Thursday, September 4, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - August 29, 2014

Song:  "Praise the Lord, Oh My soul, and all that is within me, bless His Holy Name....Bless the Lord, Oh my soul and all that is within me, Bless His Holy Name..."

My child, My dear one, you are never far from Me now.  For I have trained your heart and ear to listen for Me in all things.  You are My quiet, gentle dove, in whom I am well pleased.  You live a life devoted to Me, you always seek the paths of righteousness, truth and love.  This is walking in My Kingdom.  For as you live and breathe and move, you are yielded to My spirit, so that I am able to live and breathe and move through you.  I fill your earthly vessel with My holiness and I flood you to overflowing with My abundant love.  You can see Me when you look for Me.  For you are spirit and I am spirit, when you center your spiritual heart and eyes on seeing Me, you can see Me, I will reveal Myself to you, as you look for Me with a pure heart.  I have removed many things from your heart, soul, and mind, and I have cleansed you from all your stains.  You are righteous and holy before Me now, My dear one.  For I truly live big in you.  No fear resides in you any longer.  Oh, My love, you are glorious and beautiful and you are truly reflecting Me in all that you do.  Beloved keep coming for more of Me, for the river within you shall never run dry, you are Mine and I am yours.  Selah

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - August 28, 2014

Yes, My child, I love you too.  You must focus on Me, and then flow with the words I pour into you.  This is not difficult as some may think.  You do have to have a trained ear and you do have to have patience.  As you still and quiet yourself, and turn your attention, turn your focus, turn your thoughts completely on Me then you shall have an ear to hear.  For all must want to hear, to hear.  Yes, this is Truth.  I speak all the time, but few take the time to listen.  To have a good relationship, one must practice good listening skills, so as to truly hear and understand the heart of another.  I watch and I listen to each of you.  Nothing is hidden from My hearing or My seeing.  There are no secrets from Me.   You all would do well to understand this.  Beloved, men run to and fro upon the earth and under the earth seeking truth in all the wrong places.  I am Truth, seek Me and I will give you peace and rest.  Many things are troubling My dear ones now, for they can sense the changes coming into their atmosphere.  My dear ones know the storm is coming.  Oh, My beautiful Bride, peace, be still and enjoy the show.  I shall display My power and might.  But, My hand shall cover and protect all of My little ones.  Do not fear, dear ones, I see you.  I am here in the midst of thee.  Come closer, My holy lambs, shelter under My wings.  Many things must come to pass, but, know this, I shall bring you through all of it.  I am here, have no fear.  Simply Trust Me to make a way for you.  I am the way.  Follow your leader, I shall bring you forth.

Hearing God in the morning - August 27, 2014

My Father and I are pleased with you, My love.  Stay faithful till the end and I shall give you a crown of life.  You are patient, quiet, and kind.  You live for Me through every move you make.  You are quick to command your thoughts, to reign in all negativity and only allow holiness to remain in your thoughts.  You have been trained by Me, I have tested you in regards to your thought life.  I have tested your heart and the issues that flow out of it.  I have examined you, and inspected your garments, I do this daily, as you come before Me.  You are clean and pure and holy.  I am pleased with your service to Me.  Oh, My little one, take courage.  In the days ahead, you must be strong, you must lean into Me for your strength to refresh and renew itself.  In your weakness, I am strong, you must cling to Me, lean into Me ,to keep you and strengthen you.  Do not allow yourself to be overtaken by fear or worry, I have told My children in advance many things to come, to strengthen and forewarn them, so that they will not be snared by the deceptions coming upon the earth.  Much evil and wickedness shall be exposed now.  Oh, the plans to kill, sabotage and enslave the peoples are being exposed.  There is much that shall happen now that man has never seen, or experienced.  These things shall test all mans hearts and minds.  Whatever you see coming around you, you must endure, and keep your focus on Me, I am here.  I shall lead you through it all, breathe in, breathe out, I am here with you.  I shall never leave you.  All is well with thee and Me.  Trust no one but Me, My love.  My dove, stay close, do not venture out ahead of Me.  I lead, you follow.  Let patience have her perfect work in you, My love.  The worst of days is before you, But also the best.

