Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Hearing God - Dec. 21, 2914

Dreams:  about fasting and talking to ex-Jehovah's Witnesses about fasting and walking in love and not arguing with people about what you believe and telling them about how I hear God, and that I think He is going to call Me on a 40 day fast.

I am here child.  You can learn a lot about your dreams if you ask Me to show you and give you understanding.  Pay attention to the symbols and the parts on your dreams.  Many wonder over them and then they forget.  I speak in dreams.  You can hear  Me now as you sit and patiently wait upon Me, I love this about you.  I will open the door to understanding your dreams now for you.  For you are faithful to Me and you have been seeking Me out in this for understanding of your dreams.

  In this dream you had upon waking you are talking to "Jehovah's Witnesses" these were my ministering angels.  You are discussing fasting.  This is a reminder to you to fast for it will draw you closer to Me spiritually and loose the bonds of the flesh.  Fasting makes you stronger in Me.  This dream is to bring back to your remembrance to fast to Me.  It will empower you.  Remember, Jesus, My Only Son, fasted and Moses My true servant fasted for 40 days.  This was to strengthen them and empower them to do My will.  It is a beautiful thing to have a fully yielded vessel to Me.  Fasting is not for denying yourself.  Fasting is for loosing the bonds of the flesh and strengthening your spirit man.  Remember the "baby", "the man child" is about to be born soon.  Allow Me to prepare you for the next step.  Believe Me, when I call you to a fast it is for a reason.  Every fast you've been on at My leading has produced much fruit.  Yes, I am going to call you on a forty day fast, I will tell you when and how I want you to fast.  Trust Me child.  This is to build you up in Me.  It will empower you, it will strengthen you.  Though your flesh will become weak, in your weakness I am strong.  I live in you and I must be in control at all times, yield child, yield.  Do you remember how you were talking to them about speaking the truth in love and not arguing and how naturally this conversation flowed.  This is how you will be used by Me.  You will not have to think or worry about how to speak to someone, or witness, it will just flow naturally out of you in a simple conversation between two of youY in a simple conversation between two friends.  I have already enabled you with power in your words, I have already opened your eyes to see people, as I see people, let it flow child, let it flow.  Don't over think it child, just let Me flow out of you, just as I freely  flow into you daily.  In and out, just like breathing.  much shall be required of you My dear ones, your words shall be My words.  The healing balm of Gilead shall be in your words, for I shall be in your words.  Just let your words flow, for it shall be I speaking out of you.  Do not doubt, just Trust Me.  I will never lead you astray.  I lead, you follow.  We shall have many conversations with people now.  you shall share how I speak to you and tell them what you have learned in your journey with Me.  We shall bring many back into My fold, for it is I who will draw them to you, and prompt the conversations, just let it flow child.  I am with you always, let Me flow.  You are My beloved dove, gentle, quiet and kind.  I am with the meek and lowly.  You are mine dear one.  I will use you a humble vessel to spread My love, for you are a carrier of My love.  My love flows from you, it's tangible.  People can sense My love when they are around you, because I live in you.  I sustain you with My presence.  I have placed you in My refiners fire and I have purified you and removed the dross, now I am finishing you, polishing you, pressing out your seams, embellishing you now with My attributes and you shall wear them well.  Love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, kindness...these are My attributes, and I have embellished your garments with them, these shall forever always be with you now My dear one and you shall share them with the masses of people I shall send to you.  When I fully transform you, then you shall be sent out, to seek out the ones I tell you to.  I shall show you each one and I shall personally go with you, your words and actions shall be Mine flowing out of you.  We are one and soon, My child, My beloved dove we shall be together.  For you My love are mine forever.  We shall do many wondrous things together.  Your time of blessing is about to begin.

Hearing God - Dec. 22, 2014

Many times I call people to come, come away with Me to a quiet place of rest to talk with them, but they choose to not heed the call.  They refuse My corrections.  They are stubborn and will not turn from their evil ways.  So I will come in a different way.  My ways are not your ways.  I will come in thick darkness and mystery.  I only reveal Myself to My true seekers.  For anyone who truly seeks Me shall find Me.  I am the Pearl of great price.  I am the narrow way.  I am the vine and you are the branches who bear fruit for Me.  I am everything.  Everything was created by Me and for Me.  When you seek Me with your whole heart, you shall find Me.  I shall be found by all who truly want to seek Me out.  I shall show forth My power, might and majesty.  The whole earth shall see Me.  They shall all know My name.  They shall have no doubt of who is in their midst.  Press into Me more child, for you need Me more and more.  Keep your focus solely on Me.  I am your way maker.  I shall lead you into My green pastures of peace and rest.  Nothing shall by any means harm you.  I love you child.  Keep Me first.  I am here, always present with you.  As you go forth each day, I go with you.  As you wait upon Me, I am here, as you rest, I personally watch over you, My Beloved Bride.  I am with you now and forever more.  Do not fear.  TRUST ME.  I have great plans for you.  Behold, child I come.

