Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Hearing God - April 9, 2014

Song:  "Oh, I want to see Him, look upon His face... there to sing forever of His Loving Grace..."

Stay close to Me today child.  Let Me shelter you under the shadow of My wings.  Much is happening behind the scenes on your earth.  Much will manifest and transpire soon.  Do not fear.  I have already told you what is coming from many of My messengers.  I have also told you personally that I will protect you and not allow anything to happen to you.  I am here.  The change has started.  Keep putting My words up on your blog, there is not much time left for you child, I am coming soon.  These words will be a bread crumb trail for the others to find their way back to Me.  I love you little one.  Have no fear.  The beauty of My army that's arising is glorious to behold, for My shining ones are ready to come to the marriage supper.  I shall soon embrace each one and We shall feast and dance and enjoy the beauty of being together.  You, My love shall soon be forever in My presence, for you love Me with all of your heart.  I shall change and renew you with more of My power.

 Do not lose hope, all is not lost when the calamities begin to strike.  These things must come.  Do not be shaken when you see these things happening.  For I have already warned you of these things.  I have prepared your heart, mind and body to be able to stand firm in the midst of change.  You and I are one.  I shall never leave your side.  I shall not be distant from you.  I shall be with you every moment to lead and guide you.  Shelter in Me, My love.

 For fear shall grip the hearts of many in the days ahead.  For they have not been diligent in their pursuit of Me.  I shall send things to wake them up.  Many are still in the valley of decision, they have one foot in the world and one foot in Me.  This should not be.  For only I have the power to save, to deliver and set free.  Only I can lead them and protect them from all harm.  Many shall lose their lives today.  Then what shall become of them.  There is more, much more than just this life.  Death is only a door to the next level.  The spiritual side is forever.  Many have played in the devils lair too long.  They have been lulled asleep by their sins, they have believed the lie of there's always tomorrow to get things right.

  I tell you the TRUTH-no one but I know when your last day is, and then what?  Will you be able to stand through out eternity in peace and comfort and love or will you be cast out from My presence in bitter utter despair.  You must choose now, Now I SAY!  For the day of your destruction and My judgement is upon you.  WAKE UP!  I am not a man that I should lie.  I want to help you, but you must choose Me.  You must ask for My help, you must yield to Me, the hour is late.  Choose Now.

 Oh, My little one, Rest in Me today.  Rest in Me.  I am here.  I love you.  All is well with thee.  Pray for your brothers and sisters.

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