Sunday, October 5, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Oct. 4, 2014

Oh, My love, you are dear to Me.  For you rise, and come to wait at My feet.  To listen to My voice and patiently receive My instructions.  You are alert, awake, and attuned to Me.  You are watching for Me.  You are seeing Me now all around you, in people, in birds, in animals, in the wind, in the air.  You can sense My presence all around you My love, for I am here.  This is a special place you have prepared for Me here with you.  You have made room for Me, and now I have opened the doors, and removed the veils that prevented you from seeing Me, all around you.  I have opened your eyes and heart and now you see, you sense, you hear well, My love.

 Your heart makes a beautiful melody all day long for Me now.  It sings and is joyful, just in the knowing that it has found it's true love.  All hearts long to find Me, for this is how I created the heart.  Deep within each heart is a chamber made just for Me.  Some have unlocked the chamber, and invited Me in.  As they come daily to Me, I begin My work of the heart, first I purge the obvious:  fear, loneliness, pain.  I do not allow them entrance any longer into My chamber.  Then I begin to speak to the heart.  If the heart of a person is willing to hear and receive My instructions, then I continue My work.  But, if the heart refuses to hear and obey, My work stops, and I wait for them to come to the free-will choice to allow Me to continue My work in them.

 The heart is a beautiful thing.  It is multi-faceted and multi-functioning.  No one knows better than I do about the heart.  Man only sees and understands a little about the natural, physical heart. They know nothing of the spiritual side of the heart, they cannot find My chamber, but, I tell you the Truth, it is there.

  Some hearts are dark, cold, and stagnant.  The chamber meant for Me, has never truly been used.  It's empty, cold, dirty, and no light dwells there.  It is a place of jackals hyenas, and wolves.

 But, some hearts are glowing, for in My chamber I am there, I have a fire going with the embers burning brightly.  There is warmth, love, light and wisdom.  There, in these glowing hearts, I dwell and am transparent with these hearts, for they have unlocked the chamber, invited Me in, and they check on Me everyday to see if I need anything.  I am loved here.  They allow Me to work in peace even when My work cuts deep and is painful, they yield, and allow Me to continue My work.  I am content to dwell with each heart that truly seeks to make a home for Me.  These blessed hearts sing, like no others.  There is joy unspeakable in each heart that comes into Me, as they continue on their journey with Me.  I have stored many treasures for them in My chamber, oh, the beauty of a pure heart is a wonder to  behold.  I examine every heart.  I am the keeper of the flame of the heart.  As My flame burns within each heart, I am at work, they rest in Me and dwell in Me.  They are ever mindful of Me, and constantly check on Me to see if I need anything.   These hearts are My delight.  For they are truly Mine.  Selah.

Hearing God at midnight Oct. 3, 2014

In the beauty of holiness, you shall see Me, for I am with you always.  As you breathe and move in Me, you carry Me with you.  You are never separated from Me.  You have spent much time today in learning more of Me.  You have spent time with Me today just by simply resting in and being conscience  of Me.  You are now in complete union with Me.  For you are one with Me.  I am with you in everything you do now.  I never leave you, My love.  We are one.  Trust Me in this, We are one.  There is no distance between us, My love.  As you seek to understand more of Me and My secrets and My way of thinking, it draws Me closer to you, and allows you to sink deeper into Me.  Oh, My love, My dear one, you are Mine, now and forever.   You have learned much about Me today.  This pleases Me, for you are constantly seeking for more of Me.  This blesses Me child.  For you are eager to hear and you are eager to learn of Me and from Me.  It is well between Me and thee.  Beloved, I watch over you, your life, and your progress in Me.  Selah.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Oct. 2, 2014

