Saturday, February 6, 2016

February 4, 2016

As I came and waited upon the Lord, this is what I heard:

Beloved, deep within you, I am.  I created you, I know you.  I know your name.  I love you deeply, for you are seeking My heart.  Your heart's desire is to dwell in Me. 

 There shall no longer be chains holding you down for I have broken all, as you have come repenting in humbleness and humility.  You shall now journey deeper into Me as our union becomes stronger.  You are becoming aware of who you are in Me, and you are hearing Me calling you into fasting. 

 Your intercession for others shall be ongoing as I bring them to your mind.  But, in this fast you shall come into My secret place, not many are willing to come, not many have chosen to hear the deeper things, but, you have, as you inquire of Me I shall expound on your understanding.  

I shall reveal to you the hidden things.  The healing power in your hands.  There is a pulse and an electromagnetic field energy that comes forth from the palms of your hands, and there is healing from within you that shall go forth from your hands as you remain humble and yielded to Me.  Seek to know and understand this healing power, pray and fast for this understanding and power to be unlocked within you. 

 I shall also cause you to understand the power in spoken words.  My words have immense power and so do yours.  You shall carry the understanding and the power of the spoken word. 

 Pray and fast for this understanding.  I am calling you to a three day water fast for seven weeks = twenty-one day fast.  Only water, as you progress in Me, I shall call you to more fasting for longer time periods and restrictions like the Esther fast.  These shall be determined by Me as time progresses.  

I shall open the right doors for your daughter, for she is Mine and I am leading her.  

It's a beautiful thing to be in the hands of the King, where no weapon can harm you and all your needs are met.  Deep calls unto deep beloved, much change is happening within you and it is a beautiful process to behold, I see you, My little one, I see you.

Note:  Then I said:

me:  it's so peaceful and relaxing here with you

Lord:  This is where you were created to be, fully resting in Me.  Peace My lamb, go and take care of your child.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

February 3, 2016

As I came to wait upon the Lord I again was unsettled and could not quiet myself, so I began a dialog with Him:

me:  Why do I feel so disgruntled?

Lord:  you are allowing offense to come in and dwell.  This is not My plan for you, My little one.  You have still much to learn.  Beloved, do not hold back your heart, give it all to Me.

me:  I want to see you, I want to feel you more, I want a more tangible relationship with you.

Lord:  My dear, you have all of Me you want.  If you would but look, I am here.

me:  why do I feel so alone, so isolated, and so unprepared and unworthy?

Lord:  This is the nature of man, for your spirit is striving against My spirit.  Be still now, My little one, be still and know that I am God.  I am here, I am in you.  I never leave.

me:  but, what can I even offer to share, I really know nothing.  I feel like I am one of those women who constantly seek the Truth but never attain it.

Lord:  My child, you know Me intimately, you have been in My chambers and I have been in yours.  We do not have to share many words to know one another.  We know one another by spending time in each others presence.

me:  I love you Lord, I don't want to be sinful, or displeasing or prideful, please help me.

Lord:  I am here with you every step of the way.  I watch over all that you do.  For you are in a deep relationship with Me and no one call pull you out of it.

me:  Lord, I just want to be pleasing to you.

Lord:  you are pleasing to Me, My beloved.

me:  What is my job or position that I'm supposed to be doing?

Lord:  My faithful dove, I have placed you here in My heart so that you can feel My heartbeat.  We are one.  You love Me and I love you.  You long for the day when we shall be together.  I too long for this.  There is not a day that goes by that you are not thinking of Me in some way.  This pleases Me, child, this pleases Me.  For you don't come to seek My hand, but, you come to seek My face and dwell in My heart.  Beloved, I smile and rejoice over you, for you are always thinking of Me, and I know you love Me.  My plans for you are unfolding slowly, for I have kept the best wine for last.  As you seek to grow up in Me, I shall show you many things.  Do not compare yourselves to another, My children, this is foolish, only walk in My love and as I pour out My love upon you, you will begin to pour out My love.  For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, and I am filling you with My love.

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, beloved, you and I are gathered here, just you and I, separated from the distractions of the world, a stolen moment, in the tranquility of the heart.

