Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hearing God - Jan. 13, 2015

Many things are coming to you now, My child, for as revelation flows it is a continual constant stream from My eternal river.  As you seek to know and understand Me and My ways, you shall know Me and My ways, they shall no longer be hidden from you, for you have persevered, you have pressed in to know and I am well pleased with you, My love.  For you have truly captured My heart.  I send you mysteries as you dream upon your bed.  As I watch you sleep, I still speak to you, your dreams are filled with many mysteries, these are to draw you closer to Me, to seek out more and more, I set this breadcrumb trail up for you, My dear one.  I delight in drawing you to Myself, for it gives Me great joy to see your eager heart as you seek to know more of Me and My ways.  My soul delights in feeding My little lambs.  For you all are growing in Me now, your journeys are truly beautiful, for in the journey to Me is your transformation.  I am restoring you daily as you come come and seek Me out.  For in the seeking, in the questioning, in the knocking, I find you truly ready to receive from Me.

 I love a beautiful, pure heart, and you, My dear one, are a beautiful heart, your heart sings in the night  to Me, the melody is soft and tender and quietly tickles My ear, for in the night, you are alive in the spiri,t more so than in the day.  We go on many excursions and adventures as your flesh slumbers upon your bed. Oh, My little one, you are totally surrendered and submitted to My leading.  Blessed are you, My dove, for the path you have chosen is leading you deeper and deeper into Me.  Oh, My lovely one, you are seeing clearly now the Truth in My word.  The scales and blinders have come off and now you see.  This is what living in the Kingdom is all about.  For the Kingdom, My Kingdom is within you.  It is well with you, My little one for I have tested you, I have chastised and corrected you, I have rebuked you, and still you come.  For in this season you are going through, you have seen and felt the draw of My love.  You have seen My heart as I have seen yours and you have chosen Me, your beloved, to lead you, day by day, moment by moment.

  For in the waiting, you are abiding in Me, I am the eternal vine and you are a branch on My vine.  I love how you love Me child.  It is well with thee.  As you abide in Me, I abide in you.  I lead, and you follow.  Life is simple, once you find your place in Me.  I tell you the Truth, all of you have a place in Me, all of you were created for a specific purpose in Me, come and seek out your place, come now, hear Me now.  It is better for you to come now and hear.  Some are hearing Me, but many are still asleep to Me calling.  I am sounding the trumpets all around each of you now.  Can you not hear them.  Listen now, be still, listen, what do you hear.  Be still, quiet yourself, draw near to Me and hear, write it down, ponder it, ask Me to reveal Myself to you, as I have to My Bride, My little scribe.  She writes what she hears.  She posts as I have directed her.  This is not her way, to be public.  She is quiet and private.  But, in her obedience to Me, she posts these words at My urging, she is only one of the trumpets that are sounding across the earth, the whole earth is filled with My trumpets.  Listen, can you not hear them.  Oh, My dear ones, there is much to say to each of you, I will to speak to each of you, heart to heart.  I implore you all, now is the time of My visitation, don't miss your visitation.  All will soon be awakened.  But, by what means is it going to take to awaken you.  I am here, seek Me now, find Me for yourselves.  I see you all.  Can you see Me?  Selah.

Hearing God - Jan. 12, 2015

*note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Beloved, you are learning many things about My Kingdom, do not worry that you will not keep up, you are doing fine.  I see you, soaking in My information like a sponge.  It is well with thee and Me.  It is good to tarry, and ponder over this information so as to fully digest it and absorb it.  For only in the digestion and absorbtion can you cleave to it and have it transform your reality.  I have told you, and I bring it to your remembrance again, everything that you have known will become undone.  As I break forth My hammer upon these walls that bind you, all that you have known must come down, for I am Truth, and I shall set you free completely.  For as I am so shall you be, you shall see clearly the transformation.  You have stepped from death into life.  As you move, and breath, you move and breath in Me. You are living in the spirit, My little one, there is no darkness here. 

 In the world many shall see your light and they shall come and grasp for the light that you have.  I am taking you through these teachings to equip you and better your understanding of My ways.  For as you see, you shall overcome more and more walls.  This is your transformation.  Your understanding of Me is broadening.  As you sit, eager, attentive, burning inside to understand more, and yet you do not grow weary of Me or learning.  You hear clearly now, dear one.  These lessons you have learned well.  Now, as you sit at My table you are filled with wonder and thanksgiving at the feast before you.  You can eat your fill daily, and still come back to Me for more.  There is always more to learn of My Ways and My Kingdom. 

