Listen to your still small voice, some call it your conscience, it's not your conscience - it's Me. I am here, I am always here. I am the one that guides you. Even before you knew Me, I was guiding you. When you hear "their conscience was seered" it means that I will not strive with man forever, I will tell them the TRUTH and guide them in good decisions to keep them on My righteous path, but, if they choose not to listen to Me, after awhile I will leave them to their own lusts and sinful desires. I will turn away from them and leave them in their muck and mire of their own choosing. That is why it is so important to listen and wait on Me, and to stay close to Me now. I will never lead you astray. When you come willing to hear Me, I will always reward you, stay diligent in your search for Me. Keep seeking Me with your whole heart, I am not far from you. Press into Me child. Do not fear, for fear is not of Me. Stay hidden under My wing now, abide in Me. Focus on Me always, I am coming for you soon, DO NOT doubt this, My words are TRUE. You know Me child. Stay strong in Me, Endure - Be Patient, I will never forsake you. Order the Cepher today, you will learn much of Me in it. I will reveal more and more of Me as you press into Me and seek My face, beloved don't stop, We are so close to the end. I am your assurance. I am yours and you ARE MINE. I will come for you !
This is a blog to live life in this present moment and spread a little sunshine to others by sharing ideas and thoughts...on stuff...
Friday, May 9, 2014
Hearing God - April 17, 2013
Hearing God - April 18, 2014
Buy the Cepher, you will need it, I want to show you many things in it, it will bless you and I will reveal much to you in it. I am pleased that you are pressing into Me so tightly. I am pleased that you are eagerly waiting on Me. It shows Me your heart and your desire. It's beautiful to watch you as you grow in hunger for Me. It's a gift to Me, a precious gift, and it pleases Me child, it pleases Me. I love you, from the east to the west, there is no end to My love for you.
Abide in Me and I will show you My mysteries. I will reveal My hidden truths. There is much to learn of Me and so little time left. My light over you grows brighter and brighter with each passing day. Your lamp is trimmed, your oil is full, keep it this way, DO NOT forsake what you are doing. Your days grow brighter and brighter as you dwell and abide in Me. My Bride We are one. My reflection in you is bright, My character in you is growing and developing. My love in you is ever expanding each day. I am pleased that you are quick to repent as I reveal things to you, it allows Me to scrub and cleanse you deeply. It allows Me to remove the spots and blemishes and wrinkles as they bubble up. I am delivering you of much unrighteousness and your wedding garment is beginning to glow. Press into Me child and allow Me to do a deep and thorough work within you. Many are called to this, but few are chosen that will allow Me to complete My work within them.
Be patient as you wait upon Me for your daughter's softball, and school needs, I will answer thee and show you the way. I am here. Listen My child, the life of the spirit is here, this is what you were created for, to live in Me, to dwell in Me, to talk to Me, not to just live an ordinary disconnected life, but to live life to the fullest in Me, and with Me. You should never feel lonely (that is a deception of the enemy) for I am always here. You can always talk to Me and I will talk to you. Satan wants to make you feel lonely so you will seek others to commune with and be entrapped and snared by their lies. This is not My plan, My plan and desire is to commune, love and guide each person individually down their life's path. It's in the place of intimacy that doors are opened and secrets are revealed. I am willing to give direction to all who are willing to come to Me and ask. To come and wait before Me. To focus all their heart, soul and mind on Me.
I will not strive with man forever, the door is closing to some. But, you My child, to you the door will always remain open as long as you do not stray, and keep diligently seeking Me. We are on this life journey together. I am here. I will never leave you alone. Draw near and hear. Heed My instructions and warnings and it will go well with you.
TRUST ME child, trust only Me. Beware of leaven in people and their words. Stay separated from people and lean into Me. You must discern their words, be careful.
Abide in Me and I will show you My mysteries. I will reveal My hidden truths. There is much to learn of Me and so little time left. My light over you grows brighter and brighter with each passing day. Your lamp is trimmed, your oil is full, keep it this way, DO NOT forsake what you are doing. Your days grow brighter and brighter as you dwell and abide in Me. My Bride We are one. My reflection in you is bright, My character in you is growing and developing. My love in you is ever expanding each day. I am pleased that you are quick to repent as I reveal things to you, it allows Me to scrub and cleanse you deeply. It allows Me to remove the spots and blemishes and wrinkles as they bubble up. I am delivering you of much unrighteousness and your wedding garment is beginning to glow. Press into Me child and allow Me to do a deep and thorough work within you. Many are called to this, but few are chosen that will allow Me to complete My work within them.
Be patient as you wait upon Me for your daughter's softball, and school needs, I will answer thee and show you the way. I am here. Listen My child, the life of the spirit is here, this is what you were created for, to live in Me, to dwell in Me, to talk to Me, not to just live an ordinary disconnected life, but to live life to the fullest in Me, and with Me. You should never feel lonely (that is a deception of the enemy) for I am always here. You can always talk to Me and I will talk to you. Satan wants to make you feel lonely so you will seek others to commune with and be entrapped and snared by their lies. This is not My plan, My plan and desire is to commune, love and guide each person individually down their life's path. It's in the place of intimacy that doors are opened and secrets are revealed. I am willing to give direction to all who are willing to come to Me and ask. To come and wait before Me. To focus all their heart, soul and mind on Me.
I will not strive with man forever, the door is closing to some. But, you My child, to you the door will always remain open as long as you do not stray, and keep diligently seeking Me. We are on this life journey together. I am here. I will never leave you alone. Draw near and hear. Heed My instructions and warnings and it will go well with you.
TRUST ME child, trust only Me. Beware of leaven in people and their words. Stay separated from people and lean into Me. You must discern their words, be careful.
Hearing God - April 19, 2013
Song: "You lift me higher, Jesus, you are ever lifting me..."
I am here child, I am always here. It pleases me that you are putting Me first and it will go well with you. My ways are not your ways, stay ever vigilant for I will come in an hour that you think not, stay ready, do not slack off in your search for Me, press into Me more for I am to be found in you and you are found in Me, for We are one and our bond is growing. Life as you know it is changing, your life will bloom ever brighter in Me as the world is covered with gross darkness.
My children will shine for they are different, they are not of this world. They glow with My presence dwelling in them. They will stick out from the heathen. I will do mighty things through My children. My chosen vessels will dwell in the supernatural. They are My end-time army, a chosen select few, from My children who have made themselves ready, they are prepared to be able to hold My glory and stand in My glory, they will be taken first. I will take each of My children in My time when they are ready, not all will be taken at once. I have a different plan for each child.
Some are destined for martyrdom. Some are destined for My end-time army, the Bride will be taken and go back and forth from heaven to earth, they will be untouchable, though their course is very dangerous.
Some of My children are asleep and through the course of events they will awaken to Me and I will guide them through their days of peril. Some who are not My children will come to Me in desperation for help, to get through theses end of days, but they will not be many who will endure and not crumble.
It's going to be their free-will choices that will determine their destiny, which door do they open. It's all about the choices you make and your own personal actions. I will force no one to come to Me, I stand at the door and knock, it's your choice if you will let Me in. Many are called but, few heed Me call. I will not strive with man forever, the age of grace is closing, the wedding banquet is about to start and when I enter in with My Bride, the chosen, prepared ones, and I close the door, I will not open it again. I will then come and search for My children and test their hearts to see who is worthy of Me. Who is now prepared for Me, who is seeking Me, these will be My children who are snatched from the flames.
Do not fear any of the enemies tactics, it's a smoke and mirrors display, to draw you off course with Me, for they feed off of fear, they become stronger through fear. So, do not fear, use My name, use My word, use My hand as I have instructed you. Now is the time to stand. It is the evil day, so stand in My armor, stand in My blood, stand in My name, stand in My power, call upon Me and I will answer thee, I will cover and protect thee, I will rescue thee from all peril, I go before you, heed My warnings, listen to My still small voice. Stay connected to Me through out your entire day and night, do not let your guard down for one moment, separate yourself from all the goats, from any unclean thing.
When you feel an unction that something isn't right about someone, flee from them. Flee or you will be caught in the fall-out of their destruction. People are now being uncovered. I am stripping off the veils of falsehood and what they really are will come to light. You will see what is truly inside of each one, their true nature or heart will shine through.
I see you child and I see them. I see each life and what is truly on the inside of each one. Your destiny is in Me child. I alone know what's best for you, do not trust your own ideas, TRUST ONLY ME now and heed no other. Your enemies are hidden, but, ask Me to show you who they are and I will show them to you. Peace, My child peace, stay in My peace, do not be troubled with the cares of this world, I know what you have need of, and I will direct you in My time, you need only to trust Me. Lean not on your own understanding, lean on Me, shelter in Me. I am the way, the truth and the light. I will never lead you astray. I am here.
I am here child, I am always here. It pleases me that you are putting Me first and it will go well with you. My ways are not your ways, stay ever vigilant for I will come in an hour that you think not, stay ready, do not slack off in your search for Me, press into Me more for I am to be found in you and you are found in Me, for We are one and our bond is growing. Life as you know it is changing, your life will bloom ever brighter in Me as the world is covered with gross darkness.
My children will shine for they are different, they are not of this world. They glow with My presence dwelling in them. They will stick out from the heathen. I will do mighty things through My children. My chosen vessels will dwell in the supernatural. They are My end-time army, a chosen select few, from My children who have made themselves ready, they are prepared to be able to hold My glory and stand in My glory, they will be taken first. I will take each of My children in My time when they are ready, not all will be taken at once. I have a different plan for each child.
