Friday, April 4, 2014

Hearing God - April 4, 2014

I asked the Lord:  What is my assignment in this hour for you?

He answered:  Your assignment is to follow My leading.  The thoughts and ideas for writing notes and letters are from Me, the thoughts of printing flyer's and placing them in purses, shelves and restrooms are from Me, the thoughts of placing bibles in the hospital waiting rooms are from Me.  Pursue all of these.  For by so doing these you shall be sowing seeds of My love.  You shall also be drawing people back to Me.  Also, in so doing you shall be leaving a bread crumb trail for others to find.  Each little thing you do for Me, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem is beautiful to Me.  I use the little things that seem to go unnoticed to further My Kingdom.  My Kingdom is being manifested now upon the earth.  My people are rising up and going forth for Me.  I am positioning My body to manifest Me now, fully persuaded and sold out to Me they shall go forth and accomplish My plans and goals.  My word is in them and My word shall accomplish all that I have set forth, it shall not return back to Me void.  My Love's hear and obey all of My instructions.  Do not neglect the small things I ask of you, for in so doing them, they shall reap a great reward in My Kingdom.  Heaven is built on love.  Love encourages, Love lifts up, Love is patient, Love is kind, Love is Truth, and True Love grows.  Love is My Kingdom.  My Kingdom is not made of big important people.  My Kingdom is made up of a lot of little members fitly joined together to love and serve Me and each other.  Love is the guide in all things.  Each one of My citizens knows and understands how to operate in love.   Love flows from each yielded vessel.  Oh the riches and plans I have for all of you My dear ones.  Eye has not seen, nor ear heard all that I am going to do for each one of My beloved little ones.  My children, there are many things unfolding now in your midst.  Stay close to Me.  Stay vigilant in your hearing and pursuit of Me.  Do not let the distractions of this world draw you away from Me.  I am the most important.  My people are important to Me and each one holds a special place in My heart.  For they have overcome the desires and lusts of the world and cleave unto Me, the author and finisher of their faith.  They hold fast to Me, to complete all that I have said and they will not be disappointed.

I hear your heart My love, just a little while longer and We shall be together.

I love you and I'm coming for you soon.  

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Hearing God - Oct. 15, 2013

I asked a question:  What am I pregnant with?

He answered:  You are pregnant with destiny.  (I had a dream last night or actually early this morning that I was pregnant, and I was shocked that I was 48yr. old and pregnant.)

You will give birth to Me (I am multiplying Myself in My Bride), the man-child that has been developing in you.  You are on schedule according to My plan and purpose for your life.  Do not worry about all the things that you are hearing about your President Obama.  I have given the people what they wanted.  Yes, Obama is planning much evil for America, but America is not your source - I AM.  Do not depend on money, oil, or business as usual.  Focus all your attention and efforts on Me.  I alone will meet all your needs.  Keep coming to Me.  Keep listening to Me.  Keep obeying Me and all will go well with you and your family.  I AM here.  I never leave you.  You must Trust Me in all things, do not lean on your own understanding.  Look to Me to guide and direct you every step of the way.  I love you child and I will never let you go.  You are mine, and I will always provide for you.  Your destiny is in Me.  I am all you need.  Be confident and strong in Me, no matter what.  I am revealing Myself now upon the earth.  But few are choosing to see.  They do not recognize My hand working among them.  They choose not to see My rod of correction.   They blame others for their sin and guilt.  They choose not to humble themselves and repent and change.  They think they can hide behind their money and their power.  But, I see all.  I know where they hide.  I know what's in their hearts.  I will reward all according to their hearts.  I will reward all according to their own deeds.  Do not fear My little one.  Fear is a controlling spirit.  Have no fear.  Stay strong in Me.  Keep your heart clean before Me.  Repent often as you go about your day.  Let nothing linger to stain and contaminate your garment now.  Stay ready.  I can only use clean, holy vessels to pour My spirit through.  Stay ready My dear one, for behold I come.  We will do much together.  Let Me lead.  Follow Me.  I am here.   Do not fear.  I go before you, and I always make a way for you.  You will have all your needs met in Me, for I am your source for everything.  Nothing is impossible for Me.  You are My beloved dove and I will rescue you.  I will shake the earth.  I have already revealed this through My watchman.  Everyone and everything will feel My power, and everything that can be shaken will be shaken.  The world as you have always known it is changing.  Stay close to Me, be ready to move when I say move.  Be ready to speak when I say speak.  You are My chosen vessel and I will work through you.  Open your mouth and I will fill it.  Do not speak if I don't tell you to.  Keep your mouth shut until I tell you to speak.  You will know when I speak, and you will know when you speak.