 Take your time, let these truths I speak to you through My Spirit soak in, ponder them, ask Me to reveal them to you so that you can understand.  I am here to help you through this passage, Oh, My dear one, My heart thrills at the sight of your eager heart to learn more of Me.  You seek Me out, you search for Me in everything, you see Me hidden in everything now.  For I, and I alone have opened your eyes.  I am your leader and teacher.  It blesses Me to have you draw near to hear.  Oh, this is what My soul longs for.  To be in relationship with My children, My beautiful children.  To simply abide with you now, pleases Me, My dear one, it pleases Me much.  

Each day you bring unto Me your gifts and I receive each one with an eager heart.  I receive with open arms your love.  I receive your adoration, I receive your tears, I receive your thanksgiving, but, most of all, My precious dove, I receive your eager heart, eager to be alone with Me, eager to hear from Me, eager to feel My nearness and My love.  Oh, My dear one, this is what My soul longs for from each of My children.  Though the road is long and you journey on, you are patient with Me, you Trust only Me, you seek only Me, you live only for Me now, what a treasure you are, My dear one.  What a fragrance you emit to Me, fully persuaded that I am all you need.  Fully surrendered to Me as your source.  For you live and breath and move in Me. 

 I am pleased with your progress, My little one.  I see you on the path, can you see Me now, come and let us walk together, come unto Me now.  Close your eyes, My precious one, and come.

Vision:  As I close my eyes I see Jesus beckoning Me on the path, it's a hilly dirt path with green lush grasses and trees and flowers, it's a beautiful day, the temperature is perfect, I go to meet Him and He holds out His hand, I take His hand and we go strolling on the path talking and visiting.  I can't hear what we are saying for I am seeing this unfold in front of me, as we walk down the path it dips and slopes and sometimes I lose sight of the two of us walking the path, we are traveling down the path together.  I feel secure, comfortable, happy, contented and loved...the vision ends as we continue to walk down the path.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Hearing God - Jan.1, 2015

***note:  As I was waiting upon the Lord this morning, this is what I heard:

Before you do anything come, come and listen at My knee, beloved.  It is good to sit and tune your ear to hear Me.  It is good to come away with Me to a quiet place, away from all distractions and just be with Me.  I am with you always.  I know you know now that I never leave you.  We are one - the Spirit and the flesh are in union now, My dear one, We are truly married and nothing and no one can ever separate us.  We are secure and unmovable.  Oh, the joy that awaits you on the other side is overwhelming, and simply can't be described.  You will have to see it for yourself.  But, trust Me child, you will be very pleased.  Your joy shall be full.  Oh, so many of My mysteries are opening up to you as you sit at My table and feast with your true brothers and sisters.  My Kingdom is come and beckons all to enter in and partake of My goodness.  I freely call and invite all to come and get to know Me for themselves.  This is a lonely path, a separated out, individual journey.  But, the most important journey each of you will ever take.  I am your creator, I know what is best for each of you, but, I will not force you to come.  I know who are Mine.  The wise will be with Me now, and in the days to come, for they have endured the tests.  They have come through the purifying fires and are purest gold to Me.  The foolish, who think they know enough about Me and the ones who don't want to hear, well, so be it, they shall not hear, they shall not see, and they shall not know.  But, I tell you the Truth for all who have ears to hear, they shall hear.  For all who truly seek Me, I shall be found by them.  I am not distant, I am here.

Seek Me now, listen to My voice, shut out the noise from the world and hear Me.  I am the first and the last, besides Me there is no other.  I use who I want to relay My messages.  I see you all.  I know where each of you are on the path.  This is not a comparison contest.  I have different and set apart paths for each of you, but you must be on the path to find Me, hurry now My children for the gate is closing.  There is not much time left.  Will you enter in, seek the path, the narrow path.  My dear beloved little dove, you are on the path, you have crossed over the bridge and you are safe and secure with Me.  You have many friends here, who have also been successful in this journey.  Though you have never met them, you know them, and they know you.  Beloved, do not lose sight of your calling, put these words up for all to see.  For these are not yours to keep, they pour out of you through My Spirit, I alone am the writer, you, are My yielded, submitted vessel, My little scribe.  Dear one, your journey shall never end, though you have come out of this world, you have much continuing work to do with Me.  I have always used you with words, to encourage, to uplift, to strengthen.  This is your calling, this is one of your talents in My Kingdom.  My precious one, you have always known that this talent is from Me, and now I say to you, arise, arise to your calling and deliver My messages.  Do not be lax and lazy in this.  Yes, you have much to learn, but your life is a continual learning journey.  Your calling is to continue to receive and put up these words.  For they are for edification to the ones coming behind you, do not leave your post again dear one, for We are not finished here.  You, My beautiful Bride have much to do here.  Release My words to the people, for they are not just for you, you are not to keep them for yourself.  Blow your trumpet for Me now, dear one.  Feed My sheep, little one, feed My sheep.

