Thursday, April 17, 2014

Hearing God - Sept. 3, 2013

The Lord showed Me this today:

Rosh Ha Shana is the first day of the Jewish new year.  A high, holy day.  In it it has ten days of repentance these ae the first ten days of the Hebrew month, beginning on Rosh Ha Shana and culminating on Yom Kippur.

Rosh Ha Shana begins on Sept. 4 at sunset and continues through nightfall Sept. 6 (followed by Shabbat)

Days of Awe-Rosh Ha Shana in essence is when We crown God King of the Universe

True Authority - is absolute, it commands not advises.

On Rosh Ha Shana we devote two days to the search for the voice of authority.

Hearing God - Sept. 4, 2013

My child you are here, you are faithful, that pleases Me.  Many say they love Me, but they do not come to Me, they do not seek Me out, they do not listen to Me.

 If you do not listen how will you know what I'm saying today.  How will you know what I want you to do.  Do not doubt you hear Me, believe you are hearing Me.  I come and reveal Myself to all who are truly, diligently seeking Me.  I want you to know Me.  I want to reveal Myself to you.

 This is the beginning of a new year, Rosh Ha Shana.  Much will happen this year that has never happened before.  Trust Me and keep going no matter what happens on your earth.  I am here with you always.  My plan is unfolding before you.  I am your keeper.  Trust Me child.  I am your waymaker.  Live in Me, dwell in Me.  Keep your focus on Me.  My light in you will draw people to you.  My voice will guide you in all your ways, do not fear.   I love you My little one, I am here.

Hearing God - Sept. 5, 2013

You do not hear Me because you do not listen.  My still small voice can be heard when you quiet yourself and your voices in your head that are trying to draw you away from Me.  I am here.  You just need to diligently seek Me out and patiently wait upon Me.  When you can't hear Me, I am testing you.

You have not heard the shofars blowing, but yet you believe they are blowing, that is faith and that pleases Me.  Trust Me child, in all things, My WILL will be done.  I am God, and there is no other.  Man must know and understand that I am God.  I will show forth My power and might, and all will know that I am the I am.  You are Mine, My beloved and I will take care of you.  I will provide and I will protect you.  Do not worry over your mom she is coming home soon.  Do not worry over your brother, he has his own journey with Me.  You focus on your own journey with Me.

  I will now reveal Myself through My power in the earth.  Stay close to Me child, closer and closer, do not turn to the right or the left, but keep on the path I have put you on.  I love you, My little one and I will never forsake you.  Lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Me and I will direct your path.  Stay with Me.  Keep your faith till the end, and all will go well with you.  I am with you, till the end.

Hearing God - Sept. 7, 2013

I am here child. I am pleased with thee.  You are to take one day at a time now.  Focus on Me, lean not on your own understanding.  Much is changing in your world now.  But, I have you in the palm of my hand.  I will always protect you and provide for you.  For you are Mine.  My ways are holy.  You My little dove are to continue on this path of holiness and service unto Me.  Nothing will happen in your life that I do not allow.  Trust Me in all things.  Your eternal summer is here.

 Great shall be the affliction on mankind, but not My chosen few, you are the apple of My eye.  My eyes are always upon you.  Shelter in Me.  Dwell in Me.  Seek to dwell in the spirit more and more.  It is My desire to know you intimately and for you to know Me intimately.  I do not reveal all My secrets to one person.  I reveal different things to different ones.  I choose, who and what I will reveal in My timing.  Many are hearing the shofars blowing now, for great is the hour now in man's destiny.  Do not be dismayed that you are not hearing the shofars.  I have heard your prayers to hear them.  It is enough that you want to hear them.  It is not your time yet.  I will let you know when it is your time.  For now stay hidden in Me.  Stay focused on Me and Me alone.

  Your journey with Me is precious.  No one else can be on this journey with you, each one has to come to Me on their own accord, I will reveal Myself to all who diligently seek Me.  I am God.  You know Me personally, you are willing to listen and obey all My instructions and correction.  You want to put Me first in all things, you want to hear Me so you hear Me.  You are one of My vessels, a light in the darkness.  As gross darkness comes, your light will shine brightly and you will be a beacon for all.  You will draw people to Me.  By your words you will direct people to Me.  You will show them how to find Me.  You will be an encourager to the lost.