Hearing God - Oct. 16, 2013

Quiet your mind. SSShhhhh, be still, I am here.  I love you My dear little one.  You are a treasure to Me.  I enjoy our time together.  Waiting on Me is the most important thing you can be doing right now. I see you.  I know you.  You are determined to live in Me and for Me.   It will go well with you, for it pleases Me.  I have heard your cries to search you and reveal any hidden sin or iniquities in you, I have searched you and you are clean child.  Each day you ask Me to search, I look and I reveal to you your sin, you are now quick to repent.  You have learned a huge lesson My dear one.  You no longer argue with Me or try to deny your sin, or blame someone else.  You have learned humility.  You have tendered your resignation to self and humbly bow to Me and My observations of your own heart.  I have given you a heart of flesh.  I am molding you into My image with each passing moment.  Many tests have come your way.  Many more will come.  These tests and trials are My tools.  I use these tools to shape and mold you into My likeness.  You are dear to Me, for you are yielding to Me.  Do not make any decisions without talking to Me first.  Yield to My leading and unction through out your day.  Focus on hearing Me.  Let My spirit and words flow through you.  I created you to do what you're doing.  Spending time with Me, this is your higher purpose.   I live in you child.  Let Me live big in you now.  You must decrease and I must increase.  Let Me take over your vessel in a way you have not known before.  I will show Myself strong in you.  I have increased your faith.  I have increased your love.  In your weakness, I am made strong.  You are an earthen vessel, but you are also an eternal spirit.  We will live forever together.  To understand a bed of affliction is a powerful thing.  I can do so much in affliction.  Total surrender is key to your development in affliction.  I use everything to teach, train, restrain and correct My children.  The child that yields to Me and My correction will have a seat at My table.  I desire all to come and wait upon Me as you are doing.  But, few, sadly see the value in it.   In these times of waiting on Me, I see your heart, I refresh and renew your spirit, I strengthen your body and soul.  I fill you with My oil, I trim your lamp.  I cleanse your garments.  Much is accomplished in this time together.  Our time together is precious to Me.  For I know you truly love Me and want to know Me.  You My child, My love, My little dove are seeking My face, and this pleases Me child, this pleases Me.  So, you shall be given much.  You shall be allowed entrance into My secret chambers.  you shall know Me as I surly know you.  Be not afraid.  I am here.

Hearing God - Oct. 17, 2013

Song:  "Great is the Lord, Holy, Holy.  Great is the Lord, Holy, Holy.  For He is God and there is none Mighty like He...Great is the Lord, Holy, Holy..."  (This I heard as I was walking through the house this morning to the couch to wait upon the Lord)

Waiting on Me is the only place to be.  I will show you things, things you've never seen before.  I am all powerful, I am Jehovah, I am the King of Kings, I am the Lord of Lords, I am the creator and power of the universe.  I am LOVE.  Nothing exists without Me, My hand is in everything.  Can you see Me, can you see My power.  Can you feel My presence.  Can you recognize Me in the midst of the land.  I own you.  I will take care of you.  Watch for Me, My little one.  Behold, I am here, can you see Me in your day.  I am at work in your world can you recognize Me.  Seek Me out.  In the midst of your day.  Look for Me.  I will be found of you.  The seeking is a part of the journey.  Focus on Me, My dear one.  Blessed are all who will be found in Me.  I am not far from any of you now.  You just have to seek Me and find Me.  I am not distant from you.

DREAM:  At my house, me, my daughter and a friend are approached by this Arab looking guy and two dogs.  One dog is all white the other is brown.  We are talking in my front yard, he is looking for my neighbor.   There is a large moving truck in my neighbors driveway and they are not home.  It is very important to this Arab man to find them and talk to them, I told him to come back after five that they would be home usually by six.  He leaves with his two dogs, and me, my daughter, her friend, and our dog go outside.  I look and see the Arab man coming back I sense danger and check the locks on the front door.  I run to check the locks on the side garage door, they are not locked so I lock them and run back to the front door in the living room.  The Arab is knocking, I am holding a TV remote in my hand and yell through the door "what do you want, they are not home come back after six".  He gets angry and starts yelling back "what you think, I'm a murderer or something". I realize that if he wants in he will get in one way or another.  I open the door and start talking to him, I say "No, I don't think you are a murderer, but I have children here and you are a stranger".  Just then the mail woman drives up and we walk over to her car under the carport and she hands the mail to the Arab.  He hands it to me, we go back on the porch and look at the mail.  There are two pairs of glasses with attachable sun glasses.  They are mine and my husbands, we had lost on a recent trip, and then there were I think five or so large wiper blade things in a large, yellow envelope, the are used to help you see really well.  I show him there is no check in the mail.  The Arab knows what the large wipers for vision are.  He is determined to see my neighbors and doesn't want to leave.  Dream transitions to the Arab sitting and visiting with me in my living room.  Dream fades I wake up.

