I shall show you many things now. I shall reveal more to you for you have been faithful in putting My words up. Continue to speedily get them up for Me. As you think upon Me, and meditate upon Me and My word it draws Me closer and closer to you. This blesses me child when you seek after Me. By your continual pursuit of Me I am warmed in My heart. I feel your love and adoration like a burning coal. It's so beautiful to Me to know you love Me and want to spend time with Me.
As you seek to understand, ask Me for more understanding. I WILL, that you know Me and My mysteries. All you have to do is ask and I will reveal Myself more. You are walking in the Kingdom now. You are understanding more of your authority that I have given you. Do not trouble yourself on how everything is going to unfold. Keep your heart stayed and focused on Me. I lead and you follow. Whatever test or trial comes your way. Remember, I am with you, I will protect you, I will provide for you and I will help you.
Think of the people in Goshen. They were protected from all the plagues I sent into Egypt. They lived in Egypt, yet they were protected. They had light, even though Egypt was plunged into total darkness. They had water, even though Egypt had blood for water. I was there with them as I am here with you. As I rained down hail from the sky on Egypt none of My people were harmed, none of their animals or possessions were damaged, even though they were right there as slaves working in the homes, in the vineyards, in the fields, on the roads, outside in the building of bricks. They were there in Egypt when all of these plagues were going on. Yes, they lived in Goshen, but they also lived and worked in Egypt. See, My child, they were right in the midst of My judgements, yet I protected everyone of them. So, it shall be for thee and thy family.
I want you to look up Goshen in the Strong's concordance and study it, it shall reveal much to you child. As My passover approaches once again, it pleases Me that you are thinking upon it and wanting to honor Me with a fast. You may feast and celebrate the passover with Me. Do not eat leavened bread, use tortillas and such. Leaven represents sin and there should be no sin in the camp. Remember, when I delivered them, they left wealthy, healthy, and whole. They were strong in body, but not in spirit, they did not understand My ways. They did not spend time with Me personally as you do. You have allowed Me to prepare your vessel and it is well with thee. It is good that you want to Remember and participate in My feast days. This pleases Me, for these days are memorials to Me for My goodness and love.
I want you to study the Exodus out of Egypt, I will show you many things as you come and pursue this with Me as your guide. I love this dance that We are doing. It makes Me happy as you seek to know Me. I have many gifts that I would like to give you. I have given you a greater measure of faith and a greater portion of My love so you can love people as I love them, you have asked for these gifts and I am pleased to give them to you. But, I have much more to share.
Ask Me child. Ask Me for My treasures that I have for you, ask Me and I shall surely give them to you. My beloved it pleases Me that you seek Me and not earthly things. My treasures are not earthly at all, they are manifested by the fruit of the spirit: love, joy, peace, gentleness, self-control, patience, long-suffering. My gifts and jewels can only be attained in the spirit. They will be manifested in the physical, but they come by the spirit. This is a spiritual journey you are on with Me. I shall equip you with every good gift you need, for you are faithful My love. You have endured much and much shall be given unto you now. For you are ready to take the keys and manifest My Kingdom. Arise and shine child for the time of your anointing has come. I love you My dove.