Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Hearing God - April 6, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Dear one, people are willing to be deceived.  For it is easier to believe a lie, than to hear Truth and have to choose to change.  To believe a lie is to become easily manipulated in the false promises of peace and safety, comfort and provision spoken from lying lips.  The hour is upon you all, where My true worshipers shall be separate and unafraid, as the calamities come, plague upon plague, destruction upon destruction, fires upon fires, floods upon floods, for the day of reckoning is at hand.  I shall cleanse My land.  It is Mine, and now I shall come and take it and Restore it.  Oh, peoples of the earth, you are sooo willing to go your own ways.  To do it the way you want, even at the cost of others lives.  This should not be.  I speak Truth, you should know My word, look, study, for the deception comes swiftly now.  Oh, the evil is at the door.  When they say I (Jesus) am over here come and look, or I (Jesus) am there, believe them not.  When they come and claim to be Me (Jesus) and take you one by one to safety on their ships, believe them not.  No, I tell you the Truth, I do not need a ship to come and take you.  Stay where I have placed you.  I will come to you.  You do not need to come to Me.  When I come in physical form the entire earth shall see Me all at once in an instant.  Do not be deceived.  Behold, I am here.  The Kingdom of God is within you.  The signs of the times are all around you.  If you are deceived, now, in this hour, it is because you have chosen to be.  You shall have no excuse.  Oh, people of the earth, wake up, great destruction is at the door.  Behold, death comes.  I will protect all that is Mine.


Saturday, April 4, 2015

Hearing God - April 4, 2015

Beloved, there is much to teach you, and much to learn.  Do not become weary, press in.  Keep seeking.  Much is going on in your spirit.  Much is going on in the unseen world all around you.  Stay focused.  Stay alert.  Keep Me ever in the forefront of your mind.  Do not allow yourself to become overwhelmed with all the things I am revealing to you now.  This is an open door for you, a great opportunity of discovery and exploration.  Remember, you are not alone.  I am with you.  I will never reveal anything to you and leave you vulnerable and alone.  No, I am here, in every moment with you.  Guiding, nurturing, revealing, you, My love, are gentle and quiet.  You and I walk this path together.  I am the revealer of all Truth.  I am the opener of your eyes.  As I opened your ears, I shall open your eyes.  For you are willing and obedient.  You have willingly opened your life to Me.  You have opened your heart and beckoned Me to come.  We commune daily.  This is the mark of My true Bride.  Intimacy, relationship, time spent together.  Dwelling and abiding, daily walking together.

Hearing God - April 3, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Beloved, I love you.  I shall now direct you in this season of change.  Buy the books that I drew you to yesterday, for they shall reveal to you many things you have been wondering about.  Beloved, do not fear.  Do not reject the change that is taking place within you, and all around your circle.  I am here, I shall never leave you in this journey.  But, you, must move forward now with Me.  I have opened your ears, and you hear clearly.  Now, I shall begin to open your spiritual eyes to see, do not fear what you see, for I am with you and shall protect you always.  You shall now begin to see all, the good, the bad, and the ugly.  But, do not worry, cast worry off.  Do not fear, cast fear off.  Trust Me in all things and believe.  Be attentive and stay alert to My gentle drawing and nudging, and inner inklings on things, no matter how small.  Pay attention, dear one.  Class is open now, and this part of your journey with Me will take you deeper into My supernatural world.  It's all around you, hidden in plain sight, and now, it is time for this door to be open.  You shall learn much in this time.  This is equipping you for your calling.  I have placed you where I want you.  Now, I am drawing you out of the ordinary into the extraordinary.  You shall know and understand much in My Spirit, for you are ready.  You shall not fear, for you have been taught by Me and strengthened by My Own hand.  I am with you.  I alone shall direct your steps.  Do not doubt that it is I who is leading you now, My dear one.  We are one.  This is a new level.  I am placing you in a new position of authority in My Kingdom.  Oh, My dove, the training may seem hard, but, Remember, you shall bear much fruit for Me.  You and I are in this together.  These things you shall see will not be allowed to harm you, for I have placed My angels around you and your family.  I shall begin to show you the ministering staff that you shall be working with.  Soon, I shall call you into a 40 day fast for Me, this shall draw you into much prayer and tongues.  I shall send a mighty wind upon you, as you lift your voice, you shall set the captives free.  Many are drawn to your flame, My love.  For many are hungry for what you have, many are thirsty for the water you freely drink from.  You, My child, My dear one, have proven yourself faithful to Me.  Where you go, I go.  We are one.  Believe all that I show you now.  Do not doubt, only believe.  Put Me first.  The time is now to enter in to your new season.  It's your jubilee year, and I shall accomplish much in your life in this year.  Dear one, My love, My hearts desire is to carry you through out everything, with Me.  As you abide and dwell safely tucked under My wing.  I shall do the work necessary to prepare you.  You, My child, shall simply Rest and yield, as I lead, you follow.  Happy Birthday dear one.  Your best days are ahead.  Draw close, and shut the door, for I desire all of you in this season.  Your life is in My hands.  Trust Me, dear one, in everything, hold on to Me and believe.