Hearing God - Dec. 23, 2013

sssshhhhh, Be still, your thoughts are racing.  Quiet yourself dear one.  Peace be still My beloved, I am here.  You know I am here with you always.  I heard you this morning.  I know your heart.  You eagerly come away with Me.  You are beautiful to Me, My dear one.  My peace I give you.  As you dwell and rest in Me you are covered by Me.  I guard and protect My own.  Love is the thread that binds us.  Love is the key that unlocks any door.  Love is the strongest weapon.  My love casts out all fear.  My love conquers all.  As you dwell in Me, My love is able to flow out of you.  You must allow Me to work through your words.  I will heal many through your words.  As you live, breathe and move in Me I expand in you, through you and out of you.  As you draw into Me.  I fill you more and more with My presence.  Be still and know that I am God.  Much of who you are is wrapped up in Me for I am your very essence.  You belong to Me and no one is going to take you out of My hand.  Come away with Me more often child as the days rush by you need My strength.  Rest assured My dear one, I live in you.  I will carry you through all your difficulties.  Come unto Me with all of your questions and decisions you will have to make.  I am here.  I will guide you.  Lean not on your own understanding.  Trust Me in all things concerning you.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Hearing God - Dec. 24, 2014

I am here child, I love you.  I love our time together.  When We are together We grow and sink deeper into one another.  My grace covers you My dear one.  We are unified and strong.  United We stand.  I love you, I love you, I love you.  Do not doubt that you are hearing Me loud and clear.  It is not your time yet to get other messages.  For I am working on you and your hearing, and your faith, and your love.  I am molding you into My image and likeness.  You are strong and secure in Me.  Much is going to happen quickly on your earth.  Many changes are coming.  You shall stand before Me pure and clean.  You are ready to do My work now.  You have been carefully chosen for My purpose, I am alive in thee.  I will show Myself strong in thee.  All your needs shall be met for you are faithful to Me. You are My gentle, quiet dove and I shall make you roar for Me.  In quietness there is strength and honor.  In humbleness there is peace and rest.  This is a quiet place I come to in you.  Much solace and peace is here, for you have found Me, in your search for Me, you have found Me.  You My dear one are much beloved.  I am teaching you much now for you are bridle-ing your tongue.   I have set a guard on your tongue you are My ambassador.  You reflect Me.  As you live in Me and dwell in Me My attributes are able to shine forth in your life.

Don't shut Me out.  Stay with Me.  In quietness and rest My peace comes.  In gentleness and humbleness I am found.  My love is a blanket of protection and an anchor for the soul.  Blessed is the soul who lives, and moves and has their being anchored in Me.  I am your light.  I live in you.  We are journeying together and are about to embark on a mysterious season full of wonder.  I shall be with you.  Let My love pour through you.  My little one you have found peace and rest and it shall not be taken from you.

You have asked Me about the armor and now I shall reveal it to you:

Study My armor and put it on.  Reading My word is a key to putting on My armor.

-The helmet of salvation is the assurance and the foundation of who you are in Me and what I've done for you and your acceptance of Me.

-The Breastplate of Righteousness is how you walk before Me daily.  Be ye holy for I am Holy.

-The belt of Truth is knowing right from wrong.  Having your loins girded about with Truth.  Protects you from stumbling over deception as it tries to snare you.  You shall know the Truth and not believe a lie.

-Shoes with the preparation of the gospel of peace is being ready to give information to people you come in contact with as you walk out your day.  If they ask you about Me it's because I have led them to you, open your mouth and I will fill it with the right words, never take your shoes off, be ready to share what you know.

-The shield of Faith is a protective covering that will guard you from doubt and double mindedness.  keep believing, My little one.  All that I have told you about, I have done and I am able to do for you.  Do not for a single moment lose faith, give up or doubt Me or what I am able to do.

-The sword of the spirit is My living word coupled with your tongue.  Words are powerful and creative.  In any situation you may face, Remember My word and speak it out loud, when it bubbles up from inside you, this is My spirit locking and loading it in you.  You are responsible for wielding this sword and firing it out of your mouth.  My word shall never return void, I live in you now and you must use My word to defeat your enemies as they rise up in your life.  This is why it is so important to study and pour over My word it's like downloading all these mega-bytes of info. into your internal hard drive which will then enable you to  be able to bring it forth as needed from within you.  The more you feed My Holy Spirit within you, you shall roar.
Do not neglect reading My word, it is as important to your spiritual growth as waiting upon Me.   Feed your spirit and My Holy Spirit Daily !!!

We will talk about the armor of light later.  Go child, before the cares of the day crowd in and Read My Word, I have much to share.
Love you

Hearing God - Dec. 25, 2014

My son was born to bring all of My creation back to Me and under My Dominion.  I want all to be living out their divine purpose in Me.  All will have to choose for themselves to live for me or against Me.  The earth has never left me willingly and since the curse it has cried out day and night for Me to rescue it and change it back to how it was when I created it.  The animals, the birds, the fish in the sea cry out to Me to come and save them and restore the earth.  The heavens are not silent and cry out to Me to come and change them back.  So, no more wait, no more lengthy pauses.  I come,  I will restore My earth and set it free from it's captivity and curse.  It shall once again sing to me in love and worship Me for all I have done for it.  The animals, birds and fish will once again talk to each other and they shall talk to mankind.  They shall sing of My praises.  The heavens shall once again resound with heavenly music.  I love all of My creation and they love Me.  I shall help them and renew them.  Man now shall see Me in all of My Glory, Strength, Power and Might.  They shall all know that I am the I AM, the MOST HIGH, the ONLY ONE as I reveal Myself there shall be no doubt to anyone who I am, the veil shall be lifted once and for all.  I am God and there is no other.  My hand shall move across the land from one end to the other.  Behold, child I come.  Stay Ready.