Hearing God - Oct. 18, 2013

You have much to learn about My ways child.  I will never leave you comfortless.  I will walk with you through out whatever trial or test I require you to go through.  You are mine.  I will not leave you fatherless.  I am here to guide you through this journey.  I will protect and provide for you.  You must yield and trust Me in all things pertaining to life, your life especially.  Your life is in My hands, you must yield over the reins.  Nothing is impossible to Me.  Life is short.  Life is beautiful.  Life is grand.  Let Me take you by the hand and show you My plan.  I make all things new.  I am the creator of all.  I am limitless.  Lose yourself in Me.  From beginning to end lose yourself in Me.  I am your way maker, I am your provider.  I am all you need.  Read, Read, Read My word, in doing this you make yourself strong in Me.  Wait, wait, wait upon Me, in doing this you make yourself strong in Me.  Pray, pray, pray to Me, in doing this you make yourself strong in Me.  Focus all of your attention on Me, let Me live big in you.  Let Me be your everything.  You are one of My favorites.  Trust Me child.  I have a plan for you and My plan is perfect.  I will not fail you.  When this earthly life is done for you our eternal life together will continue to grow and develop.   I will protect you from the coming storm.  Do not worry, I am here.  Nothing is impossible for Me. 

Hearing God - Oct. 19, 2013

Song that woke me up:  "Great is the Lord, Holy, Holy.  Great is the Lord.  God is God, no one else can truly understand Him, for only God is God...Great is the Lord, Holy, Holy, Great is the Lord..."

You are mine and I am your God.  Besides Me there is no other.  You would do well to remember that.  No matter what comes to distract you and deceive you - Only I AM God.  You must test every spirit.  You must know My voice and recognize My presence.  You must recognize Me from the counterfeit that is coming. - I'm the real thing.  I'm the Truth, I am your God, I am your King.  I am your friend.  I am your bridegroom.  I am the I AM.  Do not be deceived by what is coming to tests the hearts of men. I know you, and I know what's coming.  Everyone has to choose their own way.  Stay focused on Me, even when your family turns away.  Each person has their own journey to Me.  I alone am God.  Everyone must come to Me of their own accord, free-will is a choice.  Each child must choose their own path.  All roads do not lead home.  I am here to tests the hearts of men.  I know everything.  I look for the flicker of a candle, dimly lit, but there, and I watch as it is fed or starved to death.  Many candles have gone out and will not be relit.  I have given them over to a reprobate mind.  The battlefields are the mind, spirit and now in this season the battle is coming into the physical.  Heaven and earth are waging war.  You will see manifestations here in the physical that have always been here in the spiritual.  Do not be alarmed or afraid.  Stand strong in Me.  I alone am your strength.  I give you My peace.  Peace that will shelter you from the storm.  I am your peace.  I hold you child in the palm of My hand.  I am your shelter.  I am your peace.  I love you child.  I love our time together.  Your faith is increasing.  Keep your focus on Me.  I am here.  Make yourself strong in Me.  Read My word.  Commune with Me.  Live in Me.  Listen carefully to Me.  Obey Me.  Do not doubt that I will provide for you.  You are My beloved dove and I will always take care of you.   I dream with you.  Pay attention to your dreams and write them down, and seek Me for understanding.  I reveal much in dreams.  I am a God of mystery and you My child must seek Me out.  It gives Me great joy when you search for Me, and seek Me, drawing ever closer to Me in your pursuit of Me.  This pleases Me child, this pleases Me.  I love you.  I will always make a way for you.  Do not neglect our time together.  Do not draw back from Me.  Stay the course with Me.  I will protect you.  I am here.  I never leave you alone.  Always Remember you are loved and we will be together soon.  I am coming for you.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Hearing God - Oct. 20, 2013

Do not fear tomorrow child, live in today.  I will direct each step, one day at a time.  Rest in Me.  Live in Me, keep dwelling in My peace.  I am all you need.  Trust Me, follow after Me.  I will not lead you astray.  Much is coming to you now.  More revelation in My word.  I have unlocked My word to you.  As you seek to understand My word I will open it to you, and reveal much.  There is always much to learn.  You can only see and understand as I reveal it to you.