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Hearing God - April 2, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Song:  "Oh, the blood of Jesus, Oh, the blood of Jesus, Oh, the blood of Jesus, it washes every stain and breaks every chain..."

You, My Child, are of full age and understanding.  You realize when I am drawing you.  Do not neglect this.  Do not neglect our time alone together, for this is needed to strengthen you daily.  Do not neglect this.  In this hour of My History, every heart is weighed daily.  Every heart is measured of it's fullness.  Do you understand this?  Each heart is filled with many things:  My Spirit, other spirits, selfish desires, etc... I measure each one, the ones who are found lacking the fullness of My Spirit are put in the refining fire for more cleansing and purging of this world.  I am holy, I am loving, all must be transformed and conformed into My likeness.  Not a physical twin, but a spiritual twin.  All of My attributes will be seen in My Bride.  For she has persevered and endured much purging, and much time in My refining fires.  She has yielded to My hand.  She has yielded to My heart.  She glows with a flame within, like no other.  Oh, My beautiful Bride, I'm coming for you.  Hold fast to Me now.  For you shall see many things come to pass as I shake this earth.  When you feel the darkness descending go within, take cover and shelter in Me.  I will protect you, My little ones.  Stay close.  Keep your ears open.  Keep your eyes open.  Know this, My Bride, behold, I come quickly.  Stay Alert.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Hearing God - March 31, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord this is what I heard:

My dear one, it is good to come and sit and absorb My presence.  To just soak in this quiet atmosphere with Me.  To know I am right here with you.  To commune always with Me, day by day, and night by night.  I am ever on your mind.  Dear one, this is where you should always determine within yourself to be.  For in so doing you are always sheltered deep within My wings.  My child, as you cleave to Me for more and more understanding of My Truth, I shall pour out upon you more and more.  For you see child, and you hear, remember My words "to those who have, more shall be given, and to those who have little, the little they have shall be taken from them".  This needs a discerning heart, look deeply at this passage and allow Me to expand your understanding.  I work in the spirit among all mankind, those who have sought Truth and found it in Me are not satisfied, for, once they have found Me, they seek more and more understanding of Me, they seek to know Me for themselves.  You, My dear child, are one of these, ever seeking to understand Me and in so doing, you draw closer, you hunger to know Me more and more.  You have been given much, and still you are not content or satisfied in what you know.  You desire the deeper things of Me, not just a little, you want all of Me, and so you dig and keep digging into Me, this is what I'm talking about.  You have been given much in understanding, and yet, you shall be given more, for you are a true seeker, a true child of Mine, fully awake, fully hearing and fully seeing.  I do not hide Myself from you, for you have opened the door of My heart and I shall be known by you, beloved.  For your heart burns to understand, your ears burn with a passion to hear and your eyes burn intensely to see Me and behold all that I AM.  You know Me child.  You live and breathe and move in Me.  We abide together you and I, and more, much more shall be given to you, for you are faithful and diligent in your pursuit of Me.   You are My faithful dove, My Bride, who has made herself ready for My return, you are watching for Me daily, for you understand the season you are in.  Oh, beloved, this pleases Me, this pleases Me much.

Now for those who have little, what little they have in their understanding of Me shall be taken, for they are content to remain lukewarm.  They know of Me, but, they do not know Me.  They do not hear Me, they do not see Me.  They are content in knowing of Me by the letter and not by the Spirit.  Didn't I say, the days are coming, and now are, when all who worship Me must worship Me in Spirit and in Truth.  The Spirit must be heard from within.  All should be hearing.  I'm speaking, is anyone truly willing to listen?  For those who have ears to hear, they are hearing.

