I heard this as I was beginning to wait upon the Lord: Hello Precious, I have much to share with you today. (This is not the Lord's voice, it is the devil mocking me)
I am here child, disregard what he has said. Push aside his voice and recognize Mine. My sheep hear My voice and another they will not follow. You can discern My voice and mannerism's now, and that pleases Me child. That pleases Me. You are focusing on Me each day and seeking to hear me clearly. You have asked for direction and I will give it to you. make sure you stock up on water as you have each week. Keep your pantry stocked and stay home as often as you can. I will protect and provide for you here at home. Honor My true sabbath for that pleases Me, and it will go well with you. Trust My guiding hand upon your life. I will direct each step, but you My child must yield to Me. You must hear and obey. Listen carefully throughout your day. I will speak clearly to you, just train yourself to be still and listen. A merry heart doeth good like medicine. Do not worry or fear the future. Remember, I am here with you, and I am coming to cleanse the earth from all unrighteousness. Rejoice, your King is coming.
Man has devised much evil and the plans of the unrighteous are filled with evil and unfolding now. This is an evil day. But, do not fear My child. I am here, no harm will come to you that I do not allow. Trust Me in all things. You are not alone. I am here. I will never leave you or forsake you. You are Mine and I will always take care of you. Keep your focus on Me and allow Me to carry you through every storm. Great is your destiny in Me. Your life is in My hands. I love you child. My little dove, walk before Me now, purified, cleansed and sparkling. I have removed all your impurities and cast aside all your shame. Enter in now My Beloved. Enter and abide in My Rest. Lean not on your own understanding. Lean on My understanding in all things. Follow My lead. I have great plans for you, allow Me now to bring all of them into fruition. Great is the destructino of the earth, but I will take care of you. You were created to be a watcher. A true and faithful witness of My plans and dealings with man. Trust Me child, this is the beginning of the end. I make all things new.