Thursday, February 4, 2016

February 2, 2016

Note:  I feel weird about posting this, for it seems to me to be very personal, but, I am compelled to share this with you.

As I came to wait upon the Lord, I could not or would not allow myself to be settled, I was unsettled from a conversation I had been having today, so I began to dialog with Him:

me:  Lord, I don't know what I am supposed to be doing!

Lord:  You are doing it, you are here with Me, pressing in to find your place in Me.

me:  What part of your body am I then?, and did I try to usurp your authority and take your glory, if so I'm extremely sorry.

Lord:  You did not do this, My beloved, peace, dear one, peace, separate yourself unto Me, focus on Me and focus listening only to Me.

All of you see in part and know in part.  This is My plan.  I am in charge of the whole thing.  But, I watch over each one.  My dearest one, you are loved and held deep within My heart as I am in yours. Beloved, you are hearing Me and you do know Me, and you are in My heart as I am in yours.  Do not doubt this, beloved, believe it, for it is Truth.

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