Hearing God - Dec. 26, 2014

This is our time together.  I look forward to spending time with you.  Read My word, fill up on Me today.  My word brings light and truth to you.  Keep yourself full on My oil.  Keep your lamp trimmed keep yourself focused on Me.  I am all you need.  I enjoyed watching you love yesterday.  Make more of your prayers out loud.  I want you to change the atmosphere.  I want to move through you and change the atmosphere.  As you breathe out the words I will endue them with power.  Your words will be a creative life force to bring about change in other people and their circumstances.  I will bring many others into My Kingdom through your prayers.  you must pray as I lead you and pray much in the spirit as you go about your daily activities.  You are only allowed to release your tongue in prayer.  I have set a bridle on your tongue, that you will not sin against Me.  I have heard your prayers and examined your heart and I have forgiven you.  You are favored and loved, for you judge yourself and quickly repent for sins as My Ruach HaKodesh chastises and corrects.  You have a soft and malleable heart one that is putty in My hands.  I do not need to use a whip with you for you are yielded to me and sensitive to My instructions and corrections.  Each day you live, you live in Me now.  I will always be here with you.  I will always guide and correct you.  As long as you yield to Me you will never stray off of My path.  But, if you do stray; I will speak, prod, and yes even whip you back if necessary.  But I do not need to use a whip on you My child, for you are yielded.  I am secure in our relationship that you will never stray from Me.  You My little one need to Trust Me in everything.  I am here.  Do not fear.  You are a city on a hill.  Many shall come to you and find peace and rest in Me, for you shall point and guide them to Me.  As I send them you shall know them, for they shall speak and ask you questions about Me.  You shall not worry about what you will say to them.  For as you open your mouth I shall fill it.  I love you My child.  You are My gentle, quiet dove.  My peace I leave with you.  My peace I give to you.  I will give My peace to all of My children who choose to dwell in Me and Rest in My provision.  My presence doesn't leave any of you.  I am here.  You must press into Me and My provision shall come.  you must TRUST and not doubt that I will protect you all and provide for you.  Take refuge in Me, under the power of My son's name "Jesus", under the shadow of My wings is where you shall abide.  Come away with Me often into a quiet place of rest.  In the quiet, in the stillness, you shall find Me if you seek to find Me.  You must quiet yourself on the inside as well as the outside and invite Me to come to you and reveal to you who I am.  This is how you seek Me.  But you must come on your own.  No one will do this for you.  This is My requirement I want one on one time with you.  Be patient, Be still, and ask Me to come and then Wait.  You must seek Me with your whole heart.  Do not be distracted for I shall surely come.  As you come before Me to hear.  I will speak, I speak in many ways.  You must be willing to hear Me.  In the stillness you shall hear, as you begin to hear, I shall train your ear to hear Me clearly, you shall know My voice and be able to distinguish it from other voices.  As you spend time with Me you shall know Me.  Then you shall be able to hear Me clearly in a crowd, in chaos, in any situation.  But you must seek Me out.  My word is also a guide for you.  Read it, let it sink deeply into your being.  The more My word is etched into your heart, the clearer I become.  I AM here, find Me now so I can help you.  I an not far off.  I am near .  But you must seek Me for yourself.  I an the Truth and the Light.  I will be found by all who truly seek Me out.  Come, come away with Me to a quiet place of rest.  It is to your own personal benefit that you find Me. 

Hearing God - Dec. 27, 2014

Song:  "Come away with Me, aaaaaahaaaaaaaahhhahaaaaaa X2
             into a quiet place of rest" repeat chorus

I have been hearing this as I have been asking the Lord what is the song that we are to be learning now, and I just remembered there is a song in Revelation that only the redeemed are allowed to sing.  Rev. 14: 1-5 they sang a new song that no one could learn but them. The 144,000, who were redeemed from the earth, the first fruits to God.  In their mouth was no deceit, and they are without fault before Gods throne.

So you want to learn My song that only a few can learn.  I shall teach you My Bride, for you are worthy and have asked not for beauty or for fame, but just to be counted worthy to be with Me.  You have asked to know me more and I shall reveal Myself to thee ,but as I reveal Myself, some things you may not write down.  They are not to be left behind for others.  They are yours alone.  I love you My dear one.  You are mine and no one and nothing can take you from me.  As you seek me you are knit tighter and tighter to the power source.  I am the Power Source.  I live in you, I know your every thought, and I am watching you bridle your tongue as i have set the bridle upon you.  You have yielded to it well, I see your struggles.  I see the darts of the enemy as they try to lure you to break free of the bridle.  I know your heart.  You are greatly beloved My dear one.  As you come, I love you more, for true love grows.  You are seeking after Me like a deer pants for the water.  You are learning to trust Me more and more.  Our life together is sweet and beautiful.  I hope you know how much you are loved.  You are dear to My heart for you are following hard after Me.  We shall do many wondrous things together and our love shall never end for true love grows.

Song: "Blessed are you, oh King of Kings, Blessed are you, oh Majesty for you have redeemed us from the earth.  Blessed are you, oh Mighty One, Blessed are you, All Powerful One for you have done great things for us..."

ssssssssssshhhhhhhhh....Be still My child, don't struggle with hearing Me, the song shall come and you shall know it.  I will never leave you, you are mine forever.  You are My treasure.  Truly, I love thee and truly you love Me.  We are one My beloved, We are one.  You have chosen me and given Me your heart.  You are My gentle, quiet dove.  Rest My dear one, Rest.  Only believe, all things are possible, only believe.  I AM here with you, every moment, I live in you, we shall never be parted.  TRUST ME for everything.   I love you.  Rest in Me now.

