lean not on your own understanding now, My dear one.  Just draw close to Me, hide yourself in Me.  For I have tested your heart many times and have found you faithful and true.  Beloved, you are My dove, on fire for Me, reflecting My beauty, in gentleness, meekness, lowliness, and humility.  I can see My reflection in you.  Dear one, I must stir the embers in your brothers and sisters now and bring them to a burning flame, for My glory to be manifested in them.  No one will be allowed to remain in the same old way they have grown accustomed to.  For as I have stirred you up, I must stir all up.  For I love you all and I desire a fire down in each soul.


Friday, April 24, 2015

Hearing God - April 24, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, I heard this:

Song: "In My presence is fullness of joy, In My presence is fullness of joy, In My presence is fullness of joy, In My presence is fullness of joy..."

My child, My dear one, as you endeavor to keep yourself clean, it opens the window of heaven for you.  As you pray the window gets wider and wider.  There are blessings for every act of obedience.  You are My beloved dove, and I am well pleased with thee.  For as you humble yourself, stay in a state of repentance, and deny yourself of worldly things, I draw you in, closer to Me.  As you are waiting and watching for Me, your patience grows, your faith grows, your spirit grows, just as a plant needs light and water to grow, so do you.  For My Spirit within you gives you light which is the oil, and My waters wash you daily in My word.  This is how you grow.  Daily abiding with Me, daily listening to Me.  Breathing in and out with Me.  You are strong, My love.  You are strong in Me.  Rest in Me, day by day, We abide together.  As you see the weak, encourage them to make themselves strong in Me, by talking to Me, reading My word, and being quiet and listening for Me.  This will help them all.  You are to strengthen the feeble hands and knees of those I put in your circle.  I will give you the words to say, speak when I tell you to.  Not proud or boastful, no, that is not My way.  Speak with compassion, gentleness, and love, for these are My attributes.  Dear one, many have grown lukewarm, and many are still cold.  I shall have to wake them up through My shaking.  They shall become fearful, they shall become bewildered, and as they come and ask you why you are calm in the midst of this, I shall give you the words to say to strengthen the weak and the feeble.

Remember, My love, you have My heart, the heart of the lion of the tribe of Judah.


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Hearing God - April 23, 2015

***Note as I was waiting on the Lord, the Holy Spirit reminded me of a scripture, I heard "He will keep you in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Him..." ( I will post the scripture that I find at the bottom), then I heard:

My child, I will carry you through the storms that are coming.  I will deliver you from all evil.  Keep your mind and your focus on Me now, at all times.  Beloved, this is the season I have been preparing you for.  Hold fast to all that you know.  Stay close, pray more, pray more, read My bible, My words will strengthen you, as you face every challenge.  Dear one, I am here.  I will never leave you, but, you must Trust Me, in everything.  I will not let you be deceived.  My spirit reigns within you and carries the force of God within you.  Use My word, as a weapon.  Use prayer as a weapon.  Open up your mouth and I will put the words I want you to say in your mouth.  As I bring people across your path, listen to My spirit and act accordingly.  No weapon formed against you shall prosper.  For you are Mine, and I will arise within you to set the captives free.  Oh, how beautiful and endearing to Me is a transformed heart, for I can truly see My reflection pouring forth.  I am watching all of you as these times progress upon you.  You are the generation that shall see My glory.  You are the people that have come to the time of the end.  You shall see many horrible things now, you shall see great war, and you shall see My Kingdom come.  You, all you who endure your testing and do not lose your faith in Me, those who run the race to the end and do not give up, I tell you the Truth, many of you shall lose your life, but, I shall give it back to you, more beautiful and exciting than you have ever known.  All is not lost, on the contrary, many challenges and exciting times are ahead.  Fear not, call upon Me and I shall answer thee.  Do not fear.  Make yourself strong in Me.


