Song: "Praise the Lord, Oh My soul, and all that is within me, bless His Holy Name....Bless the Lord, Oh my soul and all that is within me, Bless His Holy Name..."
My child, My dear one, you are never far from Me now. For I have trained your heart and ear to listen for Me in all things. You are My quiet, gentle dove, in whom I am well pleased. You live a life devoted to Me, you always seek the paths of righteousness, truth and love. This is walking in My Kingdom. For as you live and breathe and move, you are yielded to My spirit, so that I am able to live and breathe and move through you. I fill your earthly vessel with My holiness and I flood you to overflowing with My abundant love. You can see Me when you look for Me. For you are spirit and I am spirit, when you center your spiritual heart and eyes on seeing Me, you can see Me, I will reveal Myself to you, as you look for Me with a pure heart. I have removed many things from your heart, soul, and mind, and I have cleansed you from all your stains. You are righteous and holy before Me now, My dear one. For I truly live big in you. No fear resides in you any longer. Oh, My love, you are glorious and beautiful and you are truly reflecting Me in all that you do. Beloved keep coming for more of Me, for the river within you shall never run dry, you are Mine and I am yours. Selah
My child, My dear one, you are never far from Me now. For I have trained your heart and ear to listen for Me in all things. You are My quiet, gentle dove, in whom I am well pleased. You live a life devoted to Me, you always seek the paths of righteousness, truth and love. This is walking in My Kingdom. For as you live and breathe and move, you are yielded to My spirit, so that I am able to live and breathe and move through you. I fill your earthly vessel with My holiness and I flood you to overflowing with My abundant love. You can see Me when you look for Me. For you are spirit and I am spirit, when you center your spiritual heart and eyes on seeing Me, you can see Me, I will reveal Myself to you, as you look for Me with a pure heart. I have removed many things from your heart, soul, and mind, and I have cleansed you from all your stains. You are righteous and holy before Me now, My dear one. For I truly live big in you. No fear resides in you any longer. Oh, My love, you are glorious and beautiful and you are truly reflecting Me in all that you do. Beloved keep coming for more of Me, for the river within you shall never run dry, you are Mine and I am yours. Selah