Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - July 30, 2014

Song:  "In the morning, when I rise, give me Jesus, in the morning, when I rise, give me Jesus, give me Jesus, give me Jesus, in the morning, when I rise, just give me Jesus..."

Beloved, I wish above all things that you would prosper in the ways of My Kingdom and your knowledge of Me.  My love, as you come and wait before Me, quietly listening, patiently waiting, you are building yourself up, and your faith increases more and more, for you My dear one are found in Me.  You are proven worthy of heart, and faithful of spirit.  You are on this journey with Me and We shall never be separated.  Much of My Kingdom dwells within you now My love, for My light, the beautiful flame of My presence abides inside your temple in the holy of holies inside of you dear one.  You are not consumed by My flame because you are a part of My flame, and I can stoke the fire hotter and hotter and you will be able to endure the flames, for you My beloved little dove have taken your place in Me.  My eyes see you, every moment of every day I watch over you, for you are Mine.  You have endured much testing and purging.  I have examined your heart, and you have been cleansed by My own hand.  As you are obedient to follow Me, day by day, your faith grows, and you are able to continue onto new levels in Me.  You are strong My love, My dear one, even though you cannot see clearly what lies ahead, still you come daily to sit at My feet and hear Me, you do not run from Me, you wait upon Me faithfully.  It is well with thee and Me.  You are beautiful.  You are shining now My dear one and soon you too shall see how you shine.  It's a beautiful thing to be in the hand of your God and King.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - July 29, 2014

Child, as you go about shedding the old things that you don't use or have need of, know this, you are making room for change.  Being willing to cast off the old allows you to make room for the new.  Beloved, change, My change, is upon you.  As you are ever grasping to take hold of Me it shows Me your heart.  I see how much you desire to know Me, and this pleases Me much.  Yes, you have seen your wedding garment in your dreams long ago as a child.  Those dreams were to set in your mind as seeds, and now they are beginning to grow, for the plan and purpose for them is now time to come to pass.  The fruition of all that I have sown into you is coming to pass.

I shall not delay My plans.  If any are not ready when I come, so be it, for I call and I call daily.  Daily I wait and watch each precious life.  I'm watching to see how they live, act, think, and are.  I'm watching to see when they will call upon Me, or IF they will ever call upon Me.  So much can be done for each one, if only, they would allow Me to come into their lives and help.  So, alas, I wait.

Back to you My love, My gentle little dove.  I am awakening you more and more into My reality.  I am revealing to you more.  Oh, yes My child, I have heard your heart, you will not miss Me.  You shall hear the trumpets call, though others are already hearing the trumpets and you have not, you shall hear them, for you believe.

Now, ask Me about the shot you heard as you were sleeping.

Note:  So I asked Him what was the shot I heard?  ( I had been asking and pondering over what this meant and this is what He just said about it)

The shot you heard was the beginning of the final race to countdown mankind's destiny.  Lives are weighing in the balance.  I have dispatched countless angels into the warfare going on on earth.  The shot was large and heard through My Kingdom and My universes.  This is like the shot when Paul Revere rode out to sound the alarm "The British are coming, The British are coming".  But, this time the shout is "The Kingdom (of God) is coming, The Kingdom (of God) is coming", make way, make way.  All the people, all the creatures, all the spirits should make themselves ready.  Prepare, prepare, prepare for my Kingdom comes now, and I shall rule with a rod of iron.  Oh, humble yourselves before your King or you shall never rise again.  I shall do what is necessary.  I shall allow devastation to commence in more abundance across the whole earth.  For I have seen the hearts of all.  I know each one.

For My own who are awakened to the times that are upon them, fear not, for you are My Mighty Warriors and you I shall rescue and use in My final battle plan.  For the ones who are sleeping in My flock, I shall shake and shake you with a great and terrible shaking, wake up little sleepy heads-for the hour of My coming is upon you, do not let Me find you sleeping.  Seek Me, fervently, and I shall come back and rescue you also.  For the lost, the shaking will not endure forever, if you survive, call upon Me, seek Me out, I am your only hope, and I shall come and answer thee and rescue you.  Every soul shall be accounted for.

Hear Me now, call upon Me in your time of trouble.  Cling to Me in your pain.  All is not lost in the shaking, for I am here.  I am waiting for each soul to come home to Me.  Trust Me, I alone know the way home.