As the beauty of Holiness embodies My Bride, she glows.  Her garments shimmer and sparkle in the radiance of her light.  As she moves about, her garments flow around her, and give the faintest sound of fluttering wings as they move about in My throne room.  Oh, the mysteries that await My Bride, so many, so much awe and wonder.  For she shall behold Me, as I Am.  She has known the deepest depths of pain.  She has known ridicule, mockery, and scoffing.  She has endured in this lonely walk of separation and isolation.  She has been the outcast among many.  She has felt the cold heart of hatred, and the bitter gall of betrayal.  She has been royalty walking among the beasts.  No one has recognized her beauty, her loveliness or her fortitude.  Oh, but, know this, My loves, I see you clearly.  I see your value beyond measure, My dear ones.  The journey of the Bride seems lonely, and isolated, but, I tell you the Truth, there are many who are on the same journey, you do not see them yet, but, soon, you will.  I encourage all, now, to look around you, can you see My Bride?  She is glowing NOW in the beauty of holiness, she is kind, she is gentle, she is lowly and she walks among you now.  Her breath flows in and out of Me.  Freely she moves, in and out of Me.  She is in Me and I am in her.  Can you not see her, shining in the darkness.  Oh, I see her, her beauty is beyond compare.  She is the one My soul longs for.  She is My hearts desire.  Oh, the Bride is ready, she awaits her final instructions with a fluttering heart, her spirit leaps within her, as she awaits her groom.  Selah.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Oct. 1, 2014

My child, you have much to learn, but, you are willing, and make yourself available to learn.  As you listen, you hear and grow, your spirit is refreshed and renewed in Me daily.  Your senses are heightened now, for you are clearly awake and watching.  Your eyes see Me, your heart feels My presence, and deep within your gates you are one with Me.  I see your struggle in understanding.  I shall open up the eyes of your understanding more.  Do not be discouraged in your labor to learn and receive more of Me.  I am here with you, through the course of your divine journey as you dwell in the spirit with Me.  I am uncovering many mysteries to you now, for as you seek to know, you shall know.  My love, this process cannot be rushed.  I know you feel the urgency to learn as much as you can without delay, but, know this, you shall not miss Me.  I am leading you, step by step.  You are following close to Me.  I beckon, and you come.  I hold your hand along this path.  It is a private journey between thee and Me.  You have entered into Me now, and you shall surely know Me for yourself.  You are My treasure, My love, I am well pleased with your progress.  As you come before Me daily, to seek My face, to know Me, to hear Me for yourself, you are filled to overflowing with fresh oil, and the manna from heaven is yours for the taking, eat your fill, My love.  Stay here with Me as long and as often as you want, for I am here, waiting always for you.  You are always thinking upon Me, and your heart is ever turned inward to Me.  I love your temple.  I am enthroned in the seat of your affection, and I am well pleased.  I love you, My little one.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Sept. 30, 2014

The word became flesh and dwelt among us.  Think on this, My beloved.  I am the word.  I became transformed into flesh, an earthen vessel, and walked among men, once again.  My flesh died and I rose again.  I laid the carnal flesh and the carnal mind down, and I chose to walk in the spirit, for I am spirit, I have always been spirit.  Adam and Eve were spirit first, and then I clothed them in skin.  This concept is difficult for many to grasp.  For most, all they have known is that Adam and Eve were flesh just like them, not so, My dear one, I am your teacher and I desire for you to understand this.  The word became flesh and dwelt among us, is deeper than you know.  For you are spirit, shrouded in this flesh skin, but, Remember, you are spirit, and I download more and more into you, you are being renewed to what you once were.  You are being changed into Me, My likeness, My image, My word.  My word is etched into you, each day, deeper and deeper still.  This is the transformation process, you all are called to.  You shall become the word, and walk the earth giving My light and My bread, to the dark and perishing, lost ones.  As they see your light, they shall be drawn to it, as they eat My bread, they too shall begin to be filled with My light, and I shall etch My word into these also.