Hearing God - Dec. 28, 2014

I will tell you the song in My timing.  But it is good to keep asking to know, it shows Me where your heart is.  Always focused on me and what is to come.  Never stop believing and never stop doubting for you shall see me very soon My dear one, My Kingdom comes now for all to see.  I am here.  I am revealing Myself to many.  The whole earth shall know My Name and there shall be no doubt of who I am.  For I am the I AM and there is no other.  I look forward to our time together child, I study every heart and every action.  Do not grow weary in seeking Me My dove for I am testing your faithfulness and long suffering.  Many say they love Me, but they do not come.  They do not wait upon Me, they have not learned My ways for they are too busy doing everything their way.  I alone know the way of peace.  I alone know the way of Rest.  My peace and rest are known only to My true and faithful ones who seek Me out, who dwell in Me.  In the quiet, in the stillness I can be found.  Draw near and give your ear and I shall reveal some of My mysterious ways.  I shall be found by all who truly draw near.  My path is quiet, only the humble shall find it.  My path is narrow, it's My way not yours.  My path is solitary, you must be willing to walk alone with me, I shall share you with no other.  On this solitary, quiet and narrow road I shall meet you and we shall walk together.  All roads do not lead home.  Few are willing to make this journey.  For it shall require all of thee.  I shall be first.  I have prepared the way, it's the narrow road and the journey is a solitary one.  many claim to know Me but they only know about me, they do not know me personally.  You can only truly know someone when you spend time with them.  To find Me, you must come away and separate yourself from all distractions, quiet yourself and listen, read My word and pray, I am here.  I am watching each and every one of you.  I know who is truly mine.  To know Me will cost you everything, are you willing to lay everything aside and know Me.  Are you willing to take the narrow road.  Are you willing to be alone with Me.  If you seek Me you shall find me for I am near, I am waiting for you.  My precious quiet dove has found the narrow way.  She walks alone with me in a quiet place of My Rest and My peace.  She has made her home in Me.  I am pleased with you My little gentle dove.  For you have chosen to put Me first in every day.  You are truly focused on me moment by moment.  I love you, We love you, you are ours and We shall never let you go.  You live with Us now in your temple.  We dwell together and We journey together.  Arise My love, My gentle dove and I shall reveal My Kingdom.  Go about your day and express My Kingdom through you.  Let love flow.  In the midst of every day and moment love can be released and grow and spread.  To love is to be in the spirit.  For love is a spirit and it's tangible you can feel it.  John was in the spirit on the Lord's day.  Means he was simply worshiping and expressing his love for Me when I took him into a vision.

For you see "love" is a spirit and it is tangible.  meaning it can be felt.  Also, it grows and matures and develops deep roots.  True love never dies.  It can never be destroyed.  It's impossible to quench it or put it's fire out.  If it's truly love it will last for it has an eternal flame that comes from me.  I am love.  many people think they have love but not many truly find the real thing.  Love is not haughty or prideful.  Love cares not for riches or things.   Love is patient.  Love is kind.  Love forgives, it does not bare record of the wrongs done to it.  Love is long suffering, I am love and these are some of My attributes.

Study the love chapters in them you will find oil.  1 Corinthians 13.

Hearing God - Dec. 29, 2014

All Power, Might, Majesty, and Dominion belong to Me.  Learn of Me. In Me is life and peace and Rest, I Am the Light of the world.  My word is an extension of Me, study My word and let it be etched deeply into your heart.  Let it's roots grow deep into the rich and fertile soul of you heart.  It shall grow and flourish through you.  It shall produce many branches and the fruit there of  shall feed many nations. It shall bring healing to your land, and a steady peace in your heart, to steady the weary hearts of the one's that are journeying to Me.  I choose who to use.  I alone choose how I will use each yielded vessel.  My people who choose to yield and listen carefully to all My instructions shall be with Me in Paradise soon enough.  Alas, I delay, I am not willing to lose one precious soul.  Father is allowing this delay for He too does not want to lose one single soul.  But the door is closing soon.  The time is now where the true worshippers shall worship us in spirit and in truth.  Study My word, in it there is a road map of how to live.  In My word there is peace and hope and love.  Few truly find their way to Me.  For they are not willing to let go of the reigns of their lives and truly trust Me.  My way is the narrow road.  It is a solitary journey with Me.  I want all of you.  I want your full attention.  I will be first or you have no place in Me.  But, you, My child, My little dove you have come. You are near and everyday you draw near to Me for I am your source and you need Me like a light source and My love I love you.  For it pleases Me when you come, not because you have to,  but because you want Me, you long to be in My presence and hear Me.  Communing with your creator is a beautiful way to live.  I am your light, I am your guide.  I alone am your teacher. I alone am your strength and hope.  I will always strengthen you on your journey.  Nothing can separate our love.  My will for you is to tarry here until you be endued with power.  Peace My love, my little dove be still and know that I Am God.  In the stillness in the quiet I come.  Know this My child when your peace is shattered and you have no rest I have not left you, it is a distraction from the enemy to draw you out of peace and rest to weaken you.  For as long as you focus on Me and dwell and commune with Me you are strong.  As long as you do not doubt Me and do not allow unbelief to overtake you, you shall overcome any attack of the enemy.  I am willing to provide for your every need.  Are you willing to yield and allow Me to.  This is your destiny in Me.

Hearing God - Dec. 30, 2014

Do not doubt Me child.  I am here, I am speaking to you.  You must discern My voice from the voices of others.  There is great deception in the land now.  Remember My word:  "the  deception was so great that if it were possible even the elect would be deceived".  Your adversaries are very cunning.  This is why you must stay on the path, the narrow, solitary road.  Let no man or mans doctrines teach you or lead you astray with their lies.  I Am TRUTH and I do not lie.  You must stay alert and guard yourself in prayer, what you listen to, what you watch on TV or You Tube.  Ask of Me what is truth and what is a lie, I shall surly tell you.  For I alone know.   Ask of Me for a discerning spirit.  Keep your armor on at all times.  For your adversaries come in a moment when you think not.  Heed My instructions.  Dwell in Me My little one.  I am here.  I shall always watch over you My dove.

song in my spirit: "Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me bless His Holy Name..."

I am come to give you life.  I am the lover of your soul.  Peace My child, peace be still and know that I am here.  I will never lead you astray.  As you draw near to Me I reveal Myself to you.  We commune together.  I have told you nothing contrary to My Holy Word.  For I and My Holy Word are One.  Be still and hear.  Listen and discern My Will.

