Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hearing God - Feb. 18, 2014

I am here.  I see you.  Dear one do not allow yourself to be troubled over the coming calamities you see befalling the members at LS.  I have told you much shaking is coming.  The people, the children, ALL shall give an account of every idle word.   I shall uncover all their words.  The whispers spoken in hushed voices, every word I have heard.  The cruel jesting.  Yes, I have seen how they treat one another.  The barbed comments, though spoken in jest were cruel and proud.  I shall require repentance before I shall forgive.  I shall allow them to sink into a dark and desolate pit.  Their remorse shall bring tears of weeping and bitter anguish.  But, if they do not turn to Me, they shall never know the cleansing power of My hand.  A good Father always disciplines and corrects His children.  A good Father will not allow His children to continue in error.  I am loving, I am kind, I am encouraging, I am merciful.  I have seen none of My attributes manifested at LS.  I hear complaining, backbiting, jealousy, envy, and strife.  I see very little love.  You My child are loving and kind.  I know it grieves you to see others hurting, but this must come to pass, for this is the fruit of what they have sowed.  The works of the flesh always, always produces abundant fruit.  The fruit is bitter as gall.  It racks the body, soul and spirit in pain.  It develops deep and damaging roots.  Each one not knowing the full extent of these fruits, shall suffer and continue to suffer through-out their lifetime because it has not been dealt with, repented of and cast off.  I have not been allowed to cleanse and bind up their wounds.

A wounded animal will strike out at anyone who comes near them, for they themselves are hurting and cannot in their own power deliver themselves from the pain.  All who walk the path of the flesh are animalistic.  There is no true spirit on this path.  For the true spirit is love.  I alone am love.  I love ALL.  But each one must come and ask Me for help in their life.  I must be invited in or I will pass them by.

 I speak to you My dear one, for you have invited Me in.  You have yielded to Me and hearkened to My voice.  You come daily to wait upon Me.  You think constantly upon Me.  You dwell in Me daily now.  This pleases Me, My dove, this pleases Me.  You are called to watch as this unfolds, do not intervene until I prompt you to.  You shall witness much at LS, be silent, pray for everyone.  When they lash out, Remember, be gentle, be kind and be still, I have set the bridle on your tongue and I shall not remove it.  Stay humble.

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