Thursday, April 3, 2014

Hearing God - Oct. 19, 2013

Song that woke me up:  "Great is the Lord, Holy, Holy.  Great is the Lord.  God is God, no one else can truly understand Him, for only God is God...Great is the Lord, Holy, Holy, Great is the Lord..."

You are mine and I am your God.  Besides Me there is no other.  You would do well to remember that.  No matter what comes to distract you and deceive you - Only I AM God.  You must test every spirit.  You must know My voice and recognize My presence.  You must recognize Me from the counterfeit that is coming. - I'm the real thing.  I'm the Truth, I am your God, I am your King.  I am your friend.  I am your bridegroom.  I am the I AM.  Do not be deceived by what is coming to tests the hearts of men. I know you, and I know what's coming.  Everyone has to choose their own way.  Stay focused on Me, even when your family turns away.  Each person has their own journey to Me.  I alone am God.  Everyone must come to Me of their own accord, free-will is a choice.  Each child must choose their own path.  All roads do not lead home.  I am here to tests the hearts of men.  I know everything.  I look for the flicker of a candle, dimly lit, but there, and I watch as it is fed or starved to death.  Many candles have gone out and will not be relit.  I have given them over to a reprobate mind.  The battlefields are the mind, spirit and now in this season the battle is coming into the physical.  Heaven and earth are waging war.  You will see manifestations here in the physical that have always been here in the spiritual.  Do not be alarmed or afraid.  Stand strong in Me.  I alone am your strength.  I give you My peace.  Peace that will shelter you from the storm.  I am your peace.  I hold you child in the palm of My hand.  I am your shelter.  I am your peace.  I love you child.  I love our time together.  Your faith is increasing.  Keep your focus on Me.  I am here.  Make yourself strong in Me.  Read My word.  Commune with Me.  Live in Me.  Listen carefully to Me.  Obey Me.  Do not doubt that I will provide for you.  You are My beloved dove and I will always take care of you.   I dream with you.  Pay attention to your dreams and write them down, and seek Me for understanding.  I reveal much in dreams.  I am a God of mystery and you My child must seek Me out.  It gives Me great joy when you search for Me, and seek Me, drawing ever closer to Me in your pursuit of Me.  This pleases Me child, this pleases Me.  I love you.  I will always make a way for you.  Do not neglect our time together.  Do not draw back from Me.  Stay the course with Me.  I will protect you.  I am here.  I never leave you alone.  Always Remember you are loved and we will be together soon.  I am coming for you.

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