  Much is in the works now.  You are Mine and I will never let you go.  Drink deeply now of My love.  Drink deeply now of My presence, walk now My beloved in My peace.  Carry My peace with you wherever you go.  I love you, I love you, daughter you are home in Me.  Daughter you are dear to Me, for I know your heart.  As a deer pants for water, your soul longs after Me.  As you come before Me and wait on Me, you are refreshed and restored, for in My presence is fullness of joy.  Do not fear.  I have not sent to you a spirit of fear.  Rebuke fear whenever you encounter it.

 I am love, be filled now with My love. Rest now in Me, My little one, My dove.  All will go well with you.  I am here.  I have cleansed you from all unrighteousness, it is well with your soul.  I have heard your prayers for your mom and I accept them and have cleansed her from all unrighteousness, I will soon take her home with Me, for it is well with her soul.  This bed of affliction is momentary, but I am eternal and she will live with me throughout eternity.  She is one of My saints, but not My Bride, you My beloved dove are a part of My Bride and I will require much from you in the days ahead.  Stay ready and willing to hear Me, you must constantly repent immediately when I correct or convict you, keep yourself clean and your garments spotless and without blemishes.  You are beautiful to Me and I love you dearly, you and I are one.  Do not be troubled by what I am doing in and through others, though you do not understand.  It is enough.  They are on their own journey with Me, just as you are.  Peace be still and know that I am here.

Abba Father and Yehushua HaMashiach

Stay close now little one.

Hearing God - Sept. 10, 2013

I am here child, I see you.  Do not worry about the others.  Keep your focus on Me..  Stay close to Me now.  As far as the east is from the west I will never leave you.  My comfort is forever.  I do not forsake My own.  Those who trust in Me will never be disappointed.  I love you child, you are Mine.  I am not a man that I should lie.  I am God.  What I tell you will happen is going to happen.  My ways are not your ways.  Trust Me child and all will go well with you.  Repent often and keep your garment white and free of spots or blemishes.  Behold, I come quickly.

 Stay ready.  Be strong in Me.  You must fight the good fight of faith.  I am here.  Do not fear.  I have already gone before you and made a way for you.  Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord God delivers them out of them all.  Your mom is with Me now.  If you would have been up waiting for Me yesterday, I would have told you before you got the call.  I am here and do not leave My beloveds.  I see all their trials and pains.  Everything has a purpose, you may not see it or understand it, but Trust Me, everything has a purpose, every trial or test that comes your way is for refining you and making you fit for My Kingdom.  Compassion comes from your experiences.  Perseverance and Endurance is developed in the trial.  Longsuffering is only given to a few... the ones who don't quit.  The ones who TRUST Me to the end, like your mom.

  Love grows in the midst of great pain, and flows out of the ones who have suffered much.  My love is a gift, it is to be shared.  My love will sustain you in every test and trial you face.  Never give up, for I never give up on you.  Each of you has a journey to Me.  All roads do not lead home.  Only those who TRUST Me in all things and endure till the end will find their place in Me.  I leave no one out, but each must come to Me alone.  Those who diligently seek Me out for themselves WILL find Me and not be disappointed.  Tell them behold, I come quickly.
Be ready.

Hearing God - Sept. 11, 2013

The tribulation starts now.  Everyone alive now will enter it.  Much change is coming, nothing will remain the same.  Nothing you trust in will be able to help.  I honored your prayer and took your mom out before it came.  Now it comes.  TRUST Me only, no one and nothing else.

 Do you hear the dove, I am here child, I never leave you alone.  I am the one who will take you home.  Do not be afraid, do not fear, for I am here.  I love you and will never leave you or forsake you.  I am your greatest resource now.