Many who do not see, shall see a great light.  They are searching for Truth, for they have never known Truth.  They are searching for Love, for they have never known Love.  The lies are being discarded now, as I move across the earth.  The spirit is drawing each spirit to itself.  I am God, I am your creator.  I created all that you see and know.  I am spirit.  I created man, in spirit and in Truth.  As each of you seek out Truth, you must let go of the lies.  Come to Me, with all your questions, I am here.  I am willing to show you the Truth, but, you, My dear ones, must be willing to receive Truth.  As you seek Me, I shall be found of you.  As you are learning, your understanding in the spirit is enlightening.  This is an inward journey.  You must be willing to let go of self.  Ask, seek and knock.  I shall open up the mysteries to you.  You shall know Me, and I shall know you, this is all I ask of each of you, to know Me, and to let Me communicate with each of you.  You are all My treasured creation.  I desire to teach you, to walk among you freely.  To love you and be loved by you.  I alone am your defense, your allie, and your keeper.  Let Me come in, get to know Me for yourself, the storms are coming, I can help you.  But, I will not force you to seek Me for yourself.  I shall only call to you, through My messengers, these are My own, for they are fully yielded and immersed in Me, look around you, for they walk among you.  Can you see My beloveds shining brightly now.  They are in Me.  Fully loved, fully protected, fully prepared for the days ahead.  I am strong in My beloveds.  I am near to each one, for they are truly Mine.  I wish for all to be Mine.  How long will you tarry at My gates.  Come now, the spirit is drawing.  Will you enter in with Me?

Monday, September 29, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Sept. 29, 2014

Beloved, you shall see many things as you journey through these days.  You shall see many suffer.  You cannot take away their suffering.  For it is appointed unto you to be a witness of these things for Me.  Oh, My dear one, do not allow yourself to be troubled now, you shall walk in love, and give love out, as an offering to Me.  I pour My love into you, and you, now, shall pour out.  You shall stand firm in Me, as the ones around you shall go through severe testings.  My compassion shall encompass you now, but, know this, My love, you are not to take on their pain and affliction.  You are to be as you are, gentle, quiet and lowly.  you are My lamb, My quiet little dove, you shall shine forth for Me as you move, and breathe and go about your day.  Freely I have poured into you, and freely you shall pour out.  You have endured your testing and you have walked through your fires.  Now, your strength shall shine forth, for I am your strength, and I am in you, and I shall flow out of you, as a river of peace, a river of calm and stillness, a river of love, a river of assurity, a river of strength.  My river flows and courses through your veins.  For you, My love, have established a firm foundation in Me, your roots are deep and well watered.  You make your home in Me, and all is well with thee and Me.  Oh, My love, the world shall see Me through you, your words, your actions, all, shall be by My hand and leading.  Your faith is your shield, and My love is your buckler.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Sept. 28, 2014

It's a good day child.  All is well with thee and Me.  I see your struggles.  I see your not understanding. Patience child, for you are growing in your understanding.  As you are able to understand more, I shall reveal more to you.  You are not required to understand everything.  Just ask Me and I will give you understanding on the things I want you to know.  You and I are one, and I am pleased with your service to Me.  I watch over you, My dear one, for you are truly beautiful to Me.  I smell your sweet aroma, as you live, and move and breathe out your life to Me.  You are Mine completely, and this pleases Me child, this pleases Me.  I search the world, over and over, to see who is looking for Me and thinking upon Me.  For I seek to know who are Mine.  I take detailed notes of each life.  For all are created by Me.  I know each heart, and desire of each person.  The ones who are Mine, who willingly think upon Me and come unto Me, to wait and experience Me for themselves, they glow.  These shine and sparkle in the darkness.  These are My gems and jewels.  Each one hand-faceted by Me.  I have done the work, for I am the potter and you are the clay.  My hand rests upon My children and My children rests in Me.  They, like you, My love, dwell in My Kingdom now.  They live and breathe and move in Me.  I am in them, and they are in Me.  We are one.  We are unified.  We are prepared for the battle.  Selah.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Sept. 27, 2014