Hearing God - Dec. 31, 2014

The new year is starting child, are you ready?  Much change is coming.  Remember, do not fear.  I will never leave you.  I am always here with you.  You must block out all distractions and focus solely on Me.  I am all you need.  Think on My often.  Focus solely on Me.  My plans are unfolding.  My life in you is better than you can imagine.  You and I are one.  No one can take you from Me.

Hearing God - Jan., 2014

This is the way to start the new year, to spend it first with Me.  I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light.  No man comes to the Father except through Me, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  The Beginning and the End of all things comes through Me.  I am here.  Can you see Me?  No.  I am here.  Can you sense Me? No.  I am here.  Can you hear Me? Yes, because I am spirit and My True Worshippers must worship Me in spirit and in truth.  I have opened your ears to hear My voice.  I am training you, My dear one to be attentive to My voice.  I am training your ear to hear Me and know My voice.  Another voice you will not follow.  Remember, to test everything.  You can test the spirits by My Word.  If it is contrary to My written word, cast it far from you.  This is why you need to be well versed in My word.  So that you will be strong in Me and not easily deceived.  Treachery and deceit are rampant in your kingdom on the earth.  But you have forsaken your kingdom and are journeying with Me to My Kingdom.  You have chosen the narrow way.  This is the best and most profitable way for you.  You are growing in Me now.  You are becoming strong in Me.  I am transforming you into My likeness.  You bear My mark.  I am opening your eyes to see as I see.  Beloved this is for your good and will allow you to grow in Me.  It will not be easy, but it is necessary.  Your life is being written on My scroll.  As I spoke to man and they wrote it down on scrolls to preserve and share it with the world, they did so in obedience to Me.  Now you My child must share the words I give you on your blog.  This is leaving a paper trail for others to find Me.  Much is hidden and will be revealed to you.  But you must be faithful to reveal My words.  You are not always faithful in this.  For you let the cares of this world crowd in and distract you.  I am the only one you need to please.  You must be loving, kind, and patient to all you come in contact with for this pleases Me when you display My character.  But, know this, My child, much shall be required of you.  You are set apart for Me and My purposes for your life.  Follow Me only, I will never lead you astray.  I will lead you into the unknown, where you will HAVE to walk by faith and not by sight.  I have prepared you, are you ready?  Trust Me child in everything.  I am here.  I never leave.  Do not abandon your post.  Stand guard, and watch as the story of the ages unfolds.  Your destiny is before you.  Do not be afraid, separate yourself from anything or anyone, who hinders your walk with Me, just let it go, and come follow Me.  Rest in Me child I know the way.

Hearing God - Jan. 2, 2014

Many of My people do not hear Me.  They do not understand how to listen to me.  They must learn how to quiet themselves and remove all distractions from me and focus solely and completely on Me.  This is why I want you to put up every word I share with you, it will be a bread crumb trail for others to find Me as well.  If I personally tell you not to put it up then don't post it.  But, do not let your flesh rule you here.  Even if you feel it's very personal and private put it up, for these words you share of our communication will help many.  These words are not idle, they will serve My purpose.  I will use our communion to feed others and show them the way to Me.  I am here for all who will come and wait upon Me.  if you seek me you will find Me.  I read every heart.  I do not play games.  If you will hear Me and hearken to My instructions and corrections you shall live.  You shall grow richly in My fertile garden.  You shall find peace, comfort and rest in Me.  I am the I AM.  I alone can help you through any difficulty you face.  No one can give you a relationship with Me, you must seek Me out for yourself.  I want and require one on one time with you.  I want you all to know Me personally for yourselves.  You are going to need to hear Me personally for yourselves.  No matter where you are in the world, I can find you, I can help you, only I know the way home.  All roads do not lead home.  I'm calling all of you, I truly love all of you.  I'm calling all of you to come, seek Me out, let Me teach you My ways, let Me comfort you, let Me share your lives.  For you all were created with so much potential and purpose.  You will never be able to do all you were created to do without Me.  I Am God, and there is no other.  The battle is coming to your earth now.  I need to prepare you for what lies ahead.  I need to personally talk to each of you, for each one has a different journey.  Each life is precious and complicated and filed with choices.  I alone can lead you and help you.  I love each of you and each one of you is My desire.  I want to help you.  But, you must come to Me and ask for My help.  I am love and I am the most powerful of all.  Love is a weapon and part of your armor.  Put on love everyday.  Trust Me in all things.  Lean not on your own understanding.  Because, much is coming upon your earth that you will not understand.  The fear factor is going up a notch and you will not know how to deal with the things you have been conditioned in your mind's to be fictional and will in reality become very real.  This is meant to shake you and destroy you.  But, My child, I am here, I want to help you.  But, you must come now to Me.  Come, seek Me out with your whole heart.  Learn of Me.  Get away from all the distractions of your world.  Quiet yourself.  And call upon Me, ask Me, the One and Only, the True God, The Almighty, The Most High God, ask me "If I am real",  ask Me "to show Myself to you", ask Me "to forgive you for all the sin you do and have done".  If you don't know what sin is read My Holy Word and it will reveal much to you.  Ask Me "to help you understand My word".  If you truly want to know Me, and you truly want Me to help you - call upon Me, come and wait upon Me - surly I will answer you.  For I am not a man that I should lie.  I know what you need.  Come, you must come now and hide yourself in Me.  Let Me shield you under the shadow of My wings.  I am near you now.  I desire all to come, come quickly before the door closes on your opportunity, the age of grace and mercy is almost over.  Come quickly.  You need Me.  I am willing to help you, but you must come to Me for yourself.  I will not cast you off if you come now.  I will not call you forever.  Come unto Me and I will give you rest.  I'm calling you child, hear Me, come quickly.  Everything in your world is changing.  Behold, I am here - I will only protect the ones who draw near to Me.  You cannot help yourself, only I can help you.  WAKE UP, OH YOU SLEEPERS!!!