Some are destined for martyrdom. Some are destined for My end-time army, the Bride will be taken and go back and forth from heaven to earth, they will be untouchable, though their course is very dangerous.
Some of My children are asleep and through the course of events they will awaken to Me and I will guide them through their days of peril. Some who are not My children will come to Me in desperation for help, to get through theses end of days, but they will not be many who will endure and not crumble.
It's going to be their free-will choices that will determine their destiny, which door do they open. It's all about the choices you make and your own personal actions. I will force no one to come to Me, I stand at the door and knock, it's your choice if you will let Me in. Many are called but, few heed Me call. I will not strive with man forever, the age of grace is closing, the wedding banquet is about to start and when I enter in with My Bride, the chosen, prepared ones, and I close the door, I will not open it again. I will then come and search for My children and test their hearts to see who is worthy of Me. Who is now prepared for Me, who is seeking Me, these will be My children who are snatched from the flames.
Do not fear any of the enemies tactics, it's a smoke and mirrors display, to draw you off course with Me, for they feed off of fear, they become stronger through fear. So, do not fear, use My name, use My word, use My hand as I have instructed you. Now is the time to stand. It is the evil day, so stand in My armor, stand in My blood, stand in My name, stand in My power, call upon Me and I will answer thee, I will cover and protect thee, I will rescue thee from all peril, I go before you, heed My warnings, listen to My still small voice. Stay connected to Me through out your entire day and night, do not let your guard down for one moment, separate yourself from all the goats, from any unclean thing.
When you feel an unction that something isn't right about someone, flee from them. Flee or you will be caught in the fall-out of their destruction. People are now being uncovered. I am stripping off the veils of falsehood and what they really are will come to light. You will see what is truly inside of each one, their true nature or heart will shine through.
I see you child and I see them. I see each life and what is truly on the inside of each one. Your destiny is in Me child. I alone know what's best for you, do not trust your own ideas, TRUST ONLY ME now and heed no other. Your enemies are hidden, but, ask Me to show you who they are and I will show them to you. Peace, My child peace, stay in My peace, do not be troubled with the cares of this world, I know what you have need of, and I will direct you in My time, you need only to trust Me. Lean not on your own understanding, lean on Me, shelter in Me. I am the way, the truth and the light. I will never lead you astray. I am here.
Hearing God - May 9, 2014
He stated: Now you have time for Me?
I answered: Yes, Lord
He continued: Good, I have much to tell you.
You are entering into a new season. A season of joy, a season of mystery, and a season of power. As you endeavor to follow My leading, I shall uncover greater and greater mysteries. You shall walk upon the high places with Me. As you live and move and breathe in Me, more of Me shall be pouring out of you.
I want you to go see a chiropractor. He goes to LSC. To get everything aligned properly. Watch what I do in this relationship.
Many are in the church that are not Mine. But, he is Mine, I will use My true children to help each other. This journey is for a faithful few. My called out, My Elect, My Bride. I seek a true heart to dwell in. I then go to work purifying, purging, and cleansing each vessel who has a true heart and has willingly invited Me in.
To see the supernatural, you must start from within and then as it progresses it moves out into the manifestation of the physical reality that you live in. I shall open your eyes, My Beloved to the deeper mysteries of My Kingdom and My Ways. You have chosen to give yourself completely and whole heartedly to Me. So I have chosen you as you have yielded to Me. I shall use you mightily to set the captives free. As I teach you My Ways, you must share them with others. Your light burns brightly to light the way for others who are on their journey to Me. I meet each one along the path as they set out on their own individual journey to meet Me. I am the source and the whole of everything. Eventually everything and everyone comes back to Me. I create life and I extinguish life as I see fit. I Am the I AM. There is no other to compare to Me. I Am All-Powerful, All-Knowing, I Am the main character in the play. Everything centers around Me. To know Me is to find your place in Me. I have a plan and a purpose for everyone and everything I have created. Much is created in My imagination and spoken words bring it to pass. I know all. As you come before Me and bow down to My will, I will show you more and more of Me. I will not force Myself upon you. But if you are willing to come and seek Me out, I shall surely meet you and We shall speak openly and honestly. We have developed our relationship in you constant coming and waiting upon Me, I have come and as you have invited Me in, I come in and reveal Myself, layer upon layer to you. For you and I are one, My Bride. I see you and you see Me, though the veil is still dark and present We see each other face to face. Soon the layers of your veil shall be completely removed, and you shall see Me as I see you clearly, face to face. Much growth has taken place in you My dear one. You are wise to fully put your trust in Me. You are safe in Me. I am growing stronger and bigger in you. My light is transforming your life all around you.
Much change is coming. I have prepared you for it My dear one.
Do not fear the change. Do not fear anything. Walk in My love and power. Wield My authority. I shall pour out more of My spirit upon you and your family.
I shall anoint your head once again with oil. I shall raise you up in the midst of adversity. I shall use your life as a candle in the darkness. I shall never leave you. I am here with you.
Oh, My love, your best days are upon you. I have judged you and you are clean, pure and consecrated for Me. Your life is consumed in Me. My flame does not consume you, it only strengthens you and becomes brighter in you. This pleases Me child, this pleases Me. I shall accomplish many things in you now. For much has been hidden in the preparation process. But now you are ready for more. I shall surely reveal more.
Patience is the key.
Song: "You raise me up so I can walk on mountains, you raise my up to walk on stormy seas, when I am weak...and in the raise me up, so high that I can see..."
I answered: Yes, Lord
He continued: Good, I have much to tell you.
You are entering into a new season. A season of joy, a season of mystery, and a season of power. As you endeavor to follow My leading, I shall uncover greater and greater mysteries. You shall walk upon the high places with Me. As you live and move and breathe in Me, more of Me shall be pouring out of you.
I want you to go see a chiropractor. He goes to LSC. To get everything aligned properly. Watch what I do in this relationship.
Many are in the church that are not Mine. But, he is Mine, I will use My true children to help each other. This journey is for a faithful few. My called out, My Elect, My Bride. I seek a true heart to dwell in. I then go to work purifying, purging, and cleansing each vessel who has a true heart and has willingly invited Me in.
To see the supernatural, you must start from within and then as it progresses it moves out into the manifestation of the physical reality that you live in. I shall open your eyes, My Beloved to the deeper mysteries of My Kingdom and My Ways. You have chosen to give yourself completely and whole heartedly to Me. So I have chosen you as you have yielded to Me. I shall use you mightily to set the captives free. As I teach you My Ways, you must share them with others. Your light burns brightly to light the way for others who are on their journey to Me. I meet each one along the path as they set out on their own individual journey to meet Me. I am the source and the whole of everything. Eventually everything and everyone comes back to Me. I create life and I extinguish life as I see fit. I Am the I AM. There is no other to compare to Me. I Am All-Powerful, All-Knowing, I Am the main character in the play. Everything centers around Me. To know Me is to find your place in Me. I have a plan and a purpose for everyone and everything I have created. Much is created in My imagination and spoken words bring it to pass. I know all. As you come before Me and bow down to My will, I will show you more and more of Me. I will not force Myself upon you. But if you are willing to come and seek Me out, I shall surely meet you and We shall speak openly and honestly. We have developed our relationship in you constant coming and waiting upon Me, I have come and as you have invited Me in, I come in and reveal Myself, layer upon layer to you. For you and I are one, My Bride. I see you and you see Me, though the veil is still dark and present We see each other face to face. Soon the layers of your veil shall be completely removed, and you shall see Me as I see you clearly, face to face. Much growth has taken place in you My dear one. You are wise to fully put your trust in Me. You are safe in Me. I am growing stronger and bigger in you. My light is transforming your life all around you.
Much change is coming. I have prepared you for it My dear one.
Do not fear the change. Do not fear anything. Walk in My love and power. Wield My authority. I shall pour out more of My spirit upon you and your family.
I shall anoint your head once again with oil. I shall raise you up in the midst of adversity. I shall use your life as a candle in the darkness. I shall never leave you. I am here with you.
Oh, My love, your best days are upon you. I have judged you and you are clean, pure and consecrated for Me. Your life is consumed in Me. My flame does not consume you, it only strengthens you and becomes brighter in you. This pleases Me child, this pleases Me. I shall accomplish many things in you now. For much has been hidden in the preparation process. But now you are ready for more. I shall surely reveal more.
Patience is the key.
Song: "You raise me up so I can walk on mountains, you raise my up to walk on stormy seas, when I am weak...and in the raise me up, so high that I can see..."
Hearing God - May 8, 2014
As I went to wait upon the Lord I heard these songs playing one right after the other...
Song: "Take Me deeper than my soul could ever wander, let me walk upon the water wherever you may take me..."
Song: "The Lord thy God, the Lord thy God, in the midst of thee, in the midst of thee, is Mighty, is Mighty...and I saw Him, high and lifted up, in power and grace and authority....and He shall reign in the midst of thee forever and ever..."
Song: "I believe God, I believe God, ask what you will and it shall be done...."
You have an open heaven child
Song: "Trust and obey, believe Him and say, I believe, I believe God..."
I love you child. You are precious to Me. Your faith is strong. Your heart is pure. You shall see Me face to face for I am removing the veil.
Song: "We shall behold Him, We shall behold Him....Heir of salvation, Glory Divine..."
To truly know Me, you must come through love. For love draws you in and captures your heart. It warms your soul. As I breathe upon you by My Spirit you are filled, once again with My power and strengthened in the journey. I am doing much in you now, My little one. We are one now. I have heard your cry. I will protect and provide for you. Your journey is with Me and I shall walk beside you as you continue to follow Me on this path I have placed you on. Do not worry over anything, just simply trust Me in all things.