Hello, little one, I am here.  It is good to come and wait before Me.  In unity you shall discover much in Me.  Change is upon you now.  My heart beats in anticipation of the joy that is set before Me.  I am eager to take hold of My bride, for you are My prize.  I shall send forth My angels to beckon the lost.  It shall be a quick work.  You, My lovely dove, are ready, prepared, and secure in Me.  You have nothing to fear.  Judgement shall not come upon you, for I have already examined, cleansed, and judged you.  For as you yield, I make all things new.  Do not be troubled by what you see others going through.  I am at work, testing and refining each heart.  Each one shall answer for their own choices.  The decisions you make have consequences.  All will give an account for their own life choices.  I am the only judge.  You cannot judge anyone, for you do not see the whole, clear picture, only I do.  But, know this, I shall discipline, chastise and correct all.  I am doing a great work now.  Soon, all shall feel My hand upon them.  The eye shall see many impossible things now, for the time draws near when men's hearts shall fail for fear of what they see coming upon them.  Oh, fear not, My little one, for you are pure and clean, you are ready, I shall pour forth My love upon you and through you.  You are one with Me, you are Mine.  The world is in for many surprises now.  You, shall not be surprised, for I have already told you many things.  Stay calm, rest in Me now.  Peace is your lot, in the midst of the storm.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Sept. 26, 2014

The service of man is measured in time.  Man's days are numbered.  They are linear.  The timeline that you are traveling through is closing.  My child, this is why there is such an urgency in your desire to have more and more of Me.  For deep within you, there is a knowing that change is upon you all.  If there is a beginning, then there is an end.  But, you, My dear one, have traveled through many levels on your journey.  You have strengthened yourself in Me and I shall make the crooked paths before you straight.  You shall hear Me clearly, saying this is the path, walk in it.  You are quick to hear and obey. You have set your heart on Me.  You have determined in your mind to follow Me, no matter where the path may lead.  This pleases Me, little one, this pleases Me.  Though you may not see clearly with your eyes, you do see in the spirit well.   I am opening your eyes of understanding more, and the realm of faith is opening before you.  This realm of faith is the realm you were created to walk in, to move in, to breathe in and out, for you were created to walk and move in Me and with Me.  You are My child, My bride, and My friend.  I have chosen you, you have chosen Me.  You dwell richly in My Kingdom.  I watch over all your ways.  You are a sweet smelling sacrifice to Me, dear one.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Sept. 25, 2014

Oh, My love, the days are fleeting now.  The birds sing their melodious songs to Me, as they usher in the new day.  Many cannot see the Kingdom coming, but, you can, My love.  You see Me clearly now.  You draw close to hear Me.  You stand on the wall, and watch for Me.  You dwell in My tents, and you shelter deep within My wings.  Oh, beloved, many are not focused on Me, they are still on the slippery slopes of self.  The mountain of self calls to all now and as each soul is drawn to this mountain they personally hit the self-destruct button.  They are becoming paralyzed with fear, for the god of self, will never protect and care for them.  I alone am the comforter.  I know exactly what each heart needs.  My words are faithful and true.  All who dwell in Me shall be protected and provided for.  They shall find strength to endure every difficulty that comes.  I have put within My children the power and the strength to stand in the midst of whatever challenge is before them, for I dwell within each one.  They are warriors in My Kingdom and We shall arise together as My Kingdom comes forth.  I shall take back My earth.  I shall take back ALL of My earth:  the people, the land, the creatures, the water.  I shall take back all.  I shall restore.  I shall renew.   This shall be a time like no other.  Oh, beloved, this is what I long for.  To be one with My creation.  To walk among My creation once again and not feel distant.  To be known by My creation.  To pour out My love and to receive their love.  I will have relationship.  We shall be one, once again.  Beloved, the time draws close, can you feel the change coming?  Can you feel the urgency of the hour?  Selah.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Sept. 24, 2014

***note: As I began to sit and wait upon the Lord the Holy Spirit began to sing "Oh, it's a good day, to have a good day, yes, it's a good day, to have a good day..."