Note:  a song began wafting through my head "You and I were made for love...I'll be there.." I think it's a Michael Jackson song.

me:  Lord, what am I seeing, the silver light flashes on the other side of My bedroom door.

Lord:  Beloved, those are My angels, you and your family are very precious to Me, and you are heavily guarded, for many would seek to do you harm, but, I will not allow it.  The enemy would like to snuff you out, for He can see you getting stronger and this terrifies him.  You are a chosen vessel of honor, for as you surrender yourself to Me, I can use you more.  For now, just keep focusing on Me day by day, and moment by moment as the day draws near.

Note:  then I heard the song He gave me a while ago begin to play "Moment by moment the mystery comes...Moment by moment the day draws near...tell me can you hear..."
Then I close my eyes and I am drawn into a vision:

I see the ocean and a beautiful beach with rosy sand and large red boulders.  Jesus is there in a white robe/cloak with a gold rope belt and sandals.  The sun is shining it it peaceful and beautiful.  I see Him and He holds out His hand for me and we begin to walk on the beach as this song plays in the background of this scene...

February 2, 2016

Note:  I feel weird about posting this, for it seems to me to be very personal, but, I am compelled to share this with you.

As I came to wait upon the Lord, I could not or would not allow myself to be settled, I was unsettled from a conversation I had been having today, so I began to dialog with Him:

me:  Lord, I don't know what I am supposed to be doing!

Lord:  You are doing it, you are here with Me, pressing in to find your place in Me.

me:  What part of your body am I then?, and did I try to usurp your authority and take your glory, if so I'm extremely sorry.

Lord:  You did not do this, My beloved, peace, dear one, peace, separate yourself unto Me, focus on Me and focus listening only to Me.

All of you see in part and know in part.  This is My plan.  I am in charge of the whole thing.  But, I watch over each one.  My dearest one, you are loved and held deep within My heart as I am in yours. Beloved, you are hearing Me and you do know Me, and you are in My heart as I am in yours.  Do not doubt this, beloved, believe it, for it is Truth.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February 1, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

No one comes to the Father except through Me.  Each of you has your own journey to Me.  Each path is your storyline.  Each step draws you either closer or farther away from Me.  I am your home base.  I am your destiny, My little ones. 

 There are many voices in the land, trying to persuade you to follow them, but, they are not Me.  You must determine within yourself to find Me, to hear Me, to follow Me.  I am here.  I am watching you.  What will you do?  The days before you are fleeting.  Time shall be no more.  What will you do when you step from this life into the next? 

 My dear ones, you were created to be eternal and live forever with Me, but, you must choose for yourselves whom you will follow, Me or self, choose wisely.  The choice is yours, but, the consequences are Mine.

  I have set life and death before each of you.  If you choose to forsake your own self-will and follow Me, the journey will not be an easy road.  It is called the narrow way for a reason.  I test and try every heart to see who is truly worthy to live in My heavenly eternal home with Me.  

If you choose to go your own selfish way and follow your own heart, the road is wide and you shall find many travelers on this road with you, all seeking selfish desires.  The end there of shall be hell.  I have told you this in My word.  This is not new news.  This is not a new revelation to any of you.  But, it is Truth, and Truth speaks, it does not lie. 

 I would ask you now, to reflect on your choices.  Look around, can you see the world changing, can you see man's hearts and desires changing?  What you are seeing is nothing compared to what is going to happen when I remove My Holy Spirit from the earth and remove My light and chosen bride from the land.  I shall whisk her away, and allow your own selfish depravity to take it's course. 

 Oh, foolish virgins, who claim to love Me, but, yet still follow after their own hearts, where is your oil, where is your wine?  I shall have to leave you behind, when I rescue My bride.  But, I still love you, and I will pardon and forgive you if you come back to ME with a repentant heart. 

 Oh, My children if you are left, do not lose heart, seek, seek, seek Me, cling to Me and do not take the mark.  Hold on, stand in the midst of it all, and I shall help you.  You will be required to lay your life down for Me, do not be afraid, for I am with you and will strengthen you.  Do not be afraid of those who can kill your body.  Be afraid of the one who can send your soul to hell forever.  I do not want to do this beloveds, but, the time is at hand. 

