Friday, May 9, 2014

Hearing God - April 19, 2013

Song:  "You lift me higher, Jesus, you are ever lifting me..."

I am here child, I am always here.  It pleases me that you are putting Me first and it will go well with you.  My ways are not your ways, stay ever vigilant for I will come in an hour that you think not, stay ready, do not slack off in your search for Me, press into Me more for I am to be found in you and you are found in Me, for We are one and our bond is growing.  Life as you know it is changing, your life will bloom ever brighter in Me as the world is covered with gross darkness.

 My children will shine for they are different, they are not of this world.  They glow with My presence dwelling in them.  They will stick out from the heathen.  I will do mighty things through My children.  My chosen vessels will dwell in the supernatural.  They are My end-time army, a chosen select few, from My children who have made themselves ready, they are prepared to be able to hold My glory and stand in My glory, they will be taken first.  I will take each of My children in My time when they are ready, not all will be taken at once.  I have a different plan for each child.

 Some are destined for martyrdom.  Some are destined for My end-time army, the Bride will be taken and go back and forth from heaven to earth, they will be untouchable, though their course is very dangerous.

 Some of My children are asleep and through the course of events they will awaken to Me and I will guide them through their days of peril.  Some who are not My children will come to Me in desperation for help, to get through theses end of days, but they will not be many who will endure and not crumble.

  It's going to be their free-will choices that will determine their destiny, which door do they open.  It's all about the choices you make and your own personal actions.   I will force no one to come to Me, I stand at the door and knock, it's your choice if you will let Me in.  Many are called but, few heed Me call.  I will not strive with man forever, the age of grace is closing, the wedding banquet is about to start and when I enter in with My Bride, the chosen, prepared ones, and I close the door, I will not open it again.  I will then come and search for My children and test their hearts to see who is worthy of Me.  Who is now prepared for Me, who is seeking Me, these will be My children who are snatched from the flames.

  Do not fear any of the enemies tactics, it's a smoke and mirrors display, to draw you off course with Me, for they feed off of fear, they become stronger through fear.  So, do not fear, use My name, use My word, use My hand as I have instructed you.  Now is the time to stand.  It is the evil day, so stand in My armor, stand in My blood, stand in My name, stand in My power, call upon Me and I will answer thee, I will cover and protect thee, I will rescue thee from all peril, I go before you, heed My warnings, listen to My still small voice.  Stay connected to Me through out your entire day and night, do not let your guard down for one moment, separate yourself from all the goats, from any unclean thing.

 When you feel an unction that something isn't right about someone, flee from them.  Flee or you will be caught in the fall-out of their destruction.  People are now being uncovered.  I am stripping off the veils of falsehood and what they really are will come to light.  You will see what is truly inside of each one, their true nature or heart will shine through.

I see you child and I see them.  I see each life and what is truly on the inside of each one.  Your destiny is in Me child.  I alone know what's best for you, do not trust your own ideas, TRUST ONLY ME now and heed no other.  Your enemies are hidden, but, ask Me to show you who they are and I will show them to you.  Peace, My child peace, stay in My peace, do not be troubled with the cares of this world, I know what you have need of, and I will direct you in My time, you need only to trust Me.  Lean not on your own understanding, lean on Me, shelter in Me.  I am the way, the truth and the light.  I will never lead you astray.  I am here.

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