Dear ones, it's not too late, now is the appointed time, ask, seek, and knock.  What are you waiting for?


Friday, March 27, 2015

Hearing God - March 27, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Shh child, quiet yourself, your mind is racing again.  Be still and know I am here with you.  As you Rest in Me, you draw Me closer, you experience more and more of My presence, My Spirit fills you again and again.  I strengthen you for the journey ahead.  Do not fear what you are hearing.  Do not try to rush out ahead of My timing.  Only, Rest now and listen to Me, breath in, breathe out, calmly taking in more and more of My refreshing Spirit.  I work in you and among you.  You are to stay and remain where you are.  Do not allow yourself to worry or fret about the things coming.  Only Rest and remain Resting in Me, I am your source, I am your strength, I am your sustainer, I am all you need.  Cleave unto Me, keep your focus firmly on Me and Me alone.  I shall be your shelter from the storms that are coming.  Do not fear.  I am in you, no weapon formed against you shall prosper.  You are Mine.  I shall protect you through everything.  I shall protect your family.  For all who draw near to Me now shall be protected.  I am not distant from any of you.  Trust Me child, I shall use you in the days ahead, in My timing not yours.  Stay calm, peace be still, I've got this.  I have everything under control.   Nothing is out of My control.  You, My child, are safe and secure in Me, for you are safely tucked under My Wing, abiding, dwelling and Resting in Me.  Do not fear the storms.  Trust Me.


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Hearing God - March 26, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Beloved, Rest.  I am calling you to Rest in Me now, do not try to fight this feeling of tiredness and fatigue, it is My doing.  Your body is transitioning.  You do not need to know the how or the why, just Trust Me and Rest as much as you can right now.  For the days are coming quickly where you will need to draw from the strength you have stored within.  I am here with you.  Settle in to your quiet place and rest in ME, follow My lead.  Do not struggle or be anxious in these days, simply Rest, lay aside all weights that try to drag you down into despair, lift your eyes to Me, watch Me, settle yourself in Me and Rest.  You will not miss anything in Me.  You are right where I want you to be, quietly abiding with Me and Resting.  I see you, I see all that is in your circle, I see all that is beyond your circle.  Yours is not to reason why.  Yours is to simply Trust Me in everything and Rest in Me.  I am once again strengthening you.  Pray in the spirit as much as you can now.  Lean not on your own understanding.  Keep Me at the forefront of your mind at all times.  Things are moving quickly as I am ramping things up, in your lifetime.  You are ready for this, My love.  Do not doubt your place in Me, do not doubt your worthiness.  I have called you unto Myself and you have come, fully yielded to Me, fully surrendered.  As you are about to enter your fiftieth year, the year of jubilee, you shall be set free completely from the burdens of this world.  Oh, Beloved, My Spirit is very strong in you as you surrender all to Me, this pleases Me child, this pleases Me.  Stay alert.  Stay close and Rest in Me now.  Daily walking close to Me is where you need to be.


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Hearing God - March 25, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord this morning, this is what I heard:

Beloved, many shall grasp now for what you have attained by your faithfulness.  For they shall be stressed beyond measure, beyond their capabilities.  Many shall seek peace and shall not find it, for all must go within, to find peace, comfort, and joy.  There shall be troubles all around you.  Do not lose your focus on Me, press deeper into Me and do not allow yourself to be distracted from Me.  Look closely to Me, look in My eye only, not in the circumstances or situations you see all around you.  Stay focused on My presence within you, at all times.  Stay constantly communicating with Me.  I am with you, here, daily, in everything, communicating, speaking, listening, watching and participating.  Dear one, Remember, you are never alone.  Peace, be still, do not rush around and try to do things, Rest now, dear one, Rest, quietly abiding in Me.  As each day unfolds keep yourself quietly abiding and resting in Me, I will allow you to flow with Me, I will guide you through your day and then I will wrap you in My arms and gently tuck you in each night.  This is how I work with you daily, We are one, abiding together.  My children know Me, they know My voice, they dwell with Me and in Me.  This is My hearts desire for all.  But, alas, few take the time, few enter in to this relationship with Me, and they wander, feeling isolated and alone.  Oh, how different their lives would be, if only they would enter in to Me.  Many are distant from Me, still.  Stay close My little ones, Keep your eye on Me, I am here.  I see you.