 Repent, prepare your hearts, light your lamps, renew your oil, receive the new wine.  I am coming.  Are you ready?

Monday, February 1, 2016

January 31, 2016

Many are not ready, for they have not repented and allowed Me to sufficiently cleanse them and prepare them to hold My glory.  For I cannot pour out My glory on unprepared vessels, for if I did it would consume them in the purification process.

 Beloved, you are strong in Me.  For you have come before Me in repentance and yet still you come repenting of your sins and repenting of the sins of others and the world.  As you come with a repentant heart and a surrendered and yielded spirit, it allows Me to cleanse you and remove the veils that separate us.  It allows Me to temper your vessel with My purity and righteousness, for this is a necessary step in your purification process. A s I pull out more of your impurities, your spirit and soul bond deeper into Me, to allow your vessel to be able to stand when My all consuming fire passes by.  You shall withstand and be able to hold and walk in My glory and My power.  For you, My love, My beloved one, are deep within Me.  I am the sanctuary that you reside in.  I am within you and you know it.  You, My beloved, are within Me now and you are beginning to know this.

 For as My Spirit is invading your atmosphere, and every dimension of your being, you are receiving much power and understanding for the battle that is ahead.  Do not try to reason within yourself how this is unfolding, just Trust in Me that I will compete you, and do My perfect work in you as you are humbly walking out your days with Me.  The day is coming soon when you shall understand and be able to walk and function in this power.  Press in to know this.  Seek to understand.  Do not be timid press in and seek to know and to understand what these supernatural powers are that I am placing within your earthen vessel.  For soon My bride you shall take your place with Me and we shall do many things together to glorify My Father and increase My Kingdom.  Nothing shall be too difficult for you or impossible to you.  For I am in you, as you are decreasing, My beloved, I am increasing within you.

There are great days ahead for you and all My faithful children.  Do not fear as the winds of change are blowing across your land.  The spirit of fear is trying to stop you from coming to Me and walking in your true destiny.  Fear is an illusion that is a crippling force to try to stop what I am now doing in My chosen vessels.  Much victory is before you My little ones.  Do not grow weary, do not grow faint.  Do not allow the spirit of self-doubt to hinder your progress in Me.  For you cannot be separated from Me, and I will fulfill My plans and purposes in you.

Do not be afraid of whatever you face, for know this, I am with you through it all.  Death is just a wisp, a fleeting vapor.  Live for Me, make the most of the time you have left.  Beloved's all of heaven is watching as you take your place in Me.  This is the best time to be alive, now, cherish these moments, for you, My dear ones, are making history and each of your stories is being recorded.  Be strong and of good courage, for I am the Captain of the Hosts of Heaven and I am walking among you.  Look for Me, focus on Me, see Me in this season of you life.  I am here, if you would but look.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

January 30, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Holy Spirit was singing in me "Be still and know, Be still and know, that I am God, Be still and know"

Then I heard:

Oh, My little one, My precious bride, as you come before Me, I see your humble spirit, I hear your heart speak "here am I Lord".  Oh, the beauty of a humble heart.  Oh, the purity of a surrendered soul.  As you come and gather yourself unto Me, I am here in the midst of thee.  You have received much at My knee today as you were enraptured in My all consuming fire.  The more I shared, the deeper you drank.  Beloved, and that is your name, you are filled with My spirit and My oil is overflowing your vessel.  For you have chosen wisely to sit and rest at My table.  To feed from My manna, as I hand fed you every morsel.  To be present in mind and spirit with Me is a sign of maturity.

Your foundation is strong in Me, for I and I alone am your cornerstone.  Deep roots are in thee, My love.  Light shines forth from your spirit, as it has been set on fire by My flame and is now unquenchable.  Much shall be given to thee as you separate yourself more and more unto Me.

Beloved, think it not strange as you are consumed with desire to be with Me, as you are dwelling now in My heart.  Oh, My beautiful one, you are Mine and I am yours.  You spend your days with Me.  Your thoughts are always with Me.  Your desire, both night and day, is to be with Me.  Much strength I have given you as you sit in My presence.  My peace surrounds you, as a warm down blanket, for I am your hiding place.  I am your comforter.  I am your everything.

