Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Hearing God - April 27, 2013

You have many things on your mind today that are troubling you, do not fret, do not worry, I am here.  Bring everything to Me, lay everything before Me today and I will take care of it.  I have a beautiful day planned for you.  Your job is to stay in My peace.  I will work everything out for you today.  I am here.  TRUST ME child.  Do not worry.  I am here.

 Invite Me into every part of your day, every moment.  Your life is in My hands.  I have placed My spirit in you to help you through your days.  Day by Day your walk with Me goes deeper and deeper into Me and My Truths.  Submit and yield to My will everyday and it will go well with you.  Many are called, but few are "Prepared and Ready" to be chosen to be My Bride.  I have many, many children, but few are obedient, few seek to truly know Me.  Few draw close to hear Me, few seek My face.

Many seek My hand of favor - but their hearts are far from Me.  There are many pleasures on this earth to entice you away from Me.  But, the only true pleasure is with Me and My plan.  In My plan I hold you in the palm of My hand.  I go before you, you stay close to Me, hold My hand and step into My footprints and it will go well with you.  Keep Me ever on your mind.  I will direct your thoughts as you go through your day.  Trust Me child, I am here.  Lean into Me.  Do not doubt My love and provision for you.  I know what you have need of.  I see each day that is set before you.

 I only require that you walk with Me and let Me guide you through your day.  Stay connected in My peace and surrounded in My love, and all will go well with you.  I will energize you today.  I will flow through you.  Shabbot Shalom - Keep My Peace.  Rest, Truly Rest in Me.  Know that I am your source in all things.  I love you child, I am your ever present help in time of need.  I am your all sufficient one.   I care about all the little details of your life, nothing is too small for Me to be a part of.

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