Friday, April 11, 2014

Hearing God - Sept. 19, 2013

I am here child.  I love you.  I never leave you.  Thank you for being faithful to come.  I am a rewarder to all who diligently seek Me.  I am God, and there is no other.  I live.  I live in you and around you.  I am everywhere all the time.

Dream:  I am in the gym and kids are playing wall ball on the wall with the volleyball decorations and the volleyballs decorations are falling off the wall.  I look and before that the Varsity volleyballs are missing, only the jr high balls are on the wall.  I ask the sports administrator for help and he says there is really nothing he can do and I suggest moving the volleyballs to their locker room to protect them from damage, even though they will not be seen and I ask a couple of parents if they want to help me.  Then dream ends.  (vivid, full color-we are in gym 3)

Answer to dream:  You're so wrapped up in things that don't matter.  You need to focus on Me and My Kingdom.  This is the only thing that will last.  My ways are not hard to understand.  You just have to pay attention and listen and watch carefully.  Much will be revealed to you soon.  I am constantly watching over you My little one.  I am never far from you.  Trust Me, and dwell in My peace.  Take My peace with you.  Let it be your guide.  Let wisdom walk beside you, these days you will need to stay close and dwell in Me as never before.  I give you wisdom to guide you in your journey to Me.  Take heart I will never leave you or forsake you.  Do not be troubled by the troubles you see in others.  This is not for you to be concerned with.  Focus on Me.  I alone am your goal.

Dream:  My husband is taking me to a store.  We are in a tall SUV type vehicle and are driving very close to the ocean, there is no sand, the water is lapping the edge of the road, and then we are driving through the water, ocean water is everywhere, I can't see the road.
Dream transitions to the store...where there is a counter and people standing in line on both sides and I'm not sure where to go or what to do.  My husband is sitting in a large, red chair.  Behind him is a dish of some sort of cereal with a sticky honey syrup on it, there are bite size servings on the plate for people to try.  My husband gets up to go to the counter and I sit in his chair and sample the cereal.  It is very tasty as I eat it.  My husband is watching me and smiles.

Answer to dream:  Husband represents Jesus
Ocean or sea represents people or multitudes
My husband is leading me and I am following him.

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