  Listen carefully to all My instructions.  Pack a backpack for each of you, and be ready to move when I tell you too.  I love you child, TRUST Me, trust only Me.  I will lead you and guide you every step of the way.  Your life is in My hands.   I love you child.  Do not be dismayed by what is coming now upon your earth.  TRUST Me, trust no one else.  Do not doubt My words.  War is coming to America and all the earth, so be it.  I will cleanse this land, I will rebuild this earth, and no evil will stand.  I am almighty God and I do as I please.  No one and nothing controls Me.

 Love is a key in this time ahead.  Surrender is a key in this time ahead.  You must obey Me in all things.  You must not doubt Me when I speak now.  Move forward in Me, do not turn back, keep your eye on the prize "Me".  The road ahead is long and perilous, but I go before you and make a way.  Follow Me, step by step in My footprints.  I will never leave you or forsake you.  I am here child.  Listen to the cooing of the dove.  She does'nt fear, she is at peace and rest in Me, for I alone am her peace and she sings her sweet song for Me, you are My dove and your lifes song is a sweet smelling sacrifice to Me.

As you patiently sit before Me and worship Me and listen, I will speak to you every morning.  I am pouring My oil upon you and filling your lamp.  Keep coming daily to Me no matter where you are.  This is the most important thing you can do right now.

They that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength.  They shall mount up on wings like eagles, they shall run and not grow weary.  They shall hear Me and obey.  They shall go forth in My peace, and nothing shall by any means harm them.  Nothing shall by any means harm you, you are in the palm of My hand.  I have strengthened you for the journey ahead.  Take one day at a time in Me child.  I will lead and guide you.  I am the good shepherd and I will take care of My sheep.  Put no thought for tomorrow.   Live only in today and stay clean and ready.  Focused completely on My coming for you.  For Behold, I come quickly now.  I come for the ones who are looking for Me.  I speak to ALL.  But only the ones who are diligently seeking Me shall hear Me.  I am not a respector of persons, I reward all who diligently seek Me.

Hearing God - Sept. 12, 2013

You are My beloved Bride and nothing shall by any means harm you.  I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.  You shall witness many things.  Don't be alarmed.  Do not allow fear to reside in you.  I am here.  I dwell in you and with you at all times.  TRUST ME and no one else.  Trust Me in everything.  I will make a way of escape for you.  Listen and hearken to My voice.  I will lead you everyday, trust Me and stay close.

 I will turn your world upside down.  You shall be protected through it all.  Stay close to Me and do not stray.  Many will be afflicted now.  You are not responsible to care for them.  I will tell you who to help and I will tell you when to help.  I will throw many on a bed of affliction, to test and purge them of their sin and iniquity.  Do not interfere with My judgement.  Stay close to Me, stay alert.

Only help those I tell you to.  Focus on Me, I will take care of you and your family.  Trust Me in all things.  Move with Me in all things.  I am here.  I will never let you go.  As far as the east is from the west I love you.  My love for you knows no bounds, nothing shall by any means harm you.

  Do not judge others.  Leave them to Me.  Their life is in My hands.  I choose who lives or dies.  My plans for each one are unfolding now.  You My beloved, are set apart, protected, I will deliver you from these testing times.

 Much cleansing is needed on the earth now.  I will cleanse and heal My land.  The earth is Mine and the fullness there of (everything in it).  I am in charge, do not doubt this fact.  I am your ever present help in time of danger.  Do not be concerned for tommorrow, live day by day in Me.  Your life is in My hands.  I will shelter you My dove, My little one.

 Though the earth shakes and trembles.  Though the mountains fall away and tumble into the sea, I am here, and it will go well with thee.  TRUST Me child.  I will never leave you alone or forsake you.  For you are  Mine and you cling to Me.  I will come for you, but for now, stay alive, live each day in Me and for Me.

 I shall draw many to Me through you.  Do not be deceived by the alien invasion coming.  Or by the cataclysmic events unfolding.  All these things must come, but the end is not yet.  I will protect you and your family.  For you are Mine.  Hold on child, daughter stand firm.