I stated: Lord, I want to hear more.
He answered: It is enough for now, My beloved.
Song: "Take Me deeper than my soul could ever wander, let me walk upon the water wherever you may take me..."
Song: "The Lord thy God, the Lord thy God, in the midst of thee, in the midst of thee, is Mighty, is Mighty...and I saw Him, high and lifted up, in power and grace and authority....and He shall reign in the midst of thee forever and ever..."
Song: "I believe God, I believe God, ask what you will and it shall be done...."
You have an open heaven child
Song: "Trust and obey, believe Him and say, I believe, I believe God..."
I love you child. You are precious to Me. Your faith is strong. Your heart is pure. You shall see Me face to face for I am removing the veil.
Song: "We shall behold Him, We shall behold Him....Heir of salvation, Glory Divine..."
To truly know Me, you must come through love. For love draws you in and captures your heart. It warms your soul. As I breathe upon you by My Spirit you are filled, once again with My power and strengthened in the journey. I am doing much in you now, My little one. We are one now. I have heard your cry. I will protect and provide for you. Your journey is with Me and I shall walk beside you as you continue to follow Me on this path I have placed you on. Do not worry over anything, just simply trust Me in all things.
I stated: Lord, I want to hear more.
He answered: It is enough for now, My beloved.
Hearing God - May 7, 2014
Hello Beloved, I have much to share today. I have been eagerly anticipating our time together. I love that you also are eager to come into My presence and sit awhile with Me. For under My wing you are sheltered, strengthened and refreshed. Each time you come I strengthen our bond. For you My dear one are Mine. I love all My children. Soon, I will soon take you home with Me. But for now let patience do her perfect work in you. Live in Me, My dear one. Fully trusting in Me. You are Mine, Beloved, I will never let you go. I love you, I see your heart. I see how you love others. It is a true reflection of Me, for I am love. I am pleased with thee My little one. As you arise and meet with Me, you go about your day and carry My presence with you. For you are always mindful of Me. Your heart and thoughts are constantly upon Me, this pleases Me child. I know you and you know Me. We are not distant from one another. We are intimately connected in this hidden moment of the day before the world crashes in to draw you away into the cares that demand your attention. As you go about your day, carry My Peace with you and rest in Me. I am with you My love, My little dove, stay close now My precious one, I am here.
Hearing God - May 6, 2014
Song: "When the world comes alive..."
I asked a question: Lord what should I write to the teachers at my daughters school?
He answered:
It's a beautiful thing to want to be of service, and to feel called to help people. It's an occupation of self denial. With thankless hours of preparation. Most days your efforts seem to go unnoticed. But there are rare moments when you see a glimmer of hope among the children who are helped by your efforts. Servants, good servants are worth their weight in gold. They truly don't understand their value. They have counted the cost and laid their hands to the plow and truly do not look back. They have endured all manner of insults from their stampeding charges, and braved the cold, clueless stared of countless little ones as they endeavor to sow seeds of knowledge, love and kindness into each stony little heart. You work, plan, and prepare for each day in an effort to make a difference in the lives of small, young and tender children. Children come in all shapes and sizes with varying degrees of character. They learn and grow at a rapid and inspiring pace, and much is accomplished in a single year. A child is developing layer upon layer of their character as they live and encounter others. I place people into your life for you to make an impact and leave a lasting imprint upon. Beloved you are dearly loved for your service. Be of good cheer My dear ones for I see all that you do. I read every thought, I hear every word, I see every action. I am a rewarder. You are not alone in your journey, I see you.
I asked a question: Lord what should I write to the teachers at my daughters school?
He answered:
It's a beautiful thing to want to be of service, and to feel called to help people. It's an occupation of self denial. With thankless hours of preparation. Most days your efforts seem to go unnoticed. But there are rare moments when you see a glimmer of hope among the children who are helped by your efforts. Servants, good servants are worth their weight in gold. They truly don't understand their value. They have counted the cost and laid their hands to the plow and truly do not look back. They have endured all manner of insults from their stampeding charges, and braved the cold, clueless stared of countless little ones as they endeavor to sow seeds of knowledge, love and kindness into each stony little heart. You work, plan, and prepare for each day in an effort to make a difference in the lives of small, young and tender children. Children come in all shapes and sizes with varying degrees of character. They learn and grow at a rapid and inspiring pace, and much is accomplished in a single year. A child is developing layer upon layer of their character as they live and encounter others. I place people into your life for you to make an impact and leave a lasting imprint upon. Beloved you are dearly loved for your service. Be of good cheer My dear ones for I see all that you do. I read every thought, I hear every word, I see every action. I am a rewarder. You are not alone in your journey, I see you.
Hearing God - May 5, 2014
Dream: My husband is looking for My lunchbox, and needs me to find it. I need to leave soon to get my daughter to school. We are out of bread. My husband says he needs some power foods. He asks for steak. He looks out the window and says Maci, is looking good (good=confident and secure). There are no other kids my daughters age waiting for the bus. I contemplate if she can ride the bus this morning so I can help my husband. Then I see there are other girls outside the house my daughters age waiting for the bus. I think my daughter is outside talking to them.
Interpretation: You are about to be tested again. There will be a famine of My Word which represents the bread, a power food.
You do not need to know everything just yet. Keep walking day by day with Me. I shall reveal to you what I want you to do. Stay on the path you are on. Secure and safe in Me. I am teaching you more than you know in the quiet, in the stillness I am filling you once again with My oil. I am examining you each day. I am inspecting your garments. I am giving you an extra measure of My love as you have asked. I shall open the windows of heaven for you. As you ask, I shall do it. Your life is hid in Me. My Father and I are pleased with thee. Your heart is pure and clean, and soon My love, We shall see each other face to face. But for now We shall meet here in the secret place, the time when you come and spend time with Me. When you come before the start of your day and seek Me out for Me, not My hand, but to know Me better and to hear Me, to hear whatever I have to say. This pleases Me child. For you are Mine, in the stillness and in the quiet you come. I love you and you love Me. You are faithful in your pursuit of Me. This pleases Me. As you arise and come, I watch. I am waiting for you My dear one. I read your thoughts, I see your actions. You have a very pure heart for you have allowed Me to purge you and to remove the dross as it bubbled up from within you. I have done a deep work within you. Now deep calls to deep and you hear Me well. You are Mine, I shall never let you go. I shall always be by your side. You My love have a servants heart. I shall use you to touch My people. In the little things I am seen. In the small actions that go unnoticed on earth, in heaven they are big. Every act of kindness, every simple gift of love is recorded, every gentle word, every hug, all are reflections of Me. You are reflecting Me well. I see Me in you and this is what I created you for. To love Me and to express Me to others and to love others. It is well with thee. I am pleased with thee.
Love Yeshua
Love is the key in My Kingdom. Reflecting love and patient endurance are My calling cards.
Interpretation: You are about to be tested again. There will be a famine of My Word which represents the bread, a power food.
You do not need to know everything just yet. Keep walking day by day with Me. I shall reveal to you what I want you to do. Stay on the path you are on. Secure and safe in Me. I am teaching you more than you know in the quiet, in the stillness I am filling you once again with My oil. I am examining you each day. I am inspecting your garments. I am giving you an extra measure of My love as you have asked. I shall open the windows of heaven for you. As you ask, I shall do it. Your life is hid in Me. My Father and I are pleased with thee. Your heart is pure and clean, and soon My love, We shall see each other face to face. But for now We shall meet here in the secret place, the time when you come and spend time with Me. When you come before the start of your day and seek Me out for Me, not My hand, but to know Me better and to hear Me, to hear whatever I have to say. This pleases Me child. For you are Mine, in the stillness and in the quiet you come. I love you and you love Me. You are faithful in your pursuit of Me. This pleases Me. As you arise and come, I watch. I am waiting for you My dear one. I read your thoughts, I see your actions. You have a very pure heart for you have allowed Me to purge you and to remove the dross as it bubbled up from within you. I have done a deep work within you. Now deep calls to deep and you hear Me well. You are Mine, I shall never let you go. I shall always be by your side. You My love have a servants heart. I shall use you to touch My people. In the little things I am seen. In the small actions that go unnoticed on earth, in heaven they are big. Every act of kindness, every simple gift of love is recorded, every gentle word, every hug, all are reflections of Me. You are reflecting Me well. I see Me in you and this is what I created you for. To love Me and to express Me to others and to love others. It is well with thee. I am pleased with thee.
Love Yeshua
Love is the key in My Kingdom. Reflecting love and patient endurance are My calling cards.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Hearing God - May 4, 2014
I love you child. You are very dear to Me. I want you to go deeper into My word. I want you to do a deeper study through the Strong's concordance and lexicon helps I have provided for you. My word has many layers and you need to dig for My Truths. I will reveal much to you as you yield and dig deeply into My words. I will lead you, do not be lazy, yield and follow My unctions. The more you know, the more you grow. I am molding you into My image. As you are faithful in seeking Me out. As you persevere and endure each day you will find much treasure along the path. I have placed many gifts, jewels and armor pieces for you along the path. They are yours for the taking. My yielded vessel, you are precious to Me. For you come to behold Me, you are a True Seeker. You are fully persuaded that I will meet all of your needs, but you are hungry, so very hungry for more and more of Me. I shall surely give you your hearts desire. For it is My hearts desire to reveal Myself to you. I am watching you. I am testing you once again beloved. Do not grow weary in this journey. Stay eager, stay watchful, stay hungry for more and more of Me. As you seek, I shall reveal and uncover more and more of Me and My Ways to you. Be it unto you according to your faith. It is well with thee My beloved. I will not allow you to be deceived. I am leading, you are following. It is well. I love you. Walking in your authority is walking in the Kingdom. Ask now, ask for big impossible things, for I am ready to give you the supernatural. If you are ready, just ask.
