Thursday, January 30, 2014

Hearing God - Dec. 29, 2014

All Power, Might, Majesty, and Dominion belong to Me.  Learn of Me. In Me is life and peace and Rest, I Am the Light of the world.  My word is an extension of Me, study My word and let it be etched deeply into your heart.  Let it's roots grow deep into the rich and fertile soul of you heart.  It shall grow and flourish through you.  It shall produce many branches and the fruit there of  shall feed many nations. It shall bring healing to your land, and a steady peace in your heart, to steady the weary hearts of the one's that are journeying to Me.  I choose who to use.  I alone choose how I will use each yielded vessel.  My people who choose to yield and listen carefully to all My instructions shall be with Me in Paradise soon enough.  Alas, I delay, I am not willing to lose one precious soul.  Father is allowing this delay for He too does not want to lose one single soul.  But the door is closing soon.  The time is now where the true worshippers shall worship us in spirit and in truth.  Study My word, in it there is a road map of how to live.  In My word there is peace and hope and love.  Few truly find their way to Me.  For they are not willing to let go of the reigns of their lives and truly trust Me.  My way is the narrow road.  It is a solitary journey with Me.  I want all of you.  I want your full attention.  I will be first or you have no place in Me.  But, you, My child, My little dove you have come. You are near and everyday you draw near to Me for I am your source and you need Me like a light source and My love I love you.  For it pleases Me when you come, not because you have to,  but because you want Me, you long to be in My presence and hear Me.  Communing with your creator is a beautiful way to live.  I am your light, I am your guide.  I alone am your teacher. I alone am your strength and hope.  I will always strengthen you on your journey.  Nothing can separate our love.  My will for you is to tarry here until you be endued with power.  Peace My love, my little dove be still and know that I Am God.  In the stillness in the quiet I come.  Know this My child when your peace is shattered and you have no rest I have not left you, it is a distraction from the enemy to draw you out of peace and rest to weaken you.  For as long as you focus on Me and dwell and commune with Me you are strong.  As long as you do not doubt Me and do not allow unbelief to overtake you, you shall overcome any attack of the enemy.  I am willing to provide for your every need.  Are you willing to yield and allow Me to.  This is your destiny in Me.

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