Hearing God - Sept. 13, 2013

My child, My child great change is coming to the earth.  Get ready for it, do not fear the changes for I will protect and keep you.  These things must come to pass.  Do not fear for I have already told you about it.  You must trust Me and follow My lead every day.  Change is coming.  You are ready for the change.  Things never seen before in America and on earth are coming, I will shake everything.  I will prosper what I want to prosper.  The time is now to seek Me and find Me.  Do not turn away from Me in your hour of testing.  I will deliver you.  I alone am your source.  Focus on Me child, do not be distracted.  I am all you need.  I am Lord, God, and King of All.

 Many will die soon, do not be dismayed.  My plan is unfolding.  I will preserve you in the days ahead.  Open your mouth and I will fill it.  I will send people your way, speak when I tell you to and stay silent when I tell you to.  Nothing will happen to you that I do not see or allow, TRUST ME child, I will deliver you.  Daughter, you are Mine.

Hearing God - April 17, 2014

Oh My child, My dear one it is well with thee.  As you are faithful to come, I am pleased with thee.  As you allow Me I fill more and more of thee with My goodness.  I wish to fill all of My creation with more of Me.  I WILL, that all would come and seek My face and sit before Me.  Keep praying in tongues My dear one, for you are strengthening yourself in Me.  Keep declaring and decreeing health, wholeness and completeness in your body, mind and spirit.  Keep your confession of faith, do not let negative words come out of your mouth.

Do not let worry or fear gain any ground in your mind.  Cast these thoughts out immediately.  Do not think upon the symptoms manifesting in your body, COMMAND THEM TO GO.  Then COMMAND your body to be complete, whole and restored in Me.  Each time you do this you increase your faith.  IT IS working, IT IS manifesting in your body, do not back off.  Keep commanding and declaring wholeness and restoration in your body and you shall surely see it.  This is one of your battlegrounds, you must remain strong and stedfast in your faith.  You have complete control over your own body, I gave you My Authority.  Now, walk in your Authority, so be it.

Hearing God - April 16, 2014

Without Me, without a personal relationship with Me, no man will see God.  I require all to seek Me out.  I am not playing games.  I am no respector of persons.  Many shall enter the Kingdom at death.  But the rapture is for a chosen few.  The few, the faithful, the Bride.  This has been written in My word.  But not understood.   I shall snatch My Bride in a moment when you think not.  Boom, there it is, "SUDDENLY'' shall be upon you.  You shall all be taken by surprise.  This is why it is urgent that you stay alert and be watching for Me.  I know your heart My love.  I see you, every moment I see you.  I am not distant from you, My beloved.

 I see each life unfolding before Me day by day.  I see the good, I see the struggles, I see the bad.  I know each circumstance that each person is going through and that is why I will judge and recompence each one accordingly.  When I judge, MY LOVE, and MY FURY shall go forth in My glory.  I shall not allow you to suffer loss My dear one.  You, I shall protect.  For you know Me.  You abide in Me and I abide in you.  It is well with thee, My love.  I love you.

Hearing God - April 15, 2014

ALWAYS put Me first child.  ALWAYS put Me first.  I see your heart and I see your motives.  I love you child.  I love you.  Many shall come and say they are Me or sent by Me, but I tell you now they are not.  Test the spirits.  Ask them what their name is?  It should be Jesus Christ of Nazareth or Yeshua HaMashiach.  Test and discern their voice.  You know My voice.  Discern.  There shall be many tests and challenges ahead, but Remember, I am here.

I will help you, Just ask for My help.  This is why it is so important to read your bible.  My word is a roadmap of Truth.  As long as you follow Me closely and seek Me out for all truth you will not be deceived.  Always ask Me for help.  Do not lean on your own understanding.  Discern, ask Me for more discernment.  Many will try to lead you astray.  Ask Me, bring everything to Me.  I shall show you the truth in all things.

Do not step out ahead of Me.  Stay on this path I have placed you on.  Stay the course.  Be alert.  Be on guard.  Focus on Me in all things let Me be your focus, and I shall lead you through every test and challenge as it arises.  I love you child.  Now go start your day.

