My spirit awakened me at midnight singing songs of praise and delight to the Lord.
Then this morning the Lord was singing this song to Me as I was waking up: "Come away with Me a a a a a a a a, come away with Me into a quiet place of rest"
Vision: I saw a small vase filled with yellow roses with the tips red , sitting on My headboard of my bed. I admired them then got up to go wait upon the Lord.
note: I thanked the Lord for the roses. He said "you're welcome My dear one"
Then I heard these songs...
song: "It is well with my soul, it is well, it is well with my soul"
song: "We are standing on Holy ground and I know that there are angels all around, let us praise Jesus now. We are standing in His presence on Holy ground"
Then He spoke to me:
You are My beloved child, daughter it is well with your soul. As you are faithful to come and sit before Me and wait silently for Me to speak I see your heart. It's a beautiful heart that is pure and clean. I love your heart for you truly love Me and believe that I am real, and My words are real and heaven is real and hell is real. I shall come for you soon My love. Stay connected to Me at all times. You are on a journey like no other with Me. I test you daily now, and you pass each one. You are strong in Me My dear one. Daughter as I watch you I also watch over all My children. Many are growing weary in waiting upon Me, they have given up on patient endurance and are backsliding back into the world. They are twisting in the wind, full of doubt. Doubting Me and heaven. I do not allow doubt in My Kingdom. I do not allow fear in My Kingdom. There is no middle ground. you are either for Me or against Me. You either believe Me or you don't. It's not difficult. All must believe in who I say I am. All must put on humility and humble themselves before Me. All must put all of their trust in Me. I am Jehovah God and besides Me there is no other. You must All believe and obey Me. As you obey Me you follow after me. You seek Me out. When you wait upon Me, you are obeying Me. Only the pure in heart and the obedient will enter My Kingdom. Take the time now to get ready. Prepare yourself. Be ready at all times for I come quickly. Repent and ask Me to remove all your stains from your garments, so that you will be ready, do not be lazy. Prepare yourself. Remember, I see everything. I know everything. Nothing is hidden from My eyes.
Then this morning the Lord was singing this song to Me as I was waking up: "Come away with Me a a a a a a a a, come away with Me into a quiet place of rest"
Vision: I saw a small vase filled with yellow roses with the tips red , sitting on My headboard of my bed. I admired them then got up to go wait upon the Lord.
note: I thanked the Lord for the roses. He said "you're welcome My dear one"
Then I heard these songs...
song: "It is well with my soul, it is well, it is well with my soul"
song: "We are standing on Holy ground and I know that there are angels all around, let us praise Jesus now. We are standing in His presence on Holy ground"
Then He spoke to me:
You are My beloved child, daughter it is well with your soul. As you are faithful to come and sit before Me and wait silently for Me to speak I see your heart. It's a beautiful heart that is pure and clean. I love your heart for you truly love Me and believe that I am real, and My words are real and heaven is real and hell is real. I shall come for you soon My love. Stay connected to Me at all times. You are on a journey like no other with Me. I test you daily now, and you pass each one. You are strong in Me My dear one. Daughter as I watch you I also watch over all My children. Many are growing weary in waiting upon Me, they have given up on patient endurance and are backsliding back into the world. They are twisting in the wind, full of doubt. Doubting Me and heaven. I do not allow doubt in My Kingdom. I do not allow fear in My Kingdom. There is no middle ground. you are either for Me or against Me. You either believe Me or you don't. It's not difficult. All must believe in who I say I am. All must put on humility and humble themselves before Me. All must put all of their trust in Me. I am Jehovah God and besides Me there is no other. You must All believe and obey Me. As you obey Me you follow after me. You seek Me out. When you wait upon Me, you are obeying Me. Only the pure in heart and the obedient will enter My Kingdom. Take the time now to get ready. Prepare yourself. Be ready at all times for I come quickly. Repent and ask Me to remove all your stains from your garments, so that you will be ready, do not be lazy. Prepare yourself. Remember, I see everything. I know everything. Nothing is hidden from My eyes.