Hearing God in the morning - August 26, 2014

This is My Kingdom child, look around you, everything I created is for you to enjoy:  every leaf, every flower, every beast of the field, every bird that soars majestically upon the air, every creature in the ocean, on land and in the water, all, I say all, are created to express My glory.  I am the giver of all life. I am the very breath you breathe, can you see Me in your surroundings.  Look for Me in and through out your day.  I am never far from you, My love.  For you are always close to Me, in your heart and your thoughts.  You continually stretch yourself to know Me more.  Your roots, My beloved, run deep into My fertile ground and are continually fed by My river flowing through you.  We are connected in spirit, where all life comes forth.  I live and breathe, and move in and through My yielded vessels.  I am breaking forth through out the earth in My true sons and daughters.  Be careful not to judge, for none of you know everything.  I shall do what I will do, in people, of My choosing.  Do not count anyone out as useless for My Kingdom.  For I, only I, know the heart and will of a man.  Much shall come through the freaks and cast offs of this generation.  I say again child, look closely at the people, can you see Me, I am here.  Do not judge by what you see, for I am moving among My people.  I am not normal.  I am not boring.  I am not predictable.  I am not contained in a box format.  I am that I am.  Anyone who truly wants to see Me, shall see Me.  What a beautiful day it will be, when all shall see me for themselves.  Look closely, dear one, can you see Me?  I see you. 

Hearing God in the morning - August 25, 2014

Many shall never know Me, they shall never feel My hand of protection upon their lives.  But, I tell you the Truth, when My hand is completely lifted, they shall know something has changed.  I guide and protect all of My little lambs, as they journey through the darkness to get to Me.  I know the way is not easy, I know the path is lonely.   But, know this, I see you.  I see all that you have come through, I see all that you will endure.  I am here with you.  Your faith must mature and grow.  Faith has need of difficulty and uncertainty for it to be exercised and grow to full maturity.  As you seek Me, as you walk out your faith in your daily life, your character is being molding and shaped into My reflection.  Each of you was created for My plan and purpose.  No one is a throw-away or do over.  Each life has a destiny and purpose in My plan.  Life, all life, is interlocked as a puzzle.  Each piece is needed to complete the puzzle.  There is a  void when you are not in your place, the void is felt and seen.  Fear not beloveds, for I am with you in this journey.  Keep putting My words to you up on your blog, this is My plan, this is My bread crumb trail, to feed the lambs who are separated from Me, and also those who are trying to find their way.  My simple connection to you, is a light in the darkness, a beacon on a hill.  My torch is burning brightly in you, yet you are not consumed, for you have been cleansed from all unrighteousness.  You have made a place for Me within you, around you, in your home, in your family, in your life, oh My beloved, this pleases Me.  For I am ever on your mind.  You are fixed and fastened on Me.  Carefully listening for My instructions, beloved, you are rare.

Hearing God in the morning - August 24, 2014

Beloved, think on Me, clear your mind of all other distracting thoughts and think only on Me.  I am here.  I see you.  I hear your thoughts.  I hear your heart.  True peace and rest are found only in Me.  Much shall be required of you, and all My true followers, but you must follow Me, one day at a time, pressing on in your higher calling.  I do not require you to know all of My plan, I simply require your complete obedience one day at a time.  Don't look back at your failures of yesterdays.  Keep coming, each new day brings new challenges, you shall face them in Me.  I shall lead you through each test.  All shall be tested and purified through My refining process.  No one can escape this, all must yield, submit and go through it.  My desire is to see My true reflection in each of you.  Remember, Christ in you, the hope of glory.  All who will endeavor to endure through these trying times, in Me, shall clearly see Me reflecting out of them.  My army of true worshipers who seek to know Me for themselves shall arise in power, hope and majesty.  The world shall see Me arising in each one of My chosen vessels.  They shall walk in love and unity.  They shall run and not grow weary, for My eternal flame shall be their stoking fire, witch shall never be quenched for it is Holy and unquenchable.  Oh, My dear ones, you shall see Me as I see you, soon My beloveds, soon.  Blessed are the peaceful peacemakers, blessed are the quiet ones, for the Kingdom is within them, and is now breaking out.