I shall use you, My dear one, for few, very few are willing to surrender all and make themselves available to Me.  I am equipping you, My dove, for much, I tell you, much is coming forth now from My spirit as I hover over My people.  I am invading the very atmosphere around you, can you not sense My nearness, My little ones, pay close attention.  Be aware of your present atmosphere, stay close and draw into Me.

I am your shield and buckler.  The storms, the shaking's, the fires are coming upon your lands, there will be nowhere to hide from Me.  I come to take over, I do not come to take sides.  I love all men, the good, the bad, and the ugly.  I love all of My creation.

 You shall soon see Me for yourselves, are you ready?  Can you stand in My presence.  Do you understand My Spirit is an all consuming and purifying fire.

I shall do a new thing.  Behold, look, watch, be aware for I shall draw all men to Me.  The day of reckoning shall come upon you quickly.  Do not delay, come to Me and be saved from yourselves.  I alone am your only salvation.

Do not pretend that you do not hear Me, for I know that you do, and so, you shall be without excuse, if you are found outside the gate.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

January 29, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord this is what I heard:

"Beloved, you are such a sweet little dove.  I pour out My love upon you, and you receive it so easily, for you are hungry.  I tug at your heartstrings, and you come immediately into My presence.  As you linger here with Me, I read your heart, you, My love, My dove, are an open book.  As you are eager to share your life with Me, I eagerly reveal Myself to you more and more for we are one in spirit, and nothing can separate us.  Oh, My love, My heart sings over you as you come eager to spend this time with Me.  My dearest love we shall soon see each other, face to face.

Beloved, be at peace in the midst of every test and trial.  There are many more tests that are coming to test the hearts of My people.  My children, I urge you now, to come, and be still, in My presence.  To quiet yourself and listen, bring a pen and paper and write what you hear.  Come to Me with any questions you have and expect to hear from Me.  I am not distant, I am here, but, many of you are unaware of Me.  I speak, but, you, do not listen.  I urge you now to focus on Me daily NOW.  I must have your full attention, when you rise in the morning, as you go about your day, as you eat and as you retire to sleep focus on Me.  Let Me capture your thoughts, and let Me flood the atmosphere with My presence.  The more you look for Me, the more you will see Me, the more you focus on Me the more tangible I become.  

Do not allow anyone or anything to cause you to doubt Me or My love for each of you.  For I care very deeply for each of My created hearts, for I formed you in your mother's womb, I knit your heart together and kissed you tenderly with My very breath.  Oh, My dear ones, seek Me now, come expecting to find Me.  For I am no respecter of persons, as I am building up My beloved, I desire to build you up too.  Deep calls unto deep now dear hearts, can you hear Me.  Come, and let us reason together.  I want you, I long for you, I wait for you, I ache for you.  Come, come now the door is closing, My dear ones, come.

Monday, January 25, 2016

January 24, 2016

I was in worship and I saw this in a vision as I worshiped:

I am in what seemed to be a castle room looking out a window and I can see a bright white glittering Kingdom.  I am in a white flowing gown, like a wedding gown, and I have on a white veil head covering that is scalloped around the edges.  To my left I can see a man standing next to me in a tan robe garment with a white and blue stripe on the long sleeve cuff area.  He has His right arm around my shoulders and I can see his hand. I am observing this scene from the upper right area of the room.  I wonder if it is Jesus who is in this room with me and I am prompted to look at His hand, and I see it has a hole in it, in the upper part of the hand close to the wrist. As I am watching this scene, I see Him lean in and whisper softly "Behold My Kingdom child, I am coming for you, soon child, soon" There is such a quiet peace here and such security and love.

January 17, 2016

I was in worship and I saw this vision:

I see a table with Jesus seated with us, a round table, and golden lighted, fiery arrows filled with God's truths were on the table and scattered around the room.

I heard:

As you come up higher into Me, I am changing and transforming you into My image.  I am restoring you into your rightful place in Me.  I am equipping you now, dear one, for My service and purposes.  I alone have placed you here, for this time and season.  Fear not, I am here.  I see you.  I know your name.  Look to Me the author and finisher of your faith.  I am setting you apart, for you are Mine.

