Sunday, October 5, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - Oct. 5, 2014

Beloved, there are many things you do not understand.  But, you are learning and experiencing much now.  The information you are receiving is in snippets, here a little and there a little.  Some of it does not make sense at this time.  But, it will all make sense at the appointed time.  You must trust Me in this.  You are to be a witness to many things that will transpire around you, even though you may not understand it at the time.  I can see the bigger picture, you must stay with Me in the spirit for a clearer perspective.  I do not require you to know everything or understand all that you are seeing or hearing now.  I only require you to stay close to Me and witness these things coming to pass now.  Oh, My little one, do not become discouraged in the battle.  These things must come to pass, for the hour of cleansing is upon you all now.  You are being drawn deeper and deeper into Me.  This is where you belong.  You must stay on this path, you cannot go on someone else's path, for they have to complete their own journey for themselves.  As you see things, pray.  

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