Many things now will come your way to try and disrupt your peace and throw fear upon you.  Do not worry or fret My little one, you are Mine, and I will take care of you.  I will open the floodgates of heaven and shower down blessings upon you.  I shall dispatch My angels to intercede for you in the battle raging around you.  Do not doubt My hand of protection.  I shall watch over you, My dear one.  Stay close to Me, do not allow yourself to be pulled off of My path I have placed you on.  You are growing and maturing rapidly, with each passing day, the eyes of your understanding are being enlightened.  Let love cover you today in strength and honor.  Walk in My peace, for I am in you, I lead, you follow.  Many shall run amuck now, as fear overtakes them, for they have no foundation to uphold them.  They are not anchored to My vine.  They have chosen to know "about" Me, but, have not made the journey to "know" Me for themselves.  They have not severed their hearts from the lusts of this world, and have gazed upon My pastures, with the foolish thoughts that they can enter in whenever they wish, and go back and forth, in the world, and in My Kingdom.  I am separating the wheat from the tares.  The false and profane shall not enter My domain.  Purity and hope shall be the front and rear guards of My righteous ones.  They are My first fruits.  I know who are truly Mine, and who are fake and false friends.  I am the Master of My own, and I cherish them.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Sept. 23, 2014

Song:  "Over the mountains and the streams, deeper inside of me the Spirit comes..."

The way of Truth comes from within, as the spirit draws you to Himself.  He gently calls, and you awaken.  You dwell in the midst of Me now, My love.  I have searched you.  I have tested you and you have proved yourself worthy.  You are truly a worshiper of Me.  Your life is eternally wrapped up in Me.  You seek Me above all else.  You rise to seek Me out.  Your mind is stayed on Me now.  You are drawn to Me continually through out your day.  You are a carrier of My presence, for you seek to dwell with Me always.  No weapon formed against our union shall prosper.  For within you is a fortress that We have built together.  Where there is unity, there is strength.  You are truly Mine, My little one.  For  you live in Me, and I live in you.  The battle rages all around you, but it cannot harm you, for you are shielded and protected in Me.  I personally watch over you, My dove.  You are on an uphill slope in your journey.  Stay with it, breathe in, breathe out, I am here.  I am not distant.  You are not alone on the path.  I lead you now to places you have never known.  Now is the time to experience a deeper level of My love and My power in you.  Your wine is growing sweeter and sweeter.  The oil in your vessel is thick like honey, and overflows and pools at your feet.  For I am your treasure. I alone am your hearts desire.  It is well with thee and Me.  Selah.

Hearing God - Sept. 22, 2014

Beloved, I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health in all area's of your life.  Yes, do the drink offering to Me as I detoxify your body.  You and I are one and you shall breathe and move with Me in the physical as well as the spiritual.  I am healing you in all areas of your body and your life.  I have placed within you My healing hands.  As you have freely received this, you must freely give it out, as I direct you.  Not everyone shall be healed, but, as your faith grows, nothing shall be withheld from you.  I am the God of impossible things.  You, My dear one, shall do many impossible things, as My spirit leads you and moves within you.  Do not doubt My words, dear one, Only Believe, All, and I mean All things shall be possible as you believe.  The Kingdom is within you. Many are seeking the Kingdom to find the riches of earth for themselves.  This is backwards and upside down.  You must turn within to find the Kingdom.  The Kingdom is hidden deep within the earthly vessels I have personally hand made.  All are uniquely made, one of a kind masterpieces.  The Kingdom is cloaked in the darkness, and shrouded in mystery and intrigue.  All who desire to enter into My Kingdom must make the personal and challenging journey for themselves.  The path is narrow.  Look within, be still, follow after My still small voice, I am speaking, you must learn to hear.  It will require you to battle the great god of "self", the god of "me"must be brought low and humbled before Me.  It is better to move along in your journey, fully yielded to Me, but some will not heed this instruction, for they are willful and full of pride and self, so be it, their time of testing shall be most severe.  But, to the ones who are truly seeking Me, I shall be found.  Do not give up in your quest to truly find Me for yourself.  I am the rewarder.  Many are on their journey to Me now, many have found Me as you have, My love, as My flock comes into My fold, pastures open up for them with signs and wonders they have never seen or experienced before.  All is well for you, My little ones, you ae not going crazy, you are not losing it, you have broken down the walls of self and entered into My Kingdom, now our relationships are flourishing, as I hand feed each of My lambs, only the choicest morsels, they eat and drink their fill now, and I shall not be separated from any of them.  The narrow way is the only way.  You must endure much purging and testing.  You must look within, take the journey, it will be the best journey of your life.  If you seek Me, I shall be found of you.  I am the Way, I am the Truth, I alone am the Life.  Choose now who you will follow, Me or self.  You must choose, choose wisely, for your life and future are in the balance.  I see you ALL, now, I ask you to look for Me, search now, in earnest, while I may still be found.  Selah.