I am the way the truth and the life, no man comes to Me, except My Father draws him to Me.  I am here.  I am always here.  Can you hear Me child.  SSSShhhhhh, Be still, quiet yourself, do not allow the distractions going on around you to draw you out of fellowship and communion with Me.  You must train yourself to listen for My still small voice in the midst of noise and chaos.  As you practice training your ear to hear Me you will grow more adept at listening.  Listening is key to your developing in Me.  I have much to say to you My beloved, listen carefully.  Write things down.  Come more often to the table and feast in My presence.  Get to know the Hammonds, you could learn much from them.  I have placed them in your life for a reason, you need to discover it.  Don't discount the little ones who are humble, they are jewels in My Kingdom.  You have much to learn about being humble.  This walk of humility is not easy.  It takes checking yourself constantly.  Yielding to correction.  Disciplining your own flesh to cast down pride.  To stay humble requires constantly coming to Me and allowing Me to remove the dross that bubbles up in you.  Walking humbly before Me requires much more time of self inspection, self sacrificing and literally telling your flesh no!  Humility is a gift I bestow on a chosen few.  To walk under My mantle of humility, you must yield to Me in everything.  Yield your will to Mine.  I can do much in and with a yielded vessel.  Will you yield?

  It's beautiful, to sit and spend time together.  The love we share grows deeper and stronger with each passing day.  I pour into you My oil as you sit quietly before Me.  Now is the time to come.  I wish more would come, and listen to Me.  I am the source of all life.  I am the Resurrection.  I am able to save.  Trust Me child, daily walking close to me will strengthen you for the journey.  My eyes are always upon you, My dear one.  I love you.  You are a treasure to Me.  Lift Me up child, let Me live big in you.  Let Me increase in you.  Make yourself strong in Me.  I am your way maker.  Listen, My child to My still small voice, listen to the wind, listen to the birds, behold, I am here and My reward is with Me.  Enter into My Rest.  Live in Me.

Hearing God - Oct.21, 2013

SSSHHHHH, be still and know, I am here.

Sit quietly before Me, carefully listening

Sometimes you must just be content to WAIT upon Me.

Hearing God - Oct. 22, 2013

Sitting and waiting is where you should be.  I fill you as you sit and wait.  Quiet yourself before ME, and wait.  Listen carefully for My still small voice.  Maybe, I'll speak, maybe I won't.  What you need to be concerned with is making yourself available to hear Me.  Humbly sitting and waiting for Me is the best place you can be.  I see you.  I know what you do each day.  I trust your heart to come and bow at My feet and wait.  You come and knock at My door each day as you wait upon Me.  I see you child, and I open the door to you.  You are greatly beloved.  You are a true friend.  I love you child.  I enjoy our times together, continue in your study of Ephesians.  Do not rush through it!  Take your time.  Digest it, there is much to learn in My word.  Train your ear to hear Me, above all else.  Be still and know Me.  I am your leader.

Follow Me, close your eyes.  What do you see?

Vision:  I see darkness and a bright light to the right.

I am in the light.  Go into the light and follow Me.

Vision:  I crossed into the light into a spotless room.  I see white Hibiscus with a white humming bird trying to drink.  The bird says "ummmm if I could just..." He is trying to drink from the white blooms and he's polite.

Hearing God - Oct. 23, 2013

God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.

I am here child.  I know you can hear Me.  I am not distant from you, My dear one.  I know where you are.  I see you.  You are mine.  I know your name "Sherry".  I know your heart.  I know your mind.  You are beautiful to Me.  We are one in the spirit.  I am pouring into you more and more of Myself.  I live big in you.  Your life is in My hands and that's the safest place to be.  I love you child.  You are mine.  Great is the mystery of My plan that is unfolding now.  Do not fear.  Do not worry.  I am in control.  I will tell you what to do when it is time.  Pack your backpack.  Be prepared.  Behold, I come. Listen carefully for My instructions.  Stay alert.  Prepare yourself, by reading My word and meditating on Me and My ways.  Change is coming.  I am in the change.  I am the author of the change.  Stay with Me.  Focus on Me.  I am with you child.  I am here.  Daughter hold fast to what you know about Me.  Behold, I come quickly.  Stay alert.  Stay awake.  Stay focused.  My Will be done.  You're on the right track.  Stay with Me.