My little dove, you are wide awake.  Your destiny in Me is in My timing.  Rest now, little one, you shall not miss Me.  I will tell you what I want from you daily, as you come.  You are very loved.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - July 28, 2014

Oh, My love it is good to come and sit with your Beloved.  This is your consecration time to Me.  Your waiting has yielded much fruit in the spirit.  The time you devote to Me in waiting and prayer and yielding shall be greatly rewarded.  For in this time, your fruit has budded, your roots are deep and strong.  Your faith has grown.  Much is accomplished in the waiting.  Nothing is for nought in My Kingdom.

It takes time and perseverance to yield a prepared and enduring vessel.  These times can't be rushed.  Through time, our love grows.  Through patience, our love is tested.  Through due diligence, our love endures.  Love is something that is tangible.  Love is a beautiful spirit, and is very real.  True love only grows and becomes sweeter as it ages.  My love is true.  Your love for Me is true.

Life without love, is empty, and void, and dark and hollow.  It is sad to see a life that does not feel love, that feels isolated and alone.  For if only they would reach out to Me, I would come and embrace each lonely heart and gladly share My warmth, and abundance of life giving love with them.  But, each soul must come to Me for themselves.  I will not force Myself on anyone.  But, I will make Myself known to all who seek Me out.  I am not distant.

Child your love blesses Me.  I see your desire to please Me, and it blesses Me that you are eager to come and partake of My life giving spirit.  You are surrounded My dear one by an abundance of My love, and My light in you shines out for all to see.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - July 27, 2014

Oh, My little one.  The days are fleeting now.  Time is speeding up, can you not feel it.  The clock in the race is winding down, can you not feel it.   All shall be accomplished according to My plan and purpose.  Nothing that I require shall be hindered.  Yesterday was beautiful for you even with the storm clouds and rain because you have entered into Me fully and completely.  I have purged you.  I have examined your heart and I have healed you.  Your time of visitation is upon you.  You are fully dwelling in Me and My hand is upon you, My spirit lives inside you, for I am with you and I am for you.

Oh, beloved it's a beautiful thing to dwell in the presence of the King, and to rest in His provision and walk in His love.  The kindness of others becomes sweeter, gentler, and kinder as they respond to the love and joy coming forth out of you now.  Oh, My Kingdom is reigning in you child.  The abundance of My Kingdom is breaking forth out of you, for you, My love, are walking out your days fully surrendered to Me.  You are fully yielded to love.  You have developed the  habit of continually judging yourself and allowing Me to correct you and cleanse you as you come in sweet assurance that I will.  You are quick to yield to My correction and leading.  You surrender to My hand in repentance and humbleness.  Now the day star dawns and breaks forth out of your beautiful heart for you have willingly decreased and allowed Me to increase in you, and now I'm coming out, you are exuding My light and love in flashes.  Flashes of hope, flashes of laughter and flashes of love.  People are responding to the light coming out of you child.  I have told you that you glow.  The world of the physical is beginning to see the spiritual through your eyes of love.  You carry My spirit with you, and you shall carry My power, for it shall come forth in the days ahead.  I love you little one.  Stay the course.

Note:  I heard this song upon finishing this post:  "Only believe, Only believe,  all things are possible, Only believe..."

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - July 26, 2014

Beloved, I love you.  As you draw close to Me and wait, it shows Me the intent of your heart.   I am your primary focus and this pleases Me.  All the world is set on course to meet with Me and give an account of their actions.  Some are ready and eager to meet Me face to face.  But, most, sadly are not.  Some still live in the delusion that I do not exist.  Some think of themselves as a god.  Some think they are so powerful that they can control the destiny of the earth and millions of people for their own selfish greed and desires.  Few, are genuinely concerned for their fellow brothers and sisters.  But, I tell you the Truth, all will give an account for their own actions, thoughts and words.  Each life is singular.  Each soul has a destiny and a purpose to accomplish for Me.

 No one can hide from My all-seeing eye.  I am the ONLY ONE who can TRULY SEE EVERYTHING, all at once.  Nothing can be hidden from My view.  I see all and I know all.  Those who are close to Me know this and they are comforted and encouraged by the fact that I see them at all times.  Some will soon learn this fact and be terrified by this TRUTH that I DO SEE them and what they are doing.  I can read each mind and each heart.  When you stand before Me, you ALL shall see what I have seen in you, and you will judge yourself, this is TRUTH.