Hearing God - May 3, 2014
I am here child. I see you. Good morning My love. As We journey together you become more and more like Me. You are beginning to walk like Me, talk like Me and act like Me. This pleases Me child. For I know you. I know your heart. I know your thoughts. You are ever mindful of Me. My Ways are a mystery, but as you progress in Me they become clearer and clearer. your life is so intertwined in Me now that you can't be separated from Me. I am in you. We are one. Much is being revealed now to you and others that has never been revealed before. Your life, your mind, your very being are wrapped up and secured in Me. You go where I go, you say what I say. For you My love are secure in Me. Your life's purpose is to be wrapped up in Me. As you endeavor to seek Me I will allow you to uncover My hidden Truths. You have access to Me for you have been found faithful in your pursuit of Me. The journey inward is prospering and producing much fruit in you. This pleases Me, you have chosen the narrow road, you have yielded and not grown weary in your pursuit of Me and you know Me child. Your faith is great and your fears are few. Live in Me. Live solely in Me and for Me, this is what I require of you right now. You are prospering child. It is well with thee. I am pleased with thee, I love you dearly, keep coming.
Friday, May 2, 2014
Hearing God - May 2, 2014
Hello My love. I have been waiting for you. I have been watching you. You are beautiful to Me. I love how you love Me. You should write down your dream.
Dream: A young girl Ericka had knee surgery, and in the middle of the night her mom called me to come over and pray for her because she was in a lot of pain and could not be comforted. I went to her house and prayed for her. Then her parents brought her to my house to watch over while she was healing. She was put in my husbands side of the bed. I was worried our little dog Gracie would jump on her and hurt her wounded knee. But, Gracie was not in the room with us and when I opened the bedroom door , Gracie came in quietly and jumped up on the bed and snuggled down next to her. The girl needed to go to the bathroom. The main public bathroom was dark and the toilet was stopped up. So we went to the smaller private bathroom which was clean and working fine. Then she went into the living room to watch movies and was getting the chair settled and positioned just right for her to view her movies on the big screen TV. Somehow earlier in the dream I remember that they, her and her parents, were looking for the golden ticket or golden bar. Then I saw a large bar of Velveeta cheese and remembered that they were looking for the gold bar and she would be needing this, I know I'm supposed to write about this Velveeta cheese and the name of the girl Ericka.
(I have looked up the meaning of the name Ericka and it means "forever", "Eternal", and "Alone"...
the little dog Gracie represents the Grace of God coming into the situation and bringing the Peace of God...
the golden ticket is the ticket to get you into heaven and without the ticket you can't get in, the ticket is your own personal relationship with God, through the Son Jesus Christ...
the bathrooms represent cleansing of the spirit and the public bathroom is too dirty and worldly, so you must go to the cleansing bathroom privately, because God wants us to come one on one to Him...
I am still pondering over the knee surgery....every knee shall bow to Jesus is all I'm getting so far....
The name Ericka is very important, I will have to ponder and meditate on this as I wait on the Lord to reveal the significance of this name, it seems to be pointing to Jesus Himself as He is "forever, eternal and alone"...there is only one God...
as I am writing this the Lord spoke:
You have done well child, the name Ericka represents the man-child in each one of My children, for they are fully reflecting Me (forever, eternal, and alone) they have already been repaired and bowed their knees to My authority in them and through them, they have endured the painful process of being cleansed and purified ( which can only happen privately as they come to me one on one) to be My Bride and so by going through the process they have obtained the golden ticket and will not be denied access to Me. The dog Gracie is a play on is God spelled backwards, the name of the dog is Gracie, but you most often refer to her as Grace....My Grace is sufficient for thee...the man-child was brought to your house to be nurtured and prepared for the coming of My Kingdom within them....I will send many in the days ahead for you to nurture and direct them in their own pursuit of Me....You shall be used mightily in this, and you will not be glorified...I WILL....
I am going to open many doors for you now My love. For it is time for you to understand. You are going deeper into the things of the spirit and now we shall move at a much more rapid pace. The Kingdom is within you. AS you dwell in Me and meditate upon these things you shall understand.
I am your teacher, I will not force you to learn, but if you are willing I shall reveal many things to you.
Much shall befall your once great nation and all of the world. But, Remember, I am here and My hand is upon you. I shall protect and provide for you. You shall light the way for others to come to Me. For I shall be open to all who come. I shall draw many through you.
My light is strong in you My little one. You carry Me with you. Much is going to transpire through you for My Kingdom. Your life is hid in Me. I am all you need. I shall meet your every need. As you draw closer and closer to Me I reveal more and more of Myself to you. You My dear one are now consumed with Me. My fire is burning brightly within you. My light is glowing within and upon you now. Your life is fully transformed in Me, I can see My reflection clearly within you and I can see My reflection in your actions, as you yield to My unctions and leadings.
You may continue to go to LSC, but I alone am your teacher. Do not allow anyone or anything to come between Me and you. Bring everything you are involved in to Me. Invite Me into everything you are involved in. I shall lead you through everything. I shall show you the Truth and the error in all things. You are Mine. You belong to Me. As you live, move and breathe, I live, move and breathe within you. For you My love have yielded, submitted and surrendered your earthen vessel for My use and this My love pleases Me. I enjoy spending time with you. I enjoy seeing you walk in My peace and Rest in Me fully persuaded that I will meet all of your needs. This brings Me great joy. I love you My little one.
AS you yield to Me I become bigger and bigger in you. Your life is hidden in Me. Safe and secure under My wing. You are fully persuaded that nothing can separate you from Me, this pleases Me child, this pleases Me. It is well with thee My love. All is well with thee. Sink deeply into Me this weekend. Look for Me in everything you encounter, for I am here. I lead, you follow. Keep it simple.
Song: "Light of the world, you stepped down into darkness..."
You are not dark My love, you are fair and full of My light. A beacon on a hill. Glow baby Glow. I am here. It is well with thee. Think upon Me often.
Dream: A young girl Ericka had knee surgery, and in the middle of the night her mom called me to come over and pray for her because she was in a lot of pain and could not be comforted. I went to her house and prayed for her. Then her parents brought her to my house to watch over while she was healing. She was put in my husbands side of the bed. I was worried our little dog Gracie would jump on her and hurt her wounded knee. But, Gracie was not in the room with us and when I opened the bedroom door , Gracie came in quietly and jumped up on the bed and snuggled down next to her. The girl needed to go to the bathroom. The main public bathroom was dark and the toilet was stopped up. So we went to the smaller private bathroom which was clean and working fine. Then she went into the living room to watch movies and was getting the chair settled and positioned just right for her to view her movies on the big screen TV. Somehow earlier in the dream I remember that they, her and her parents, were looking for the golden ticket or golden bar. Then I saw a large bar of Velveeta cheese and remembered that they were looking for the gold bar and she would be needing this, I know I'm supposed to write about this Velveeta cheese and the name of the girl Ericka.
(I have looked up the meaning of the name Ericka and it means "forever", "Eternal", and "Alone"...
the little dog Gracie represents the Grace of God coming into the situation and bringing the Peace of God...
the golden ticket is the ticket to get you into heaven and without the ticket you can't get in, the ticket is your own personal relationship with God, through the Son Jesus Christ...
the bathrooms represent cleansing of the spirit and the public bathroom is too dirty and worldly, so you must go to the cleansing bathroom privately, because God wants us to come one on one to Him...
I am still pondering over the knee surgery....every knee shall bow to Jesus is all I'm getting so far....
The name Ericka is very important, I will have to ponder and meditate on this as I wait on the Lord to reveal the significance of this name, it seems to be pointing to Jesus Himself as He is "forever, eternal and alone"...there is only one God...
as I am writing this the Lord spoke:
You have done well child, the name Ericka represents the man-child in each one of My children, for they are fully reflecting Me (forever, eternal, and alone) they have already been repaired and bowed their knees to My authority in them and through them, they have endured the painful process of being cleansed and purified ( which can only happen privately as they come to me one on one) to be My Bride and so by going through the process they have obtained the golden ticket and will not be denied access to Me. The dog Gracie is a play on is God spelled backwards, the name of the dog is Gracie, but you most often refer to her as Grace....My Grace is sufficient for thee...the man-child was brought to your house to be nurtured and prepared for the coming of My Kingdom within them....I will send many in the days ahead for you to nurture and direct them in their own pursuit of Me....You shall be used mightily in this, and you will not be glorified...I WILL....
I am going to open many doors for you now My love. For it is time for you to understand. You are going deeper into the things of the spirit and now we shall move at a much more rapid pace. The Kingdom is within you. AS you dwell in Me and meditate upon these things you shall understand.
I am your teacher, I will not force you to learn, but if you are willing I shall reveal many things to you.
Much shall befall your once great nation and all of the world. But, Remember, I am here and My hand is upon you. I shall protect and provide for you. You shall light the way for others to come to Me. For I shall be open to all who come. I shall draw many through you.
My light is strong in you My little one. You carry Me with you. Much is going to transpire through you for My Kingdom. Your life is hid in Me. I am all you need. I shall meet your every need. As you draw closer and closer to Me I reveal more and more of Myself to you. You My dear one are now consumed with Me. My fire is burning brightly within you. My light is glowing within and upon you now. Your life is fully transformed in Me, I can see My reflection clearly within you and I can see My reflection in your actions, as you yield to My unctions and leadings.