 I am here for all, come unto Me and allow Me to feed you.  I have much to say.  The question is, do you truly want to hear?  We shall see.  Selah.

Hearing God update Jan.1, 2015

***note:  I have allowed myself to become to busy to post the words that the Lord has spoken to me.  I have been chastised by the Lord and I have repented of my neglect, I shall continue to post as I am led by the Spirit.  Please forgive my ignorance in my calling, I now know this is my calling in the Kingdom as spoken directly to me by the Lord Himself this morning, I shall put the words He spoke in the next post, and I shall endeavor to put up the posts that I have not put up as time allows.

Thank you for your patience

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Oct. 21, 2014

You are learning how to walk in the spirit.  It is becoming normal to you.  For you are seeing much through My eyes.  You are now in a season of Rest and Contemplation.  For you are digesting all that I have been placing into you.  This is why you are having so many Deja vu experiences, as if you've lived it before, or already experienced it.  I go before you in the spirit, and your spirit is attached to Me, so in some ways your spirit is ahead of your physical.  Trust Me, all is well with thee and Me, you are right where I want you to be.  I have shown you many life experiences, many years ago, that you are about to have.  I have set your course.  You, My love, My gentle dove, shall walk in the spirit in the physical realm.  I am manifesting many things to you, and NOW through you, for I AM in you, We are one, My love.  You are experiencing a heightened sense of awareness, in your surroundings, in the animals, and in the people.  I have prepared you for all the battles and confrontations that are ahead of you.  Remember, to remain unoffendable.  Keep yourself in My Peace.  Above  all else follow after peace, and you shall stay in My Rest.  Do not allow My Peace to leave you, My little one, if it slips away from you, or what you're experiencing, follow hard after My Peace, separate yourself from your emotions, be quiet and listen to My voice.  I alone shall direct you, I alone shall lead you down the paths of Righteousness, Peace, and Love.  For in these paths is your way home in every situation you may find yourself in.  Go, walk in Peace.  Selah.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Oct. 20, 2014

Song:  "Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord, as we wait upon the Lord, as we wait upon the Lord..." ( I keep hearing this song as I go to sleep, as I awaken, as I begin to wait upon the Lord,  and throughout my day...)

Child I am your strength.  I shall endue you with power, for I am in you.  I shall lead you through every challenge you shall encounter.  Beloved, I am for you.  I shall never leave you.  You are Mine.  As you spend time with Me, in My presence, you are being transformed.  As you think upon Me, I become who you are reflecting.  You shall see through My eyes of love.  All that you have ever known shall be challenged.  For in the change, comes transformation.  Many lies that you have been taught as truths shall be brought forth by Me and exposed to you.  You shall see them through My Eyes.   Change is not easy, but, change is NOW HERE.  You My child are constantly changing, and experiencing more of Me.  You have yielded to Me, in your heart, and in your mind.  As I dig out each stronghold in your mind, you are faithful to yield, and try to comprehend My Truth.  This is a complicated web,  that has hidden My Truths from you, and it's a process, that takes time, to bring it down.  Soaking in My presence, hearing and experiencing Me more and more, is the key.  I lead you child, all I ask of you is that you Trust and follow Me.  I know you do not understand everything now and that's O.K. Do not be anxious, or fret over what you don't understand.  For I will open the eyes of your understanding little by little.  I only ask that you Trust Me in all things regarding your understanding and your life.  Stay close and do not reject My Truths or My leading.  You have entered a strange new world to you of Truth.  You are not completely familiar with it yet, for you have lived in a shadow of truths, for you were not ready for it.  But, NOW is the time of your complete transformation.  My light in you is shining out and exposing My Truth for all who are willing to see.  Rest in Me child, I Am doing all the work.  You are seated at My feet, resting, do not fret, Rest, I am in control.   Selah

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Oct. 19, 2014

Song:  "Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord, as we wait upon the Lord, as we wait upon the Lord..."