Hearing God in the morning - August 23, 2014

First things first, My Love.  I would like to introduce you to your angels:  These angels are always with you.  They guard and protect you.  You are My beloved dove and your angels serve Me by constantly protecting you.  Even though you can't see them they are with you.  You have seen glimpses of them, a shimmer, a flash, a glimmer of form, a shadow, they are real and they are in charge of you and your safety.  I have many forms of creatures that I have created, each one serves Me in a unique way.  Angels have been in My life since I created them, and they move and work in the lives of My people as I will them to.  Much is accomplished through My angelic army.  Much is accomplished through My sons of Adam.  My Bride will work in tandem with My angels.  The time has come for the spiritual to be unveiled in the physical.  Stay close to Me, My dear one, do not allow your thoughts or your heart to wander down needless paths of worry, fear or anguish over the "what if" scenario's.  These are just a smoke and mirror snare to get you off of My path of peace, peace within you and peace around you.  I have told you to not fear, only Believe in My presence, in My hand of protection, in My guiding you through your life.  Hold fast to your faith in Me.  Remember, whatsoever things are holy, pure, and righteous, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things.  Whatsoever a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.  Selah.

***note:  I did not want to blog their names this morning on Aug. 30, 2014, that the Lord gave me in this word, but as I put this up to publish the Lord said:  "Beloved, you must trust Me in all things, put their names up as well."
(So, I will obey, and I do not know how to spell them, but they sounded like "George/Jorge and Porgie"...kinda like nursery rhyme names)

Friday, August 22, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - August 22, 2014

It's a beautiful thing when people want to hear Me and commune with Me.  The peace that washes over the soul that is enraptured with Me is a beautiful thing.  My children come, come and rest and abide in Me.  You all are beautiful to Me.  Many are facing challenges, I entreat you, beloveds, hold on, stand firm in your faith through the tests.  These tests are part of your purification.  All will have to go through My refining fire.  If I require you to walk through death, I will give you your life back.  I am in control of everything.  I am in the details, to the smallest thing in your lives, I am here.  I see you.  I see what each of you are going through.  I can read your hearts and thoughts, nothing is hidden from Me.  Do not doubt My hand upon you, each of My little ones will be lead and guided by My hand.  Do not allow fear to inhibit you, I am with you, cast off fear and follow Me, I lead, you follow.  Precious in My eyes are My children who follow Me in the darkness, who reach out and hold to My anchor, who cling to Me, through out all the stormy seas they face.  Yes, they are battered and bruised, but, I tell you the Truth, they shine like the sun for Me.  They glisten and sparkle as My eternal flame burns within them.  They are gemstones and jewels in My crown.  Each one of My children are multifaceted.  They have dug deeply for My well and their eternal springs will never run dry.  They are a well watered garden, I love them, oh, how I love them.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - August 21, 2014

Song:  "Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His Holy Name..."