You may continue to go to LSC, but I alone am your teacher. Do not allow anyone or anything to come between Me and you. Bring everything you are involved in to Me. Invite Me into everything you are involved in. I shall lead you through everything. I shall show you the Truth and the error in all things. You are Mine. You belong to Me. As you live, move and breathe, I live, move and breathe within you. For you My love have yielded, submitted and surrendered your earthen vessel for My use and this My love pleases Me. I enjoy spending time with you. I enjoy seeing you walk in My peace and Rest in Me fully persuaded that I will meet all of your needs. This brings Me great joy. I love you My little one.
AS you yield to Me I become bigger and bigger in you. Your life is hidden in Me. Safe and secure under My wing. You are fully persuaded that nothing can separate you from Me, this pleases Me child, this pleases Me. It is well with thee My love. All is well with thee. Sink deeply into Me this weekend. Look for Me in everything you encounter, for I am here. I lead, you follow. Keep it simple.
Song: "Light of the world, you stepped down into darkness..."
You are not dark My love, you are fair and full of My light. A beacon on a hill. Glow baby Glow. I am here. It is well with thee. Think upon Me often.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Hearing God - April 20, 2013
The great delusion is coming. Do not be deceived My child, and do not be alarmed. You must fight fear with faith, cast down fear and lift up My name and My banner of Righteousness. My face sees all that happens upon the earth past, present and future before it happens. You cannot see My face yet, but I can see yours. Nothing is hidden from Me. I see all your tests and challenges. I am here. I will guide and protect you.
Remember, what I've already told you, go back and read My messages to you. This is one reason I have told you to put them on your blog, as you type them, they are refreshed in you once again. So many people will be snared in this delusion, they will be drawn into this alien deception by their own lusts. People who are seeking after new experiences will certainly get their fill. You are not to be counted among them. Do not even be counted in their conversations.
For this is an evil day, Remember, I will give ALL the desires of their hearts. Some will attain everlasting life, some will attain destruction and pain. My love, My dove, you will walk upon the high places with Me. Keep seeking, keep climbing up My ladder, your path is narrowing once again. TRUTH is to be your guest.
Your desire is for Me now, and your ways will lead you home with Me. I have lit your candle and you are drawn to Me, like a moth to a flame. I know you, will you follow Me all the way? I trust that you will. Do not be consumed with the worries of this world. Be consumed and transformed by the renewing of your mind in Me. I am your all consuming fire. Repent, as I bring things to mind, and let My flames consume the dross, and iniquity from you. Make straight the paths that I have placed you on. Correct yourself, as I show you any errors, be quick to repent and change your ways and it will go well with you My love, My dove.
My Glory will soon come upon the earth, it is a fiery flame that cannot be quenched, only those who have prepared and removed all worldliness and allowed Me to cleanse them of all their iniquities will be able to endue My flame, to them it will feel beautiful and warm because My flame is already burning within them.
But, to those who do not have My flame in them, it will be a terror and a horror beyond description. Much pain is coming to all those who are not hidden in Me. Much suffering is coming. Even upon the children. Many children of the earth will perish now. Guard your children, teach them how to watch their gates. The enemy is hidden deep within them now, through what has been allowed to enter into their gates: eyes and ears.
Remember, what I have recorded in My word, children shall rise against their parents and cause them to be put to death, and parents shall rise against their own children to cause them to be put to death, the love of many shall wax cold. These days are upon the land now. Perilous times are ahead for all who are not hidden in Me. My child stay hidden in Me, heed My warnings. Cleave to Me and no other. I am your source of strength. I am your protector and provider. I am your teacher and guide. I am your Rabbi. Come to Me with all your questions and concerns. We are one in this journey. You are reflecting Me now.
Stay humble, lean into Me and allow Me to be your all in all. TRUE LOVE casts out all fear. Let ME ARISE BIG in you when fear comes, and let Me cast it far from you. TRUST Me child, you are a force to be reckoned with, and the enemy will flee from you as you lift up your voice because you carry My light, you are a beacon on a hill. My light is burning bright in you. Many will be drawn to My light in you. When they come, show them how to receive My light, teach them how to wait on Me. Read My Word - eat Me and drink Me much today keep the Sabbath with Me today (Saturday), commune with Me child, live in Me today, time set apart to be with Me is precious and it pleases Me child, it pleases Me.
Many will come to Me and say Lord, Lord we are yours, but they are not Mine, I will have to say "Depart from Me ye workers of iniquity, I never knew you". But, you, My child, My precious one, I do know, you are Mine and I will never let you go, stay close to Me child, breathe in, breathe out, We are one. Our love grows with each passing day. I truly rejoice in all My children who truly want to know Me. It warms My heart and blesses Me when My children come to wait on Me and hear from Me. I tell you, surely I come quickly to all who are waiting on Me. Nothing can keep Me away from My true children, they are very precious to Me.
My Bride is My delight, oh how I long to come for My Bride, soon, very soon My Father will tell Me to go and get My Bride, you and your brothers and sisters will be one with Me. I will send you back as you have requested. But, you must be diligent and press into Me now to prepare you for the battles that lie ahead. I will prepare you, but We must prepare now, do not delay, come when I call you, wait on Me, commune with Me, eat Me and drink Me, pray without ceasing, Repent, Repent, Repent, humble yourself more before Me. Give Me everything. I need total access to all of you: the good, the bad, the ugly. Yield your all to Me. You are a work in progress in Me, you are being changed daily now, things are bubbling up as you allow Me to cleanse you from all unrighteousness within you.
Stay humble, don't be shocked at what I find hidden in you, don't deny it, just repent and let Me cleanse you. Purging and cleansing are sometimes quite painful, yield child, yield and allow Me to do My work within you. I know you, I know all about you. I am not shocked and surprised at what's in you, when I reveal these hidden sins, simply yield, repent and allow Me to work in you. Do Not be discouraged by what I find and reveal to you. Take heart, be of good cheer for I am here. I am in your temple now, I am cleaning deeply and thoroughly My dwelling place and you My child are beginning to shine. My "House" shall be called a house of prayer. My "Light" will shine forth and dispel all darkness.
Be ye holy, for I am holy. I love you My child, My little one. Let Me increase in you. I must increase and you must decrease. Be ever mindful of Me child. In all your ways acknowledge Me and I will direct your path. I will show you the absolute TRUTH in all things. Seek Me child.
Remember, what I've already told you, go back and read My messages to you. This is one reason I have told you to put them on your blog, as you type them, they are refreshed in you once again. So many people will be snared in this delusion, they will be drawn into this alien deception by their own lusts. People who are seeking after new experiences will certainly get their fill. You are not to be counted among them. Do not even be counted in their conversations.
For this is an evil day, Remember, I will give ALL the desires of their hearts. Some will attain everlasting life, some will attain destruction and pain. My love, My dove, you will walk upon the high places with Me. Keep seeking, keep climbing up My ladder, your path is narrowing once again. TRUTH is to be your guest.
Your desire is for Me now, and your ways will lead you home with Me. I have lit your candle and you are drawn to Me, like a moth to a flame. I know you, will you follow Me all the way? I trust that you will. Do not be consumed with the worries of this world. Be consumed and transformed by the renewing of your mind in Me. I am your all consuming fire. Repent, as I bring things to mind, and let My flames consume the dross, and iniquity from you. Make straight the paths that I have placed you on. Correct yourself, as I show you any errors, be quick to repent and change your ways and it will go well with you My love, My dove.
My Glory will soon come upon the earth, it is a fiery flame that cannot be quenched, only those who have prepared and removed all worldliness and allowed Me to cleanse them of all their iniquities will be able to endue My flame, to them it will feel beautiful and warm because My flame is already burning within them.
But, to those who do not have My flame in them, it will be a terror and a horror beyond description. Much pain is coming to all those who are not hidden in Me. Much suffering is coming. Even upon the children. Many children of the earth will perish now. Guard your children, teach them how to watch their gates. The enemy is hidden deep within them now, through what has been allowed to enter into their gates: eyes and ears.
Remember, what I have recorded in My word, children shall rise against their parents and cause them to be put to death, and parents shall rise against their own children to cause them to be put to death, the love of many shall wax cold. These days are upon the land now. Perilous times are ahead for all who are not hidden in Me. My child stay hidden in Me, heed My warnings. Cleave to Me and no other. I am your source of strength. I am your protector and provider. I am your teacher and guide. I am your Rabbi. Come to Me with all your questions and concerns. We are one in this journey. You are reflecting Me now.
Stay humble, lean into Me and allow Me to be your all in all. TRUE LOVE casts out all fear. Let ME ARISE BIG in you when fear comes, and let Me cast it far from you. TRUST Me child, you are a force to be reckoned with, and the enemy will flee from you as you lift up your voice because you carry My light, you are a beacon on a hill. My light is burning bright in you. Many will be drawn to My light in you. When they come, show them how to receive My light, teach them how to wait on Me. Read My Word - eat Me and drink Me much today keep the Sabbath with Me today (Saturday), commune with Me child, live in Me today, time set apart to be with Me is precious and it pleases Me child, it pleases Me.
Many will come to Me and say Lord, Lord we are yours, but they are not Mine, I will have to say "Depart from Me ye workers of iniquity, I never knew you". But, you, My child, My precious one, I do know, you are Mine and I will never let you go, stay close to Me child, breathe in, breathe out, We are one. Our love grows with each passing day. I truly rejoice in all My children who truly want to know Me. It warms My heart and blesses Me when My children come to wait on Me and hear from Me. I tell you, surely I come quickly to all who are waiting on Me. Nothing can keep Me away from My true children, they are very precious to Me.