No eye has seen, no ear has heard what I have prepared for you now, in this season.  Beloved, this is the season you were created to walk in.  The time is now, the door is open, walk through it.

November 21, 2015

As I was waiting on the Lord in the evening, I heard this:

Singing:  Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place...

I am here, beloved.  I have missed our time together.  I know that you are mindful of Me, but, to set apart time, just for you and Me is needful in these days.  This time strengthens you for the days ahead.  Draw close now, and be still in My presence.  I am ever present, but, you, My dear one, should not lose your ability to hear Me.  Beloved, you have been trained by Me to hear Me, for I have given you a listening ear.  I speak and you, My dear one hear.  For you have allowed yourself to be disciplined and trained to hear Me.  You must remain diligent in your pursuit of Me.  My path is not crowded, for each individual has a path I have designed just for them.  Each one must be diligent in seeking Me out for yourselves.  I am ever present, I am near.  But, to find Me, you must be seeking Me.  If you are truthfully pursuing Me, I shall be found of you.


September 7, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, I began to ask questions.

I asked:  Lord, what do you want me to do today?

He answered:

I want you to fix your eyes on Me today and everyday.  What you are sensing in your spirit is change coming.  There is a rapid change taking place within you and around you.  I am cutting off every cord that ties you to this earth.  For you are Mine and I shall take you unto Myself.

I asked:  Lord, is something going to happen in Sept?

Many things shall happen this month.  You are not to fear.  You shall see many things, some good and some bad.  You are not to fear.  Keep your eyes fixed on Me, day by day, I lead, you follow.  I am with you always.

I asked:  Lord, am I ready?

Yes, My child you live in Me daily, walking, talking and abiding in My presence.  Many long for this intimacy, but, they struggle with their natural mind.  They try to reason and rationalize this intimacy with Me.  For they do not dwell in the spirit.  All who come to Me must come in humility and humble themselves before Me, for I am spirit and they must come to Me in spirit and in truth.  You shall find Me when you truly let go of your reason, for I am beyond your reasoning mind.  I cannot totally be explained by your mind.  I am limitless, I am spirit, you shall only find Me as you go within yourself, and shut out the world.  If you determine within yourself to seek Me out and find Me for yourselves, I shall be found of each of you.  There is a place that is prepared for you and Me, but you must be willing to make the journey, choose now who you will seek after and serve, you must make the choice between self and Me, it's your choice, choose wisely.

September 6, 2015

As I was waiting on the Lord this is what I heard:

Oh, My child, My dear one, much is happening today, all around you, the weak are crying out why, where are you God, for they did not take the time to find Me, they do not hear Me, even though I am right here with them, as I am with you.

I speak all the time, but few, even you, are willing to listen.  My voice is all around you all, My breath is within each one.  I am the God of all, not the God of some.  I am the God of those who acknowledge Me and I am the God of those who do not acknowledge Me.  Just because you do not acknowledge or confess Me as Lord, does not, and will not change the TRUTH.  I live in you, and I shine through you, My love, My dear one.

The reality of who I am rests within each of you.  To know Me for yourselves should be your ultimate goal.  To draw near to Me and hear Me should be your hearts desire.  I am not a God of noise.  I am not a God of selfish desires.  I am a God of love, love, I am love.  I am in everything.  Can you not see Me, I am here.  Do you know Me,  do I know you?  Will you turn off the noise of the world and separate yourself from the world and it's distracting lures that are sent out to lure you away from spending time with Me, soaking in My presence.  Waiting at My feet.  Beloved's, do not be deceived by all the technology around you, your phones and computers, and IPADs, offer much in the way of distractions, it's the little things that slowly, bit by bit, chip away and eat up your time.  You must be aware and discern these lures.