Sept. 21, 2014

Yesterday and today I was awakened by a loud doorbell.  It was not my real doorbell, I heard it in the spirit as I was sleeping and it was loud and awakened me.  I am pondering and praying over this.

Today the Holy Spirit kept singing:  "Oh, it's a good day, to have a good day, yes, it's a good day, to have a good day..."

He kept singing all day and even at bedtime He was singing this song.  

Hearing God - Sept. 20,2014

Oh, My beloved, I am here with you.  I see you.  You are not distant from Me.  To have a servants heart is to purely reflect Me, and this pleases Me, dear one, this pleases Me.  You shine with the purity of My eternal flame within you.  As you pass through this season, you shall be a blessing and a comfort to many, for with compassion of heart, that can only be acquired through much severity of testing, you shall be able to minister bread and water to many who are going through their time of travail and  testing.  You can only give out what you have personally acquired from Me, I reward you with many gifts and abilities as you labor and pass through your own tests.  The journey is not easy.  It is difficult to break away from self, and many never will, but, know this, the ones that are going through this fire, shall shed many tears, their deep pain shall be evident upon them.  As they come to you, you shall pour in the oil and the wine, healing divine.  For My love and My spirit shall flow forth from you like honey, it shall glow, for you My child, are golden, it shall stick to the hurting places and bind up their wounded hearts.  My spirit shall rest upon you and flow thickly upon My people through you.  For you were a wounded vessel that I have healed through your continual coming to Me.  As I have done for you, I shall do for others as I flow through you.  I am the source, you, My dear one are My yielded vessel.  I love you, My fair one.  Stay strong in Me.  I pour into you from My continual everlasting spring, and you pour out like a river to form an oasis for My little ones to find rest from the storms.  I am pleased with you child.  We are one, you shall soar upon the high places with Me in spirit and in truth.  I am breaking every chain off of you.  I am setting you free.  As I am doing for you, I shall do for all who come and bow down to My authority and let Me lead and direct their lives.

*Note:  As I am writing this the Holy Spirit is singing "Oh, it's a good day, to have a good day..." 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Hearing God - Sept. 19, 2014

Oh, My dear one, wait, just wait upon Me.  As you wait, relax, let the weight of the day just slip away. As you draw near to Me, once again, breathe in, breathe out, I am here in the quiet, in the stillness with you.  Much is settled between you and I.  There is no distance.  For you purposefully draw ever nearer to Me now.  As you linger in My presence, I can smell you, your heart is beautiful to Me.  Oh, My love, it is good to dwell together in unity.  Can you feel Me near you, My love?  I hover over you, I listen to you, I listen to your heart, I listen to your thoughts, and I listen to your vibrations.  As you continually draw from My well, your vibrations get stronger, and the resonance of your spirit is like a timbrel.  You are making beautiful music with Me now.  You do not hear it, but, I do.  The sound coming from your merry heart is a symphony of praise unto Me,  and I receive your offering of thanksgiving.  You are so beautiful to Me, My dear one, your love for Me grows deeper with each passing day.

Hearing God - Sept. 18, 2014

I have called you to be a witness of all things.  Don't compare yourself to others.  Compare yourself to Me, and what I've called you to do.  Each of My children have separate individual tasks, some more, some less.  All, are equally important.  You are right where I want you, little one.  Do not compare yourself to what others are doing, and feel lacking in what I have called you to do.  You are positioned on My vine, exactly where I want you to be.  You are growing and maturing, your roots are deep, My love, you are a well watered branch, who is taking in the full cistern and as you drain it, I pour more in. Your understanding has grown, Oh, I am pleased, very pleased at your progress.  Do not doubt if you are in the right place, I tell you the truth, you are exactly where I want you at this moment.  Do not change your course.  Pursue, pursue, pursue Me, in your understanding.  Beloved, you have had much down-loaded into you, and you have received My Wisdom, you are so beautiful as you drink and drink and drink from My eternal river flowing within you.  Keep drinking.  Keep listening.  Soon you shall see what you've never seen before.  Oh, I love our times together.  We are one, you and I.

