Thursday, February 20, 2014

Hearing God - Feb. 15, 2014

My child you are loved.  You are so beautiful to Me.

(song:  "You are soooo beautiful to me....")

I love when you come to spend time with Me.  you and I alone, communing with each other.  You focusing in on Me.  Your heart singing love songs to Me, it's the sweetest melody to Me when My loved ones sing out their love songs to Me, it's true worship from the heart.  I love all My true worshipers.  They are My hearts desire.  They are who I long for.  I love all of My creation.  But, the ones who truly love Me back, who are truly surrendered and yielded these are the ones who make My heart sing.  It blesses Me when My little ones Trust in Me.  When they are focused on Me and dwell in me each and every moment of their day.  Oh, how I love, love, love My Bride.  She is My treasure and shall be with Me and dwell in Me forever.  For she has chosen the path, the ancient path to Me.  She has forsaken the world and her hearts desire is to be with Me always.  She longs for me and seeks Me out.  She comes when I call her.  She eagerly enters into My garden.  She looks for me everywhere.  She is now beginning to see Me everywhere.  She is now beginning to see me everywhere.  I am in everything and she sees Me, for she knows Me.  We are one, Me and My Bride.  She has touched My soul.  My heart declares that she is mine, oh, how I long for My Father to say, "Go, get your Bride, it is time."  All is ready for you My love.  I only wish ALL were ready, but alas they are not.  Pray, Pray, Pray for your lost brothers and sisters.  Pray for the lukewarm.  Their time of testing is coming soon.  They shall look for Me, but they shall not find Me.  I shall be here, but I shall not be heard.  For they have not learned to hear Me.  They are not discerning the time they are in.  It shall not go well with them who are out of the sheepfold and for those who have wandered away from Me the good shepherd.  They have been lured back into the world by their enemy.  They have been fed the lie that everything will remain the same.  Yes, they have eagerly consumed the lie.  I shall not tarry.  I shall come in an hour when you think not, in a moment of calamity when all are focusing on the crisis, I shall come as a thief. I shall take My Bride into the wedding chamber.  I shall speak with her face to face.  I shall uncover mysteries to her, then We shall go forth as one to rescue the perishing.  The Main Event of the Ages is coming to pass My little one.  Stay close for you are going to be delighted and amazed at all I have planned for you.  I love you.  I am the giver of life and all good gifts come from Me.  Stay close dear one.  I am here.  I see you.  I love, love, love you.  Oh, I'm soooo excited.  "It's Time".  It's time, It's time, It's time, let the trumpets sound, let My Bride arise and enter into her chambers and wait, wait for Me, it is only moments from now My dear little one.  Oh, this is what I long for.  I shall reveal all to you soon. Keep watch at the gates.  Keep looking out your window for Me, for behold, I come soon.  It's time.

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