Oh, the day is fast approaching when I shall call you all to stand before Me and give an account of your life.  This shall be a bitter-sweet day.  I keep meticulous records of each fragile and precious life.  You are ready, My love, but many are not.  I caution you all to prepare yourselves, for I come without delay.

Stand firm My little one, not much longer now.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - July 25, 2014

My child, you have need of Me, enter into My presence now.  Let My peace and love wrap around you like a soft down blanket.  Slip into tranquility with Me today and try to stay here through out your day.  I am your source of peace.  I alone give you peace.  As you come and wait upon Me, you are now comfortable with My presence.   For you know Me little one, but I will come to you in different ways now.  I will always meet you through out your day in different ways, shapes, and forms.  This is Truth. I want you to look for Me today and be aware that I am all around you as well as inside of you.  I am the Great and All Powerful God you sing about.  I like that you call Me that.  It honors Me when you are mindful of Me and who I truly am.

It is good to live in this world with you, for you live to be in close communion with Me, day by day.  This pleases Me, little one, this pleases Me.  We are one you and I.  Look up child and see Me in My earth and in the animals and the people all around you.  This earth still has beauty, and I treasure My earth.  I treasure all of My beautiful children who dwell on earth, for My true children have awakened to Me, they have opened their hearts to Me, they have surrendered their lives to Me, they willingly seek Me out daily for their portion and provision.  Quietly living out their lives yielded and surrendered to My leading them ever onward in their journey.  Each life is unique in their plan and purpose I have for them.  Each one fully Trusting that I will take care of all of their needs.  This pleases Me when you all dwell with Me and drink from My well.  Oh, the treasures I am now pouring out to you My children, come and drink deeply, My dear ones, My waters will never run out.  Oh, the love I have for you all.  Be Ready, Stay Awake, for behold I will come in an hour when you think not.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - July 24, 2014

Beloved, Trust Me in all things.  Daily walking with Me, one step at a time.  I lead, you follow.  My way is not difficult once you conquer fear.  Fear not !  Fear has no place in Me and should have no place in you.  Simply following after Me, daily walking is where you should be.  If something is troubling you dear one, draw close to Me and you will find your peace again.  Do not allow things to trouble the waters of your peace.  Draw close to Me and I will guide you once again to calmer waters.  Peace, be still My child, I am here.  I am in the midst of thee.  Call upon Me for help, come to Me with all of your questions and concerns.  I am here for you.  My little one, Remember, I have already told you, much is coming to trouble your peace, but, you are ready and prepared for it.  I am here, I will protect you child, do not fear.  You are dwelling in Me now, safe and sound, you come daily into My presence, you know Me and I know you.  When I take you to My island of rest and peace, you shall have strength and refreshing for your journey ahead.

Oh, soon the hoof beats shall be heard, can you hear them little one, coming ever closer.  SShhhh, in the quiet, in the stillness, I shall be found.  As you come and separate yourself from all distractions and wait upon Me, you are on My island.  Resting and reposing upon the ground at My feet, for you My love are content to learn at My knee.  But, My little one, you are growing day by day and much change is coming to you now.  Rejoice, Rejoice, there is no fear, I am near.

Oh, My heart beats strong at the nearness of My beloveds, soon My dear ones soon, your King and Ruler of All, the Lion is coming.  I came as a lamb, and now the time of My great awakening is here.  Oh, listen child, can you hear Me Roaring.  Rejoice child Rejoice, I come.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - July 23, 2014

My child you have much to learn.  In My coming Kingdom you will always be progressing in My Truths.  There will never be an end of learning.  As you seek to understand Me and My ways I reveal more as you are ready.  This cannot be rushed.  True understanding is the renewing of your mind in Me.  Casting aside what you have been taught by the churches of man is the beginning of Truth.  Only with your spiritual eyes and spiritual ears will your understanding be enlarged.  This journey is to understand who you truly are in Me, without Me teaching you personally you cannot understand.  For I am Truth and I am all Wisdom.

The source that you seek is Me, you already understand this vital truth.  You have grown much in your journey to Me.  I have opened your eyes and unstopped your ears.  I am stitching back your left and right brain which will restore you to your original form to Me.

