Friday, March 28, 2014

Hearing God - Oct. 28, 2014

I am here child.  To be a martyr is to be a witness and an observer for Me.  Someone who can testify of who I am.  Someone who can see Me clearly and show others how to find Me for themselves.  I am not far from anyone.

Keep studying "martyrs" there is more for you to learn and understand.

I dwell in you.  I have made a garden in you and I dwell in and with you.  Your life is wrapped up in Me.  My life is wrapping around you like a vine.  We are one.  I will use you mightily in the coming days.  Trust Me.  Lean on Me, not your own understanding.  You are to watch and observe as things unfold around you.  Your life is a witness of Me.  You reflect Me.  My light shines through you and we are one.  We, I and My Father are pleased, very pleased with you.  Your love for us is genuine.  You are ours forever.  We love you very much.  Keep training your ear to listen to My still small voice speaking.  I am here with you.  Rest in Me.  My peace is here for you.  Carry My peace with you through out your day.  Abide in My Peace, truly confident that I will provide all your needs.  Trust Me. I am all you need.  Let love abide in you, your home and every aspect of you life.  Let love flow.  Do not stop the flow of love, for this is My desire, for My love to flow through you and your life to set the captive free.  

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