Hearing God - Oct. 24, 2013

I am here child.  I see you.  You are mine.  My beloved dove and I will never let you go.  You are lovely and fair.  You are ready to enter in to more of Me.  I rule over you.  You yield and submit to Me.  Your life is mine.  Think on Me often each day and often each night.  Let Me come alive more and more in you.  I created you to dwell with and in Me.  You are alive in Me.  I order your days.  Ask Me each day what I want you to do.  Life as you know it is about to change.

Stay close, many are the afflictions of the righteous, but I the Lord God will deliver them up, out of them all.  You must learn of Me.  You must be comfortable and practiced with your sword.  Get ready for some drills.  With much practice comes much skills.  I will train you with My sword.

My light will encompass you.  My love will consume you.  Much will be revealed to you about Me and My ways and My eternal plan.  Nothing is impossible to My children who truly believe and follow Me.  I will lead you to conquer.  The only weapon you need is Me.  My word living in you is powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword.  Spiritual things must be discerned in the spirit.  Walk in the spirit.  Yield to the spirit and nothing shall be impossible for you.  I am with you.  I am here.

Hearing God - Oct. 25, 2013

If you want to hear from Me child, you will always hear from Me.  As you seek Me you shall find Me. As you search out My ways, My will, My plan for your life, it draws you ever closer to Me your God and Father.  I am never far from you.  I am here.  I never leave you.  My eyes are upon you always.  I am always thinking upon you.  You are My treasure and I love you.  As you come and wait upon Me, it's an outward expression of your love for Me.  It's a manifestation of your heart.

As a man speaks, shows what's in his heart.  You are fair My love.  You don't doubt My love for you.  You are secure in Me and that pleases Me.  You are willing to throw away all the old doctrines you have grown up on and fully allow Me to teach you, this pleases Me child.  Learning of Me is a lifelong journey.  Allowing Me to express Myself through you takes a submitted heart and soul, and spirit.  Allowing Me to change and mold you into My image is a manifestation of a humble spirit.

 You are learning how to walk in the mantle of humility and this pleases Me.  My purpose for your life is to reflect Me.  You are to mirror Me, My ways, My thoughts as I reveal them to you.  Each time you reflect Me, you are cutting the chords that bind you to your flesh.  I have lit your candle, and I continually fill you with My oil as you wait upon Me.  As you train your ear to hear Me, you grow stronger in Me.  Your faith in Me grows, every time you come before Me.  Your light is shining brightly My dear one, I love you.  I love our time together, for we are one.  In the stillness of the day I am here with you.  In the quiet of the morning we commune together.  You have chosen to put Me first in your day and that pleases Me child.  You are getting to know Me and learning to listen and pick out My voice, this pleases Me child!  You are right where you are supposed to be.  I will lead you by the hand each and every day.  Follow My lead.  Do not stray from the path I have placed you on.  Our journey is a beautiful one.  I enjoy watching you live out your days patiently waiting for Me to reveal more and more of Myself to you.

The lusts and pull of the world have lost their luster to you.  You are content with or without, you are truly growing closer and closer to Me, and I will reward you for diligently seeking Me.  Out of the abyss you sparkle.  You shine in the darkness.  You are hidden in Me child.  I will uncover you soon and use you for My glory.  Do not be afraid to be martyred for Me.

 I will reveal what I want you to do as each day comes.  Fear not, I will protect you.  Study the word martyr it's not what you think.  I will not allow you to be harmed.  I am with you, and My plans and purposes are higher than mans.

 You must continue to grow in your understanding of Me.  The highway is a higher way of thinking.  Life is a journey back to Me.  You and everyone else has free-will, I will not take that from you.  Every one must make the choice to come after Me and seek Me with their whole heart.  Behold, I have come, I have searched the hearts of men and I know who truly are mine.  I have sealed My Beloveds.  I have covered them with My wings.  Behold I come and I am here.