 You are not living under a curse on earth child, for you have gone beyond the veil and entered into your true identity in Me.  I am your source in all things.  We are one, connected in the spirit.  Truth, My Truth always remains, and builds upon the truths that you have already learned from Me.  Little child of Mine, in whom I love, it IS well with you, for you are Mine, fully yielded and surrendered in every way to My will.

 Your understanding increases daily, though to you it seems slow.  No, My child, it is not slow, for the seed must grow, and it's roots must be anchored in Truth, and the leaves and branches spread wide, and then in the season of My timing it's fruit comes, and is picked by the hungry so-journers, for your journey is not for yourself, it is to light the way for the others coming behind you.  Oh, My love, My little one, by your bread crumb trail you are scattering seed and My words to you shall bring forth much fruit in the coming days.  Selah

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - July 22, 2014

Peace, be still, quiet yourself My little one.  I am here.  Many shall come to disrupt your peace.  Things shall arise in your world to disrupt your peace.  But, oh My little one, do not fear, for I have you protected in My pocket of refuge, as the world spins in chaos, Remember, that I must come and cleanse My land.  I am Holy and only those who are pure of heart, cleansed by their continual coming to My well, drinking and washing in My pure, unpolluted waters shall be able to stand in My holiness, Remember, I have already told you all in My word be ye Holy for I am Holy.

The only place of safety and refuge on this earth shall be in Me.  Do not try to move about the earth to a better place of safety, for truly there is no place safe on the earth.  Only those who are clinging to Me, the living vine shall be safe in the coming storms.  Remember, little one, I am in the storms.  I am clothed in darkness, clouds and a great thundering, this is for your protection, for to behold Me in your unfinished state shall be destructive to you.  You are very close in your sanctification, but you still need to go through the season of testing that is upon you all.  I am here.  I am close.  Remember, the teacher is silent during the tests.  Oh My little one, My dove, you are doing well.  You are faithful in the little things I ask you to do and this is obedience.  Obedience is better than sacrifice.  Beloved the time of refreshing and great change is upon your earth.

Oh, the time draws near when We shall see each other.  Face to Face, a close encounter of the best kind My love.  Soon My love, soon.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Hearing God in the afternoon - July 21, 2014

Note:  As I allowed myself to busy myself with the work of the day, I kept feeling like I should stop and wait upon the Lord, I was feeling guilty for delaying, but I kept doing other things and then I heard "Will you put Me LAST today ?", needless to say, I stopped and came to wait, and this is what I heard:

Beloved, much is about to happen upon your earth, but, fear not.  These things must come to pass.  The close of this age draws near and the beginning of My new age appears on the horizon.  Oh, the glory of the Kingdom, My Kingdom unleashed.  The beauty of My Majesty and Holiness for all to see.  The veils shall be removed as I stand Supreme in all the earth, no one can stand above Me, for no one, no thing can compare to Me.  I am Truth, I am Life, I am the Beginning of all things and I am the End of all things.  To truly rule, one must know Truth and discern the lies.  This takes a trained and listening ear.  Much shall be accomplished in a rapid fashion My love, do not fear, do not allow yourself to be shocked and dismayed as you see these things unfold.  You are destined to be here to see these things unfold.  You are destined to be here to see the close of this age, as you are destined to be with Me as I usher in the beginning of My New Kingdom.  My Holiness shall come and break upon the waves into your cities.

  I am All Powerful, there is none like Me, no none.  I alone can tell you your future.  I alone can lead you to your place and purpose.  For I am your creator, redeemer, and friend.  I love you, My wise virgin at the well, filling yourself of My eternal waters, basking in the warmth of My candle until you glow.  Oh, My love, Behold I come quickly, see, I am at the door, Oh, can you hear My footsteps dear one, drawing nearer and nearer.

 It is wise to stay alert. It is wise to keep your ear "tuned" to My voice, as My lips brush upon your ear can you feel My heartbeat, can you feel My breath?  Yes, My beloved I am here and I shall burst upon the scene of the whole earth.  Oh, the Glory, Oh, the Splendor, Oh, the Consuming Fire of My Love, no one can stand against Me and live.

 Oh, wicked and foolish generation, who has bewitched you, wake up, there is no more time.  Behold, I come....get ready !

Keep putting My words up on your blog, stay the course, My little one, stay the course.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - July 20, 2014

Song:  "In the morning, when I rise, give me Jesus, in the morning when I rise, give me Jesus, give me Jesus, give me Jesus, in the morning when I rise, give me Jesus..."