My Bride is My delight, oh how I long to come for My Bride, soon, very soon My Father will tell Me to go and get My Bride, you and your brothers and sisters will be one with Me. I will send you back as you have requested. But, you must be diligent and press into Me now to prepare you for the battles that lie ahead. I will prepare you, but We must prepare now, do not delay, come when I call you, wait on Me, commune with Me, eat Me and drink Me, pray without ceasing, Repent, Repent, Repent, humble yourself more before Me. Give Me everything. I need total access to all of you: the good, the bad, the ugly. Yield your all to Me. You are a work in progress in Me, you are being changed daily now, things are bubbling up as you allow Me to cleanse you from all unrighteousness within you.
Stay humble, don't be shocked at what I find hidden in you, don't deny it, just repent and let Me cleanse you. Purging and cleansing are sometimes quite painful, yield child, yield and allow Me to do My work within you. I know you, I know all about you. I am not shocked and surprised at what's in you, when I reveal these hidden sins, simply yield, repent and allow Me to work in you. Do Not be discouraged by what I find and reveal to you. Take heart, be of good cheer for I am here. I am in your temple now, I am cleaning deeply and thoroughly My dwelling place and you My child are beginning to shine. My "House" shall be called a house of prayer. My "Light" will shine forth and dispel all darkness.
Be ye holy, for I am holy. I love you My child, My little one. Let Me increase in you. I must increase and you must decrease. Be ever mindful of Me child. In all your ways acknowledge Me and I will direct your path. I will show you the absolute TRUTH in all things. Seek Me child.
Hearing God - April 21, 2013
Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees. Some are in sheep's clothing, but they are wolves. Just like this morning, they came and told you to come outside but, it was not Me and you knew it was not Me. My sheep hear My voice and a stranger they will not follow. This is an important key, to know My voice and My Ways.
Annette Faith is Mine. I am the Resurrection and the life. Lean into Me. Bring everything to Me. Trust NO ONE but ME. I am your Lord and Savior, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, and besides Me there is no other. Let your days be filled with Me, learn all you can about Me. I am meek and lowly follow Me, imitate Me. The more you press into Me the more you will gain strength for your journey. I am an all consuming fire, let Me have My Way in you, surrender all to Me child, do not doubt My love, or My plan. I've got you in the palm of My hand and you will not be plucked out.
Believe Me child, follow close to Me. Rejoice for you are counted among the worthy to escape many things coming upon the earth. Dwell in My presence now. Peace be still and know that I am here. I am always here. I never leave you child. I watch you, I watch everything about you, for you are Mine and I love you.
Song: "Getting to know you, getting to know all about you..."
Many will come in My name, trying to deceive you and draw you away from Me. Stand firm. Beware of the deceivers. Enjoy the process of seeking Me. My Word will reveal much to you now, I am unlocking My Word for you. My Word will bring life to you, it is an extension of Me, for I am the Word of God made flesh. My Word is a living entity. It is a power source for you. Abide in Me there, abide in Me here as you wait before Me. Abide in Me throughout your day. Keep Me ever before you. Drink deeply from My well and feast abundantly at My table. Taste and see that I am good. I am your all-n-all. I provide for My own.
I will not lead you down a bunny trail that has no purpose. I have a plan and it is unfolding beautifully. This is the end of time, the age is closing and a new age is about to begin. You are privileged to live in the generation that will witness everything I have said in My Word come to pass. Many who have gone before you have wanted to see these things, but, you My child, My precious one will see everything unfolding. Do not fear, I have told you beforehand so that you will know when it comes to pass and understand the great mysteries of the days ahead.
I am thrilled to be sharing them with you. Hide yourself in Me child. Do not be alarmed, everything must come to pass to fulfill the scriptures for they are TRUE and ALIVE ! Read My Scriptures, I am unlocking much in these days for you. I am AWESOME and POWERFUL and I want to reveal My GLORY to you.
If you seek to know Me more, much will be revealed to you. I reward all seekers of the TRUTH. For I am TRUTH, I am the absolute TRUTH. Rejoice there are many delightful things in store for you. Do not back off in your diligent search for Me. Come, the Spirit and the Word say come. I will answer thee. TRUST NO ONE BUT ME !
Annette Faith is Mine. I am the Resurrection and the life. Lean into Me. Bring everything to Me. Trust NO ONE but ME. I am your Lord and Savior, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, and besides Me there is no other. Let your days be filled with Me, learn all you can about Me. I am meek and lowly follow Me, imitate Me. The more you press into Me the more you will gain strength for your journey. I am an all consuming fire, let Me have My Way in you, surrender all to Me child, do not doubt My love, or My plan. I've got you in the palm of My hand and you will not be plucked out.
Believe Me child, follow close to Me. Rejoice for you are counted among the worthy to escape many things coming upon the earth. Dwell in My presence now. Peace be still and know that I am here. I am always here. I never leave you child. I watch you, I watch everything about you, for you are Mine and I love you.
Song: "Getting to know you, getting to know all about you..."
Many will come in My name, trying to deceive you and draw you away from Me. Stand firm. Beware of the deceivers. Enjoy the process of seeking Me. My Word will reveal much to you now, I am unlocking My Word for you. My Word will bring life to you, it is an extension of Me, for I am the Word of God made flesh. My Word is a living entity. It is a power source for you. Abide in Me there, abide in Me here as you wait before Me. Abide in Me throughout your day. Keep Me ever before you. Drink deeply from My well and feast abundantly at My table. Taste and see that I am good. I am your all-n-all. I provide for My own.
I will not lead you down a bunny trail that has no purpose. I have a plan and it is unfolding beautifully. This is the end of time, the age is closing and a new age is about to begin. You are privileged to live in the generation that will witness everything I have said in My Word come to pass. Many who have gone before you have wanted to see these things, but, you My child, My precious one will see everything unfolding. Do not fear, I have told you beforehand so that you will know when it comes to pass and understand the great mysteries of the days ahead.
I am thrilled to be sharing them with you. Hide yourself in Me child. Do not be alarmed, everything must come to pass to fulfill the scriptures for they are TRUE and ALIVE ! Read My Scriptures, I am unlocking much in these days for you. I am AWESOME and POWERFUL and I want to reveal My GLORY to you.
If you seek to know Me more, much will be revealed to you. I reward all seekers of the TRUTH. For I am TRUTH, I am the absolute TRUTH. Rejoice there are many delightful things in store for you. Do not back off in your diligent search for Me. Come, the Spirit and the Word say come. I will answer thee. TRUST NO ONE BUT ME !
Hearing God - April 22, 2013
What kept you child, I've been waiting for you. Many people will hunger for righteousness and not be able to find it, but they will long for it. Seek Me while there is still time. Wake up child you're slipping. Do not be deceived. Draw near to Me I have much to say. I have much to teach you. My Ways are not your ways, I am not restricted by time. Your heart is far from Me, so, My words are few.
Hearing God - May 1, 2014
We see you child. You are dearly loved. We watch over you daily. We never leave you. You are our beloved dove. We are pleased with you. We are pleased with your diligent pursuit of Me. My Father and I watch you. For you are dearly, dearly loved. You are yielded and submitted to Us and that pleases Us. You are sure and steadfast in your belief of Us and confident in the TRUTH that We love you and will protect you.
Many are being weighed in the balance and found wanting. They have not prepared. So they shall be caught off guard. My Kingdom is Rising and you My child are ready for it. Keep your focus on Me at all times now. Do not look back to your old life. your new life, your true life is in Me. I alone shall lead you. Much is being played out in the world, there is still much to come. Many difficulties lay ahead for many. I must show them their error.
Just as I purged you My dear one and cleansed you as you were willing to submit and be cleansed, so also I must purge and cleanse the ones who are not yielded or submitted. It will be very difficult and painful for them, but this must be done. Remember child, you are not responsible for the others journeys. You are responsible for your own journey with Me.
Keep putting these words up on your blog, I am using these to draw others to Me. My will is coming forth in your blog. Much is transpiring in your blog and life that you do not know about or see. Just Trust Me child and remain faithful in all that I ask you to do.
When you are caught up with these messages then I shall reveal your next task. Remain faithful in the little things, do not quit. I am watching you. I love you My dear one. So many things you are about to learn, the adventure is before you child.
As you come before Me We meet in the middle and our love grows. You are deeply etched into Me as I am deeply etched into you. Your faith is strong. Your heart is pure. Stay focused on Me.
Remember your dreams, wake up, when you are awakened you must get up and write them down. These are valuable tools for you. Press in to Me for understanding. You need to understand My messages in your dreams.
***I asked a question: What did I dream about last night Lord? Help me to I am waiting on the Lord I have a vision...
Vision: I see the ocean and a hand reaching up out of the ocean, then I see me at my pool standing at the side of the pool looking at the water, I remember or have a knowing that something evil is under the water and lives in the water and uses the water, as I am thinking about this I reach out and touch the water, I begin to plead the blood of Jesus over the water...something grabs my hand from in the clear pool water, like a hand shaped out of water and starts to speak to me, I don't remember what it was saying, I am startled but not afraid, for I knew within me that it would not be allowed to harm me. Then I see the ocean again and a large dark grey metal spaceship starts rising up out of the ocean.
Vision ends.
Many are being weighed in the balance and found wanting. They have not prepared. So they shall be caught off guard. My Kingdom is Rising and you My child are ready for it. Keep your focus on Me at all times now. Do not look back to your old life. your new life, your true life is in Me. I alone shall lead you. Much is being played out in the world, there is still much to come. Many difficulties lay ahead for many. I must show them their error.