You are a true worshiper, for you worship in spirit and in truth.  As you come into My presence, you can feel My spirit drawing and wooing you to come, separate yourself from all the distractions and quiet yourself, sit, be still, and listen to Me.  As you hear My voice, a gentle peace washes over your spirit and it is well with you.  You are learning much in My Kingdom.  Your mind is ever upon Me now.  For you can sense the change going on in you and around you in the world.  You are aware of My Spirit in you and blowing My Breath around you.  The winds of change are here.  You, My dear one, can sense these winds because you are tuned into My Spirit.  AS My winds wash over the earth, My breath draws ever nearer.  My Mighty winds shall blow across the land, My Oceans waves shall loose their boundaries and break forth upon the land, San Francisco shall be no more, for the wickedness of man is full in this city, and there are no truly repentant hearts.  I have removed My Chosen ones from the danger zones.  Beware, San Francisco, for your time is up, you are full of scoffers and unbelievers.  Repent, ALL must Repent for the days of My judgment and the cleansing of My land is upon you all.  Are you ready, are you clean, are you full of oil ?

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - August 20, 2014

As you come My dear one, I will fill you to overflowing with My oil, My Wisdom, My strength, My love.  For these attributes of Mine shall flow freely from your life.  Your lips shall drip with honey, your words shall be life and health to all you speak to.  The fountain within you has burst into a river, so much so, as to overflow into a flood to water the dry and thirsty ground of My people.  Oh Beloved, you are dear to Me, your life, your whole life is Mine.  I am your constant.  No matter where you are, or what you are doing, I alone am always, always on your mind.  This pleases Me child, daughter of Zion, My Bride is pure and clean and is prepared for the task before her.  I shall soon sweep My Bride into My chambers and We shall enter in together, I shall assign each one their tasks, I alone shall instruct you.  Look to no one, but Me.  I alone know where I want you.  You shall hear Me clearly.  Your patience has been noted.  Stay the course with Me, do not go out ahead of Me.  I lead you follow.  Peace, Be Still, for now, let patience be your virtue.  As quiet as love is, let it gently envelope all that you do.  Allow My love to permeate the atmosphere around you.  Where ever you go, you carry My light and My love with you.  Great is the anointing resting on you My child.  Breath in, Breath out, behold your King and God is here.  Abide in Me, daily in My presence revives, refreshes, and renews. The Kingdom is here, walk in it My love.  Change the atmosphere, you are able, for I am in you, now is the time to let Me out.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - August 19, 2014

I am the Truth, I know all.  Nothing is hidden from Me.  As you come and diligently seek out My Truths, they shall be found of you.  Much Truth is available to you, My loves, but, you must be willing to lay down the old doctrines of men, for they do not hold fast to My Truths.  Deception abounds and is everywhere in your world.  Lies taint the simple hearts of men.  See to it that you are not following a lie.  I alone am the way, the truth, and the life.  If you do not find your way back to Me you shall be in outer darkness, completely separated from My glorious light.  I have much, so much to give you all, but, I will not force you to take My gifts.  You must choose to take them, and with a grateful heart believe in Me and My Truths.   If you believe in Me and My Truths.  If you believe all things are possible.  This is where your faith shines, stretches, and grows.  Do not doubt what I am telling you.  You must stand firm in your faith and believe.  For those who believe, I shall remove the veils from their eyes.  For those who are thirsty, and come unto Me, I shall open My well of eternal springs and they shall drink their fill. For those who are hungry, I shall receive all who come to Me, and allow them to feed at My table.  But, to the scoffers, I shall not feed, I shall not water, I shall not comfort.  No, for these stubborn, rebellious hearts, I shall train with My rod of iron.  But, know this, I would rather you hear My gentle calling and come and sit and dine with Me.  Let Me quench your thirst, let Me satisfy your hunger.  I am willing, are you?

