Sunday, September 28, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Sept. 28, 2014

It's a good day child.  All is well with thee and Me.  I see your struggles.  I see your not understanding. Patience child, for you are growing in your understanding.  As you are able to understand more, I shall reveal more to you.  You are not required to understand everything.  Just ask Me and I will give you understanding on the things I want you to know.  You and I are one, and I am pleased with your service to Me.  I watch over you, My dear one, for you are truly beautiful to Me.  I smell your sweet aroma, as you live, and move and breathe out your life to Me.  You are Mine completely, and this pleases Me child, this pleases Me.  I search the world, over and over, to see who is looking for Me and thinking upon Me.  For I seek to know who are Mine.  I take detailed notes of each life.  For all are created by Me.  I know each heart, and desire of each person.  The ones who are Mine, who willingly think upon Me and come unto Me, to wait and experience Me for themselves, they glow.  These shine and sparkle in the darkness.  These are My gems and jewels.  Each one hand-faceted by Me.  I have done the work, for I am the potter and you are the clay.  My hand rests upon My children and My children rests in Me.  They, like you, My love, dwell in My Kingdom now.  They live and breathe and move in Me.  I am in them, and they are in Me.  We are one.  We are unified.  We are prepared for the battle.  Selah.

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