Hearing God - April 14, 2014

Song:  "and all the people said amen, woooooooooah, and all the people said amen..."

Singing is a way of opening up your praise to Me.  I love singing, I love praise, I love music.  I love prayer.  Prayer is a beautiful melody to Me.  I love to hear My children pray.  I love to speak to My children.  I love to listen to My children speak to Me.

  I love how you come and wait upon Me.  For in this I see your heart.  If you truly want to know someone you spend time with them and you make time for them.  Thus you build a relationship.  It shows Me you value Me when you wait upon Me.   It allows Me to pour My love and My oil upon you.  As you enter in to seek Me and only Me, it pleases Me.

Many don't know Me as you do child.  Many are content to know about Me, but they do not truly know Me personally.  I desire to be known.  I desire to be loved.  I love all of My creation.  I am not distant I am here.  Much is coming upon your world now.  Much you will not understand.  Just focus on Me and ask Me any questions you may have and I will surely answer thee and help you navigate through it all.  Do not worry.  Do not fear.  Ask Me to go with you everywhere, invite Me into everything you're doing.  I love to be a part of everything you do.

Hearing God - April 13, 2014

I shall show you many things now.  I shall reveal more to you for you have been faithful in putting My words up.  Continue to speedily get them up for Me.  As you think upon Me, and meditate upon Me and My word it draws Me closer and closer to you.  This blesses me child when you seek after Me.  By your continual pursuit of Me I am warmed in My heart.  I feel your love and adoration like a burning coal.  It's so beautiful to Me to know you love Me and want to spend time with Me.

 As you seek to understand, ask Me for more understanding.  I WILL, that you know Me and My mysteries.  All you have to do is ask and I will reveal Myself more.  You are walking in the Kingdom now.  You are understanding more of your authority that I have given you.  Do not trouble yourself on how everything is going to unfold.  Keep your heart stayed and focused on Me.  I lead and you follow.  Whatever test or trial comes your way.  Remember, I am with you, I will protect you, I will provide for you and I will help you.

Think of the people in Goshen.  They were protected from all the plagues I sent into Egypt.  They lived in Egypt, yet they were protected.  They had light, even though Egypt was plunged into total darkness.  They had water, even though Egypt had blood for water.  I was there with them as I am here with you.  As I rained down hail from the sky on Egypt none of My people were harmed, none of their animals or possessions were damaged, even though they were right there as slaves working in the homes, in the vineyards, in the fields, on the roads, outside in the building of bricks.  They were there in Egypt when all of these plagues were going on.  Yes, they lived in Goshen, but they also lived and worked in Egypt.  See, My child, they were right in the midst of My judgements, yet I protected everyone of them.  So, it shall be for thee and thy family.

 I want you to look up Goshen in the Strong's concordance and study it, it shall reveal much to you child.  As My passover approaches once again, it pleases Me that you are thinking upon it and wanting to honor Me with a fast.  You may feast and celebrate the passover with Me.  Do not eat leavened bread, use tortillas and such.  Leaven represents sin and there should be no sin in the camp.  Remember, when I delivered them, they left wealthy, healthy, and whole.  They were strong in body, but not in spirit,  they did not understand My ways.  They did not spend time with Me personally as you do.  You have allowed Me to prepare your vessel and it is well with thee.  It is good that you want to Remember and participate in My feast days.  This pleases Me, for these days are memorials to Me for My goodness and love.

 I want you to study the Exodus out of Egypt, I will show you many things as you come and pursue this with Me as your guide.  I love this dance that We are doing.  It makes Me happy as you seek to know Me.  I have many gifts that I would like to give you.  I have given you a greater measure of faith and a greater portion of My love so you can love people as I love them, you have asked for these gifts and I am pleased to give them to you.  But, I have much more to share.