Hearing God - March 24, 2015

***Note: As I was on the couch exhausted from the day and night before I began to focus and wait on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Trust Me child in all things, I will take care of you and your family, each of you are special to Me, and hold a special place in My heart and in My end time army.  I have never forsaken you or any of your family members, for you all are consecrated to Me.  My blood covers each of you, My blood covers  your home, your property lines, your cars, your pets, all, I tell you all that is in your circle shall be protected in the days ahead.  Dear one, hold fast to Me in all that you face daily now.  Do not allow your mind to wander off, in doubt or fear or even unbelief, for this is how the enemy weakens you and tries to drag you down these trails of futility.

Your prayers child are powerful, I hear you.  Your prayers avail much in this hour of testing.  Beloved, stay close to Me now, do not fear, only believe, I know this will require you to draw from your reserve deep within, the spring that flows fresh and clean and beautiful is My Spirit, flowing and abiding within you.  I am here.  Remember, I am here, with you, experiencing every moment with you.  Face every challenge as My Ambassador, Christ in you, the hope of Glory.  Do not give in to unbelief, rise up, dear one, rise up in your faith, cast off the shackles of sickness or injuries as they come upon you or your family.  As you wrestled in the night with this attack upon your daughter, you stood your ground in Me, you trusted Me to be your healer for your daughter, and now I shall restore her to perfect wholeness in Me.  She shall walk on the high places in Me and with Me.  She shall know Me, as I am known by you.


Monday, March 23, 2015

Hearing God- March 23, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, I was wondering why there were so many tragedies happening to so many that I know right now, and this is what I heard:

My child, this is only the beginning of sorrows.  You shall see many difficult things happening all around you.  Do not lose hope.  Do not give up your faith in Me.  I am here with you, leading and guiding and protecting you through it all.  This is going to take courage child.  I have strengthened you, so that you will not faint in the days ahead.  You shall have love as your shield and buckler.  You shall show forth My love and spread out your offerings for all who draw near into My heart of love.  You shall walk in gentleness and humility as you carry My love and pour into the broken vessels the oil and the wine.  Healing divine shall show up on the wings of love.   Spread your wings, My child, spread them across the waters now.  Do not hold back.  Do not be fearful, for love is the way to unlock the hidden mysteries.  My heart, My heart beats within you, My beloved, as you ache with the pain of others, it is My heart that aches through you.  For you, My love, carry My presence, wherever you go.  Be bold, be courageous in your love.  Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow.  Oh, the tides of change are here.  My dear one, many shall fall into the coldness of doubt and unbelief.  But, Remember, this must come to pass, as I've told you in My word, many shall grow cold, for the warmth of My Spirit has left them to their own devises.  So be it.  It is appointed unto man to die once, and then the judgement.  You,  My child, are not to judge, only to love, for love covers, love protects, love heals.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Hearing God - March 18, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Dear one, I am the author and finisher of your faith.  Input equals output.  The more time you spend in My presence, the more strengthened you will be.  Do not try to rush ahead and get Me to reveal new and exciting things that no one else has heard before, no, this is not our way.  I lead you gently into My presence and you, My child, abide with Me daily.  Breathing in and breathing out, with Me, and in Me.  Beloved do not try to compare yourself with others in My fold.  I require all of you, surrendered to Me, I do not require you to imitate what others are doing, no, you be you, yielded and surrendered to Me, the beginning and the end of all of who you are.  We are eternally connected.  We dwell together, daily abiding, this is what I want from you.  This, is what pleases Me child, this pleases Me much.  For you live, and breathe and move in Me.  Think of your life as a circle.  The circle has no end, it is continually moving and being.  As you live, so I live in you and through you, as you interact with others.  I touch them through your life.  I have chosen your vessel to dwell in.  For it is My desire to dwell in surrendered and yielded vessels.  I work through people.  I created people.  I love people.  I use people in many ways.  Oh, beloveds, do not compare yourselves with others, only yield to Me and follow Me, wherever I lead, simply yield child and follow My lead.  This is what I desire.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Hearing God - March 17, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord this morning, this is what I heard:

Beloved, put Me first always.  Trust me in everything.  There is going to be a great awakening brought on by a great earthquake, for I must wake up the stubborn sleepers.  I will send a great famine across the land, not of bread, but of My word, many shall perish for they have not prepared their hearts.  They have foolishly stayed out late into the night and have spent their time dancing in the world, when they should have been safely tucked in by Me in My Ark.  But, they chose to wait.  They heard the call, they came to the gate, but, they would not enter in, no, they tarried and danced outside the gate, they wanted more time to take pleasure in the world, and then tomorrow they said, they will come into My gates and enter in to the safety of My fold.  Oh, foolish virgins, you do not know the hour I will take your life from you.  Freely I gave you all, life, and I am the only one who can take it from you.  I am in charge of all, both great and small.  Hear Me, the hour is now upon you when I shall require your life force.  Woe, to you who have not prepared, you shall be utterly alone in your down-fall.  If only you had heeded My call.  Dear ones, if you are reading this it is not too late for you.  Cast everything aside and enter now into Me.  Let Me help you, it is difficult to protect yourself now, isn't it.  The door has closed for many, and soon all with have to question "Which side of the door am I on?"


Monday, March 16, 2015

Hearing God - March 16, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord this is what I heard:

I have waited for you today, patiently waited, and now you come.  It is most beneficial, My love, for you to seek Me early.  For I require your full undivided attention.  Dear one, I will give you the words you need when they are needed.  Do not become flustered, love only love, and do not judge.  For all are being awakened now.  All are on their journey to Me.  Many have questions.  Many seek answers.  But, know this, I see all of them as they are searching for Me, I will not lose one single soul who is determined to find Me.  For I am in control of all.  Dear, precious child of Mine, fear not.  I shall bring all of your loved ones into My fold, but, I shall use many ways to bring them in, beyond the barriers that have been put up by man.  Beyond the walls of the man made churches.  Beyond the false doctrines full of dead men's bones and dead religion.  I am alive.  I live.  I breathe.  I hear.  I see.  I walk and I talk.  There is no one and nothing that can contain Me.  I do as I please, I answer to no one.  All will answer to Me.  I see the heart of each of you.  I am the one drawing you ever closer to Me.  For I am the source of life.  I am Truth.  I am love.  This is My desire that all men shall know Me personally and to develop an intimate relationship with Me.  I desire that each of you come to know Me, and abide with Me, and in Me, as I am in you all.


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Hearing God - March 15, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord this morning, this is what I heard:

Beloved, you are Mine.  I know you.  I know your thoughts and intentions of your beautiful heart.  We are one.  You are My hearts desire, for you truly want to know Me, to be with Me, to experience Me, this pleases Me child, this pleases Me.  There is much to discover and learn for you, as you enter in to study with Me, My words are life, My words are food for the hungry, My words are healing salve for the wounded, My words come to you now in many forms, you must examine them closely, look deeply into the layers.  I shall help you in this, for as you dig and dig, I shall give you the codes needed to unlock My Truths, hidden in My words.  There is no longer a veil covering the Truth of My words.  For all who are seeking to go on this adventure with Me shall be given the codes needed.  For I am now pouring out My Spirit upon all My true seekers.  For you have entered in to the most Holy Place with Me and I shall guide you into all Truth.  As you let go of the old doctrines of man and seek to know for yourselves the Truth, I have come to reveal to you who have entered into Me, who have surrendered your own understanding and asked Me for My understanding, yes, you are the ones, My Truth seekers, you are the ones I am pouring upon, to overflow now in the riches of My goodness.  You shall now know, who you are.  For it is time for the reveal.


Saturday, March 14, 2015

Hearing God -March 14, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Many are searching for Me child.  Let the bread crumbs fall and they will find them as they are drawn closer to Me.  You, My lovely one, are Mine.  You commune daily with Me.  For as you commune with Me, I sustain you, I strengthen you for what lies ahead.  You are strong and secure in Me, for you have made the transition from death into life.  You know the Way.  You are to lead, as you follow My lead, others are able to share in your journey.  You lead by example, as you share these words and experiences with others, they are strengthened in their own journeys.  They find sustenance in the crumbs that fall from our table.  Beloved, this is My calling for you at this time, simply share what you yourself are experiencing with Me.  For this is Truth, and this is REAL.  Many are awakening, as they are able to read your own story that I am writing within you.   This brings hope and comfort to the ones coming behind you.  For as they seek the Truth, as you are, they too shall be.  Nothing is lost, I can do much in the little things that seem insignificant to you.  Do not try to reason out the value of this assignment, just yield to Me and do it.  These words have life and power within them, for they are spirit pouring out of an earthen vessel.  You do not need to know how I am using them, just TRUST Me and humbly share what I give you.  This is how I am fishing today, do not hold back, spread the crumbs, daily, do not delay.  For truly, I say to you, little is much when I am in it.