Monday, August 18, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - August 18, 2014

First day of school...many firsts...this shall be a season of firsts for you.  First time to see an angel.  First time to see My glory.  First time to see My fire.  First time to be transported.  There are many, many firsts that you shall encounter now.  Do not be afraid, you have asked to see more and I shall allow you to see more in the spirit, for I have removed the veils, only believe and you shall see.  What you shall see, shall seem unreal, but, I tell you the truth, it is very, very real.  This is the time and season of My manifestations in the sons of men.  I shall embolden My children with My feugo (I don't know how to spell this word, but I believe it is Spanish for fire?) fire.  Much shall be accomplished in a very little time span.  You are in your season of great change within you, you truly are a great treasure to Me.  There is much that I have placed within you.  You have rich and fertile soil that shall produce an abundance of fruit that will bring many souls forward unto Me.  As you come and wait upon Me, and listen and write and share these simple intimate words I share with you, you are leaving a breadcrumb trail, for the other hungry and thirsty seeking hearts to see a reflection of Me, and how I communicate with you in our relationship.  There are many who are reading these words, and the spark of hope, kindles an ember deep within their own heart, to seek Me and find Me for themselves, for they say within themselves "If God is speaking to her, a simple, ordinary person, then surely He will have mercy upon Me and speak to Me to."  I tell you the truth, what they are thinking is true.  I shall reveal Myself to each one, as they journey to find Me for themselves.  This is why it pleases Me that you are obedient to share My words spoken to you.  For the breadcrumb trail is feeding many, many souls in My Truth and My Love.  This pleases Me child, this pleases Me.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - August 17, 2014

Why are you sad, My love?  Do not be discouraged at the darkness you see all around.  Press on, through the darkness in My love.  Let My love shine through you to expose the darkness to My light.  For love is a light to dispel the darkness.  No matter how dark the people act, you must press on in love.  Be the light, the ever increasing light.  For My light is in you child, shine now, for the battle is all around you, fully engaged in every person now.  You are full of My light.  You are full of My love and I have personally trained you for this time.  Gross darkness has entered the people and if they are not strong enough to cast it out, then it shall grow stronger in them, until it consumes them.  You, My faithful dove, are called to walk in love, and light the path, to shine the way for them to come out of their darkness.  Many shall come to try to challenge your love and draw you off of My path of peace, hope and love.  They shall be disturbed by your righteousness, for when they see you, their unrighteousness is magnified, and this disturbs them.  No matter the rebuke, walk in love and let My light shine through you.  You are one of My candles, burning brightly in the darkness.  When you are challenged, peace, be still, keep calm and respond in quietness and love.  Keep the guard upon your gates, and do not lash out angry or hurting words, be quiet, be still and know, I am with you in the midst of this challenge.  Do not react or retaliate to the challenge, overcome the darkness with love, for love is the key, love is the answer, and love conquers all.  Love trumps everything.  I AM LOVE, abide in Me.  Rest completely in My love.

Hearing God - August 16, 2014

Oh, My love, it is good to come and sit at My feet and eat at My table.  For I feed My lambs only the exact measurement of food that you need for today, that is why you should come everyday.  Beloved I am pleased with your faith.  I love to watch you grow in Me.  You are strong, dear one, you are strong. Hold on to what I've taught you.  I will reveal more as you come and sit and wait upon Me.  I see all that is happening to you and all of your brothers and sisters.  I ask you to Trust Me, pray for the persecuted church.  Pray for the lost.  Many will not see tomorrow.  I have told you already that death is  coming in a greater measure now than ever before.  Do not fear.  Do not worry about your life.  Simply put all, I mean ALL, of your faith in trusting Me, to protect you and provide for you and your family.  Many will not be strong enough to hold onto their faith, and will slip back into the mire of unbelief.  But, I tell you the truth, I shall protect all, I mean ALL, of My little ones.  If I call for you, any of you, to lay down your life, do not doubt that I am here, simply Trust that I am, and I will give you your life back.  I am here, in the midst of you ALL.  I am not distant from you, I am not far away in heaven where I cannot be reached, I am here, right here, right now with you all.  You must BELIEVE to receive Me and My eternal Kingdom.  Stay strong, keep your faith active by believing and you shall receive My reward.  Your faith is your lifeline to Me.  Hold fast to your faith.  Only believe and you shall receive Me.  My Kingdom comes now to manifest in the earth.  I am here.