 Ask Me child.  Ask Me for My treasures that I have for you, ask Me and I shall surely give them to you.  My beloved it pleases Me that you seek Me and not earthly things.  My treasures are not earthly at all, they are manifested by the fruit of the spirit:  love, joy, peace, gentleness, self-control, patience, long-suffering.  My gifts and jewels can only be attained in the spirit.  They will be manifested in the physical, but they come by the spirit.  This is a spiritual journey you are on with Me.  I shall equip you with every good gift you need, for you are faithful My love.  You have endured much and much shall be given unto you now.  For you are ready to take the keys and manifest My Kingdom.  Arise and shine child for the time of your anointing has come.  I love you My dove.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Hearing God - April 12, 2014

Song:  "Praise the name of Jesus, Jesus, Jesus"

You're not focusing on Me.  When you focus on Me, you can hear Me.

Song:  "Come away with Me, ah ah ah ah ah, come away with Me into a quiet place of rest"

Eye has not seen nor has the thought entered into man the splendor and majesty that awaits My people. For My faithful and true followers this life will be an affliction for a little while and then all will be revealed in My Fathers perfect time and will.  No one knows the hour.  No one knows exactly how everything is going to play out only My Father knows.  I live to do My Fathers will.  You My child must keep your focus on Me at all times.  I want you to be so full of Me that you will not be distracted or deceived.  Many shall be and are deceived right now.  They think they are following Me, but they only give Me lip service.  They do not give Me their hearts.  They do not know Me personally.  Many will say "Lord, Lord let Me in, I'm yours", but I will have to tell them "No, I do not know you, depart from Me ye workers of iniquity".  My true children will not be sinning willfully when I come, they shall and are trying to live holy and pure lives.  They do stumble, but they Repent, and try again and again.  They are not content to live in their sin any longer.  They long to be righteous.  They long to be pleasing to Me.  They long to be with Me.  They do not lust after the worlds treasures any longer.  They do not seek after the pleasures of the earth.  They seek Me for comfort, for love and for pleasure.  They enjoy spending time with Me.  They expect to hear from Me, and they are eager to come and hear from Me.  My children are eager to Know Me More.  They grow restless when they have not made a daily connection to Me.  Their hearts are turned to Me.  Their ears are listening.  Their eyes are watching.  They ponder over My ways.  They seek after Me.  They don't run to and fro seeking a word, no.  They come to Me directly and seek My council, not man's.  These are My children.  These are the one's who belong to My Kingdom.  I long for all to come and get to know Me personally.  I long for each soul to have a relationship with Me.  Alas, it shall not be so.  Man is so wrapped up in his intellect and ensnared by worldly concerns that time slips away and they have no time for Me.  My truth remains hidden and distant from many.  But, I am here and I WILL that everyone hear My calling and come.  Everyone has free will and everyone must make his own personal choice.  But to those who choose wisely, who come and sit at My table they shall be fed.  To those who come and wait before Me at My feet I shall reveal much for they have chosen wisely.  I am what they seek and I will reward and nurture each thirsty heart.  I shall mend their broken places.  I shall heal them, I shall restore them, I shall love them with an unquenchable love.  For this is what I truly long for.  To have a family.  To have a deep personal relationship with each and every one of My sons and daughters.  I speak constantly, but few hear.  I watch, I listen, I record each life, every word, thought or deed.  As you live out your life, I am recording your story.  Every life has a book to record their story.  For I am the one who created each soul.  I am connected to each soul, but each soul has to come and connect itself back to Me.  I am the source of all life.  I am the vine.

My light is in you child.  Your lamp is full of oil.  Your lamp is trimmed.  You are My beloved dove and I am well pleased with you.  Oh, My little dove I go with you through out your day.  My peace covers you now dear one, do not worry.  My peace is with you.  Comfort yourself with My peace, cast off dread and worry now.  Tell it to leave and proclaim My peace over your day.

I read your heart child, I know what troubles you without you speaking a word.

Song:  "Peace, peace, wonderful peace, flowing down from the Father above..sweep over My spirit again precious Lord, in fathomless billows of Love..."