All who come to Me shall be strengthened, revived and renewed.  For in Me is everything you need.  I Am Mercy, and I Am Grace.  I am more than sufficient for you.  Oh, My love, My dear one, let not your heart be downcast or troubled.  Do not grow weary in doing good, or in your waiting season.  To everything there is a purpose and a plan.  I see all, I know all.  You must fully Trust Me in all things.  I Am in control, nothing shall escape My notice or be kept secret from Me.  I see all.  I have plans that you know not of.  You are Mine, and I tell you what you need to know, when I share with you in our bedchambers.  You have been prepared, and made ready for this season.

Many shall see Me in you, for you shall walk and talk like Me.  I have placed healing in your hands and I have strengthened your faith.  You are now seeing things through My beautiful eyes of love, this pleases Me.  You are ready child, for whatever you shall face, as long as you stay connected to Me.  As you endeavor to touch Me, you remain close, tucked under My wing.  I am your source of everything you need.  Nothing is impossible for Me.  You are a faithful wife.  I will take care of you.  My spirit is strong in you, I can feel your heart beating next to Mine.  We are one.  You are in the midst of change and you shall face many challenges.  Fear not, as you go through it.  Everything must fall aside and only I remain.  Hold loosely now, all, you hold dear, for all is Mine, and if I take it away, it is for My plan and purpose, you must Trust Me little one.  In everything there is a season.  Selah.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Oct. 18, 2014

I love you child.  You come to wait upon Me, expecting to hear from Me and so you shall hear.  Let not your heart be troubled.  Keep your focus on Me, in all things and in all circumstances keep your eyes on Me.  Do nothing out of fear.  Be still, listen to Me, if you do not hear, be still, wait, wait for My direction.  My peace I have given you, stay in it.  If you lose your peace, stay calm, and be still and when you are in My peace again, then you can continue with what you are doing.  Follow after My peace, and in so doing, you will be safely tucked under My wing.  Do not try to understand everything that is happening all around you, for you will not.  Do not give in to fear.  For it is a snare that is being cast upon the ears and eyes of the people to immobilize them and control them.  Many are fearful due to what they are hearing and seeing.  I tell you again, My little ones, do not fear.  This is an immobilizing spirit.  Do not allow it to abide in you, stand strong.  I am here with you.  Look to Me, in all things, for comfort, direction, and peace.  I will give you the understanding that you need.  Live day by day in Me.  Oh, My little one, all is well with thee and Me.  Keep your heart dwelling in Me.  Let Me captivate all of your attention.  For in Me, you will find peace, Truth, and love.  You are Resting in Me.  I am in thee, and you are in Me.  We are one.  I lead, only I, and you humbly follow.  Don't listen to the world, don't accept the noise, shut it out.  Follow after peace, let it guide you in all your ways.  Selah.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Oct. 17, 2014

My hand is upon you child, I lead, you follow.  Much tribulation is coming forth from the spirit now, and through it, much shall manifest and come forth in the physical.  All have been weighed.  All have been reviewed, and now all shall be tested.  Fear not, My little one, for in the fire, there is Truth.  In the fire, as I turn up the heat, it draws out the dross, the wickedness, the self-life is purified and cleansed.  Yes, it is not easy and many shall suffer, as they have to let go of many things they have clung to, for they shall no longer bring them any comfort or protect you all from the storms that are coming.  I have given you many signs in the sky, in the weather, in the animals, and in the people.  Change is upon you, My lovely ones, Keep Calm, and remain in Me, tucked safely under My wings.  I am your shelter through any storm I require you to go through.  Stand strong in Me, My little ones, for I Am your strength.  I Am working out My plan.  I Am in the delivering business.  I will take care of My own.  I own this earth and everything in it.  You must not doubt My plans and purposes for you, only Trust Me, and believe that I Am is in control of your life.  Leave everything to Me, yield child, yield.  You are to be a witness of many things unfolding on the earth.  No matter how bizarre it may get, know this, I Am right here with you.  I Am in charge and I will take care of all of your needs.  Hold fast to Me now, this is where the strength of your faith is being tested.  Stand strong now children.  I Am here.  I Am is in control of all things.  Trust Me.  Selah.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Oct. 16, 2014