  Stay humbled unto Me.  Stay close to Me.  Make yourself stronger in Me by your continually coming and waiting upon Me, and reading My word.  I will always protect you.  I want you to study "martyr".  Look up every definition and the root of this word.  Words are full of creative power.  You have a little understanding of the power of words.  I will give you more understanding as We progress together in our journey.  I hold you child in the palm of My hand.  I know you by name.  You are mine and I will never let you go.  Hold fast to Me no matter what you face each day.  Your life is in My hands.  You are mine and I will never let you go.  You are truly safe and secure in Me.  Live in Me.  I alone am your source.  I alone am all you need.  I am the I AM.  I am here.  I know you.  Getting to know Me is a great mystery that I am unfolding for you as We journey together.  Make yourself ever stronger in Me.

Hearing God - Oct. 26, 2013

My Bride focus on who I would have you to be for Me in this day.  Find every and all idols you set before Me now, and purge these things from your life.

Pray for My Will to be made evident to you, and pray for you to desire My Will for your life and not your own.

I am selecting the roles of My Bride now for My time is now.

She will be tucked safely under My wing and will see no danger until I hearken her to come to the place that is lying ready for her arrival.  My Bride has been given gifts that she must recognize and begin to use.  For these gifts will be evident to the lost as from Me only.

My Bride needs to focus now on what I will be leading her to do.  If she is focused on the things of this world.  She will miss out on her instructions, and will simply become a bridesmaid.

Those who seek Me and are seeking My will for them will find it and they will conquer all demons that come against them.

I am speaking to those now who are too involved in this world

I am separating those who are not giving their time and attention to what I am calling them to do

I am separating those who are not heeding My warnings and who are not acting on My guidance to them.

I am setting apart My Bride with the many jewels in her crown.  She must be seeking My will for her.  She must be seeking My will for her ministry in these last days.

Hearing God - Oct. 27, 2014

My child you are in My perfect Will for you at this time.  You are sheltering in Me.  You are focused on Me.  You will not miss Me.  I am here.  I speak to you clearly, daily now, as you come to My table and dine with Me.  I love you and I have great plans for you.  Do not doubt any part of our relationship.    We are one.  I breathe into you My spirit.  You are humble before Me.  You are secure in Me.  I want you to study "martyr" - now, do not put it off or delay.

There is much to learn.  Your spirit is strong in Me.  You have weathered many tests and challenges that you have not even recognized.  You are a jewel to Me.  My light shines in and through you.  You are beautiful and lovely to Me.  We walk together.  You are My friend.  You truly love Me.  You seek Me daily and you My dear one, My little dove, I am always here with thee.  Nothing can ever separate us.  You are focused on Me and My will and plans for your life.  You will not miss Me child.  I am here.  I will not leave you alone.  For you are mine.  Focus, My love, I am here.

Listen to My still small voice.  I am the resurrection and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me.  My Father is very pleased with you.  We love you and will live forever with you soon.  Patience is a key, a very special key in My Kingdom.  Do not endeavor to rush out ahead of Me and My plans.  Fully submit, fully yield all to Me, Obey all My instructions.

 NO, you may NOT DO ZUMBA!  Do not ask again!

My will for you right now is for you to keep abiding in Me.  Patiently waiting for Me to reveal more and more of Myself in My timing as I see fit.  Keep coming before Me daily as a sacrifice of praise, and as a sacrifice of worship.  I will provide for you.  I will always take care of you.  Patience is a great virtue and will unlock many doors into My Kingdom.  I am here.  Do not be afraid to draw-near.  I will never leave you alone.  Rest in Me.  You are safe in Me.  Nothing shall by any means hurt or harm you as you rest in Me.  I am THE TRUTH AND THE LIGHT.  You know My TRUTH and you have My LIGHT.  We shall do great things together, follow Me.  Do not let anyone or anything hinder you.  Have faith, increase your faith.  Make yourself strong in Me.  I am here.

Hearing God - Oct. 28, 2014

I am here child.  To be a martyr is to be a witness and an observer for Me.  Someone who can testify of who I am.  Someone who can see Me clearly and show others how to find Me for themselves.  I am not far from anyone.

Keep studying "martyrs" there is more for you to learn and understand.