Hearing God - Jan. 30, 2014

My child I know you're tired.  It is good to come and wait before Me.  My faithful servant, I see your heart.  I shall renew your strength.  You shall mount up on eagles wings.  You shall run and not grow weary.  I shall help you through this day.  Trust Me.  I am here with you.  Do not overdo, rest and be at peace in Me.  I will carry you through this day.  As many slumber, you rise to meet Me, this pleases Me child, this pleases Me.  I am more than enough to meet all your needs.  I am able to provide for you, do not be alarmed no matter what comes your way.  I will take care of you.  You are strong in Me My little one.  The lives of many are weighing in the balance, so many are going the wrong way.  So many do not know their way home.  I will expose more lies to wake them up to the danger they are in.  There is no more time.  You must stay awake, be alert, be on guard now at all times.  Do not be deceived by the subtle lies of the enemy.  You are mine and I will come for you as I said I would.  Do not doubt My Words.  Stand strong in Me.  I shall deliver you and wipe away all your fears.  Much is going to happen soon, for the hammer has been ready to strike by My hand.  I shall soon shake everything that can be shaken.  Enter thou into My rest, and do not leave My side, even for a moment now.  I am going to unleash many impossible things upon your earth now.  BRACE yourself, you shall have to endure many cruel sights, but it shall not come nigh you for you are sheltered and protected in Me.  Be strong and know that nothing is happening that I have not ordained and allowed.  I have My reasons.  I know these hearts, they are hard and stiff necked peoples who need a serious wake up call.  They will be awakened by truly impossible things.  To My true believers I say Do not fear these nightmares coming into your reality, for they are not for you.  They are for the children of disobedience.   Know this, My Beloveds much is coming on your earth that shall be hard to believe it's real with you natural mind, but I have told you ahead of time and I have secured your mind to withstand these things.  You are sealed and set apart, I have marked you, in your foreheads by My own finger.  You shall not be harmed.  Pray for your family and I shall bring them under your covering so they shall not be harmed.  I shall deal with each of your family members individualy.  If they shall heed My voice and instructions it shall go well with them.  If they shall not heed My voice and instructions it shall not go well with them.  All are called to go through the furnace of affliction and testing.  You have already been in this furnace with Me and you are shining and golden.  Everyone must be purified, cleansed, and sanctified.  No one shall escape this.  It is well with your soul My little one.  Have no fear.  I am here.  I will protect My own.

Hearing God - Jan. 3, 2014

My child, do not forsake our time together in the mornings.  You cannot afford to be at discord with Me in this late hour.  I am here for you.  I desire to fellowship and commune one on one with you.  You are mine, and I must come first.  Do not forsake Me in this critical time.  As you draw close to Me, I strengthen thee and endue you with My power to endure the challenges you shall face this day.  Do not allow the cares of this world, or the pain in your body to cause you to break fellowship with Me.  I am your source of strength, I am your source of hope.  I am all in all to you.  You must endeavor to remain in close fellowship with Me.  There are many distractions that will come your way each and every day on earth.  Now, more than ever they shall come for they know your name, they know you are precious and dear to Me and they will do whatever they can to draw you away from me.  Their goal is to cut off your power source.  Which is your one on one fellowship with Me.  They know you are mine.  They will try to take your life, but I shall protect your every breathe.  They will try to take your families lives.  This is why you are one of My Watchman on the wall.  You shall not let your guard down and you will keep the guard with your prayers.  Your prayers are a protective hedge, a shield for your family, loved ones, friends and country.  As you yield to Me and allow Me to guide you in prayer you are covering them in a protective shield.  I Am the I AM.  I will always protect you.  Your family must come to Me on their own for this is what I require from each life.  But for your sake they are protected and sheltered by Me.  They are all mine, but they are asleep.  They must wake up.  Keep praying for them to each wake up and realize the hour they are in.  It is not business as usual anymore.  I see each one.  I read each heart.  I know who desires to draw close to Me.  I know My truth seekers, for they are the fiery coals of My Ruach HaKodesh.  My sleepers are content with embers.  Some must go through the fire of testing and trials for the pull of this world to be broken.  For some much testing is needed to cut the cords of desire for this world.  But for you, My dear one, you desire Me and will follow Me for you are drawn to Me as your breath is tethered to My heart.  Breathe in, Breathe out, you are mine, I live in you and nothing can separate you from Me.  I know My own and they know Me.  My Beloved you are strong in Me.  For every time you come and wait upon Me you become stronger.  This will be your strongest year in prayer.  Many shall be delivered, have breakthroughs, and awaken because of your prayers.  I shall protect all that you pray for.  They shall not die, they shall live and have many testimonies of miraculous deliverance's, protection, and provision.  Get a separate journal and start tracking your prayers today.  Much shall be done in prayer.  You My Bride shall have an open heaven to me for you shall pray My Will for others, not for riches or for fame but for all to come, come to Me and live.  Come to Me and hear, come to Me and find peace and rest that only I can give.  My Father has given Me the keys to the Kingdom and I desire to share My Kingdom with all of My dear children.  But, they must come, one on one to Me.  They must desire Me above all else.  For I must be First.  I must be King over the heart, for out of the heart the mouth speaks and out flows the issues of life.  When I am King of the Heart, I cleanse, I correct, I teach, I guide, and when My Heart (children of Mine) speaks, it has a force and a creative power to restore, replenish and recreate.  My Adams are about to receive My creative power as they release their words into the Atmosphere.  Rejoice for your King is here within you and I shall do great things through all My yielded vessels.  For I know you by name and I have much in store for each of My yielded hearts.