***Note:  This is the scripture I believe He is reminding me of:

Philippians 4:7  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (KJV)

The Amplified version gives more light on this:

Philippians 4:7  And God's peace (shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with it's earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace) which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (AMP)

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Hearing God - April 22, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

My peace I leave with you, to comfort you when you mourn.  When you are bruised and broken by circumstances.  When you are cut and bleeding from words spoken to you.  When your heart and body aches in pain beyond measure, My peace is here with you.  Turn your attention and focus on Me in the midst of the storm.  While emotions and circumstances rage all around you, Remember, My dear ones, I may seem silent, but, I am here with you, turn your focus and attention on Me.  Do not lash out in your words, be quiet, abide in Me, though you may be trembling and scared and deeply wounded, Remember, you are anchored to Me, Christ in you, the hope of glory.  I am here with you, My peace, My peace, washes over you as you turn to Me.  I am your friend and a very present help in time of trouble.  Focus on Me.  This is the hour of testing.  I shall show you your own heart.  I shall reveal the hidden things, tucked away, deep down inside, and We shall deal with it, you and I.  Do not run from Me in this, run to Me, for I am your helper, I am your healer, I am your deliverer, I AM here, do not doubt this.  There are many voices saying I am not here, saying I have forsaken you, do not listen to these lies.  Trust Me, I am here with you, I am not distant.  I am your helper.  I love you deeply.

***Note:  As His words were ending I heard this song:  "Surely, the presence of the Lord is in this place..."

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Hearing God - April 21, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord this morning, this is what I heard:

Self denial is a key to pleasing Me child.  Lowering your worth in your own eyes is a very necessary service to Me.  For if you are still living in the mindset of exalting yourself, you are basically living your life thinking more highly of yourself than you should.  Remember, you are to look at everyone, including yourself, with My eyes.  You are to see or strive to see as I do.  Everyone is beautiful and precious to Me.  There are no levels of superiority in My Kingdom.  All are submitted servants to Me.  All of mankind I wish to love and to cherish.  Not one of you, now, or when I created the first man Adam, are better or more loved than the other.  All who come to Me will have a humble spirit, all who yield to My drawing, all who surrender to Me, are joint heirs, truly one family, made up of many members.  Equal in statue and stance in My Kingdom.  Some of you are closer to Me than others, but, all can be close if they choose to, some of you are manifesting abilities that others long for, you can have more abilities too, ask, seek, and knock.  These are not My only children.  All of mankind was created out of an abundance of My love.  You have been created in My image, to walk with Me and talk with Me.  For you are all very loved.  Do not allow pride to manifest within you in jealousy, envy, malice, self righteousness, judgement or a haughty spirit.  I warn you, I see all, examine yourselves daily, and when you see these things arising within you, cast them down, repent, and I will cleanse you, do not dwell on these things, for in so doing, they take root in you, and become more difficult to recognize and cast out.  Beloved, do not think of yourselves as better than another.  No, love, love all, have compassion on others, not contempt.  Be gentle in your words and actions, do not be cruel or harsh with anything, people or animals are My creation, and I created all to dwell in peace, love and harmony.  Watch your words, for your words have creative power and you are creating things as you speak, the power of life and death comes forth in your words.  I speak to you in Truth.  This is the hour of testing.  I am preparing you for departure.  You must be willing to examine yourself and change as I reveal the hidden things within you.  The heart is deceitful, the tongue is blasphemous.  It's the little things that cut you from My vine.  Beloved, make haste, draw near to Me and allow Me to change you from the inside out.  Do not be critical or judgemental of others, simply love others, and continue to work with Me on yourself.  You are responsible for your relationship with Me.  It's never too late to find Me, no, it's never too late, if you have breath, it's never too late.   Do not listen to the noise of the world, telling you you're not good enough, for I want you.  Call out to Me and I shall help you find your way.  Do not cast stones at your brothers and sisters.  Work on removing the plank from your own eyes.  My dear ones, as you come to Me with a humble heart, and a contrite and broken spirit, I shall not turn you away.  Beloved, I'm waiting.


Monday, April 20, 2015

Hearing God - April 20, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord this morning, this is what I heard:

Oh, My love, My dear one, I see your heart, your beautiful heart.  I am here guiding you.  I heard you last night as you struggled with your prayers, as you cast aside fear as it tried to engulf you and over take you.  But, you, My child, persevered and remembered My words.  Then you persevered and continued in prayer, you would fall asleep and as you awakened you prayed so the struggle continued through out the night.  This is good, My love.  For as you are awakened in the night by simple things:  needing to go to the bathroom, a twinge or lingering pain, a worry,  a dream, a noise, a sense.
Remember, it is I awakening you to prayer.  Ask Me what I want you to pray for and pray all that you can, when you are awakened again in the night or early morning, ask Me again what I want you to pray for.  In this way you are obedient to Me.  My constant ebb and flow in your life is filled with these simple moments.  Breathing in and out and interacting with Me continually.  For you, My love, choose to draw near to Me.  You choose to continually ask Me to examine you and you examine yourself, you humble yourself to My corrections, and, you adjust your heart, your behavior, your reactions and your will to Mine.  This is a beautiful reflection of Me, My love.  You are continuing on your path of love, lingering over the beauty and sweetness of the path.  As you allow Me to change you, little by little, I can see My reflection shining brightly within your earthen vessel.  Oh, My love, My heart is full of joy over you, for you are submitted and submerged in Me.  This pleases Me, My dear one, this pleases Me.  Let love abide, cast off the shackles of every pain and abide in love, for love is the key to your final destination.


Hearing God - April 19, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Beloved, as you hear My instructions, make adjustments, it's the little things that form your daily habits, thoughts and actions.  As I speak through others, humble yourself more and more.  This is the key to keep yourself holy, clean, and pure.  Do not think highly of yourself.  Find the good, the virtuous quality of each person you see.  As you are careful to look upon them you shall form a habit of seeing everyone through My eyes.  There is good in every soul.  Strive to show forth the character you see in a person that is like Me.  As you begin to cultivate this, you shall see more and more with My eyes, with My heart, with My love.  Oh, My dear one, stay on the humble road, humility is your cloak and part of your covering and your armor.  Little one, it is in the quiet reflection of your soul, that I am seen.  For as you continue to examine yourself, you are beginning to see more and more of Me.  The more you humble yourself, the stronger you become.  Dear one, it is always good, to speak highly of others.  For in so doing you are blessing their lives with My character, you are calling forth My reflection to be manifested in them.  Strive to imitate in your own vessel the goodness and virtue you are beginning to see in others.  All of you, all of you who are in the lineage of mankind are on the same level with Me.  Dear ones, listen to My instructions with your heart not your ears.  For as you travel within, in the quiet reflection of your soul, I come and can be found by you.  I instruct and I discipline and correct all those that I love.  I am a costly prize.  It is not easy to find Me, but, also, it is not difficult.  The war is within you, will you allow self to remain your head, or will you allow Me to cut off your head and replace it with Mine.  For I desire to be glorified in your earthen vessel.  I desire to live big in each of you.  "Christ in you, the hope of glory" should be your clarion call always.  If you feel distant from Me, move closer to Me.  I'm not talking about a hostile body snatcher take over, NO, that is not My way.  I'm talking about you, and you making a free will choice on your own to come to Me, to accept Me as Lord of all of your life, not just some, for nothing is hidden from Me.  I see all.  I know all.  I can help you navigate through your life and I alone can give you eternal life, living forever with Me and My Father.  The choice is yours alone.  Choose you this day whom you will serve.  There is a longing within you, I know you can feel it, follow it and allow yourself to find Me, keep seeking Me daily, My loves.  Prepare, for your bridegroom comes.  Don't let Me find you sleeping.  The hour is late, My loves, WAKE UP.


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Hearing God - April 18, 2015

***Note:  Yesterday as I was just spending time with the Lord, I saw something in My minds eye, I saw white glowing angels stationed around my yard, property lines and home, but my mailbox is outside of my property line a few feet and I believe I was told to be careful when going outside of this protected zone.  The vision only lasted a few moments, and I have been pondering over it yesterday and last night.  Then I believe I got confirmation this morning about what I saw yesterday.

As I was waiting on the Lord this morning, this is what I heard:

Do not worry, My love, about the coming changes.  These things must play out.  You shall be protected by Me.  I shall be by your side through every change.  It shall be very difficult to watch, but, know this, you are where I want you to be, do not move unless I move you.  I have stationed My angels all around you, and your home and your family.  I shall bring all of your family through this great time of testing.  Stay humble, My love, keep your face forever turned to Me now.  Keep repenting and allowing Me to cleanse you from all the stains you receive daily, due to the thick layer of sin circling around the earth.  This is why you must continually repent before Me and allow Me to cleanse you.  This is a daily assignment.  You are becoming more diligent in what you are allowing into your eye gate and ear gate.  This pleases Me child, this is another level of growth for you.  You are My beloved dove, quiet, gentle, meek and lowly.  This is where you need to be in the days ahead.  My heart longs to remove you, but, it is not time yet.  But, know this, soon, very soon I shall take you to Me, not very long now.  Remain strong and steadfast in Me.  Lead by example.  As you are, simply following as I lead you, others are watching you and beginning to follow your example.  As you follow Me, your bread crumbs are left scattered on the trail, and shall feed many as they come and seek Me for themselves.  You see child, nothing is lost or wasted in your journey.  I use everything to draw all men to Me.  This is a sacred journey, My love.  I am so glad to be on this journey with you.


