Sunday, August 17, 2014

Hearing God - August 16, 2014

Oh, My love, it is good to come and sit at My feet and eat at My table.  For I feed My lambs only the exact measurement of food that you need for today, that is why you should come everyday.  Beloved I am pleased with your faith.  I love to watch you grow in Me.  You are strong, dear one, you are strong. Hold on to what I've taught you.  I will reveal more as you come and sit and wait upon Me.  I see all that is happening to you and all of your brothers and sisters.  I ask you to Trust Me, pray for the persecuted church.  Pray for the lost.  Many will not see tomorrow.  I have told you already that death is  coming in a greater measure now than ever before.  Do not fear.  Do not worry about your life.  Simply put all, I mean ALL, of your faith in trusting Me, to protect you and provide for you and your family.  Many will not be strong enough to hold onto their faith, and will slip back into the mire of unbelief.  But, I tell you the truth, I shall protect all, I mean ALL, of My little ones.  If I call for you, any of you, to lay down your life, do not doubt that I am here, simply Trust that I am, and I will give you your life back.  I am here, in the midst of you ALL.  I am not distant from you, I am not far away in heaven where I cannot be reached, I am here, right here, right now with you all.  You must BELIEVE to receive Me and My eternal Kingdom.  Stay strong, keep your faith active by believing and you shall receive My reward.  Your faith is your lifeline to Me.  Hold fast to your faith.  Only believe and you shall receive Me.  My Kingdom comes now to manifest in the earth.  I am here.

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