The hour is late My children, do not allow yourselves to be caught up in these lures that will slowly draw you away from ME.  Be on guard, for the hour is late.  Seek ME.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Hearing God - July 25, 2015

As I was waiting on the Lord, I heard this:

Oh My dear one, My little one, My faithful dove, do not lose heart at all the troublesome things you see transpiring in the world.  I have told you these things before they happened.  All must, and will, come to pass as I have spoken.  Fear not, My dove.  Lean into Me more as you see the day approaching.  When you feel your strength beginning to drain out of you, it is a sign that you need to separate yourself, and come away with Me, as you are alone in My presence, the world simply falls away.  The distractions that come to draw you out of My peace, can never find you here, as you dwell in Me, alone, one on one.  It is good to be still and separate yourself from all the noise and distractions of the world.

 You have asked Me about the noise you are hearing.  The higher frequency alarm that you are hearing, is from Me.  It is beginning to connect heaven to earth.  Think of this as a preliminary step to preparing for your transformation.  As the time draws nearer, the frequency shall become more and more clear in you.  Beloved, think this not strange, for many of your brothers and sisters are hearing this higher frequency as well.  I have given you an electrical gift, that has been in you, dormant, since I created you, and now I am calling it forth, into complete fruition.  I shall train you Myself in this gift, be patient, you do not need to know everything right now, simply stay calm and dwell in My peace, all shall be revealed soon, in My time.


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Hearing God - July 28, 2015

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Many wonder after Me, but, they do not seek Me.  Many think they know Me, but, they are far from Me.  Many think I am pleased with them, but, I say, examine yourself, carefully consider your ways.  What are you reflecting?  The Kingdom does not come in meat or drink, it will not be manifested in the flesh.  For My Kingdom comes in Righteousness, Peace, and Joy.  Consider your ways.  Are you kind?  Are you quiet?  Are you humble?  Are you loving?  Are you forgiving?  Are you helpful?  These are "tells" for you, consider your ways.  For I see and know all about each one.  I do not expect perfection, for that is not possible for you, but, I do expect you to acknowledge your own faults and weaknesses.  I require all to look within, and consider your ways.  When you see one of your faults, acknowledge it to Me, Repent of your error and I will forgive it, ask Me to help you to do better and I will surely help you.  I am Truth, and I will reveal Truth to all who seek after Truth.  I am willing to help you, but, you must seek Me for yourself.  I will not force Myself upon you, for I am not a beast.  I am the I AM.  I long to walk and talk with each of you.  I have plans for you that you do not know.  I desire a relationship, a personal intimate relationship with you, but, the question is, do you desire a personal relationship with Me?  You can each have it for yourselves, for I am no respecter of persons, but, I am no easy prize.  To find Me, you have to diligently seek Me for yourselves.  If you are truly seeking Me, do not give up your pursuit of Me, for I shall be found by all who truly seek for Me with their whole hearts, and DO NOT give up the chase.


Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hearing God - July 26, 2015

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Dear one, I am here.  I see you.  Do not worry about tomorrow, for whatever comes I shall be with you.  Have faith, that I will protect you.  You are in My hands.  I am in full control of your life.  You were birthed for such a time as this.  The greatest time in My story that no eye has seen is unfolding.  Those with eyes to see shall surely be shown much.  Those with ears to hear, are hearing My voice and are understanding many things that were My secrets.  For I shall do nothing, except, I reveal it first to My prophets and anointed ones.  My plans I share with My chosen, My elect, My bride in My chambers.  For We are one.  I know who are Mine, and they know Me.  They come to Me daily to seek My face, to seek My wisdom, to seek My counsel, and here, in My chambers, they are fed and they are clothed.  They are well watered cisterns in a dry and desolate land.  They are flourishing in My land as they are abiding in My vine, close to Me.  They are content only to seek Me out.  They are refreshed daily in My presence.  They truly know Me, for they have spent their time wisely.  For soon, very soon, time shall be no more.  Keep your eyes focused on Me and not all the things happening in the world.  I am strengthening you as you dwell here with Me.  I will provide for you in every circumstance.  Lean not on your own understanding.  Simply stay close, abiding and Resting in Me.  Trust ME.  I AM the beginning and the end, and you are in ME.