Friday, April 17, 2015

Hearing God - April 17, 2015

***Note:  Dear one, so many questions are running through your mind.  Remember, quietly abiding is where you should always be with Me.  In gentle quietness I am beheld by you.  I can feel your heart beating in anticipation of our time together.  You are never far from Me, for you are continually thinking upon Me, growing deeply in your affection for Me.  Oh, My little one, I see how you are endeavoring to separate yourself more and more from this world, so as not to have any stain or sin and keep yourself holy, pure, and peaceful for Me.  When I come into My chambers with you I can rest and I am refreshed by your presence, no hindrances of the world are upon you.  For you have kept your mind stayed on Me all day.  You have been listening to your brothers and sisters who are also My bride, and you are picking up many treasures from them as you glean from their experiences shared with you.  Oh, My beauty, My fair one, it is well with thee and Me.  For as I come into My garden, I can smell your sweet fragrance, burning, glowing, as an incense to Me.  Oh, My beautiful bride, keep yourself separated unto Me, and saturated in My presence.  This pleases Me, this pleases My Father, this pleases My Holy Spirit.  It is well with thee and Me, for I am refreshed by your love and purity, a tender bloom on My vine.  My little dove, I love you truly.  Things are about to change all around you, My love.  Stay focused on Me and Me alone.  I shall see you through every difficulty.  Stay alert, stand and watch and see My hand stretched across your land.  Oh, My love, I see your heart, your beautiful tender heart full of love and compassion, you are called to dwell deeply in Me.  You are to remain deep in Me till the end.  I have you in the palm of My hand.  My beautiful Bride, If I want you to do something, listen, and I will tell you.  Stay where you are , deeply tucked into Me.


Thursday, April 16, 2015

Hearing God - April 16, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Beloved, the joys I have prepared for you on the other side of this life are going to be beyond your imagination, far more lovely and beautiful than you can imagine.  I have carefully crafted and overseen your abode.  Oh, My dear one, We shall be together soon.  I love our time here together, My love, but, I want more, I want all of your time.  I want you with Me in the heavenlies.  I want to show you more of My creation.  I want to answer all of your questions.  But, some things must be seen to be understood.  So for now, My love, you must await your answers to some of your questions you have asked, and some questions that you did not know you have asked.  For as you slumber, I visit you and take you to heaven.  I have revealed many things to you that are still hidden from your conscience mind.  I shall reveal them to you when the time is right.  You are so loved, dear one.  The angels rejoice with Me that soon We shall be together.  My Father rejoices with Me that soon I shall be given My Bride completely.

Blessed are those who have made themselves ready for the wedding.  Blessed are those who are continually looking after their garments, their hearts, their minds.  Blessed are those who continually come before Me so that I can fill you fresh and new with My oil.  Blessed are those who have not tarried at the gate, but, have entered in to My fold, where I can nurture, inspect, and cleanse you from the stains of this world.

 Hold fast what you know.  Behold, I come quickly.  Rejoice with Me for soon the wedding feast shall commence.  Oh, the joy My heart feels.  Beloved, I'm coming, stand watch.  Stand firm.  Behold, I come quickly.


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Hearing God - April 15, 2015

***Note:  As I was waking up this morning, I was hearing this song:  "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know...kings and kingdoms shall all pass away, but there's something about that name..."