Friday, April 11, 2014

Hearing God - Sept.14, 2013

Daughter, you are My dove, My little dove and nothing can separate you from Me.  I will take you home soon.  Do not fear, Rebuke fear.  Stay in faith.  Cling to Me like never before.  I love you.  Peace be still and know that I am God.  Nothing happens that I don't allow.  I see all.  I know all.  I will recompence and reward all.  Your life is in Me.  I know you, and it will go well with you.  It is well with your soul, for you trust Me in all things, and that pleases Me child, that pleases Me.  I am a rewarder of those who diligently seek Me, and you have found Me.  I will never let you go.  Stay close now.  Change is coming.  Remain strong in Me.  Never take your eyes off of Me.  Pack your bag, you will be traveling soon.

Hearing God - Sept. 15, 2013

I only have dreams recorded for the 16, 17, and 18 I do not have the interpretations so I will not blog them at this time.

This is what I heard for the 15th:

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord God delivers them up out of them all.  Where will you be tomorrow, only I know.  For I hold you in the palm of My hand.  Nothing escapes Me, My little one, nothing goes unnoticed.  My plan is unfolding now.  I am in charge of everything.  TRUST no one but Me.  I am your life force.  I am your saving grace.  I am your all sufficient one.  I will deliver you from all your troubles and trials.  You will live with Me one day.  Soon, very, very soon I will take you home with Me.  In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.   I will come.  Look for Me always.  For I come in a moment that you think not.  Be ready, stay ready.  Repent often, do not let much time pass between thinking of Me and Repenting.  For this cleanses you from your stains, blemishes and wrinkles, it allows Me to remove all of the unrighteousness that builds up in and on you daily in this fallen world.  I am alive in you.  I go before you and beside you.  I am also your rear guard.  Nothing escapes Me.  I will protect you child trust me in all things and circumstances.  I am alive in you, and I never leave you.

Hearing God - Sept. 19, 2013

I am here child.  I love you.  I never leave you.  Thank you for being faithful to come.  I am a rewarder to all who diligently seek Me.  I am God, and there is no other.  I live.  I live in you and around you.  I am everywhere all the time.

Dream:  I am in the gym and kids are playing wall ball on the wall with the volleyball decorations and the volleyballs decorations are falling off the wall.  I look and before that the Varsity volleyballs are missing, only the jr high balls are on the wall.  I ask the sports administrator for help and he says there is really nothing he can do and I suggest moving the volleyballs to their locker room to protect them from damage, even though they will not be seen and I ask a couple of parents if they want to help me.  Then dream ends.  (vivid, full color-we are in gym 3)

Answer to dream:  You're so wrapped up in things that don't matter.  You need to focus on Me and My Kingdom.  This is the only thing that will last.  My ways are not hard to understand.  You just have to pay attention and listen and watch carefully.  Much will be revealed to you soon.  I am constantly watching over you My little one.  I am never far from you.  Trust Me, and dwell in My peace.  Take My peace with you.  Let it be your guide.  Let wisdom walk beside you, these days you will need to stay close and dwell in Me as never before.  I give you wisdom to guide you in your journey to Me.  Take heart I will never leave you or forsake you.  Do not be troubled by the troubles you see in others.  This is not for you to be concerned with.  Focus on Me.  I alone am your goal.

Dream:  My husband is taking me to a store.  We are in a tall SUV type vehicle and are driving very close to the ocean, there is no sand, the water is lapping the edge of the road, and then we are driving through the water, ocean water is everywhere, I can't see the road.
Dream transitions to the store...where there is a counter and people standing in line on both sides and I'm not sure where to go or what to do.  My husband is sitting in a large, red chair.  Behind him is a dish of some sort of cereal with a sticky honey syrup on it, there are bite size servings on the plate for people to try.  My husband gets up to go to the counter and I sit in his chair and sample the cereal.  It is very tasty as I eat it.  My husband is watching me and smiles.

Answer to dream:  Husband represents Jesus
Ocean or sea represents people or multitudes
My husband is leading me and I am following him.