Saturday, July 25, 2015

Hearing God - July 20, 2015

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Beloved, it is well with thee and Me.  I see you, My love.  I see your daily walk.  I feel you when you draw near to Me.  I can smell your sweet fragrance as you come into My presence.  For you have placed yourself completely into My hands, to mold you into My image, and cleanse you from all the filth of this world.  You live as a light in great darkness.  Many see your light, and wonder about you.  Do not allow yourself to be troubled by what others may be saying about you.  Just keep abiding in Me, dwelling in My presence, this is where you are to remain.  For I have made a place for you at My table, and as you feed upon My goodness, the overflow is beautiful.  For the light, My love, that is pouring forth from you is a reflection of My glory, and it shall never be taken from you.  You have persevered in Me, you have sought Me with your whole heart and I have been found by you.  Beloved, I have made My home in you and you have made your home in Me.  This is permanent.  We shall live together now in this life and in your life to come.  For I shall grant you your hearts desire, to be with Me forever.  Your eye has not seen the beautiful things I have prepared for you.  Beloved, you are patient, and your patience shall bear a great reward.  You are humble, you are quiet, you are amiable, all of these are a reflection of Me.  For you are bearing My characteristics in your own humanity.  It's a beautiful thing, to see Myself reflected in My children.  For the world you are in is cruel, and can be a dangerous place for a gentle soul to reside in.  But, you, My love, have learned to be content and to patiently wait upon Me.  You are fully relying on Me, to meet your every need.  You are not distant from Me, for your heart and soul are ever drawing closer to My heart.  Our spirits are one, My love.  This pleases Me, My dear one, this pleases Me.


Hearing God - July 19, 2015

As I was in worship, I heard this:

Beauty for ashes My love, the fires coming to burn up the dross, to cleanse and purify the hearts of men.  Do not try to reason the events coming upon your land, for much chaos and destruction comes quickly now.  But, I have prepared thee, hold your ground, hold your tongue in the midst of trials, I shall give you a word, as your sword, and you shall route the enemy with the word that I provide you, the enemy has a reason to be coming forth.  I will equip you with the right weapons you will need to face every trial and difficulty.  Listen carefully now, to My still small voice in the midst of every difficulty.  As My word comes forth from you, it shall disrupt and reroute the plans of the enemy against you.  Remember, child, love, do not fear, be still and rest in My peace for I am here with you and I shall never leave you, I will make a way for you through every challenge you shall face.  I shall keep you sheltered in Me, do not re-act to anything, only be still and know you are here with Me, listen and then act as I instruct you, open your mouth and release the words I speak in you.  For My Kingdom is within you and you live and move and breathe in Me now.  Beloved, arise, My love, arise, for the light in you shall be called forth out of you as these days come to pass.  Remember, to stay in My peace, where your true Rest is.  Many things shall come to try to pull you out of My peace, My Rest.  You must be diligent in staying here in My peace.  Sheltered and secure in knowing that I will take care of you.  Deception is having a hay-day all around you, and many are full of anger, bitterness and fear for they are tossed to and fro in trickery and deceit, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, for they do not come to Me for wisdom and instruction.  They turn to self, they turn to other men to lead them and instruct them, this will only bring them vanity and false security.  All, must come to Me on the narrow road, it's an inward journey, it's a lonely journey, but, it's the only one that will bring you home, to Me.  Come, I'm here, where are you?

It's very important to know who you are in Me, I will never forsake you.  I will lead you in paths of peace, in glades of love and splendor, I am quiet, humble, loving and kind...are you reflecting Me.  I can show you the way.  For I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.  I give life to everything.  I can help you with your life's journey.  I am for you and not against you, My loves.  Come, come unto Me, I am here, where are you?  Beloved's, do not linger outside My gates, come, enter in to Me, I am your hope.  I am the Way.  I love you.  I soooo love you.  I want you, I created you, come home to Me now, My prodigals.  There is no fear in My love.  But, you must yield to My love.  I am here, where are you?


Saturday, July 18, 2015

Hearing God - July 18, 2015

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

The days go quickly now, My dear one, for you are seeking Me and no one else.  You listen, you are listening for My voice, and as you expect to hear, you hear.  You have been disemboweled from the earthly life, yes, you still live on earth, but, you are seeking Me and My Kingdom, and nothing else.  Beloved, this is normal to feel distant and disengaged from all the cares of this world and it's systems.  You seek Me now, you live and breathe and move in Me.  You are no longer troubled over your own life and will easily lay it down.  This is where your freedom lies.  This is where you find peace, solely living for Me, dwelling with Me, abiding in ME, as you see the day approaching.  You, now have no fear, for you have cast off all restraints of fear, and surrendered every vestige of resistance to Me, you have humbled yourself more as I have drawn you through the fires of great testing once again.