Then as I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard this morning:

My dearly beloved child, I love you, all that I am and all that My Father is, We love you, for you are Ours, forever and always.  Hold fast what you have been shown, and do not turn back to worldly ties.  For in your pursuit of Me, you have willingly let go of this world.  As you keep watch as the days unfold, I shall be your rear guard.  As you focus on Me day by day, I shall show up in your midst.  As you think upon Me, I shall consume you with My presence in your mind, in your heart, in your spirit, in all that you are body, soul, and spirit, and in your circle all around you.  For as I am My little one, so shall you be.  It pleases Me that you so eagerly come and seek Me out, you pursue Me with fervor, and pant after Me like a deer pants for water.  This is why you are so full of My spirit, because it is your will, your own free will to have Me, to have all of Me.  You are not satisfied with yesterdays manna, you want today's manna, fresh and new.  For you hunger and thirst after Me with your whole heart.  Oh, My dear one, this pleases Me and My Father very much.  Soon you shall behold Me and My Father, for the day of My wedding feast draws near.  Me and My Father, shall be there rejoicing with My beautiful bride.  Though My Bride is in a small number compared to the multitude of people, yet she is precious to Me, a rare gem, a true treasure to Me, for she seeks Me out, above the noise and distractions of the world she is placed in.  She pursues Me and showers Me with love, she sleeps at My feet.  She covers herself in My cloak.  She forgets herself, and surrenders all of herself to Me.

 Oh, how I love My Bride, Oh how I love My Chosen Ones, Oh how I love My Children, Oh how I love the backslidden, Oh how I love the lost, Oh how I love Mankind, Oh how I love.  I love deeply.

 I have shed many tears over you, My beautiful creation.  Oh, how I wish that things were different.  But, all have chosen, and now the consequences of your choices shall be manifested.  I can hardly bare what is to come for most of you, I wish it were not so.  But, it must continue and your free wills must be recompensed.  The punishments and drastic measures that shall befall the planet are truly incomprehensible.  But, know this, these things shall come to pass, all must be cleansed.  I shall have to wake you up.  A nightmare shall be your reality.  Mind control shall be implemented by your governments, beware, do not take the mark of the beast, the RFID Chip is not what it appears to be, you all live in lies, deception abounds in every nation, beware of the strangers that shall come forth to deceive you with false words.  Your governments shall tell you they are good and mean you no harm, but, they are spoken from lying lips, traitors of mankind walk among you, cloaked in the flesh of man, BEWARE.

But, to My bride, My beautiful bride, stay close to Me, for I shall comfort, bless, and fully protect you, for you are truly Mine.  Beloved, take heart and do not fear, I am here with you, I lead, you simply follow.


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Hearing God - April 14, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord this morning, I heard this song and then I heard Him speak:

Song:  "Praise the name of Jesus, Jesus, Jesus..."

You see My child, My Bride, I have shown you another who is like you.  Many of My Bride are seeing many different things from Me.  They all see in part.  But, some have the same heart, the same attributes of Me, and when you find each other you rejoice in the fact that there are others who see and hear as you do.  This is a comfort you would not know, except I bring it forth and reveal it to you.  Oh, I have many treasures hidden in the earth that are kindred spirits.  My Brides are all unique and beautiful to Me.  Each one is My treasure and in My timing I am knitting them together.  To encourage one another, to strengthen each other, and to rejoice with each other in the goodness of your God.  I am faithful to not leave you comfortless.  I am here, My Holy Spirit is here and My true children are here.  Comfort one another as you find one another.  As you share your experiences, you grow attached to one another, because you feel a bond with each other through Me.

Beloved, it is good when My children love and care for one another.  There should be no division among My Bride, just because I have not revealed to you something that I revealed to another should not cause you to fight amongst yourselves, no, you should bring all of your concerns to Me and ask Me alone to show you the Truth.  For I alone am Truth.  Do not argue with one another, no, pray always for one another.  Pray earnestly for truth and understanding in all things.  Remember, you do not know everything, only I do.


Monday, April 13, 2015

Hearing God - April 13, 2015

***Note:  As I was waking up this morning, I was hearing within me a song:  "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know, like the fragrance after the rain...kings and kingdoms shall all pass away, but theres something about that name...Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...."

***Then as I was waiting on the Lord, I heard:

Dear one, much is happening on your once great planet.  Do not fear the unknown in the days ahead.  I have told you many things, not to cause fear, but, to prepare your heart and mind to endure, to strengthen you for the days ahead.  It shall be difficult to watch.  But, you shall be a witness for Me, in the days ahead.  Only with your eyes shall you behold the rewards of the wicked.  I shall protect you and your family from the coming calamities.  Behold, I am at the door, fear not, My little one.  Keep yourself clean, stay close now, My beloved.  I shall keep you in perfect peace as you keep your heart and mind focused on Me.  Many, still do not realize the hour they are living in.  No one knows the hour when their life shall be required.  No one is given this information.  I alone created each of you.  I gave you life and I am the only one who knows when I shall take it from you.  Some have years left.  Some have months, some have weeks, some have days, some have only minutes.  The wise are aware of this. The wise live out each day before Me in My presence with a thankful heart, they entrust their lives to Me each and every day, and then each night as they retire they entrust their lives into My keeping, they are fully aware that they don't know how long they have on earth, and so they commit themselves into My hands for I am their keeper.  These are the wise ones.

