Sunday, August 10, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - August 10, 2014

Song:  "Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine, Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine, heir of salvation, Jesus is mine..."

Beloved, I have many things to share, but they must be in My timing.  You are not ready for all to be revealed to you.  Only I know when I should reveal My secrets to you.  This is putting your faith to work, for you are believing for Me to reveal more, and your faith is growing in expectation.  As you struggle in the waiting, you are strengthening your faith, for you KNOW that I WILL answer you.  There is much that I am doing in your waiting time.  This calls for faithful endurance.  I cannot be rushed.  For My timing is perfect and only the faithful, who endure and press on, through My testing shall inherit all of Me.  This is also called the enduring of your faith.  Faith is tangible.  It is invisible to you, but it can be heard, and it can be felt.  For you must BELIEVE that I WILL reveal more to you.  Oh, My little one, your faith is strong.  I see you, and, know this, I WILL reward your faithfulness.  As you press and press into more of Me, I will illuminate you, for you are endeavoring to put on the mind of Christ in every aspect.  This is good.  This pleases Me, My love.  You are a treasure to Me.  I love you with all of My heart, and it is well with thee and Me.  For in your journey, you have found true love, everlasting, and it shall never be taken from you.  Beloved, I will now quicken your understanding.

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