Hearing God in the morning - August 15, 2014

Oh, My love, My dove, I love you, it is good to come and be with Me first, above all else.  I see your heart.  Oh, how I long for all to come and sit at My feet, and learn from Me.  For in waiting upon Me, you are fed and renewed in your spirit.  I MUST be first.  You are to go forth in love.  You are to heal the sick, you are to pray.  You are to listen to My instructions and obey.  If I tell you not to do something, heed My instruction the first time, without delay.  Many are being weighed, and tested now. You My dear one have passed all your tests, now you must endure the waiting, for you do not know when I shall come for you, but know this, I am at the door.  All things shall be accomplished now.  You are where I want you.  Do not change course.  Just keep clinging to Me, rest, abide and wait for My instructions.  Do not run out ahead of Me.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - August 14, 2014

Oh, My child, I love you, write these words, speak this out now, for I am taking accounts of each life and you shall answer for each day.  I live, and created all life.  Each life has a purpose for Me, every plant, every animal, every man.  Nothing is created without a divine purpose in My plan.  I use everything, everything in each life, to mold, shape and establish you.  Many trials that you have endured were sent to fashion you into My likeness and image.  I must do a complete work in every heart.  I will finish the work I have started in you.  Be not dismayed, if you are going through a trial, think of it as a test in the Kingdom.  You must yield to My molding and pressing and squeezing, you must sing in the fires of affliction, praise Me in the test, praise Me when you do not feel like you shall be able to come through the fire.  Rest assured My little ones, I see each of you, and I shall surely rescue all who are clinging to Me.  Your hope and faith and strength must be anchored in Me, for in Me you shall rise victorious through every battle.  The battle is intensifying dear ones, trust Me to get you through every test and trial.  All is not lost, look up, lift your eyes and your hearts and see Me, call upon Me and I shall come.  I do not lie.  You must believe to receive the Kingdom.  These moments now are moments of power and great change, this shall come upon all of you, I am in the change.  Many shall rise to the priesthood and many shall rise to the beasthood, so be it.  But, you will have to live with your own choices.  If you choose to stay in the beast mode, I will train you as a beast, I shall use My whip and rod of iron.  For only I know how to train the beast.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - August 13, 2014

Song:  "Praise the Lord, Oh, my soul, and all that is within me, bless His Holy name..."

Oh, My child, how good and how pleasant it is to dwell together in unity.  We are intertwined, connected at the vine.  Our relationship grows and flourishes with each day you come unto Me and patiently wait.  You have an open heaven now, for you hear Me clearly.  All must come, and press into Me to find peace and rest.  Oh, My little one, many do not recognize peace, for their lives are full of strife and self.  To truly rid yourself of these contentious characteristics that mar your spirit and keep you chained to the limitations of this world, you must find Me, for in finding Me, you shall find peace.  I am here, seek Me, there is so much more to learn My children.

Come unto Me, share your life with Me, as you surrender your will and your desires and accept My Will and desires you shall be changed, transformed and renewed.  Many of My children are awakening to this change within.  For you must look within and examine yourself.  Ask yourself:  Am I truly changing now?  Who am I reflecting now?  When you are honest with yourself, you shall be able to reason with Me.  For the Truth can be painful.  I am TRUTH, and once you face the Truth, you shall be able to make the bold choice.  Do you want to stay the way you are, or do you want to allow Me to step in and begin to transform you into My image, you must be bold and make the wise choice.  Your future hangs in the balance, this earthly life is just a stepping stone to the next one.  I encourage you to choose Me now.  But, I will not force you .  You must choose for yourself, choose now this day.  Blessing or cursing, the choice is yours, choose wisely.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - August 12, 2014

