*note: As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:
Beloved, you are learning many things about My Kingdom, do not worry that you will not keep up, you are doing fine. I see you, soaking in My information like a sponge. It is well with thee and Me. It is good to tarry, and ponder over this information so as to fully digest it and absorb it. For only in the digestion and absorbtion can you cleave to it and have it transform your reality. I have told you, and I bring it to your remembrance again, everything that you have known will become undone. As I break forth My hammer upon these walls that bind you, all that you have known must come down, for I am Truth, and I shall set you free completely. For as I am so shall you be, you shall see clearly the transformation. You have stepped from death into life. As you move, and breath, you move and breath in Me. You are living in the spirit, My little one, there is no darkness here.
In the world many shall see your light and they shall come and grasp for the light that you have. I am taking you through these teachings to equip you and better your understanding of My ways. For as you see, you shall overcome more and more walls. This is your transformation. Your understanding of Me is broadening. As you sit, eager, attentive, burning inside to understand more, and yet you do not grow weary of Me or learning. You hear clearly now, dear one. These lessons you have learned well. Now, as you sit at My table you are filled with wonder and thanksgiving at the feast before you. You can eat your fill daily, and still come back to Me for more. There is always more to learn of My Ways and My Kingdom.
Take your time, let these truths I speak to you through My Spirit soak in, ponder them, ask Me to reveal them to you so that you can understand. I am here to help you through this passage, Oh, My dear one, My heart thrills at the sight of your eager heart to learn more of Me. You seek Me out, you search for Me in everything, you see Me hidden in everything now. For I, and I alone have opened your eyes. I am your leader and teacher. It blesses Me to have you draw near to hear. Oh, this is what My soul longs for. To be in relationship with My children, My beautiful children. To simply abide with you now, pleases Me, My dear one, it pleases Me much.
Each day you bring unto Me your gifts and I receive each one with an eager heart. I receive with open arms your love. I receive your adoration, I receive your tears, I receive your thanksgiving, but, most of all, My precious dove, I receive your eager heart, eager to be alone with Me, eager to hear from Me, eager to feel My nearness and My love. Oh, My dear one, this is what My soul longs for from each of My children. Though the road is long and you journey on, you are patient with Me, you Trust only Me, you seek only Me, you live only for Me now, what a treasure you are, My dear one. What a fragrance you emit to Me, fully persuaded that I am all you need. Fully surrendered to Me as your source. For you live and breath and move in Me.
I am pleased with your progress, My little one. I see you on the path, can you see Me now, come and let us walk together, come unto Me now. Close your eyes, My precious one, and come.
Vision: As I close my eyes I see Jesus beckoning Me on the path, it's a hilly dirt path with green lush grasses and trees and flowers, it's a beautiful day, the temperature is perfect, I go to meet Him and He holds out His hand, I take His hand and we go strolling on the path talking and visiting. I can't hear what we are saying for I am seeing this unfold in front of me, as we walk down the path it dips and slopes and sometimes I lose sight of the two of us walking the path, we are traveling down the path together. I feel secure, comfortable, happy, contented and loved...the vision ends as we continue to walk down the path.