Just as I purged you My dear one and cleansed you as you were willing to submit and be cleansed, so also I must purge and cleanse the ones who are not yielded or submitted. It will be very difficult and painful for them, but this must be done. Remember child, you are not responsible for the others journeys. You are responsible for your own journey with Me.
Keep putting these words up on your blog, I am using these to draw others to Me. My will is coming forth in your blog. Much is transpiring in your blog and life that you do not know about or see. Just Trust Me child and remain faithful in all that I ask you to do.
When you are caught up with these messages then I shall reveal your next task. Remain faithful in the little things, do not quit. I am watching you. I love you My dear one. So many things you are about to learn, the adventure is before you child.
As you come before Me We meet in the middle and our love grows. You are deeply etched into Me as I am deeply etched into you. Your faith is strong. Your heart is pure. Stay focused on Me.
Remember your dreams, wake up, when you are awakened you must get up and write them down. These are valuable tools for you. Press in to Me for understanding. You need to understand My messages in your dreams.
***I asked a question: What did I dream about last night Lord? Help me to I am waiting on the Lord I have a vision...
Vision: I see the ocean and a hand reaching up out of the ocean, then I see me at my pool standing at the side of the pool looking at the water, I remember or have a knowing that something evil is under the water and lives in the water and uses the water, as I am thinking about this I reach out and touch the water, I begin to plead the blood of Jesus over the water...something grabs my hand from in the clear pool water, like a hand shaped out of water and starts to speak to me, I don't remember what it was saying, I am startled but not afraid, for I knew within me that it would not be allowed to harm me. Then I see the ocean again and a large dark grey metal spaceship starts rising up out of the ocean.
Vision ends.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Hearing God - April 23, 2013
It pleases Me when you think on Me and come to wait and hear from Me. Many will come when I've shut the door and want in, but, alas, I will not be able to open the door for them, for they did not take the time to wait on Me and prepare themselves, they were too busy being caught up in the cares of this world they had no time for Me.
Draw close to Me child, everyday. Search for Me now and seek Me with your whole heart and I will reveal Myself to you more. It is My desire to reveal Myself to you. I want you to know about Me. I desire you to walk in My Ways. Repent daily, keep your eyes focused on Me. Do not stray off the path that I have placed you on. Keep your ear tuned to Me. Keep listening, be diligent to hear Me.
Keep your heart clean, you are in a grave battle right now, the thoughts in your head these past few days have puzzled you, yes, I heard your prayer. You are correct these thoughts are not your own. You must recognize your enemy a lot quicker. Be alert. Cast down these vain imaginations quickly, don't let these wicked thoughts grow roots and gain a stronghold over you, root them out, use My name, Use My Word and command them to go.
I have warned you that you would be tested. This is the test. Your mind is a huge battlefield that you must overcome. Your relationships are a huge battlefield for you as well. For these are the triggers that push and pull your buttons to rob you of your peace. Remember, I have told you in My word that I did not come to bring peace, but a sword, I did not come to bring unity but to divide. This "division" will cause the leaven in you to bubble-up, and show you what is inside of you. Once you see it, you can deal with it.
Everything I do and allow has a purpose, your life circumstances and the people I place in your midst are all bringing about My divine plan. Nothing is aimless, it is sent to cause a reaction. Now, how you react is the "Main Agenda", how you react when you are squeezed will determine who you belong to. This is My candle, I use it to expose the deep things hidden within you. This is why you need to be filled with My Spirit and stay close to Me.
When you find yourself drifting from Me, you will find that your battles will intensify in your relationships and in your mind. Heed My warnings child, stay in My peace. Be ever "mindful" of Me. Call upon Me in the midst of battle. I am here to help you. Don't just allow yourself to be dumbfounded and puzzled with the thoughts coming into your head in rapid succession. Recognize that you are under "attack", call upon Me and I will help, I must be invited into your "present" situation. I will come swiftly child, I will not delay. Ask for My help. In your weakness, I am made strong.
You cannot battle these forces coming against you now by yourself, you need Me as your rear guard. Make yourself strong in Me, in My power, in My Spirit, let Me grow big in you. Focus on Me child, you are getting distracted. Do not let your mind wander off on bunny trails. This will only stop the flow of hearing Me.
The thief comes to steal and destroy. He has sent a thief to snatch you away from My presence. By a lure or a snare, a wandering thought, a bunny trail. Do you see them now, the snares. The little foxes that spoil the vine. Yes, I think you do. Take heart My love, you are growing in Me. I am your source. You must walk in My love. You must express My peace and My love. You must Keep My peace at all times and keep My love. Perfect love casts out fear.
Draw close to Me child, everyday. Search for Me now and seek Me with your whole heart and I will reveal Myself to you more. It is My desire to reveal Myself to you. I want you to know about Me. I desire you to walk in My Ways. Repent daily, keep your eyes focused on Me. Do not stray off the path that I have placed you on. Keep your ear tuned to Me. Keep listening, be diligent to hear Me.
Keep your heart clean, you are in a grave battle right now, the thoughts in your head these past few days have puzzled you, yes, I heard your prayer. You are correct these thoughts are not your own. You must recognize your enemy a lot quicker. Be alert. Cast down these vain imaginations quickly, don't let these wicked thoughts grow roots and gain a stronghold over you, root them out, use My name, Use My Word and command them to go.
I have warned you that you would be tested. This is the test. Your mind is a huge battlefield that you must overcome. Your relationships are a huge battlefield for you as well. For these are the triggers that push and pull your buttons to rob you of your peace. Remember, I have told you in My word that I did not come to bring peace, but a sword, I did not come to bring unity but to divide. This "division" will cause the leaven in you to bubble-up, and show you what is inside of you. Once you see it, you can deal with it.
Everything I do and allow has a purpose, your life circumstances and the people I place in your midst are all bringing about My divine plan. Nothing is aimless, it is sent to cause a reaction. Now, how you react is the "Main Agenda", how you react when you are squeezed will determine who you belong to. This is My candle, I use it to expose the deep things hidden within you. This is why you need to be filled with My Spirit and stay close to Me.
When you find yourself drifting from Me, you will find that your battles will intensify in your relationships and in your mind. Heed My warnings child, stay in My peace. Be ever "mindful" of Me. Call upon Me in the midst of battle. I am here to help you. Don't just allow yourself to be dumbfounded and puzzled with the thoughts coming into your head in rapid succession. Recognize that you are under "attack", call upon Me and I will help, I must be invited into your "present" situation. I will come swiftly child, I will not delay. Ask for My help. In your weakness, I am made strong.
You cannot battle these forces coming against you now by yourself, you need Me as your rear guard. Make yourself strong in Me, in My power, in My Spirit, let Me grow big in you. Focus on Me child, you are getting distracted. Do not let your mind wander off on bunny trails. This will only stop the flow of hearing Me.
The thief comes to steal and destroy. He has sent a thief to snatch you away from My presence. By a lure or a snare, a wandering thought, a bunny trail. Do you see them now, the snares. The little foxes that spoil the vine. Yes, I think you do. Take heart My love, you are growing in Me. I am your source. You must walk in My love. You must express My peace and My love. You must Keep My peace at all times and keep My love. Perfect love casts out fear.
Hearing God - April 24, 2013
I love you child. I love how you value and cherish My Word. It blesses Me child. You must not allow yourself to get so busy that you don't have time to read My word. This needs to be a priority for you. My word is a life force that you need daily. Much will be imparted to you as you read My Word. It's a beautiful part of Me that all should cherish. You must be willing to hear all that I'm saying to you, not some, not part, don't change anything in your head that I am saying. Be yielded and submitted to hear all. I must be King. I must be Lord of all, or I'm not Lord at all. I can only use willing vessels. Do not be prideful or allow pride to creep back in. Stay humble, stay childlike. Trust Me in everything. Stay connected to Me. Stay close, draw near My beloved, it's the only safe place to be on earth right now. Do not fear. Only TRUST ME and no one else. I am the only one who can show you the right path. I am your shepherd, I lead you into the sheepfold. Look to Me to help you in all things. Seek Me, invite Me into your day and your circumstances. I am willing to help you. Seek Me first. I must be first.
Hearing God - April 25, 2013
Dreams from last night:
A large burning - meteor like ball in the dark sky
I was at church and my pastors wife came up to me and said she wanted to come over and look at my yard. Because someone said, they would not let their "family" member come back over...???
I am buckling in a small four year old child into her car seat, I am shocked that her breasts are huge and sticking out of her tank top shirt through the arm holes (they are large adult size breasts) I am stunned by this...
I am in a park area and the little girl with the large breasts is coming up to me, I bend down on my knees to tuck her breasts back into her shirt and tell her to keep these covered, because if they get pinched it's going to sting like sunburn, she nods her little head and goes off to play. Her mom says "They ( her breasts) make her look soo overweight"
My pastors wife is in my yard and it's getting dark, she is by the pool and I ask her how does it look, she said fine. I start talking about the water being cloudy, but it was clear. She says her and her husband just came by to see (her husband is waiting in the car) me and my husband walk with her to the car, a small gray car. She starts getting into the passenger side as my pastor wakes up, he was asleep in the passenger side and starts to wake up and move over to the drivers side, somehow my husband gets stuck in the drivers side and tells me "I need some help" (basically to get out of the car) I pull his arm and he gets out, then my pastor slides into the drivers seat and several white envelopes fall out to the ground - they are bills. I bend down to pick them up and my pastor and his wife both exclaim about how much gray hair I have. I tell them I am older than I look, and I have a hair appointment on Friday to dye it...
That's all I can remember - but I wanted to write it down since I have not remembered any dreams in quite a while.