Friday, March 13, 2015

Hearing God - March 13, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Beloved, do not fear tomorrow, stand strong in your faith, Knowing that I am here with you and I will never leave you alone.  Do not become caught up in the world's babble, turn your ear from it and turn in, to Me.  Even those in your own family shall face great difficulties, for pride must be put to death, and leaning on the arm of the flesh for sustaining their needs, must be cut off.  Only I can sustain you all.  Every one must come to the realization that I alone am their source.  I alone, bring forth water, food, air.  I alone, can strengthen you and sustain you in the coming storms.  My child, watching those you love come to the end of themselves will be difficult.  But, this must take place within each heart.  Remember, your own pain in your own journey to find Me for yourself, and the joy, peace, comfort and rest you now feel and abide in daily.  I am drawing all to Me now.  Stay with Me child, do not stray from the path, when you encounter a wounded traveler on the path, be kind, pour in the oil and the wine, for freely you are receiving and from the abundance of your heart you shall pour out, My love, My peace, My strength.  My peace shall flow like a river from your earthly vessel as your words shall drip like honey from a comb.  I am in you child, I shall be seen upon you.  I shall be heard, as you open your mouth I shall fill it.


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Hearing God - March 12, 2015

***Note as I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

You are beautiful child.  Always be kind.  Always forgive.  Always respond in love.  By your gentleness many are drawn into the light that is reflecting forth from your vessel.  Many are warmed by the love flowing through you.  Your words are beautiful and bring a salve of healing upon the broken, wounded and bruised travelers along the path.  Your words offer hope, and strengthen the weak and weary.  Your words are a refreshing pool, where My eternal springs flow, in your still waters, that run deep into My chambers.  You, My love, have drawn up for yourself healing waters from My well.  As you drink deeply now, My lovely one, your overflow is spreading out from your cup and spilling into the ground.  Their tongues are swollen from thirst.  They long for just a drop of what you have spilling forth effortlessly from within you.  Oh, My love, keep sowing these precious seeds now, for the hour is upon you, where men, all men, will be searching for Truth, for Me.  For they will stumble, they will fall from thirst, for the cisterns have been shut off, stopped up, and there is no life giving flow of My living water.

I tell you the Truth, a drought is coming and a severe famine shall afflict the people of the earth.  For there shall be no Truth only babble.

Woe, to the ones who trust in man, this is a futile mindset.  Woe, to the ones who feel safe and secure, none are safe, none are secure, without Me as their leader, protector, and helper.  All shall feel the furnace of affliction.  My refining fires shall burn and many shall not be able to withstand My flames, for they will not yield.  They are stubborn, rebellious, and deceived.  Soon they shall be distraught and their hearts shall fail them as they go into shock at what they shall see coming into the physical.

Oh, I warned, I pleaded, you all are without excuse.  WAKE UP, RUN, don't walk, RUN, the ark is closing.  HURRY, before it is too late.  For truly the hour is late, do not wait.  Soon, I shall take My Beloved Bride, and unleash the darkness within you, that you so desperately want.  Oh, foolish Galatians.  Examine yourselves.  Do not mock or ridicule others, examine yourselves.

Soon, I shall be quiet.  I shall still be with you all, through everything, but it will be very difficult to hear Me in the noise that is coming.  But, do not give up in seeking Me, if you are left in dire consequences, brought about by your own choices.

To My beloved Bride, I have told you all many things that are to come, you shall not be caught by surprise.  You shall not be shocked.  Your hearts shall not fail you, for I have prepared and strengthened you.  Fear not, My beloved, you shall see many difficult things, but, fear not, I am with you.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Hearing God - March 11, 2015

***Note:  The other night I was sleeping and dreaming different dreams, I can't remember all the dreams but what stuck out about this night was I kept hearing the Lord interupt and, say "Why was Davids love wrong?" I heard this over and over, and I would think about it and remember that the word said David was a man after God's own heart, this seemed like an odd question and so I said "I don't know, why was David's love wrong?", as I thought over His question, I would respond this way...I have been pondering this alot, since I woke up yesterday, and kept hearing His question pop into My thoughts as I went about my daily activities, and I kept asking Him why was Davids love wrong...then this morning this is what I heard as I was waiting on the Lord:

