Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Hearing God - March 21, 2014

I love you child, your ears hear Me well.  Your heart is eager to seek Me out.  You are willing to sit in quiet and wait, even when I'm silent you wait and wait, this pleases Me child, My dear one, this pleases Me.  Eye has not seen, nor ear heard what I am about to do across the land.  Do not fear, for it is well with thee.  Remain safe under My wing.   Stay close now dear one, don't leave the ark.  Many are growing weary in waiting.  But, you cannot rush out ahead of Me.  I alone know the time, you and the others can sense the season.  My Father's plans are perfect and worth waiting for.

  My daughter write this down:  Do not look to the right or left.  Do not listen to the scoffers, in a moment, in and instant, I shall come and change everything.  Keep watch, keep waiting for Me.  My timing is perfect.  My ways are not your ways.  Do not despair, do not become discouraged.  Stay with Me, keep your focus on Me.  Let Me lead, and you shall follow Me.  I live in you.  You dwell in Me.  We are one.  Nothing can separate you from Me, My dear one, My little dove.  I'm coming for you.  Stay alert, keep seeking Me.  Keep sheltering in Me.  I see you.  I see all you do.  I see all your thoughts.  I see your heart.  I am glad when you ask Me to search you and cleanse you.

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