Oh, there are many seasons that you must go through.  The journey is not for the weak or double-minded.  It is for the steadfast, the enduring, and the persevering.  Much change is required, much pruning is required.  Much pain will have to come, as I work in My vineyard.  It is not a painless process for you, as I draw up and out the sucker branches that do not produce the fruit of My Kingdom.  As I cut and prune the cares of this self-life out of you, I know it is difficult to let go of these worldly ties, that have bound you all these years.  This is why you must Trust Me, you must let go of you own desires, and allow Me to do the work in you.  I alone can see the whole picture of you, and how you are to be shaped and molded.  I will work, and continue to work in each heart, till My image is formed in you, and I see My reflection shining forth from your vessels.  For those who have yielded to Me, you are well-seasoned in the rigors of My pruning, you have known the pain of My cutting tool, and you have known the strength of My healing balm.  You have learned much patience in the process, and you have  remained steadfast and unshakable through My pruning.  Your grapes are full of the sweetest wine for Me, and now, as I press out the new wine, you sing.  Your song is fresh and new.  It's carried on the wings of My Spirit, and all of heaven is rejoicing in the pressing.  Sing, My beautiful ones, sing, a new song I hear coming forth out of you.  For it's a new season, and it's a new day.  Sing, oh, sing, My beautiful ones.  I can hear your song in the spirit.  Remember, My loves, I hear you.  The I AM is listening to your song.  Selah.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Oct. 15, 2014

As you spend time in My presence, you are refreshed and renewed.  For only in My presence will you find what your heart longs for.  Oh, beloved, let My wind under the wings of My spirit refresh and revive you today.  For you are Mine.  Just Rest in Me, Knowing Me, thinking of Me, and just enjoy being with Me today.  Rest in Me child.  For the spirit within you is resting in Me now.  My peace flows through your being.  All shall be in order for you, as the world shall experience chaos, you shall be in My perfect peace, for you have been prepared.  You have chosen to dwell in Me, deeply seated in My abode.  You have yielded to the slightest pressure from My hand.  You are supple and pliable to Me, as I continue My work in you, you surrender all to Me, you willingly yield to all I do, and require of you.  Many have squandered their time on worldly things.  They have stored up nothing for which to draw out in times of need.  But, you, My faithful dove, have stored much within your walls.  there is plenty within your chambers to draw from.  I shall use you to feed others, as they will be weary, bloodied and torn from their battles.  You shall apply My healing balm, you shall bind up their wounds, you shall lead them to My place of rest, you shall point them to Me, for it is Me, My light, My power, My love they seek.  The world is a dark place, and the darkness will become thicker and darker now.  It shall be clear who are Mine, and who have been fooling themselves, for they truly do not know Me.  There is no history between us, there is no relationship.  They do not come to hear and so they shall not hear, they shall not know.  But, for the ones who do come to hear, they shall hear.  For they are seeking Me, and they that truly seek Me, shall find Me.  Selah.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Oct. 14, 2014

Song:  "I am watching over you, I am, watching over you...In the middle of your night, in the middle of your storms, I am watching over you"  (I was awakened early this morning with the Holy Spirit singing in me and over me this song...and I arose...to seek Him)

Do not compare yourself to others, who are farther along on the journey than you are.  You are right where I want you to be.  You are hearing well, and you are starting to see more clearly.  Your journey is your own.  It's personal.  We are one, you and I.  We are connected in the spirit and no one or anything can separate Me from you.  I love you, My little one, I see you.  I know your name.  Would you like to know your name?  There is much to understand in this.  this is one of the gemstones I have placed in you.  For at first it was just a bit of earth, but through the course of your fiery tests is has been purified and strengthened.  For you are a vessel of honor.  Only the choicest stones and rare and purified gems are placed within you, My love.  For where your heart is, is where your treasure is.  Your heart is My home.  You have established your inner sanctuary for Me.  You come daily now, into My chambers, and you are daily changed.  More and more into My likeness and image.  You are secure in Me.  You are led by Me, and I am your daily portion.  As you walk this path with Me you are being transformed into a beautiful treasure box for Me, and out of thee I shall bring forth beauty, strength and honor.  For I am in you, My love.  Selah.