I dwell in you.  I have made a garden in you and I dwell in and with you.  Your life is wrapped up in Me.  My life is wrapping around you like a vine.  We are one.  I will use you mightily in the coming days.  Trust Me.  Lean on Me, not your own understanding.  You are to watch and observe as things unfold around you.  Your life is a witness of Me.  You reflect Me.  My light shines through you and we are one.  We, I and My Father are pleased, very pleased with you.  Your love for us is genuine.  You are ours forever.  We love you very much.  Keep training your ear to listen to My still small voice speaking.  I am here with you.  Rest in Me.  My peace is here for you.  Carry My peace with you through out your day.  Abide in My Peace, truly confident that I will provide all your needs.  Trust Me. I am all you need.  Let love abide in you, your home and every aspect of you life.  Let love flow.  Do not stop the flow of love, for this is My desire, for My love to flow through you and your life to set the captive free.  

Hearing God - Oct. 29, 2014

You are My beloved, and I love you.  Trust Me, no matter what.  I will make a way for you.  Keep close to Me.   Draw ever closer as much as you can.  I am here.  You will gain strength from Me, every time you draw close to Me.  Come, and as you come I fill you with My oil.  Listen to My children as I bring them to you.  They are to strengthen you and draw you closer to Me.  Each one is sounding with the words and revelations I have given them.  I am leading and directing each one of My servants. My children know Me, they are empowered by Me.  No one knows everything I'm doing.  Each one sees in part, and understands in part.  It's a puzzle and you all need each other to fit all the puzzle pieces together.  Stay close to Me.  Ask Me, and I will reveal many things to you.  But you must ask.  Do not wait.  Press in.  I am willing to give you the information you seek, but you My child, My dear one, must ask, must seek.  I will reward your seeking.  Come to Me.  Keep your focus on Me, I am here.  You need Me.  Dwell in Me child as I dwell in you and have made My home in you.  TRUTH is powerful and will not disappoint.  Stay in My TRUTH and do not stray.  Your life is in My hands.  I am your provider, husband and friend.  Behold, the Bridegroom comes.  I love you.  I will always provide for you.  For I am well pleased with you.  You love Me with all your heart.  We will live forever together and no one will ever separate you from Me.  You are My dove.  Holy, clean and righteous.  You live in Me.  You make your home in Me.  I am so in love with you.  My precious little one.  Do not doubt My power, believe in Me.  Press into Me.  My life in you is power, My anointing in you is powerful and tangible.  Much change is coming.  Do not fear.  Stay the course.  Do not change coarse.  Live every moment in Me.  We are on the journey together.  I will always lead you, you My dear one Must TRUST Me and follow Me.  Read My word, build up My precious Holy Spirit within you.  Keep coming.  I am here.  I live.  Let Me live big in you.  I am the teacher, you My child are the seeker.  Do not grow weary in your search for Me.  I will reward your diligence.  Have patience in your search for Me.  I see you, I am beginning to reveal Myself, be patient and keep coming.  I know you by name.  You are mine.

Hearing God - Oct. 30, 2013

Come, My beloved, to My table, sit and dine with Me.  I am yours and you are mine.  We are one in spirit.  You're growing in Me rapidly.  You are reaching greater depths in the spirit now.  Your faith is ever increasing.  You are becoming strong in Me and nothing shall be impossible for you.  As I lead, you follow and this pleases Me.  You are hearing Me.  You now recognize My voice and a stranger 's voice you will not follow.  Watch now, My dear one, as the season's change.  For much change is coming.  You have prepared your heart for Me.  You have hearkened to My voice and yielded to My voice and allowed Me to work a change in you.  You are My beloved dove.

As you have studied the word martyr, you now realize some of the meaning:  a testimony, someone who has "seen", a recorder, a watcher.

Stay with Me down the road ahead, our journey is just beginning.  Patience is one of your greatest virtues.  Do not try to walk ahead of Me.  Allow Me to lead you, and then you humbly walk behind Me.  Humility is a great key in My Kingdom.  Only the pure in heart shall see God.  I have purified your heart.  You are clean before Me.  You are quick to repent from unclean, impure thoughts.  You are an obedient child and wife.  I love you.  You will see Me.  You will be a witness to My power and strength and Majesty.  You have an understanding of who I am, and of My unlimited power.  You know without a doubt that I am God and there is no other, this pleases Me child, this pleases Me.  As you sit in quietness, I come.  I see you.  I read your heart.  I carefully examine you.  I am looking for any sin or dross in you to remove.  My light searches you, before you ask Me to, I search the deepest places of you.  I know you better than you know yourself.  Live big in Me child for I am all you need.  I am the beginning and the end.  Your place in Me is secure.  You will live forever in My eternal Kingdom with Me and My angels.  You have willingly made a place for Me and recognized that you need Me, not My hand, but Me, you need relationship with Me.  As you opened your heart and made a home for Me and invited Me to come, behold I come and make My home in you.