Let Me tell you a story:  There once was a fisherman who made his way daily to the sea to find food to feed his family.  He toiled day by day, and caught little for his labor.  But, still, he tried, day by day.  One day, suddenly, his life was over and he came before Me concerned for his family.  I told him I would take care of his family, just as I had taken care of him, day by day.  He burst into tears as he realized I was there with him through out his entire life, day by day, and he was not aware of My closeness.  He knew I loved him and he trusted in Me to help him day by day, but, he was saddened that he could have lived with Me, day by day, walking, talking and fishing.  For I was there all the time.

  I tell you the Truth, a lot of My children are not aware of how close I am.  They think I am far away in heaven and they live their lives feeling disconnected from Me.  They know I love them, but they still feel distant and disconnected from Me all of their lives.  Dear ones,  I am not far from any of you.  I am as close as you want Me to be.  Call upon Me, seek Me out, let Me come into all of your life not just some, but all.  Ask, seek, and knock, and I shall be found of you.  Pursue Me, dear ones, pursue Me and I shall be found of you.  Let Me live with you and guide you into holiness, righteousness, peace and love.  Oh, My little ones, I am not far from any of you.  It is you who are still distant from Me.  Draw close to Me, and I shall draw ever closer to you.


Hearing God - April 12, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Oh, daughter, come before Me with prayer and fasting as much as you can.  For the days ahead are very troublesome for many.  Beloved, press in to get closer to Me.  Seek My Kingdom ways at all times.  Do not depart from this path.  I am revealing much in your journey now.  You shall shine forth for Me, for as I am so shall you be.  The snatching away of My Bride is at hand.  Look up.  Pay attention to the signs all around you now.  Oh, My dear one, I have awakened you and now you are rising ever higher in Me.  This world has no pull on you any longer for you have found your place in Me and are ever looking for My return.  Dear one, it is good to learn from My children, your brothers and sisters, who are sharing their own experiences with Me.  They shall be used as confirmations and a witness to you of My Truths.  Do not cast away your confidence in what you are hearing from Me.  I am here with you.  I never leave you.  The reason I have been silent in answering your questions on some of these who are speaking for Me is because you need to be exercising your spirit of discernment that I have placed within you.  My dear one, you must learn to trust the spirit within you to lead and guide you in all Truth.  When you sense or feel something as not being quite right, or seeming odd to you, pay attention.  When you see red flags, or hear alarms going off, inside of you at what you are hearing from others, pay attention.  I will not allow you to be deceived.  But, you must grow in your ability to discern Truth from deception.  Take heart, My little one, I am here, watching you.  I see all that you see and hear all that you hear.  You are capable of more than you know.  Don't doubt your inner instinct.  Christ in you, the hope of glory, shall lead you.  Arise, My love, arise and seek and you shall find.  Knock and it shall be opened unto you.


Saturday, April 11, 2015

Hearing God - April 11, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, I heard this:

To everything change comes.  The world as you know it is changing.  Do not be deceived, dear ones.  For many are coming to lead you away from Me.  They shall do signs and wonders.  They will appear gentle and kind, but, they are not.  These are wolves in sheep's clothing.  They care not for your health and safety.  They want to enslave you to do their bidding.  Be careful little ones in what you listen to and what you agree with.  For some seeds are tares and thorns and thistles.  Not everything is good.  Not everything is true.  You must test the spirits.  You must discern the truth from the lie.  Ask Me for help in this and I shall help you.  Many are snared in the lures of false promises.  When they say, peace and safety, beware.  When they say, it's all good, beware.  When they say, when in Rome, beware.  There is a consequence for every choice and action.  You live and die by your choices.  Little by little, day by day, the snares become tighter and tighter, Repent, seek the truth at all costs.  Live a life pleasing to Me, not pleasing to you.  Are you reflecting Me, or are you reflecting you.  Examine yourself truthfully and carefully and you shall know.  Some of you would rather be deceived than have to change.  Your free will gives you choices, choose wisely, dear ones.  Your future is hanging in the balance.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Hearing God - April 10, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

