Friday, July 18, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - July 18, 2014

Song:  "In the morning, when I rise, give me Jesus, give me Jesus, give me the morning when I rise give me Jesus..."

Many people never come to know Me, they miss out on the opportunity to live and dwell in Me.  As you come and wait before Me, I infuse you with more of My power and light.  I strengthen and restore all of your weakened places.  Much is imparted to you My little one as you are faithful to come.  My life is in you.  Moving and breathing with every breath you take.   For I am enthroned on your throne in your heart.  I am the keeper of you.  I will use you My child in the coming days.  More than I have before.  All I ask of you is that you yield to My spirit.  Let your faith arise and use your words to speak My Truths into your atmosphere.  You know My Truths, for you have been schooled by Me.  I am your true teacher.  As you sup with Me at My table you are filled with My Truths.  Once you obtain them they are yours forever.  Fear is not truth.  Do not tolerate fear or its lies.  If you are not sure, come to Me and ask for help.  But, if you know in your heart the truth, then you must engage in the battle, stand firm and speak it forth.  Truth always dispels lies.  Live in My Truth, live out My Truth, let My Truth arise from within your gates and all of your enemies will scatter.  You have nothing to fear My love, for I am near.  I will guide you, I will give you the right words, I will lead you by My unction.  Fear not, fear no one.  I am here.  For your enemy has already been defeated.  The victory is yours.

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