Hearing God - Oct. 13, 2014

You have been busy today child, but, you were never far from Me.  For in everything today, your heart was tuned to Me.  As you went about your daily tasks, your thoughts were turned towards Me.  You had a listening ear to hear and learn from Me.  As you are listening to My beloved daughter, your understanding is enlarging.  As you learn, you grow, as you grow, your heart sings in utter joy at the mention of My name.  Your spirit is refreshed and renewed as you spend time with Me.  As you are eager to hear, you shall hear.  Oh, beloved, to seek for understanding is good.  It's a beautiful thing to be enraptured with knowing more of Me.  For you are overjoyed and thrilled with each new encounter in Me.  For now, you are truly seeing Me.  I am in you, My love, and now, you see many impossible things, for you have yielded to Me, and you have allowed Me to unlock your mind.  As you  think, you are becoming.  As you think, you are transforming.  As you think, you are.  The mindset is powerful.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Oct. 12, 2014

Notes are very important.  To write things down allows you to go back again and review and refer to something that you may have forgot.  This is why I have you writing down our conversations.  For in these communing times, much is shared between us.  You are not capable of containing all the information I am downloading into you, and that is OK.  I only ask that you yield, and try to write things down, for in doing so you are leaving a breadcrumb trail for others to follow who are coming behind you.  Do not be discouraged if you don't remember everything.  For know this, I AM the one who is putting it in you, and I AM the one who will draw it out.  Do not allow yourself to become overwhelmed by so much information, I know what you are capable of handling.  Trust Me child, I lead, you follow, one day at a time.  Just concentrate on following closely to Me each day and you will not be lagging behind.  You and I are on this journey together.  We are walking the same path.  You have already entered, and have begun to dwell in My Kingdom.  For remember, My Kingdom is within you.  I am one with you, My beloved little dove.  You are My delight, for you are pleased and eager to seek Me out, above all else, you block out the world and you come to My chambers within, to sit at My feet and eagerly pen what you hear.  For in the waiting, there is meat and bread and water for you.  I personally hand feed you your daily portion.  You are so cherished and loved My Bride.  Your heart is My delight.  For you love Me with abandon, forsaking all others, you cleave to Me.  You are safe and at home in My presence.  Tucked safely under My wing.  It is well with thee and Me, My little one, My gentle dove.  

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Oct. 11, 2014

My child, My dear one, I am pleased with thee.  You have nothing to fear.  Stay close to Me, My love. Whatever is bothering you, bring to Me, for I am well able to meet all of your needs.  Do not let your heart be troubled, fear not, My dove.  I am with you always.  You are safe and secure in Me.  Nothing in this world has any hold over you.  For I have freed you from all things, bonds and ties placed on you.  You are Mine, and I watch over and take care of My own.  My peace is your eternal promise.  It encircles you with the comfort and warmth of a blanket.  Beloved, as you go through your day you carry me with you.  I make the journey with you, you are never alone.  I am your strength.  I am your peace.  I am all that you need.  As you are faithful to Me, My dove, I am faithful to you.  We are one, now and forever.  We can never be separated.  Yo are like a fitted glove in My hand.  Breathe in, Breathe out, I am here with you.  As you think, as you breathe, as you interact with the world, I am with you.  I am big in you, for you, My dear one, have allowed Me to grow big and strong in you.  You have yielded all to Me and I am well pleased with thee.  As you seek to know Me more, I reveal much deeper Truths, as you grow and mature in Me, your understanding grows.  Selah.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Oct. 9, 2014

I know you are sad today child.  But, be comforted in the fact that I am here with you.  I never leave you.  I am here with you, My love.  Even though the road can seem long and wearisome, you must persevere, and press on.  Though you have troubles and difficult days, I am here.  Do not become discouraged and disappointed in yourself.  The mind is a battlefield, you faced many challenges yesterday. As your emotions flared like wildfires in your mind, and the thoughts that raged within you were difficult to battle, and put out the fires, but, though you are weary today, know this, My love, I saw you, I was watching and recording how you were performing in the battle.  You were strong, although frazzled at times and had to regain My peace, again and again.  you came through victorious through it all.  Your guard upon your mouth gate stood strong and secure, nothing of the flesh escaped your mouth.  You stood firm and battled all day, though the day grew long and wearisome you endured.  You put out the wild fires that popped up and raged within you.  You quenched every flame with My Truth and My Spirit prevailed in you, though you feel weary today, you have actually grown stronger and reached another level in Me.  Peace, My child, My peace is flooding over you, be still, and know Me now, this day, once again be filled with My presence.  You are Mine.  Remember, whenever you are going through a battle, I am here with you.  Lean on Me.  Call upon Me to help you.  All is well with thee and Me, My love.  Never think upon these thoughts in the battle as your own.  For as you recognize Me from yourself, you must recognize the enemies voice from your own.  It is well with thee, My little one.  Selah.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Oct. 8, 2014

Song:  "This is My Resurrection song, this is My Hallelujah song...I AM watching over you, I AM holding onto you, in the middle of the night, in the middle of your storm...I AM..."