Note: Scenes kept changing rapidly in succession, I skipped lines to indicate scene changes
The Lord began to interpret the dreams:
The fireball in your dream is a meteor that is coming to the earth.
I am about to release a prophetic anointing on you in dreams. I am opening up the seer anointing in you. This is another level for you in Me. Do not be alarmed or concerned by what you see. Pictures are symbols, bring everything you see to Me for interpretation and explanation.
The large breasts on the child are for suckling and feeding - man is nourished at the breast - I am releasing My revelations upon the children. Pay close attention to what My children are saying, now is the time for Me to pour out My spirit on all flesh - your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.
The pastor asleep is the Church leader asleep - he should not be your teacher,
your husband gets "stuck in the vehicle with them "the church" and cannot lead - he needs your help - he is not your teacher,
the bills represent lack, you will not have what you need if you trust in them,
your pastors commenting on your gray hair, are the mockers - they will tell you you are not hearing from God, BUT YOU ARE !!! Don't listen to the mockers.
Stay with Me child. TRUST Only Me.
I am your teacher and guide.
Keep coming child, draw even closer to Me. I am unlocking the doors.
The childs mothers comment on her breasts - people will not recognize the anointing I am pouring out on the children !
They are set apart and look different !
A large burning - meteor like ball in the dark sky
I was at church and my pastors wife came up to me and said she wanted to come over and look at my yard. Because someone said, they would not let their "family" member come back over...???
I am buckling in a small four year old child into her car seat, I am shocked that her breasts are huge and sticking out of her tank top shirt through the arm holes (they are large adult size breasts) I am stunned by this...
I am in a park area and the little girl with the large breasts is coming up to me, I bend down on my knees to tuck her breasts back into her shirt and tell her to keep these covered, because if they get pinched it's going to sting like sunburn, she nods her little head and goes off to play. Her mom says "They ( her breasts) make her look soo overweight"
My pastors wife is in my yard and it's getting dark, she is by the pool and I ask her how does it look, she said fine. I start talking about the water being cloudy, but it was clear. She says her and her husband just came by to see (her husband is waiting in the car) me and my husband walk with her to the car, a small gray car. She starts getting into the passenger side as my pastor wakes up, he was asleep in the passenger side and starts to wake up and move over to the drivers side, somehow my husband gets stuck in the drivers side and tells me "I need some help" (basically to get out of the car) I pull his arm and he gets out, then my pastor slides into the drivers seat and several white envelopes fall out to the ground - they are bills. I bend down to pick them up and my pastor and his wife both exclaim about how much gray hair I have. I tell them I am older than I look, and I have a hair appointment on Friday to dye it...
That's all I can remember - but I wanted to write it down since I have not remembered any dreams in quite a while.
Note: Scenes kept changing rapidly in succession, I skipped lines to indicate scene changes
The Lord began to interpret the dreams:
The fireball in your dream is a meteor that is coming to the earth.
I am about to release a prophetic anointing on you in dreams. I am opening up the seer anointing in you. This is another level for you in Me. Do not be alarmed or concerned by what you see. Pictures are symbols, bring everything you see to Me for interpretation and explanation.
The large breasts on the child are for suckling and feeding - man is nourished at the breast - I am releasing My revelations upon the children. Pay close attention to what My children are saying, now is the time for Me to pour out My spirit on all flesh - your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.
The pastor asleep is the Church leader asleep - he should not be your teacher,
your husband gets "stuck in the vehicle with them "the church" and cannot lead - he needs your help - he is not your teacher,
the bills represent lack, you will not have what you need if you trust in them,
your pastors commenting on your gray hair, are the mockers - they will tell you you are not hearing from God, BUT YOU ARE !!! Don't listen to the mockers.
Stay with Me child. TRUST Only Me.
I am your teacher and guide.
Keep coming child, draw even closer to Me. I am unlocking the doors.
The childs mothers comment on her breasts - people will not recognize the anointing I am pouring out on the children !
They are set apart and look different !
Hearing God - April 26, 2013
I love you child. I love everything about you. I cherish our relationship. We will be together forever. My hearts desire is to love you. My precious one, My little dove. Stay sheltered in Me, under My wing should be your abode. I am your hiding place. I am your shelter from the storm. I know you, I hear your heart, I feel your love and devotion to Me, have no fear, for I am here. I see all, I know all. I will provide. I am your source.
Lay all your worries and concerns at My feet. I will protect your daughter, she is Mine and I will make sure she finds her way home. Many will come to seek answers from you, but you don't have the answers they need - only I have their answers. You must turn them to Me, tell them to seek Me. I want to be their source. Many will feed off of you and the provision I provide, but you are not their source, I am.
Stay close to Me child, lean into Me. Rest in Me. I am all you need. TRUST no one but Me. TRUST in Me and lean not on your own understanding. I see all that comes into your life. I know all that will happen to you. TRUST that My plan is perfect. You must accept what I deem to give you. Nothing happens without Me knowing it. Will you TRUST My plan for your life. You are Mine and I love you. I have many things to teach you child. My Ways are higher than your ways. Life is beautiful with Me. You have chosen the golden path. It glitters and glistens through the thorns and stones. It shimmers when My light passes over it, to light your way.
Drink deeply of Me today My love. I am God, the Elohim and there is no other. Your journey with Me is delightful. The more you learn of Me, the more your hunger for Me grows, it's delightful to Me. You are awakening to your true purpose, which is to dwell in Me. Your life is hid in Me. You are abandoning all earthly desires and things for they hold nothing for you now, for you are abandoning all to dwell in Me.
Song: "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path..."
Lay all your worries and concerns at My feet. I will protect your daughter, she is Mine and I will make sure she finds her way home. Many will come to seek answers from you, but you don't have the answers they need - only I have their answers. You must turn them to Me, tell them to seek Me. I want to be their source. Many will feed off of you and the provision I provide, but you are not their source, I am.
Stay close to Me child, lean into Me. Rest in Me. I am all you need. TRUST no one but Me. TRUST in Me and lean not on your own understanding. I see all that comes into your life. I know all that will happen to you. TRUST that My plan is perfect. You must accept what I deem to give you. Nothing happens without Me knowing it. Will you TRUST My plan for your life. You are Mine and I love you. I have many things to teach you child. My Ways are higher than your ways. Life is beautiful with Me. You have chosen the golden path. It glitters and glistens through the thorns and stones. It shimmers when My light passes over it, to light your way.
Drink deeply of Me today My love. I am God, the Elohim and there is no other. Your journey with Me is delightful. The more you learn of Me, the more your hunger for Me grows, it's delightful to Me. You are awakening to your true purpose, which is to dwell in Me. Your life is hid in Me. You are abandoning all earthly desires and things for they hold nothing for you now, for you are abandoning all to dwell in Me.
Song: "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path..."
Hearing God - April 27, 2013
You have many things on your mind today that are troubling you, do not fret, do not worry, I am here. Bring everything to Me, lay everything before Me today and I will take care of it. I have a beautiful day planned for you. Your job is to stay in My peace. I will work everything out for you today. I am here. TRUST ME child. Do not worry. I am here.
Invite Me into every part of your day, every moment. Your life is in My hands. I have placed My spirit in you to help you through your days. Day by Day your walk with Me goes deeper and deeper into Me and My Truths. Submit and yield to My will everyday and it will go well with you. Many are called, but few are "Prepared and Ready" to be chosen to be My Bride. I have many, many children, but few are obedient, few seek to truly know Me. Few draw close to hear Me, few seek My face.
Many seek My hand of favor - but their hearts are far from Me. There are many pleasures on this earth to entice you away from Me. But, the only true pleasure is with Me and My plan. In My plan I hold you in the palm of My hand. I go before you, you stay close to Me, hold My hand and step into My footprints and it will go well with you. Keep Me ever on your mind. I will direct your thoughts as you go through your day. Trust Me child, I am here. Lean into Me. Do not doubt My love and provision for you. I know what you have need of. I see each day that is set before you.
I only require that you walk with Me and let Me guide you through your day. Stay connected in My peace and surrounded in My love, and all will go well with you. I will energize you today. I will flow through you. Shabbot Shalom - Keep My Peace. Rest, Truly Rest in Me. Know that I am your source in all things. I love you child, I am your ever present help in time of need. I am your all sufficient one. I care about all the little details of your life, nothing is too small for Me to be a part of.
Invite Me into every part of your day, every moment. Your life is in My hands. I have placed My spirit in you to help you through your days. Day by Day your walk with Me goes deeper and deeper into Me and My Truths. Submit and yield to My will everyday and it will go well with you. Many are called, but few are "Prepared and Ready" to be chosen to be My Bride. I have many, many children, but few are obedient, few seek to truly know Me. Few draw close to hear Me, few seek My face.
Many seek My hand of favor - but their hearts are far from Me. There are many pleasures on this earth to entice you away from Me. But, the only true pleasure is with Me and My plan. In My plan I hold you in the palm of My hand. I go before you, you stay close to Me, hold My hand and step into My footprints and it will go well with you. Keep Me ever on your mind. I will direct your thoughts as you go through your day. Trust Me child, I am here. Lean into Me. Do not doubt My love and provision for you. I know what you have need of. I see each day that is set before you.
I only require that you walk with Me and let Me guide you through your day. Stay connected in My peace and surrounded in My love, and all will go well with you. I will energize you today. I will flow through you. Shabbot Shalom - Keep My Peace. Rest, Truly Rest in Me. Know that I am your source in all things. I love you child, I am your ever present help in time of need. I am your all sufficient one. I care about all the little details of your life, nothing is too small for Me to be a part of.
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