Thursday, April 3, 2014

Hearing God - Oct. 17, 2013

Song:  "Great is the Lord, Holy, Holy.  Great is the Lord, Holy, Holy.  For He is God and there is none Mighty like He...Great is the Lord, Holy, Holy..."  (This I heard as I was walking through the house this morning to the couch to wait upon the Lord)

Waiting on Me is the only place to be.  I will show you things, things you've never seen before.  I am all powerful, I am Jehovah, I am the King of Kings, I am the Lord of Lords, I am the creator and power of the universe.  I am LOVE.  Nothing exists without Me, My hand is in everything.  Can you see Me, can you see My power.  Can you feel My presence.  Can you recognize Me in the midst of the land.  I own you.  I will take care of you.  Watch for Me, My little one.  Behold, I am here, can you see Me in your day.  I am at work in your world can you recognize Me.  Seek Me out.  In the midst of your day.  Look for Me.  I will be found of you.  The seeking is a part of the journey.  Focus on Me, My dear one.  Blessed are all who will be found in Me.  I am not far from any of you now.  You just have to seek Me and find Me.  I am not distant from you.

DREAM:  At my house, me, my daughter and a friend are approached by this Arab looking guy and two dogs.  One dog is all white the other is brown.  We are talking in my front yard, he is looking for my neighbor.   There is a large moving truck in my neighbors driveway and they are not home.  It is very important to this Arab man to find them and talk to them, I told him to come back after five that they would be home usually by six.  He leaves with his two dogs, and me, my daughter, her friend, and our dog go outside.  I look and see the Arab man coming back I sense danger and check the locks on the front door.  I run to check the locks on the side garage door, they are not locked so I lock them and run back to the front door in the living room.  The Arab is knocking, I am holding a TV remote in my hand and yell through the door "what do you want, they are not home come back after six".  He gets angry and starts yelling back "what you think, I'm a murderer or something". I realize that if he wants in he will get in one way or another.  I open the door and start talking to him, I say "No, I don't think you are a murderer, but I have children here and you are a stranger".  Just then the mail woman drives up and we walk over to her car under the carport and she hands the mail to the Arab.  He hands it to me, we go back on the porch and look at the mail.  There are two pairs of glasses with attachable sun glasses.  They are mine and my husbands, we had lost on a recent trip, and then there were I think five or so large wiper blade things in a large, yellow envelope, the are used to help you see really well.  I show him there is no check in the mail.  The Arab knows what the large wipers for vision are.  He is determined to see my neighbors and doesn't want to leave.  Dream transitions to the Arab sitting and visiting with me in my living room.  Dream fades I wake up.

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