Sunday, October 19, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Oct. 19, 2014

Song:  "Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord, as we wait upon the Lord, as we wait upon the Lord..."

All who come to Me shall be strengthened, revived and renewed.  For in Me is everything you need.  I Am Mercy, and I Am Grace.  I am more than sufficient for you.  Oh, My love, My dear one, let not your heart be downcast or troubled.  Do not grow weary in doing good, or in your waiting season.  To everything there is a purpose and a plan.  I see all, I know all.  You must fully Trust Me in all things.  I Am in control, nothing shall escape My notice or be kept secret from Me.  I see all.  I have plans that you know not of.  You are Mine, and I tell you what you need to know, when I share with you in our bedchambers.  You have been prepared, and made ready for this season.

Many shall see Me in you, for you shall walk and talk like Me.  I have placed healing in your hands and I have strengthened your faith.  You are now seeing things through My beautiful eyes of love, this pleases Me.  You are ready child, for whatever you shall face, as long as you stay connected to Me.  As you endeavor to touch Me, you remain close, tucked under My wing.  I am your source of everything you need.  Nothing is impossible for Me.  You are a faithful wife.  I will take care of you.  My spirit is strong in you, I can feel your heart beating next to Mine.  We are one.  You are in the midst of change and you shall face many challenges.  Fear not, as you go through it.  Everything must fall aside and only I remain.  Hold loosely now, all, you hold dear, for all is Mine, and if I take it away, it is for My plan and purpose, you must Trust Me little one.  In everything there is a season.  Selah.

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