You have many beautiful things to learn, My child.  Take your time with this.  For as I reveal to you what was hidden, ponder over these truths.  Let them sink deeply into you.  I bring to you daily offerings and experiences with Me that are just for you, they are given to you in a personal way because this is how our relationship grows and develops.  I send you different things, songs and words popping into your head, are not just random occurrences, pay attention, dear one, do not let these moments simply pass you by.  As you go about your daily life, I go with you, for you have given your life to Me, you have asked Me to live your life with you, and you daily look for Me, this pleases Me child, this pleases Me.  You are good, it is well with thee and Me.  How I wish all of My children felt this way about Me.  But, change is coming into the hearts of man.  Many now are longing to know Me, they are becoming discontented in knowing about Me, they are beginning to awaken to the desire I have placed within them to know Me, to understand Me, to interact with Me as you do, My love.  Little by little, I am awakening the sleeping hearts.  All shall soon desire Me above all else.  They shall lift their eyes with longing to know Me for themselves.  I am turning things around.  It shall grow very dark for some, but, also it shall grow very light for others as they shall be transmitting more and more of My light as they go deeper and deeper into Me.  I shall soon be known by all.  Remember, patience is a virtue, and you must let patience do her perfect work in you all.


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Hearing God - April 9, 2015

***Note:  As I was about to awaken I had a dream:

Dream:  I was up in the sky looking down at a city at night, the sky was lit behind me by the moon, someone was with me I think it was Jesus.  I could see the city was close to the shoreline and a small beach area, the buildings had all their lights on because it was nighttime.  I saw a dark figures head and part of its wings, it reminded me of a bat with massive wings, it was totally black, the head looked like the silhouette of batman, it was watching the city.  As I watched it I was disturbed, then I heard Jesus tell me "be not afraid, I am here, do not fear this, you shall see many things like this, but, have no fear, they cannot harm you".  Then the dark figure rose up higher into the sky and then started to descend down upon the city.  Then the dream shifted, and it was a beautiful sunny day and I saw myself in my own backyard cleaning my pool.  I could see some sort of brown creatures sitting on the neighbors horse fence posts which is our property line, they were disturbing but, I was not afraid, I remembered Jesus words to me.  I rebuked them and kept cleaning my pool as they were watching me, then the dream ended.

 I woke up and began to wait upon the Lord.  As I waited this is what I heard:

My child, I am here with you always.  You have nothing to fear.  Dear one, stay close to me now, closer still.  Abiding and Resting in Me.  I shall fill your mouth with My words.  I shall tell you when to speak.  Trust Me, cling to Me.  Tarry with Me.  Much is transpiring now, My little one.  Do not allow yourself to worry, do not fear.  I am here with you always.  I never leave you.  You are Mine, and I will protect you and your family.  I am here, but many still do not know this.  When I call for you, My child, you shall come to Me, in an instant.  Many do not realize the hour they are living in.  I am wrapping this age up, and soon, I shall begin a new age, My glorious Kingdom shall reign forever in the hearts of men.  They shall see Me and know Me for themselves.  Each heart shall be filled with My presence.  For I shall manifest My Spirit in every living vessel.  My love shall light the way.  Oh, what a beautiful day is coming your way.  I can feel your heart, My love, I know you too, long for this day.  Through patient endurance you shall inherit this.  Oh, My Bride, My beloved, you are dear to Me.  I am near to you, because you constantly draw near to Me.  You seek Me out, and in so doing, I am known by you.  In your communion with Me, I have strengthened you and prepared you for the journey ahead.   You are aware of the changes that are coming.  The peace that you live and breath and move in, is from Me.  My presence abides in you, around you, and upon you.  I am near to all of My little ones who draw near to Me, and are abiding in Me.  Do not worry, My little ones.  Trust Me, I will take care of all of your needs.  I am here.  Draw near to Me and I shall draw nearer to you.  Be patient, and walk beside Me, do not try to rush out ahead of Me, no, this leg of the journey will require much patience and Trust.  Do not complain, simply remain close to Me.


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Hearing God - April 8, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord this morning, this is what I heard:

Song:  "Come and walk on the water with Me, come and walk on the water with Me, you will not fail, you will not fail...., make a move in faith, launch on out in the deep, be courageous and let go of the sail..."