Oh, beloved you are fair, you are My faithful dove, quietly cooing at My door.  Patiently waiting for Me to open the door and invite you in.  You are one of My true worshipers, you are My friend.  I love you little one and I enjoy that you love Me back.  You enjoy thinking upon Me.  You enjoy being in My presence.  For you have nothing to fear.  You have allowed Me to purge all negative and dark polluted waters out of you and now you are clean, pure waters flow in and out of you.  You are positively charged by Me.  This is where you have always belonged child.  Here with Me, Resting, fully trusting that I am here and will take care of all of your needs.

 I saw you upon your bed, I watched the battle in your mind.  You were faithful to stop the chatter and the pictures of worry and fear, you were faithful to cast them down and to speak words of faith over them and to slam the door to their return, this pleases Me child, this pleases Me.  You will have many opportunities to fear, but you must not fear.  Cast all fear out and away from you.  Walk confidently in My Truth that I am with you always, that I am in you and that the victory is already done.  For greater is He that is in you than anything, I mean anything that arises to cause you to doubt Me or My provision.  You are Mine.  I will always protect and provide for you.

Song:  "It's a beautiful day, it's a beautiful day..."

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - July 19, 2014

Song:  "Come away with Me, a a a a a, come away with Me, a a a a a, come away with Me into a quiet place of rest, come away with me...."

Oh, how good and how pleasant to slip away just the two of us, no distractions, just you and Me.  I love our time together.  This is your resting place in Me.  For you are safe and secure in My arms.  Do not allow yourself to fret or worry over the things that still must come.  Just Trust Me in everything.  I've got you.  You are safe in Me.  As you journey inward you lose your sense of self and focus all on Me.  You seek Me and My presence, and when you find Me, you sink deeply in and rest, for this is your place in Me, by My side forever trusting Me as you watch My eternal plan unfold upon your earth.  To seek after Me with your whole heart, fully yielded and surrendered to My will is My hearts desire for you.  For you My dear one have come to know Me personally for yourself.  You have entered into the holy place with Me.  You have awakened to My Truths and have been through My sanctification process.  Oh, how I love thee My little one, for you are truly Mine.  The pull of this world has lost it's hold on you.  Your treasure is Me, your hearts desire is to always be in My presence.  It is well with you My love, it is well.  As you come and wait upon Me, My presence manifests more and more.  You are strong My dear one, and My words to you are leaving a breadcrumb trail for the others to find their way.  Keep putting My words out My child, this is the task I have called you to right now.  Be diligent and faithful in the little things, this is obedience to Me child.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - July 18, 2014

Song:  "In the morning, when I rise, give me Jesus, give me Jesus, give me the morning when I rise give me Jesus..."

Many people never come to know Me, they miss out on the opportunity to live and dwell in Me.  As you come and wait before Me, I infuse you with more of My power and light.  I strengthen and restore all of your weakened places.  Much is imparted to you My little one as you are faithful to come.  My life is in you.  Moving and breathing with every breath you take.   For I am enthroned on your throne in your heart.  I am the keeper of you.  I will use you My child in the coming days.  More than I have before.  All I ask of you is that you yield to My spirit.  Let your faith arise and use your words to speak My Truths into your atmosphere.  You know My Truths, for you have been schooled by Me.  I am your true teacher.  As you sup with Me at My table you are filled with My Truths.  Once you obtain them they are yours forever.  Fear is not truth.  Do not tolerate fear or its lies.  If you are not sure, come to Me and ask for help.  But, if you know in your heart the truth, then you must engage in the battle, stand firm and speak it forth.  Truth always dispels lies.  Live in My Truth, live out My Truth, let My Truth arise from within your gates and all of your enemies will scatter.  You have nothing to fear My love, for I am near.  I will guide you, I will give you the right words, I will lead you by My unction.  Fear not, fear no one.  I am here.  For your enemy has already been defeated.  The victory is yours.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - June 17, 2014