Why was David's love wrong?  Because he loved after the flesh and not the spirit.  He was driven by a desire for things.  I am spirit and you must come after Me in spirit.  Look at the examples of men I placed in the bible.  They are far far from perfect.  Many had a blood-lust and desired to do things for Me, instead of waiting on Me.  They acted in anger, not a fruit of the spirit.  They were self-righteous, not unlike the crusaders, they plotted and murdered, not unlike what is going on now in the middle east.  My word says David was a man after My own heart, in some ways yes, in some ways no.  He was a womanizer and driven by the lusts of his flesh, search the scriptures it's there, he was a man of revenge and prayed for Me to slay his enemies, instead of turning the other cheek, and waiting for Me to fight for him.

Oh, the story of man in My history is a fallible one.  Man has fallen so short of what I had planned for them.  But, still, I am here, I have been here the whole time, working within the realm of man, with all his faults and failures.  None are perfect, none are without sin, but, still, I love them all.  Rest assured I am in control and I shall use all as I plan and purpose.  Not one is useless.  All shall be fitly joined together.  Some to honor, some to dishonor.  Do not count out some that appear weak and fragile, or rough and unapproachable.  Remember, I am doing an inward work in each one.  Oh, the mysteries of the Kingdom are many.  Do not put the men and women of the bible on a pedestal, as a shining example of Truth, I tell you the Truth, all of them had faults and failures just like you.  They were flesh and blood, just like you.  This should encourage you.  I require all to yield to Me and in humility and submission follow My leading.  I am not a distraction.  I am your purpose.  I am your destiny.   I draw all men unto Myself.

All who have ears to hear, pay attention.  Listen, quiet yourself, in the stillness and the quiet I come.  If you will but wait upon Me, I shall be found of each of you.  For I am not distant from any of you.  Call upon Me, and then stop, be still and listen.  What do you hear?  Take a pen or pencil and paper and write it down, then examine it....

The Kingdom of God is within you.  Now is the time to recognize this.  Do you need help?  Do you want help?  Do you have ears to hear today?  If you truly want to hear Me, then enter in, be patient, come, come and wait before Me, listen, and you shall hear.


Monday, March 9, 2015

Hearing God - March 9, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord this is what I heard:

There are many who walk among you who are masquerading as My light bearers, but, I tell you the Truth, they are not of Me.  This is where you need discernment child.  I will unveil their masks for you to see clearly when I am ready.  You must walk and press forward looking only on Me, relying only on Me for Truth and seeking Me for Truth in all things.  Yes, you are to know those who labor among you.  But, you are not to judge any as good or bad, you are only to walk in love.  A gentle answer shall deter anger.  A gentle gesture shall persuade the ones in darkness to move towards the light.  For love is a powerful and beautiful force that is capable of doing many impossible things.  Nothing is impossible for Me.  I see everything and everyone.  Nothing is hidden from My view.  I allow darkness to dwell with My light now.  For this is a time of separation, all shall see who are Mine and who are not.  The season of change is moving rapidly.  Hold fast to Me child, as the currents of change sweep over you.  Many who are deceivers, shall be exposed.  Do not harden your heart against the people who do great evil, only love, forgive and move on in Me.  Dear one, I have made you strong, for such a time as this.  I am with you, My love.  Fear not.  Stand firm.


Sunday, March 8, 2015

Hearing God - March 8, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Oh My love, pay attention to your dreams, but do not dwell on them.  Ask of Me for the answers and then wait on Me.  Much is being decoded for you as you are learning My love language.  This is new to you and will take time and practice to gain understanding.  Do not be discouraged in this.  Be diligent in your pursuit of Me.  I am your teacher, each new concept, takes time to grasp.  Be encouraged, My love, you are gaining understanding in this.  Lean on Me for your understanding, let Me take the reins, do not try to understand this with your carnal mind, this will only lead to striving, you must let the river within you flow and through it your heart will gain understanding.  My way of speaking to you is not difficult, it's just new to you.  Keep listening and drawing closer, you are learning many things from Me, dear one.  I pour out more than you can comprehend, and that's OK, because if you don't get complete understanding, it will circle back around in a fresh flow, for I move in circles and you dwell in My circle.  As you live and dwell in Me, you are ever learning from Me.  I am your teacher and your guide.  Let the river flow through you, lift up your head dear one, you are not lost here in this new place in Me.  For you are ascending into a new level, let the river flow and take you deeper into Me.