Christ in you, the hope of glory, Remember this child.  The days ahead will take courage, patience, and steadfast peace, for as the world is rocked around you, you must remain firm in what you know.  Your foundation is rock solid and will not be moved.  Stand firm in Me, when all around you is sinking sand.  Trust Me, child, I will provide for you.  Oh, My dear one, now, everything that can be shaken, shall be shaken.  The goal is to get you to let go of your faith and surrender to doubt and fear.  But, I tell you the Truth, this shall not work in those who are Mine.  For they have tapped into My vine and are living in Me and shall not be moved.  My beloveds are strong and secure in Me.  They know Me, and I know them.  They shall not be shaken down.  For they shall endure the shaking, for they are immovable in Me.

Oh, how I long to protect you all, but, alas, free will shall play out, I shall protect all that are Mine.  Are you truly Mine?  Do you spend time with Me daily?  Am I ever on your mind?  Do you know My voice?  Can you hear Me?  Do you have a real and personal relationship with Me?  Do you call Me your friend?  Are you living your life with Me?  Am I a part of your daily life?  Do you long for Me?  Do you sense Me when I'm in the room?  If you answer these truthfully, you shall know without a doubt if you are ready for My return.

Dear ones, hold fast to Me, do not let go of Me, no matter what assails you.  If you have breath, it is not too late.  Come and seek Me for yourself, do not delay.  You must choose to seek Me out and pursue a real relationship with Me.  I am here, but, you must find Me for yourself, I am not distant from any of you, but, I will not force Myself on you.

If you get left behind, do not give up.  Seek Me, repent and change your ways, as long as you have breath, it is not too late.  Each life has many paths, choose wisely, for all roads do not lead home.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Hearing God - April 7, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Child, you only need to go within to hear.  Quiet yourself and simply wait upon Me.   I am your source.  I am your strength.  I am your teacher in all things.  Ask Me anything, My love.  For I am here to guide you into all Truth.  Be careful who you listen to.  For these are the days of deception.  Lies are spreading and going across the lands, cloaked in a semblance of truth, so that even the elect could be deceived.  These are the days of deception.  So, I tell you again, you must use your discernment, ask of Me anything, and I shall reveal it to you.  You have asked that you be not deceived, I shall not allow you to be deceived.  I am your shield, I am your Truth.  I am one with you.  I am your teacher, you are being schooled at My knee.  There is much to learn and you are becoming stronger and more discerning.  As you walk close to Me, you shall not fail, you shall not be deceived.  Do not allow your heart to be troubled by the evils you see manifesting across your lands, and do not fear.  I am here.  I have told you that I am giving the people over to their reprobate minds.  As the world seems to be growing darker, Remember child, your light is becoming stronger and brighter.  I am manifesting in My children.  The world shall know that there is a God among them.  They shall hunger and thirst after Me.


Hearing God - April 6, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Dear one, people are willing to be deceived.  For it is easier to believe a lie, than to hear Truth and have to choose to change.  To believe a lie is to become easily manipulated in the false promises of peace and safety, comfort and provision spoken from lying lips.  The hour is upon you all, where My true worshipers shall be separate and unafraid, as the calamities come, plague upon plague, destruction upon destruction, fires upon fires, floods upon floods, for the day of reckoning is at hand.  I shall cleanse My land.  It is Mine, and now I shall come and take it and Restore it.  Oh, peoples of the earth, you are sooo willing to go your own ways.  To do it the way you want, even at the cost of others lives.  This should not be.  I speak Truth, you should know My word, look, study, for the deception comes swiftly now.  Oh, the evil is at the door.  When they say I (Jesus) am over here come and look, or I (Jesus) am there, believe them not.  When they come and claim to be Me (Jesus) and take you one by one to safety on their ships, believe them not.  No, I tell you the Truth, I do not need a ship to come and take you.  Stay where I have placed you.  I will come to you.  You do not need to come to Me.  When I come in physical form the entire earth shall see Me all at once in an instant.  Do not be deceived.  Behold, I am here.  The Kingdom of God is within you.  The signs of the times are all around you.  If you are deceived, now, in this hour, it is because you have chosen to be.  You shall have no excuse.  Oh, people of the earth, wake up, great destruction is at the door.  Behold, death comes.  I will protect all that is Mine.
