Monday, February 17, 2014

Hearing God - Feb. 17, 2014

Question I asked while I was beginning to wait upon the Lord this morning.  "What would you like to tell Me today?"         (silence, pause)

Next question I asked.  "Father why can't I hear you?"

You can't hear Me because you are not focused on Me.  You must quiet yourself down and listen to my still small voice.  Remember, I am always here.  When your mind is racing and processing all sorts of questions at once, it has a harder time tuning in to hear Me.  This was a test for you.  I have already told you there are many voices coming your way to distract you from Me.  You My love must persevere in hearing Me.  YOU are learning to commune with Me in the stillness AND in a room with people and noise.  As you practice focusing on Me, you are sharpening your hearing.  For to truly hear Me, you must be willing to take the time to listen.

Question:  Father are we supposed to be going to LSC?

Yes, I have placed you at LSC for a reason.  Remember, I am your only teacher, but your light and your faith is needed at LSC.  LSC is about to be tested.  I shall shake everything that can be shaken at LSC.  When you are there in the midst of the shaking, you shall see Me and I will use you for My glory.  Much is coming upon the world.  I want you as a watchman, a sentinel, and a guard for My Kingdom.  I shall never leave you.  When they ask you how you are at peace, I will fill your mouth with the words to say.  You shall rebuke fear and deliver them out of fear and doubt and bring them back to Me and My peace.  For I am a shelter from the storms of life that rage against My people.  Many know of Me and love Me.  But, they are distant, they have not found the way to Me.  You My dear one, shall share Me.  In simple intimate conversations answering their questions with what you know and have learned of Me.  You are a light, a beacon in the darkness.  Many of My children are still too distant from me.  They need Me, they need to hear Me, keep praying for My children to have ears to hear and eyes to see Me for themselves.  Keep praying for the lost.   Keep praying for the lukewarm.  ALL need to hear Me.  ALL need to know Me personally.  I am here.  I have never left.  I have never stopped talking.  Anyone who truly wants to enter in and commune with Me can.  For all who seek Me shall find Me.  But all must personally seek Me for themselves.  You, My love have entered in.  You are receiving the new wine for you have allowed me to fully enter and dwell in you.  I am enthroned in your heart and I reign in you.  You have yielded fully to Me and allowed Me to sanctify  you and cleanse you.  You have been faithful to keep your lamp full and trimmed.  No one, nothing can extinguish your light.  For I have lit your flame and it is My fire that burns eternally within you.  You are mine and I am yours.  We are one.  I desire for all of My children to be faithful to Me.  I desire for ALL to come and sit before Me and listen.  They must learn to quiet themselves before ME.  They must learn to block out all the noise.

Be still, and KNOW that I am God.

I shall come and show myself to all My true seekers.  I am no respecter of persons.  I desire ALL to come and learn how much I truly love, love, love each one.  I desire to hold and cherish each one.  For My love is true, and true love grows.

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