Hearing God - Sept. 17, 2014

I must talk to you now, My dear one, of the deception that dwells in the households of faith.  For men have been indoctrinated into lie upon lie since their earliest understanding.  I must break through these barriers to free My people from the bondage that holds them.  I am not a man that I could lie.  I am the creator of all, hear Me now, come out of all these man made doctrines that keep you far from Me.  You were created to dwell with Me, and hear Me for yourself.  I desire to be in a personal one on one relationship with you.  No one should come in your behalf, No, I say again, all should come to Me as individuals.  I alone can guide and direct each path.  I alone know what each one of you needs.  All is not lost.  I am here.  To pray, is to speak to Me personally, it is a conversation, you speak, I listen, you pause to hear Me, you wait for Me to speak, in quietness and stillness, you wait, then I speak.  This is important.  You must all strive daily to hear Me for yourselves.  I speak all the time.  SSShhh, be still and listen.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Hearing God - Sept. 16,2014

My child, you are growing by leaps and bounds in the spirit.  Much is being accomplished in you now, that you do not see, or understand, but, know this, I am the architect and you are My strong tower that I am building into a new and marvelous thing.  There are many rooms in your tower.  I have equipped you with many talents and abilities.  I am finishing your rooms now, for I have grown in you and your temple rooms needed a makeover.  I have enlarged the place of My dwelling in you.  I am strong in you, My little one.  You are strong in Me, and in spirit you shine like My Son.  For you are truly reflecting My Son, in all your ways you acknowledge Him, and Wisdom is well pleased with thee.  Much is transpiring in the spirit.  Do not worry that the information I give you, in your dreams, or in your waiting upon Me is slipping away from you.  I am storing much information on the inside of you, this is part of your transformation process.  Nothing shall be lost from you.  I am storing it and I will bring it back to your remembrance as you need it.  Beloved, I am pouring out much now, and you must continue to stretch yourself to receive it.  More, much more information is coming your way.  Oh, My little one, do not be overwhelmed. (as He was speaking I had a vision)

Vision:  I am in a castle bedroom with Jesus watching Me and speaking to Me of the things that need to come.  I am feeling overwhelmed, I am listening intently to His instructions, as I gaze out the window at the beautifully landscaped ends.

He continues to speak:

I am here.  You are to take one day at a time with Me, resting and abiding in Me, stay with Me in My private bed chambers, as long and as often as you need now, My dear one. 

Hearing God in the evening - July 30, 2014

You are going to be transfigured, as I was on the earth, so you shall be, for you are Mine.  You shall always be Mine.

I soo long to be with all people and call them My people, I am pleased that you are putting our conversations up on the www, for it pleases Me that so many are seeking the truth, and in so doing, the breadcrumb trail is guiding them straight to Me.  I am not distant from anyone.  I may seem silent, but, I am here.  I see each one, as they grope in the dark for truth.  I shall reveal Myself to each determined heart, who has set their desire to find Me, they shall be rewarded.  For any true seeker shall surely find the treasure he seeks.  I am pleased with you, little one, for your heart is constantly meditating on My truths, and slowly discerning My truths from their lies.  This is why it is vital to have only one teacher.  I am the Truth, so I am the best teacher to reveal all truth to you.  You have learned much today, My love, and I am pleased with your progress.  I love spending time with you, for you are fair, My love, fairer than ten thousand to Me.  Your heart is gold, and aglow with My eternal flame.  You come directly to My inner chambers daily to commune with Me and learn more of Me and My heart.  Oh, My love, it truly blesses Me that you desire Me as much as I desire you.  Your love and devotion is not tainted with selfish gain, for you are content where you are.  You are patient in waiting upon Me, for you can be sure I shall always be by your side.  Beloved, you are one of My dearest treasures, for your heart is pure and you want only to please Me.  It is well with thee, My dove.  I shall use you to set the captives free, but, for now, wait, joy comes in the morning.