 Now you My child need to "Rest" in Me.  I want you to study "Rest" to truly understand this concept.  I am all you need.  Now, enter into My Rest, this is something you are to live in now on earth, not just in heaven.  You can truly Rest in Me as you live on the earth.  My Rest is complete and assured.  Be confident in Me child as you are carrying My peace, now enter into My Rest, it is for you My dear one, it is a gift from Me to you.  Enter in.

Hearing God - March 13, 2014

I am here.  I know your ways.  You are neither hot or cold for you are on fire for Me.  You burn for Me.  As I mentioned in the message you just heard, I, and I alone have lit your flame for Me.  Your flame will never go out, and no one or nothing will be able to quench your fire.  For you are My burning bush, you are one of My burning ones.  You shall be a mother and mentor to many of My chosen children.  Do not look upon the outward appearance of the ones I will send you.  They shall not look like what you expect.  They have been tested and tried in My furnace of affliction, they are rejected, unloved and cast away by all, but not Me.  I shall gather them to Myself.  You are not to do things for them, you are to be a living example of Me and My love, you are to speak My word, you are to encourage them to continue and press on in their journey with Me.  I am not far from them.  Let your words by few - but let them be filled with Me.  Let My love, let My peace, let My comfort go forth from your lips.  Do not spend time thinking about what you will say, just open your mouth and let Me and My words flow out.   I shall do much with you child.  For I am in you and I shall work in you and with you to do My will.  Nothing shall be withheld from you for I am providing everything you need.  Let love flow, and flow and flow.  My mercy and grace shall go forth from you, I shall use you to kindle the flame inside of others.  No one can stop what I am about to do in you and through you.  Much is going to be accomplished for Me through you My dear one.  Not a moment shall be wasted.  I shall show you many things.  Stay close.  I am in your midst.  It is well with thee.  I love you and I love how you love Me.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Hearing God - March 12, 2014

Dream:  I was sitting with my mom talking on a back porch, with grey white washed buildings on the property and overgrown grasses in the yard, and I was missing her in my head.  I was taking apart the fabric seat on a large, old, comfortable rocker.  I said "I love this rocker and I'm going to keep it", mom said she didn't remember ever buying it, it's just always been there.  I notice there are Winnie the Pooh figures staked out in her garden plots, and a Wiley coyote too.  I remember thinking maybe I should keep those too, to remember her by.  Then I was awakened by the Lord.

He said "She is with Me now.  Don't worry over her.  She spends most of her time in the garden."

Today is an unusual day child, much is happening in the spirit that you don't see.  Consider and observe the wind.  I am moving across the land now.  I see all that is transpiring and I will reward all of My children and prodigals.  Do not worry, you are exactly where I want you to be at this time, fully resting in Me.  Fully secure in My protection.  Fully Trusting in My love.  Dwell in My love and carry My love with you My dear one.  Walk in My love.  Shine, child, shine.  You are an ambassador for Me, a living example of Me and My love.  As you move freely about your day, pay attention to who you encounter.  These are moments that I have placed before you to impart Me into the atmosphere and the lives of others.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Hearing God - Oct. 31, 2013

I am here.  I love you.  No weapon formed against you shall prosper.  I am healing you.  This was an attack.  Stand your ground in Me.  Stay strong and secure in Me.  I will deliver you from all of these tests.  I am able.  Trust Me in all things.  This too shall pass.  Do not listen to the lies of the enemy.  Do not allow the evil thoughts or ideas to linger as they come.  These are fiery darts trying to penetrate your armor.  Do not allow them to.  Do not give them any foothold, cast them down and out.  Do not allow them to grow and gain strength in you or upon you.  You are Mine, My beloved, and this is war.  The battlefield is your mind, your body, earth and the heavenlies.   Do not think upon the wickedness that is on the earth or is coming upon your land.  Think upon Me, My goodness, My power, My love.  What you think upon you become.  What you think upon you give power to.  What you think upon grows.  Rest assured in Me.  No weapon formed against you shall prosper.  I am able to deliver you.  I am always with you.  I see you.  I see everything about you.  I see all you see.  I see everything.  Nothing is hidden from Me.  You are ever before Me.  My power, My grace is sufficient for you.