DREAM:  I was at a graduation and I was the girlfriend of the boy graduating.  I was in bed under the covers and did not want to get ready for the graduation until I had to.  Basically waiting till the last minute.  I got up out of bed, because it was almost time for my boyfriends name to be called.  I went into the bathroom to get ready.  I was in a stall putting on panty hose and there was a hole and a run in the hose near the bottom and everyone would see it, for I knew I was going to wear a dress.  I took the hose off and realized it was two pair, so I put the good pair with no runs on.  Then I came out of the stall and was wearing a red dress.  I was doing my make up in the mirror and then I thought they had called his name on stage.  I went out and realized I had missed his graduation name announcement and he would be sad and disappointed.  I went to find him and his old girlfriend was there and I thought they were together again.  So I did not approach.  This girl came, I think in a cream or white dress and handed me a chain and said he wanted me to have this, as I examined the chain (it was sliver, on the bottom were two wedding bands ) as I was looking at them, they were rose gold colored.  I thought they were beautiful.  Then I whispered to a young man that he needed to talk to his girlfriend.  I asked his girlfriend is she knew what this meant, she said yes but she needed to talk to her boyfriend first.  The two of them went to a private booth and were talking privately.  He came back saying "yes, yes, yes, she said yes"...I knew she wanted to get to know him better before they got married, she liked him but wanted to know him better.  I was very happy for both of them.
Then I woke up.

Meaning of Dream:

We do not have much time left.  We must come willingly to the Lord and get to know Him personally, He is ready for us, but some of us are not ready for Him.  If we are not ready we shall miss our opportunity. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hearing God - Jan. 4, 2014

Hello My dear one.  I'm glad you are here with Me.  My earth is reeling now for much is happening upon it.  I will recover all that is mine.  I will restore all of My creation.  Do not allow yourself to worry or fear the changes.  For change must come and I am in the change.  My will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  I will separate you.  Your destiny is with Me.  Do not worry or concern yourself with the journey that others are on.  For I am dealing with each person individually.  you are to keep praying for them and then release them to Me.  your journey is not the same as others, for you are awake and alert to Me.  You see the times you are in.  You have heard and heeded My call.  You are yielded to me.  have no fear of what is taking place on earth.  For i am in the midst of thee.  I shall shelter thee from every storm.  For you truly trust in Me.  I am here with thee and we shall be together soon.  You are MY beloved dove, quiet, unassuming and gentle.  Remember, My dear one, breathe, just breath.  In and out, in and out I am here.  Draw near to Me now.  The more you draw near, the more strength and power you shall have.  You are the generation that shall see much change.  The new age is about to start as I close out this age with a bang.  Keep your focus on Me.  Look up for behold your Bridegroom comes.  Pray for your family.  Pray.  I will do much with your prayers.  Enter into your secret place of peace and rest in Me.  Dwell in Me, My dear one.  Trust Me in everything.  I alone am all you need.  Come away with Me more and more as the day draws near.  For I am your shelter from every storm.  Listen to the birds outside your dwelling.  They are singing My praise.  As the wind blows the trees and the grasses, the flowers of the earth move and sing My praise's you can't hear them, but they do.  I do not reveal everything to you, but I am revealing more and more to you.  This is part of the dance we are taking.  As you and I commune there is much to learn about Me.  I reveal myself more to you as We dance.  For you are mine and nothing and no one can take you from Me.  For you My child have learned to shelter in Me.  I am your  source.  I am your provider.  I am your protector.  I am your teacher.  I am the I AM.  There is no one or nothing higher than I.  You have chosen to put your trust in Me and that pleases Me child, that pleases Me.  Your love for Me is growing, for true love grows.  Can you feel it.  I am here dear one.  Lean not on your own understanding.  But in all your ways acknowledge Me and I shall direct your path.  Come away with Me and sink deeper and deeper into Me.  For truly I am all you need.

Hearing God - Jan. 5, 2014

Yes My child I am here.  I see you.  I hear your thoughts as you ponder over your dream.

DREAM:  BBQ pit, lit fire, hamburger patties, buttered buns for toasting.  Mans hands turning them...then propane gas goes out on 3 of 4 burners and I go to get my husband for more propane...Then BBQ pit is lit and has 5 buttered buns and mans hands are turning and toasting them, this was like the only parts I can remember, and these were shifts or sections of the dream.

It is good to ponder and reflect on the things of God.  your dreams do come from me as instructions that are sealed up, full of mystery, it is good to seek them out and come to Me for understanding.

Meaning of your dream:

-fiery coals is your purification through testing and your perseverance,
-bread is My word in you
-buttered is your works being tested through the fire
-man's hand's are My hands, I am the one toasting and purifying you and your family
-gas went out, and you knew to come to Me, your husband and covering for more oil or gas to keep your lamps burning.  Once filled again with My oil, you and I continue the purification and sanctification process

I use many things and symbols to speak to you in dreams.  As you pay attention to your dreams I will reveal much to you.  For you are choosing to hear Me in your dreams and this pleases Me child, this pleases Me.

As you wait before Me, I fill and trim your lamp.  As you encounter people and things in the world, your oil leaks out, and you must continually come to Me for more oil and to trim your lamp, which is to repair your wick and remove all filthy stains of sin and the world from you.  As you repent and come to Me for cleansing and purification through waiting on me, reading My word and praying and confessing sin and communing with Me, constantly now, this allows Me to examine you, remove your sins, trim your lamp and fill you with My oil.  I also am able to wash your garments and keep them clean for you.  In this fallen sin drenched world, you cannot stay clean and your oil leaks out, so you must come to me for cleansing and purification daily, and constantly.  I am the only one who can do this for you.  But you are the only one who can choose to come to Me and allow me to work on you, love on you, cleanse you and fill you with My oil.  you are My beloved dove in whom I am well pleased.  keep coming My dear one, and Remember, do not fear.  For I Am Here !