You see child, I love you.  With each passing day We grow more bonded together.  For We are a union.  You are a part of Me and I am a part of you.  We have relationship.  Many want what you have in Me, but, they are not willing to labor for it.  Relationship takes time.  It's a process.  Through the years relationship grows.  What you put into a relationship is what you can expect to get back, plus some.

If you are not spending time with a person, interacting, talking, sharing, and caring for one another, then you will have no relationship with that person.  For you both will drift apart and fade away from one another, and the distance between you shall widen like a chasm.  For you did not value the relationship, and so you lost the treasure that was once yours.  When you meet again down the road, you are strangers, you know who each other are, but there is no relationship, you are acquaintances, nothing more.  Sad, but true.

This is how many of My children are with Me.  They know about Me, but, they do not spend any time in getting to know Me.  They think I will be at their beckon call, whenever they need Me, but, they never think about what I might need or require.  It's one-sided.  This is not a relationship.  Selah.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Oct. 7, 2014

My child, I love how you love Me.  My love flows freely through you.  My spirit is alive and active in you, My dear one.  Much understanding is coming to you, do not allow yourself to be overwhelmed.  Do not try to keep everything in the forefront of your mind.  I am seeding it into your memory bank and you will be able to draw from it when you need to.  Oh, how you've grown in these past few months.  You have succeeded in taking more territory on your lot.  You have expanded your views of who I am, and you have unburdened yourself of many false teachings.  For as I reveal Myself, you are seeing clearly the Truths from the lies.  This pleases Me child, your desire for Truth, pleases Me much.

As I reveal more to you, and you do not understand it, you do not cast My Truth aside in rejection, no, you simply receive it, and trust that you will understand it, at My appointed time.  This is Wisdom, dwelling with you now.  This is growth.  As long as you are willing and open to My teaching you, you shall understand and grow, more and more, as We interact and grow together in the bond of unity and love.  My child, My dove, My Bride, you are transparent with Me, for you know I see all, and your heart is an open book for Me to write on.  I desire to dwell with you in complete transparency with you as well.  Our journey is a process.  My Truths take time to process and digest.  This is good for you to go slow on the path of understanding,  so as not to be overwhelmed.  You, My love are becoming stronger in Me.  Your roots are deep, and firmly established in My garden.  You are well watered.  I watch over you, My beautiful child.  I love to watch you grow.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Oct. 6, 2014

My child, the dreams you have do have hidden meanings.  You must seek out the Truth behind the pictures.  This is why it is a good idea to write them down when you awaken, so as to be able to go back and ponder them.

I speak many parables and unlock mysteries in the night season.  I shall be speaking to you more and more in your dreams, dear one.  You must go through and endure these messages in the night.  I shall unscramble the coded message in the dream.

You see child, symbols, I use many symbols to relay detailed messages in dreams and visions.  You are learning this.  Do not let your heart be troubled.  Do not cast aside your peace.  For you have much to learn, and I shall use many different things to teach you and open your understanding.

I love you, My little one.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Oct. 5, 2014

Beloved, there are many things you do not understand.  But, you are learning and experiencing much now.  The information you are receiving is in snippets, here a little and there a little.  Some of it does not make sense at this time.  But, it will all make sense at the appointed time.  You must trust Me in this.  You are to be a witness to many things that will transpire around you, even though you may not understand it at the time.  I can see the bigger picture, you must stay with Me in the spirit for a clearer perspective.  I do not require you to know everything or understand all that you are seeing or hearing now.  I only require you to stay close to Me and witness these things coming to pass now.  Oh, My little one, do not become discouraged in the battle.  These things must come to pass, for the hour of cleansing is upon you all now.  You are being drawn deeper and deeper into Me.  This is where you belong.  You must stay on this path, you cannot go on someone else's path, for they have to complete their own journey for themselves.  As you see things, pray.