Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Oct. 15, 2014

As you spend time in My presence, you are refreshed and renewed.  For only in My presence will you find what your heart longs for.  Oh, beloved, let My wind under the wings of My spirit refresh and revive you today.  For you are Mine.  Just Rest in Me, Knowing Me, thinking of Me, and just enjoy being with Me today.  Rest in Me child.  For the spirit within you is resting in Me now.  My peace flows through your being.  All shall be in order for you, as the world shall experience chaos, you shall be in My perfect peace, for you have been prepared.  You have chosen to dwell in Me, deeply seated in My abode.  You have yielded to the slightest pressure from My hand.  You are supple and pliable to Me, as I continue My work in you, you surrender all to Me, you willingly yield to all I do, and require of you.  Many have squandered their time on worldly things.  They have stored up nothing for which to draw out in times of need.  But, you, My faithful dove, have stored much within your walls.  there is plenty within your chambers to draw from.  I shall use you to feed others, as they will be weary, bloodied and torn from their battles.  You shall apply My healing balm, you shall bind up their wounds, you shall lead them to My place of rest, you shall point them to Me, for it is Me, My light, My power, My love they seek.  The world is a dark place, and the darkness will become thicker and darker now.  It shall be clear who are Mine, and who have been fooling themselves, for they truly do not know Me.  There is no history between us, there is no relationship.  They do not come to hear and so they shall not hear, they shall not know.  But, for the ones who do come to hear, they shall hear.  For they are seeking Me, and they that truly seek Me, shall find Me.  Selah.

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