Hearing God - Jan. 6, 2014

My child you must listen to My voice, above all else.  Shut out the noise from the other sources that are trying to distract you from Me.  Focus on Me alone.  Yes, your 40 day fast starts today.  Ask Me and I will guide you through these days.  As you fast you may do the Daniel fast, water, juice, teas, no sweet-n-low, no animal products, try to fast without food as much as possible.  You need to go heavy into prayer.  Your prayers are powerful.  I am listening.  Follow My leading.  As you pray for your family and others My hand shall move.  This is a vital time of preparation for you.  Through your prayers I shall move.  Give Me something to work with.  Do not fear.  your circustances may change.  Do not fear.  I am here.  As you have heard My Father goes before you I (Jesus) walk beside you and our precious Ruach Hakodesh dwells within you.  You are learning much in us now.  you are one of our chosen vessels for such a time as this.  Hold fast now to us, dear one for many things are changing.  Stay close to us, shelter in our wings now, safe and secure in us.  We are here with you, soon we will take you home with Us.  Do not worry or be dismayed.  Walk before us one day at a time.  As we lead you follow.  Stay yielded.  Stay close, do not stray off the path We have put you on.  Pray, Pray, Pray for the hour of prayer has come.

Hearing God - Jan. 7, 2014

Upon waking I heard this song in my spirit "We are standing on Holy ground, and I know that there are angels all around, let us praise Jesus now, we are standing in His presence on Holy ground".

Shhhhhhhh, listen do you hear it?

Song:  "Listen to the trumpet of Jesus, while the world hears another sound, listen to the footsteps of Jesus, while the world just gathers around"

I know you child.  You are mine.  Do not be afraid.  Do not be worried or fretful for the things that are about to befall the earth.  I am here.  I will be with you.  you have always known you would be alive in the time of My coming, you were created to be here as I close out this age and begin a new one.  I am going to use you in a mighty way in the coming days.  It shall be nothing you are going to do on your own.  It will be what I do through you, as I work through you.  I can only use My yielded vessels.  Give no thought as to how I am going to use you.  Just stay humble and yielded to me.  I alone know the plan.  You are to keep walking day by day close to me.  I will guide you.  I am here with you.  Do not fear.  Many will come and try to "teach" you things, but do not listen.  I am your only teacher.  I am the source of all things.  I am good and My light is warming to your spirit.  Listen for My voice in all things.  The fast will prepare you more.  Heed My voice and instructions.  You must discern Me and disregard all others.  Test the spirits whether they are of Me.  My Holy scriptures are your measuring line.  Time passes quickly now My dear one.  Focus on Me with all your heart.  Lean not on your own understanding, cast down any pre-concieved thoughts that man has taught you about My word.  Allow Me to open up your understanding of My Holy Word, for everything I have been telling you about is written and fortold in My Word.  As you are sleeping I am downloading information into your spirit some you remember, some you retain in your subconscience.  It's all relative to the time period you are in.  I am going to show forth My Glory and Power to all the earth.  Yield child and allow Me to use you as I see fit in My plan.  I will do what I want to and when I want to.  I will use who and what ever I deem necessary for my purposes.  Just TRUST ME child and yield to Me.  Humble submission is needed now.  Shelter under My wings.  Peace be still and know that I Am God and I AM HERE.  Rest in Me.  Live solely for Me now.  We are on this journey together and I will never leave you or forsake you.  Trust Me child.

Hearing God - Jan. 8, 2014

Note;  I heard tapping this morning at 5:42am, it was the Lord tapping to wake Me up I think.  But I went back to sleep and Just now realized I asked Him to start waking me up before the alarm at 6:00am

As you come to Me My child, I come forward to meet you.  I am always here with you.  I watch over you and your day.  I am with you always, even to the end.  Fear no one and nothing but Me.  I am your source for everything.  I am your light.  I am here child, I am here.  Live everyday in Me.  I even shadow you with My love.  I am the Resurrection and the Light.  I call many to Myself but few choose to hear and wake up.  They would rather sleep on in their comfort zone.  Everyone needs to wake up and seek Me now while I may be found.  The hour is short.  Time will not linger.  Stay close now child, do not tarry somewhere else.  Stay close to your source of strength and source of power.  I love you and I see your heart.  I see your diligent pursuit of Me.  I am filling you with My oil and once again trimming your lamp and inspecting your garment.  Do not compare yourself with others in how I have told you to fast.  You are to follow My lead.  I have each of My children on a separate journey and each one I call to fast, I tell them individually how to do it.  You will get all of your instructions from me.  I am your guide.  I alone am your teacher.  You My Beloved Bride are mine.  You have chosen to come away with Me and seek Me out daily by yourself.  This pleases Me, My dear one, this pleases Me.  I love My true seekers.  These are My personal possessions and they will not be taken from me.  I will have all that is Mine.  I will hear your prayers, if you find it difficult to pray, be silent before Me until you hear Me tell you what to pray, or pray in tongues as you feel led to.  Ask Me for the interpretation of tongues.  Ask Me for discernment of spirits in people.  This fast is for a time of growth in Me.  Ask of Me and I will show you great and mighty things.  I am yours, My love.  My gentle little dove.  I will grant your hearts desires.  As you desire to look into My mysteries I will show you.  Pray that you are worthy to escape the things coming upon the earth.  Pray that you are worthy to receive My revelations and instructions.  I want to hear your prayers, for I am for you My little one.  You are close to My heart.  You have chosen Me above all else and I shall not be hidden from you My dear one, My Bride.  I am about to unleash a mighty wind over the land.  It is My Breath, it is a sign and a prelude to My coming. It goes before Me now.  Can you feel Me in the wind.  Pay attention to the wind.  I am close, closer than most think.