 Beloved, as you reside, completely at My feet, with your whole will surrendered to Me, I am pleased with your sacrifice, My love.  These days are passing quickly, greet each day with a kiss, born from a grateful heart.  Always knowing that it is I, only I, who provides for you.  I lead, and you, My love, simply follow.  For you Trust Me completely, you have surrendered your all to Me and your only desire now is for Me to live through you, completely.  For you have fully grasped that you must decrease so that I can increase in you.  This is a very valuable concept, My love, a beautiful treasure and jewel for your crown.  I love you, My little one.

 Always believe.
Always look with eyes to see.
Always be quick to hear Me and respond, respond, respond, for I am near to all who dare to come near to Me.


Friday, July 17, 2015

Hearing God - July 17, 2015

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

"Mene, Mene, Tekel, Pharson", many have been weighed in the balance and found lacking.  I see, I know, I judge.  Now, the hour of testing shall come forth. Oh, ye of little faith.  Oh, foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you.  My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.  I have called, I have shouted, but, still, you refuse to hear.  Well, now, the hour of testing comes.  Oh, who will be able to stand in this evil day.  I know who are prepared and who have made themselves strong in Me.  Few, very few, are ready.  Most shall behold terror after terror.  Oh, how you have sown to the wind, and now you shall reap the whirlwind.  Take heed My little ones, My faithful few, I am here.  Stay close now, sheltered in Me.  I shall direct your steps.  Do not veer off of My path, no, do not even look to the right or the left, keep your focus completely on Me.  Only with your eyes, My dear one, shall you behold the reward of the wicked.  Yes, you shall see many things change, but, do not fear, I shall bring you through each difficulty.  Do not worry about your life, Trust Me, to keep you, I know the plans I have for you.  As it was in the days of Noah, so, now, it comes.  Great evil, great perversions, great unimaginable things shall be revealed.  Hold fast to My Truth.  Keep your focus on Me.  Though great darkness shall descend and cover the earth, and gross darkness shall be upon the people, My light within you shall rise, behold the lion within you shall arise and the glory of your countenance shall be changed, many shall be humbled in the light of My glory reflecting out of My True followers, the few, the chosen, the elect, the bride shall arise to meet Me and We shall go forth together to rescue the perishing.


Monday, July 13, 2015

Hearing God - July 10, 2015

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

The battle you have raging within you, is happening all around you, and in every person.  Your lot is not to take cover, you are not to stand idly by and just let these malevolent thoughts come crashing in with no resistance.  For I am here, I am within you, and no weapon or fiery darts in the form of negative words or thoughts shall prosper, for you, My dear one, My love, My Bride, you know who you are in Me.  Christ in you, the hope of glory, is within your earthen vessel, fear not, My beloved, the lioness within you is rising.  The Kingdom is alive and well within you.  You are not alone in this journey.  You must be on guard.  You must be vigilant in your pursuit of holiness.  You must stand in My peace and keep watch over all of your gates.  Be diligent in your watch.  The eye gate, the ear gate, the mind gate are ALL under attack.

 So few, I tell you the Truth, so few are awake, so few, are paying attention, so few, are realizing the battle that is raging now in each life, in each mind.  Oh, to be wise and not to relinquish your watch in weariness, or abandon your post in fear or despair.

 For I know who are Mine, and I know you child, I have built you strong in Me, you must stand in this evil day.  Do not succumb to despair.  Do not allow any malevolent thoughts to linger in your mind, for these are hooks and lures, be on guard, pay attention to your gates.  The battle rages NOW.

Many are falling for these traps and ploys of the enemy to gain entry.  Many are self destructing from within.  The terrors assailing them are many, and they are weak in their defenses, for they have not made themselves strong in Me.

  Many are grasping to take the Kingdom from you, but, they cannot.  For you live and breathe and move with Me in My Kingdom.