Share My goodness, as you go about your life you are reflecting Me and My goodness.  Do not neglect the little things that come into your mind.  These are gentle and quiet suggestions from Me to you, as to show you a simple smile, a kind word, a card, a baked good, these are expressions of Me touching lives through you.  As your days are slipping away, make the most of your time left here.  Be Me to all you see.  I am in you child, I am here.  As you yield to My unction and leading you are walking down the path with Me.  As you seek Me, you go deeper and deeper into My Truths.  I love you child of Mine.  Your words are fitly spoken now as they pass through your lips for I have set the guard upon your gate.  Beloved, as you yield more and more to Me, My reflection shines brighter and brighter in you.  Truly living in Me, is to love.  Truly trusting in Me, is to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt that I will always take care of you.  I never leave you alone.  I am here with you through this journey.  Beloved, to live a life of quietness and meekness is to live in Me.  For you are on the road that will lead you home.  Much time spent in the quietness of My presence will yield much fruit.  I am your teacher and I am your guide.  Your faith grows as you learn more from Me.  My living water shall never run out.  As you seek Me, you are discovering many Truths on your journey.  Little one, I am here, stay close, do not become distracted by the cares of this world.  Drink deeply beloved.

Hearing God in the eventide - July 16, 2014

I do not want you to move.  You are right where I want you to be.  Trust Me in everything.  Do not fear.  I have everything worked out for you.  You are in the shadow of My wing.  I am here.  I am in you child.  You are being transformed.  We shall see each other face to face, very, very soon.  Beloved keep your heart focused on Me.  I am leading, keep following.  All is well with you My love.  The end is before you now.  Keep coming, keep focusing on Me.  Do not fear, I must show Myself upon the earth, it is time.  But, Remember dear one, you are Mine, you are with Me, you shall be rescued, fear not little one.  Oh, My beauty, your bridegroom comes.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - July 16, 2014

Song:  "Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine...Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine...., heir of salvation, Jesus is mine..."

Your soon coming King is here, My love.  Oh, the beauty of holiness is upon thee.  Many things grasp for thee, but still, you come, eager to get alone with Me.  Beloved, I am eager to rescue you and all of My children, but I must find My few lost sheep that have wandered from My fold.  Then I will be able to come and rescue you.  Pray for the lost sheep, that I will find them looking for Me, before I turn and close the door.  When the door closes, I shall release My power, oh, the beauty and the terror that shall come upon the land.  My presence is a consuming fire.  For those who have been purified they shall be able to walk among My fiery stones and not be burned, for they too shall become a fiery stone.  Woe, to man who has not been purified or refined, for the next stage in their journey shall be difficult for them.  The process of purification is not simple, and it can by lengthy, but, it is necessary, for I require all to become like Me, holy, loving, and good.  I am the GOOD shepherd and I will purge and purify each one of My little lambs.  I will route out the wolves in sheep's clothing.  I will raise up My standard of Righteousness across the earth and goodness, holiness, and righteousness shall reign upon all the land. Evil shall not stand, for I AM that I AM is here.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - July 15, 2014

song:  " In the morning, when I rise, give me Jesus, in the morning, when I rise, give me Jesus, give me Jesus, give me Jesus, in the morning, when I rise, give me Jesus..."

Child look upon Me and live in the fullness of who you truly are.  This world is not your home, it is only a training ground for you to learn and receive My Truths.  As you live out your days, you see yourself growing, maturing and transforming into My likeness.  I am with you, carefully watching over this process in you.  You must see both good and evil, so that you can determine and understand the eternal value of the good.  If everything was perfect in your circumstances, life, or the people around you, it would not challenge you to strive, struggle and grow into the majestic spirit that I have ordained you to be.  You can do nothing to change others, that is not your burden.  You can only conceive and grow in that that I have placed within you.  Every trial, every struggle, every difficulty, every relationship is placed in your path for My purpose and plans for you.  These are designed to chisel away the sharp, rough edges and to rub and buff you into the smooth and shining jewel that you are becoming in Me.  These challenges are meant to burn out the scum, and refine and purify you, for these are part of the melting pot or furnace of affliction.