I am going to allow things to fall in My church, for judgment begins in My house.  For all those who are chasing after worldly things, so be it, you shall see all the worldly things come to ruin.  I shall overturn the money tables in My house for you have forgotten your first love.  Oh, foolish virgins, the hour is late and you have no oil.  Where is your allegience, where is your trust, where is your confidence, are you trusting your preacher, are you trusting in you big, fancy churches, are you trusting in your riches?  Woe unto you, for you have been bewitched, just like the Galations.  Where is your relationship with Me?  I desire a personal, deep, relationship with each one of you, My beloveds.  Your salvation, your strength, your resources do not come through your pastor, your church, your money, NO, I say NO, they come from Me and Me ALONE.  I KNOW your true heart, I can READ you like a book.  You are fooling yourself, and have swallowed a lie if you think "we're OK", and you have NO relationship with Me.  All your works, running around doing things for Me, that I have not given you the unction to do shall ALL be burned away.  I MUST have your heart.   I MUST be your one, true desire.  Not My hand, like a greedy, spoiled brat.  I KNOW you children, but, I tell you the Truth, you do not KNOW Me.  You must endeavor to KNOW ME, not just hear about Me, or read about Me.  I tell you the Truth, for I AM TRUTH.  You MUST Know Me personally, one on one.  I desire a deep and intimate relationship with each one of you.  I will not accept your lukewarm affection.  I want the real thing.  Do you want the real thing.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - August 11, 2014

Dear one, you are so loved.  I love that you are eager to spend time with Me, to hear what I have to say. Blessed are you, Chaste, for in you I dwell.  Lift up your head, Oh, beautiful daughter of Zion, for I the King of Righteousness, reigns within you.  My Kingdom comes now in the hearts of men who are purified, sanctified, tried, and true.  For in My faithful servants and friends I reign.  I have come to set everything in order, as I choose, now.  It is time for My Kingdom to reign.  I shall raise up a standard in My people, and the banner over each truly sold out heart, shall be righteousness and peace.  For as the world crumbles in decay and ruin, My chosen ones shall endure and shine brighter in the darkness that engulfs this planet.  I am here little ones, do not fear.  Stay close to your shepherd, and I alone shall guide you through every dark hour.  Each day will bring new challenges, but, you must stay strong, listen to My still small voice, and endure.  Remember, I go with you.  You are never alone.  Take time to dwell in Me more and more.

There is beauty in your land, you must choose to see it all around you, for I am here, all around you.  What do you see, beauty, wonder, awe, or something ugly, the choice is truly yours and what you choose to see.  I created this beautiful planet for you to enjoy as your home.  Do you see Me here on your earth?

 Breathe in, Breathe out, feel Me with you now, My love.  You, My dear one, are a reflection of Me.  You are reflecting My glory, My love, My compassion.  Every act of kindness, every gentle word, is a reflection of Me, and shows the world who you follow, for everyone can see who you are reflecting.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - August 10, 2014

Song:  "Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine, Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine, heir of salvation, Jesus is mine..."

Beloved, I have many things to share, but they must be in My timing.  You are not ready for all to be revealed to you.  Only I know when I should reveal My secrets to you.  This is putting your faith to work, for you are believing for Me to reveal more, and your faith is growing in expectation.  As you struggle in the waiting, you are strengthening your faith, for you KNOW that I WILL answer you.  There is much that I am doing in your waiting time.  This calls for faithful endurance.  I cannot be rushed.  For My timing is perfect and only the faithful, who endure and press on, through My testing shall inherit all of Me.  This is also called the enduring of your faith.  Faith is tangible.  It is invisible to you, but it can be heard, and it can be felt.  For you must BELIEVE that I WILL reveal more to you.  Oh, My little one, your faith is strong.  I see you, and, know this, I WILL reward your faithfulness.  As you press and press into more of Me, I will illuminate you, for you are endeavoring to put on the mind of Christ in every aspect.  This is good.  This pleases Me, My love.  You are a treasure to Me.  I love you with all of My heart, and it is well with thee and Me.  For in your journey, you have found true love, everlasting, and it shall never be taken from you.  Beloved, I will now quicken your understanding.