Hearing God - Sept. 20, 2013

Focus on Me, I alone am your source.  I know your beginning and your end.  I will lead you in all truth and righteousness.  Much is coming to your earth.  Do not fear.  I will provide for you and protect you. Do not worry about others.  I will deal with everyone according to My will.  You, My child are to follow Me.  Do not look to the right or the left, stay close to Me and do not stray.  I am right here with you, every step of the way.  Trust Me.  Stay close.  Listen to Me only.  Follow Me.  I have great plans for you.  Our journey is beginning to heat up.  It's an exciting time.  Don't quit on Me.  Don't doubt Me ever.  Stay strong in Me.  I am the all sufficient one.  I will make all things new.  Are you ready child, it's going to be a rough ride in parts.  But Remember I go before you, and I am with you always, even unto the end.

Hearing God - Sept. 22, 2013

Stay the course My child, do not look back.  There is more going on than what you see.  I am here.  I am always with you.  You are my beloved, and I will never let you go.

  Trust Me in everything.  I will be with you throughout the day.  You are never alone.  I have My angels stationed all around you and they will be with you throughout the service today.  Your mom is with Me now.  She is in good hands.  She is in the garden visiting with friends.  She will never be lonely again.  Her journey home to me is complete.  But, yours is not.

  Press on My child.  Live each day focused on Me and Me alone.  I will direct your daily path.  Trust Me and My Holy Spirit within you, that unction you feel is My Holy Spirit directing and guiding you home.  Focus on Me, I will heal her (my daughter) foot.  The task before you is great.  But, I go before you.  Do not lose hope.  Remain strong in Me.  Rest in Me.  Dwell in My peace.  Take My peace with you.

SSSShhhhhh...Be still....and know that I am God.

Remain strong in Me, I need you strong in Me in the coming days ahead.  I will deliver you from all your tests and trials.  Much is coming.  Prepare yourself spiritually daughter, you were born to lead the weak.  You were born to light the path to Me.  You are one of My chosen vessels to finish this course with Me.  Remain strong in Me.  You have been faithful through every test and trial.  I am pleased with you daughter.

 Arise with healing in your wings, let love and power drip from your tongue as the honey from the comb.  Let Me guide your words through out today.  No one comes into the light, except through Me, I draw them.  I alone deal with every heart.  I require complete surrender to Me and My will.  I call everyone, but, alas few come.  They have excuse after excuse.  But still I call.  I am not willing to lose even one soul.  But each soul must be willing to hear Me and surrender all to Me.  When you surrender and open the door of your heart then I come in and guide you down the path to Me.

 Each soul has an individual path to Me.  Each journey is unique.  I talk all the time, but few listen as you do.  You are willing to hear.  So, you hear.  Not many days from now your world will change.  Do not worry about tomorrow.  Do not fear.  For I have already made a way for you.  Listen carefully and speak when I tell you to.

 Your candle has been lit, I have searched you deeply and you My beloved little dove are clean.  I can only use clean vessels.  Without purity no one will see God.  Keep yourself pure My beloved.  I am willing to help you every step of the way.  You must ask for My help, and keep inviting Me in.  As long as you yield to Me I will help you.  I love you.  Do not fear what you will see. You My child, My dear one ae strong in Me.  You will see many things.  Behold, I come quickly.  Keep your lamp trimmed and lit.  Repent often and keep yourself pure before Me.  Do not doubt that I am here, I am here always.  I may feel distant, but I am not, I am here.

Hearing God - Sept. 23, 2013

I am here child, I never leave your side.  I will always be here for you.  Change is here.  It is time for My Kingdom to come.  Do not look to your past.  Look to your future in Me.  Focus on Me.  Your life is in My hands.  I am in control of all things.  I will lead you, I will guide you.  All you have to do is follow Me.  I am here to help you, in all things.  Trust Me.  Draw strength from Me.  Dwell in Me.  Live in My peace.  I love you child.  I will soon take you home with Me.  There is much still to do.  Wait on Me daily.  Draw closer now My dear one.  Watch and witness what I am doing on the earth now.  I will protect you in everything.  Do not worry.  Do not fear.   I am here My child.  Peace, be still and know, I am here.  I will provide everything you need.