Remember, little one, I am here with you in every step of the process.  The refining fire is My instrument of choice for you, for it is the quickest way to bring about your perfect clarity and beauty.  I can now see every facet of you in your shape.  Your clarity is clear, beautiful and pure.  You are rare My love.  I have had My hand upon you through this entire process.  You, My dear, have endured.  You have not jumped out of the fiery pot of affliction, and it is well with your soul.  For you are a shining reflection of Me, oh, My beloved, you glow.  You too shall see your shining glory soon.  I shall bring you forth.  But, for now, wait, and let patience have her perfect work in you.  Oh, you are still in the cocoon, but soon, My love, you shall fly.  Stay close, even closer if you can.  For My hand is upon you My dove.  I love you.  Strong and stable you are.  I have tested you, many times, and I will test you much more, for you must endure more tests, but rest assured My love, I am here with you every step of the way.  My have is upon you, as you wait upon Me, I pour into you My oil and My wine for your lamp is full and your new wineskin can hold more wine.  You are rare My love.  Each new day brings new challenges, go in peace My love, fully persuaded that I will carry you.  You are entering the last phase of your journey.  Trust Me in all things beloved.  Soon We shall be face to face.  I love you little one.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - July 14, 2014

Oh, My love, Oh, My dear one, come away with Me.  Spend time in My presence now.  Before the winds come and blow and blow upon your house again.  The storms are coming upon the land.  You shall see much calamity, but, it shall not come nigh your dwelling place.  You shall stand as a tree planted by the water, and your roots shall remain deep, secure and strong, for you My child, My little one are fully established in Me.  Pay attention to your dreams, they are full of symbols, ask Me for guidance in your understanding.  I am here.  Seek Me out daily.  For your daily walking close to Me is your portion.  I am your inheritance.  Many doubt My very existence, they are snared and trapped by the lies and deceit of mans own thoughts.  They do not seek Me out, for they seek men out for their understanding, this will only keep them snared in a false sense of security.  As I have already told you, nothing is stable on your earth now, no place on earth is safe.  No country, no nation shall be spared from My hand of judgement.  I am holy, all must be holy as I am.  It is not too difficult a task.  Follow My heart and seek to fashion your life after My example.  You are not perfect, only I am perfect.  Yes, you will stumble in your pursuit of holiness, but keep pressing onward, I will help you if you ask Me to.  I am not far from you.  Seek to find Me, do not believe the lies.  I am real.  I am here.

Hearing God in the morning - July 13, 2014

Song:  "In the morning, when I rise, give me Jesus, in the morning, when I rise, give me Jesus, give me Jesus, give me the morning, when I rise, give me Jesus..."

Oh beloved as you come to wait upon Me, I am here waiting on you.  Always put Me first in everything.  Never get too busy or too lazy to put Me first.  I should be the first thing you think upon as you arise in the morning, and I should be the last thing you think upon in the evening as you lay down. For I am your beginning and end.  In Me you have life.  In Me you have hope.  In Me, child, you are secure, wrapped in My arms of love.  For you are Mine.  I love you forever.  No one can separate you from Me.  We are linked together.  Only you, and you alone can unlink us.  Do not be deceived child, or allow yourself to be drawn away from Me.  I am your source of strength.  I am your source of hope. I dwell in you and you, My love, have made your home in Me.  Your journey shall change soon.  For it is time for your transformation.  Little one, you are about to fly.  We shall finish the last leg of your journey together.  Your patience in My timing is your obedience.  Remember, do not rush out ahead of Me.  As I whisper things to come, keep pondering them in your heart.  All that I have spoken to you shall come to pass, in My timing.  Through patient endurance you shall inherit all of My promises and you shall see Me face to face, soon, beloved, soon.

Hearing God in the morning - July 12, 2014

Beloved, how beautiful it is when you come into the morning with Me.  As you sit at My feet and seek My hand of guidance for your day.  To trust Me in all things, to seek Me in the morning as you start your day with Me, before the rush of busyness begins.  Oh, My love, this is where you find strength and My blessing.  For you dwell in Me and do not veer off of My path.  It is beautiful when My children put Me first.  When they seek Me first, when they focus on Me.  For when you do, I see your heart, I see your trust, I see your faith, I see your love.  To know Me, is to know peace.  To find Me is to find the missing part of you, consider a puzzle with thousands of pieces but one is missing.  You search and then you find it and place it in it's proper place, oh, now you find a peace of knowing the puzzle is done, you find a rest as this task is complete.  Well, My Love's, as you are in the world searching for some form of truth, you find yourself floating and not sure where you belong or who you belong to.  I know, you belong to Me.  For you are one of My missing puzzle pieces.  I am the creator of the puzzle.  You are a piece floating around alone and untethered.  Seek Me and be found of Me.  For when you allow Me to find you and tether you in your rightful place, you shall find peace and rest, for you shall be home.  I am looking for you, I am calling all of My puzzle pieces home to Me.  Where have you gone, come to Me now.